Celestial Changes Part 2 *HF*

By Siren

Mysty had been quite happy as she headed towards the concert. She was dressed all in black. Her typical black boots and jeans. Then her favorite black shirt. It was one of those shirts that left people guessing as to whether she was wearing anything under it. Her silver hair was left down so that it hung down her back. She had settled for her spike collar for her jewelry. She figured it was a heavy metal concert….why not have a little fun? .It was nearly 10 as she walked down Inman Street. The night was cool, with a brisk breeze. It was perfect for a walk, but that was interrupted. As she had passed by the park, she felt the presence of another mutant. It was no one she knew, no one from the Court had come with her to Tennessee. There were only two people in the park, an aging man and a young woman.

Mysty was then sure of the sensation’s origin. The girl looked right at her and seemed to think it was best to leave. No one else was around, so Mysty had flown over to her, the better not to waste time running. Now she was faced with an absolutely terrified girl. Speaking to her was out, so Mysty tried other means.

Calm the fuck down, I’m Mystikal. I just want to help. She tried to project to the other girl’s mind, but was met with a wall of fear. She was about to try again when the girl became immersed in a dark purplish glimmer for only a moment. In the next instant a black cat shot past her and into a nearby alley. Mysty didn’t hesitate to follow. There the girl reverted back to herself and began backing herself into a corner. Mysty almost didn’t see the dark creatures materialize out of the shadows behind the girl.

The girl must have seen the change in Mystikal’s expression, and turned to see what she was looking at. Before she could scream, the creature nearest her seemed to partially unravel, looping root like tentacles around the girl. She seemed stunned and Mysty knew that this wasn’t planned.

The time for pleasantries was over. Mysty rose into the air, firing off a volley of TK blasts at the first offensive creature. It stammered back and relinquished its hold on the girl. Bad news was that, that seemed to be the only thing that happened to it.
Damn, that was full strength!

The girl was stammering but she seemed okay. Mysty moved in closer to get a better shot at the others. She hadn’t thought she was too close, but one creature shot out a single tendril, entangling her right ankle. Mysty felt a sharp pain shoot up her leg before it went weak. The creature swung her into a building wall. Mysty floated, a bit dazed. When she came into focus she picked up a dumpster with her TK and flung it at her attackers. Two fell back, but one lunged at her. Mysty didn’t move quite quickly enough as the thing’s wicked claws made contact with her back. She cried out, as much as in pain as in rage. She lifted the creature into the air and held him there, repeatedly blasting him. As the other’s approached she used him as a weapon to send them all sprawling.
Damn things aren’t affected by much. She looked around quickly. Shit, where’s that damn girl? Ungrateful bitch!
As much as she really wanted to stay and finish this party, she needed to know what was going on.

I’m bleeding, my favorite shirt is ruined, and I want a fuckin’ explanation for it!


Celeste had made her way out of the alley, weak and disoriented.
Mystikal? She thought. Had the woman mentioned her name? She wasn’t sure. She didn’t want to stay and find out. Strange things were happening. Did I see her fly? No. Can’t be. It’s not possible, she tried to convince herself. Suddenly she had a sinking feeling in her stomach. They’re coming! More are coming! Her strength had started to return when she saw another group of the monsters. She couldn’t out run them.

I’m tired of running and hiding! Her anger mounted as she remembered her father. “Enough,” she growled, her fury raging. “ENOUGH!” she screamed as a war cry. She no longer cared. She charged at the creatures, catching them off guard. One creature swung out, obviously hoping for a fatal strike. Celeste was having none of it. She dodged, missing the brunt of the blow, but felt it’s claws penetrate her left arm. Celeste didn’t even scream, she was too pissed. She saw the clouds of dark light surround her. Celeste screamed in defiance, though there was something odd about it. It was throaty, and sounded like a tiger’s fearsome roar. She kept attacking, managing to avoid claws and tentacles. Finally, the cloud left her as the creatures fell back in what seemed amazement. The moment was short lived and they attacked again.


Mysty had taken to the air, determined to find the shape shifter. Great, another one, she thought in annoyance. The cold wind was doing nasty things to her back, and the more time the spent in the air, the worse she felt. The gashes were deep, and she was sure there was way too much of her blood on the pavement below. Then she spotted another tangle of monsters in a movie theatre parking lot. In the center of the struggle was a raging tiger. She saw the creatures back off and then there was the girl.

Boy, she looks about as pissed as I am.
Mysty got in close and landed, rather badly due to her injury. The other girl screamed as Mysty saw one creature rip through the girl’s stomach. This is crazy! I’ve got to get her out of here!
In an instant Mysty knew what to do. She shot off enough blasts to back the creatures away from the injured girl.

She concentrated then made the physic connection. Omen, no time to explain. I’m borrowing your power…I’ll be in D’s office in a second.

Grey Paladin
Insanity Fairy