Cosmic Conflict *HF*

By SlashR

Chapter one

The Blake Building, New York

“Come in, mister… Darkholm?”

A man dressed in black walked into the big office. He narrowed his eyes and looked around.

“Have a seat”

The man slowly grabbed the chair, shoved it back and sat down.

“Okay, so mister Darkholm, you are interested in joining our organization?”

“Yes, yes I am, mister Blake.”

“Why is that?”

“From where I’m from, we have a lot of interest in your company.” Mr Darkhold smiled with that comment and had a twinkle in his eye.

“You have? Well, that’s flattering. Where are you from again?”

“I’m from…..Eastern Europe.”

“Very well mr Darkholm. I’ve read the documents and you seem to be qualified. Consider yourself hired.” Mr Blake stood up from his expensive chair and the two men shook hands. After that mr Darkhold walked out of the room with slow but firm steps.

24 hours in the past…

You want me to do what??” Diablo yelled with his mouth fully open, clearly showing his pointy teeth. His dark eyes seemed even darker than usual.

“I want you to inviltrate a certain company called “Drake Incorperated”, I’ve heard rumors that they might be working on some kind of device to track down, and take care of mutants.” SuperGrover stood up from his chair and walked from his desk. “According to these rumors, they’re working for some criminal organization. Now, if this organization gets this device, they might proof to be a real thread.”

Diablo glared at SuperGrover and several minutes of silence followed. “You can’t be serious!

“Why’s that Diablo? You’ve expressed a desire to live amongst humans, you want to know what human life is like. Isn’t that right?”

Diablo still glared at SuperGrover. “Yes, but…

“Now, I’m giving you the opportunity to do so. Besides, they’ll probably test people who are interested in a job there to see if he or she is a mutant.”

Heh, there are other non-mutants in the team Grover.. Picking me would be..

“The best choice? I need someone who can look like an everyday human. Yes, Mufasa isn’t a mutant, but he’s rather suspicious with all the tattoos over his body. Besides, he has been acting..uhm.. unlike himself lately. Then there’s Nebula, she’s blue. Do you seriously think that wouldn’t arrouse suspicion?” SuperGrover walked back to his desk and sat down. “So, what do you say? Are you going to do it?” SuperGrover looked up at Diablo and waited for an answer.

Hmpf, very well. I shall abide to your biddings.

“Good, I’ve already prepared the documents. From now on, you’re a respectable citizent called Gregory Darkholm.” SuperGrover handed the papers and Diablo walked out of the room browsing through it.

Who does he think he is anyway? Speaking to the god of hell like that. The god of hell out of all the people. Besides, appointing me as white pawn is insulting. He must see me as his pawn, yes.. that’s it.” Diablo walked into his room and glared outside the window. “Heh, I’ll show him.. I’ll show them all. I can be a perfect human. Maybe then SuperGrover will appreciate me more…. Give me some respect..


Back to the Blake Building, 24 hours later

“Stupid elevator.. Work! Work!!” Diablo slammed his hand against the door of the elevator. “Why won’t that stupid thing open??” The door didn’t seem to answer, so Diablo decided to show his gratitude by hitting it with his briefcase. “Pay! Pay for your insolence!”

“Is something wrong sir?” A lovely young lady walked up to Diablo. She seemed to work here, or maybe she was lost? Hard to tell..

“Yes, this elevator has ceased to function.” Diablo kicked it a bit. “Either that, or it is posessed by some kind of higher force.

The lady giggled “No no sir, you have to press that button.” She pressed the button and the doors opened. There you go…

“That is amazing.. That thing listens to you..” Diablo walked into the elevator and the doors closed. “What is this? Is it trying to trap me?” Diablo looked around for several minutes. Nothing happened.. “Isn’t this thing supposed to move? Uhm..Ground floor please…” Diablo glared some more, and still nothing was happening. “Maybe I have to press one of these buttons .. Ah yes.. that’s it.”

Finally, after stopping on several wrong floors, Diablo arrived on the ground floor. When the doors opened, Diablo saw a big hall with plants in every corner. A few sofas were standing in the middle of the room in a cubic shape, and everywhere seemed to be working people. Diablo slowly walked forward, with every step looking around him, wondering what posessed the humans to build something like this.

“Mr Darkholm?”

Diablo turned his head to the area the sound was coming from. “Yes..?”

“Could you come here for a minute?”

It was the reception desk, a pretty big one even. Diablo walked up to the desk, getting more and more irritated with every step. He was getting “tired” of walking, it was just so.. inefficient. Finally, after mumbling some stuff about this way of transportation, he arrived at the desk. “Yes, you want to talk to me?”

“Yes, it’s a custom that every newly hired staffmember undergoes several tests. It’s part of our healthinsurance program. Report here tomorrow and be sure to take the necessary papers with you.”

Tests uh? Maybe SuperGrover was right about this dump..


“Yes, yes.. Very well, I shall be there..” With that, Diablo turned around and walked out of the building.

End chapter one

Chapter two

It was 6 am, Diablo glared out of his window. Everyone was still sleeping.. It made him wonder why. Humans only live approximately 80 years, why waste that by sleeping? There was still a lot he did not understand. Yes, he learned some things during his first stay at the White Court, but there seemed to be so much more knowledge to gather. For instance, humans eat. Why do humans eat? Clearly not for fun, sometimes they even seem to dislike eating. Something about getting fat? Tss.. Such stupidity..


It wasn’t until Galactus broke down Diablo’s mindbarriers for a minute, that Diablo realized humanlife has intelligence. Even his uncle Satan never thought about that, humans were merely toys, a way of spending time. Maybe they still are, I don’t know.. Perhaps they are..,what’s that human word? Pets.. Yes, that’s it. Perhaps they’re nothing more than pets.. Or..Perhaps not.. It’s hard to figure out sometimes. They can be smart, impress you, but then they do something incredibly stupid.

And what motivates them to live a seemingly useless life in those 80 years? Isn’t it all just a waste? Why be so persistant? Why do they have amusement like television? What is the use of it? Urgh… I really need to figure that one out. They seem to be wasting a lot of their lives watching television afterall..


Who dares? Uhm.. I mean.. Who’s there?” Diablo looked around, and saw nothing.. “Must be my imagination…

“Diablo.. Watch..your..back..”

What is this? Is someone toying with me?” Diablo walked around the room and still saw nothing.

“Something’s going to happen.. Something that will have a big impact on you.. Watch..your back.. if you don’t.. this impact could be very..negative..”

That voice.. It’s…you! No, it can’t be..” Diablo blinked his eyes, and suddenly he was back infront of the window. He looked at the clock. “Hmm..still 6 am.. Must have been dreaming? No.. I do not dream! Still..

Slowly White Court members were getting out of bed, some were already eating breakfast. Diablo however, remained at his window, thinking about humanlife. Finally he decided to go downstairs. It was almost time to get to work anyway.

“Ah, goodmorning Diablo.”

There’s nothing good about it Nebula. It is a morning like every other morning.

Nebula sighed. “Yeah well..” It was still pretty empty around the breakfast table. Only Nebula, SuperGrover and Cyclops were there. “Want any tea?”

No. Say SuperGrover, I’m getting tired of this transportation by car and foot. Atleast let me teleport close to the building.

“Sorry Diablo, you’ll have to get used to this. What if someone sees you teleport?” SuperGrover sipped his coffee.

Such nonsense! I am the god of hell! The god of hell does not walk!

“Don’t worry, you can take a cab this time.” Snickered Cyclops.

“Yes, I’ve called one for you a few minutes ago. The next time you’ll have to call one yourself though.”

Diablo grumbled and sat down. “Where’s Ozimandius? Lazy…

Diablo wisely shut up after seeing the three fellow inner circle members stare at him.

Within ten minutes, the cab arrived. Diablo stepped into the car, and glared at the driver during the whole route. The man constantly asked Diablo questions. Things about the wetter? A new car which was coming out? That woman walking across the street? Diablo didn’t care about any wetter, whatever that could be.. He didn’t care about a car. Who needs a car? And a woman.. Ha.. she is nothing compared to Byron. Just for that question, the driver should be pulverized. Finally the driving stopped. Diablo stepped out of the car, but the cab remained with the man glaring at him.

“What do you want?”

“Payment sir..”

“Payment? Ha! You shall pay indeed for wasting my time!”

The man glared at Diablo for a bit. “Sir, I’m talking about money.”

“Money?” Now Diablo glared back “Ah yes, now I remember.. Somekind of currency.. How much do you want?”

“15 dollars, sir.”

“Very well, here you have your currency..ehm I”

Diablo walked to the Blake Building, sighed, and entered. He walked up to the reception desk, gave the papers he was supposed to give, and was told to sit down. While waiting for whatever he was waiting for, Diablo wondered what was the point of all of this. Couldn’t he just strip the minds of the people in the building? That way he’d know if there’d be working on that device. But no, he has to work undercover.. The frustation he was getting from this, made him just wanting to blast this whole building to dust. Atleast that would solve the problem..

“Mr Darkholm? You can go and follow that man now.”

A man dressed in white appeared in front of Diablo. He wore thick glasses and had a pen in his mouth. “Hello mr Darkholm, the name is dr Salavis.” The two shook hands and Diablo followed the man.

There were some routine test, which SuperGrover told Diablo about, and a few unexplained tests. Those unexplained test puzzled Diablo, but he knew there would be no danger. Diablo afterall, changed “his” DNA into human DNA, there’d be no way to find out he wasn’t human. Besides, maybe these test were simply routine tests SuperGrover didn’t tell him about.

Dr Salavis told Diablo that he was allowed to go. The test results would be ready tomorrow. He had to come back then. Made Diablo wonder why people even bothered to go back after this much trouble.

Diablo stepped out of the building and looked around. No cab for him this time. The driver must have been irritated by Diablo’s behaviour and went off. He should be punished for that. Diablo just decided to walk home, like yesterday.

End chapter two

Chapter three

3 am in the morning.. It was raining. Hmpf, very well.. I won’t be disturbed then. Diablo stepped out of the White Court mansion and looked around him. Everything was quiet, which wasn’t too weird at this time of day. “I still don’t get why humans sleep.. It’s so.. useless.. ” Batlike wings grew out of his back and his eyes turned pitch black. A tale grew out from behind, and the skin turned paler. Yes, this was the way Diablo truly liked to look. Not like some kind of weak human. Diablo looked up at the sky and spread his wings. He then took off.

He felt the wind blow through his hairs and closed his eyes to enjoy it. How long has it been since he saw Byron? That fight must have been the last time they’ve talked face to face. (Yes, this story takes place before Mufasa’s story) There…Someone seems to be robbing a store. Strange..

Diablo landed down on the ground near the robbers. The robbers were too busy to notice him, still getting stuff out of the shop, into the truck. It’s strange that they’ve not allerted anyone. You’d expect some kind of alarm.. Diablo walked up to the, what seemed to be, three men. No need in rushing them, they seemed to be normal humans anyway.

Excuse me gentlemen, are you lost?

The three men looked behind them and Diablo smiled.

“Who are you?”

I am your greatest nightmare, but you could call me Diablo” He wanted to take these guys by hand to hand combat, blasting them would be too easy. He opened his handpalm and a sword appeared. He ran up to one of the men and leached out with his sword, but before the sword could hit the man, the man flew up into the air. “What?

“You’re not the only one with superhuman powers here!” The man flew straight at Diablo and punched him through several building blocks. Then the other man grabbed a car, and threw it at Diablo. This time Diablo was able to dodge it. The third man was concentrating for something and slowly started glowing.

Diablo meanwhile grabbed one of the men by the throat and smashed him against a wall. It seemed to have rendered him unconcious. Diablo then turned to the other man who was getting ready to throw the next car. With a quick dive, Diablo managed to reach the man before he could even grab the car. He then grabbed the man and smashed him through the carwindow.

Heh, they don’t make them like they used to do.” Diablo smiled and looked at the two men, completely forgetting about the third one. The third one meanwhile, seemed to have build up his concentration and folded his hands together. Then, before Diablo could react, he released a blast of pure energy. Diablo was thrown into a building, and the building collapsed before Diablo could stand up.

“Right, we’ve done what we’re supposed to do. Can you guys get up?”

“Yeah, we’re allright.. If this don’t make people blame the mutants, I don’t know what will..” Then, the three men stepped into the truck and drove off, leaving only rubble behind.

Diablo came out of the rubble unscratched, but was too late to follow them. They were already out of sight.

Hmm…I must report this to SuperGrover…


They call him Shadow. His superhuman powers consist of the ability to command the shadows around him. He is literally the master of darkness. SuperGrover asked him to finish SlashR’s plans for the hellions a few months ago. He betrayed them. This wasn’t the first time he betrayed someone though, so why this uneasy feeling? Footsteps.. No.. Can’t be.. They don’t know where I am, or do they?

Shadow looked up and just saw a glimpse of what was coming straight at him.


Something sharp planted itself in Shadow’s chest. He didn’t feel anything physically though, just a mental pain of hundreds of thoughts flowing through him. This couldn’t be the much to do.. so much to.. That’s..familiar... He dropped to the ground. Dead.

End Chapter Three

Chapter Four

The few White Court members who were present, stood around the conference table. Diablo looked around. Mufasa and Ozymandias were missing again, ignorant fools.. “Shall we start SuperGrover?

“Yes, go on.. Start..”

“font color=red>Fine, during my encounter last night, I’ve had confirmation that there indeed is a group who’s out to put mutans in a negative point of view. I personally could care less about that, but seeing that you are all mutants… ” Diablo looked around the room. Not much interest. It seemed they have been experiencing this problem for quite some time now. “SuperGrover, I think we might find some information in the red court.

SuperGrover looked up from his files. “What? Why’s that?”

Think about it.. Ryan Jensen has got connections in the business world, and they’re not afraid to use some heavier measures like spying to reach their goals.

“Don’t do it … “ A strange voice out of nowhere..

Above all…What?” Diablo looked around to find the source of the sound.

The White Court members looked surprised at Diablo. “Is something wrong?” Cyclops stood up and looked around too.”Is someone spying on us? What is it?”

I….. never mind..

“Don’t ruin your position by doing this.. You know you will..”

WHO IS IGNORANT ENOUGH TO PLAY GAMES WITH THE GOD OF HELL???” Diablo blasted the conference table away in a total rage.

SuperGrover, Nebula, Cyclops, Toby, Acydic and Tre jumped up. Chronos didn’t really seem to care much and was still sitting in a corner watching it all.


“Diablo! Control yourself! There’s no one..”

SuperGrover was smacked away by one of Diablo’s fists. With the other hand, Diablo blasted a hole in the ceiling, making the sky visible. “Get..out..of…my…head!” His two bat wings popped out of his back with a nasty sound, blood still dropping out from behind where the wings originated. Diablo screamed in rage and fear and flew off.

SuperGrover crawled up and wiped the blood from his nose. “After him.. Something is wrong.”

They didn’t have to follow him for long though. Within minutes Diablo’s wings popped back in his back, terminating his flight. Still trying to protect himself by covering his head with his hands, he smashed into the ground. “

I simply want you to realize that you are making a grave mistake.

You can’t.. can’t be serious..” Diablo saw a few of his team mates run up to him. With little effort Diablo raised a forcefield around him to stop them from coming closer.

But I am! Your actions seem to have created the start of the destruction of the galaxy. Normally that would make me proud, but unfortunatly this is a thread to me too.” Diablo gasped for air as a dark figure emerged from out of his throat. The figure seemed to be the same ‘ person’ who was talking to him all along. “You shall restore what you have done.

Heh, not a snowball’s chance in hell. I’d rather..

Die? You know I won’t kill you.. ” The dark figure slammed Diablo in the stomach and Diablo kneeled forward in pain. “I will cause extreme pain however. I know you love to see me powerless like that, but do you want to risk the destruction of everything around you to accomplish that?” Another fist hit Diablo’s stomach, and blood dripped out of his nose and mouth.

Urgh…very…well…I…shall.. comply..” Diablo stumbled a bit forward, raised his hand and opened a portal. He looked back at the White Court members and stepped in the portal.

You’d better not fail…son.. ” With that, the dark figure too dissapeared. SuperGrover walked up to the spot where the two beings were before. Nothing was there.. Just a bit of burned grass and a smell of sulfur. “Nebula, contact the others, we need to find out what happened, I have a feeling it might turn out to be important.”

End chapter four

Read Someplace Else to find out what happens!

Chapter five

SuperGrover, Gomurr and Mufasa were examining one side of the hill while Nebula was leading a different team consisting of Toby, Dakkon and Cronos. Both Cyclops and Ozymandias were trying to find out what happened by other means.

Toby glared at the gras where Diablo dissapeared. It already had been a couple of hours and according to Gomurr, the place was getting less and less stabile. Something that has to do with a conflict between realities. Toby yawned. Could things get any more boring..?

Suddenly a portal opened at the same spot. First SlashR fell out, then Diablo followed. Diablo pushed SlashR away and started laughing like a maniac. “We’re home.. Now father! I have solved the cosmic problem! Stop messing with me!” Diablo’s eye twitched and with a powerful blast, Diablo launched himself up into the air. Still laughing rather patheticly, Diablo flew into a tree and remained there. SlashR looked up and frowned.

“I guess some things have changed while I was away.”

Toby watched all of this in amazement and blinked her eyes. “Nebs.. I think ya need to show up, mon amie.”

Nebula ran up to Toby and stopped in her tracks. SlashR..was..alive? She saw him die.. so how could he be alive?

SlashR finally noticed the two ladies and smiled. “Nebs! My faithful Field Commander and friend! I’m back… I think!”

Toby glared at Nebula. “You’re his faithful Field Commander? So does this mean your position as queen is open? I know a few people who’d be interested in that position.. Like me for instance..”

Nebula covered Toby’s mouth. “Toby, shut up.” She then turned her head to SlashR. “Is it…Is it really you?”

“Yes ofcourse it’s me! Why wouldn’t it be me?”

“Well..uhm.. SuperGrover! I think you’d better see this!

SuperGrover, Gomurr and Mufasa walked up to Nebula and saw SlashR too. “SlashR??”

“Yeah! That’s me! Why do so many people have a problem accepting this?”

“Diablo told us you were dead.. You’ve been gone for over a year.. It’s..” SuperGrover was unable to finish his sentence. They all accepted SlashR’s death, so his return seemed rather unlikely.

“A year? I’ve been gone for a year? I never thought time went on when I was in that dimension. I figured…”

Gomurr seemed to be shocked for a minute but remained silent.

SlashR meanwhile continued. “When Essex ripped my stomach open, I really thought I was going to die. It seemed to be too much for my regeneration powers to handle. I thought Essex teleported me to a different dimension, but it turned out Diablo did that. I regained my strength there and survived, with some effort, until now.”

Nebula ran up to SlashR and hugged him. “It’s unbelievable.”

“It sure is Nebs..”

SuperGrover looked up at Diablo who was still in that tree, this time shooting fire at birds flying by. “I guess this means Diablo wasn’t honest with us afteral. I did anticipate this, but still… “

Gomurr pointed at Diablo. “Grover.. Look at Diablo. His behaviour, it’s way off. Diablo is a proud being, it’s not like him to lie or to shoot at birds for that matter. I already found it strange that Diablo started mengling with human affairs and this proofs I’m right. Something is wrong with Diablo, something more than we think.”

Everyone looked at eachother.

“So what is wrong with Diablo?” asked Nebula.

“That’s what we’re going to find out..”

End chapter five

Chapter six

It wasn’t easy, but with a lot of effort they managed to catch Diablo. SlashR’s luck seemed to take a part in that, but still…. It seemed that Diablo wanted to get caught. Gomurr managed to mystically bond Diablo and to virtually make him powerless. This was very difficult however, and every minute Gomurr was holding Diablo back, Gomurr grew weaker. Eventhough Diablo didn’t seem to fight Gomurr, there was still some resistance.

Ozymandias held his hands on Diablo’s head. He was probably the most powerful telepath after Diablo, so it was logical it was up to him to go into Diablo’s head and find things out. He didn’t think however, that it would be this hard. Mind blocks were everywhere, and when he broke one down, two seemed to pop up. If Diablo was concious, it would have been useless to even try..

SlashR looked out of the window, waiting for Ozymandias to have any progress. Things have changed a lot in the time he was gone.. The hellions..what happened to them? The Outer Circle seemed to have lost their headmaster and headmistress function.. Why? Why does Diablo have a position in the Inner Circle? It doesn’t make sense..SlashR then turned to Ozymandius. “Well? Any progress?”

“Hang on.. I’ll try to project the image in all your heads…”

Two years ago..

It was only minutes after SlashR was teleported away to help the hellions. The millenium party ended up in a disaster and Diablo? Diablo was beaten by Essex.. His weakened body still laying near the Hellstone shield which took him down in the first place..

A portal opened and a familiar figure stepped out. “Essex, have you prepared everything?”

Essex turned his head to the figure and smiled. “Yes, but remember.. I get to have his powers.”

“Very well, he won’t be happy with it, but that’s not my problem.”

“Don’t worry about it Ryan, I can deal with your Diablo. I did handle this one afterall.”

“True. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a world to run. Inject the substance to start the progress, and remember, it is of vital importance that neither Diablo’s find out about this. It might ruin my plans.” The Red King smiled and stepped through the portal.

Essex walked up to Diablo and injected the substance. Just remember Ryan, I will take over when I’ve fully mastered Diablo’s powers. You’re a fool to think otherwise..

Back to the present..

SlashR jumped up from his seat. “So that’s what happened! This is the Red King from the dimension I was all that time. Somehow he must have started a switching process between the two Diablo’s. God knows why though..”

Gomurr’s face began to look worried. “Yes. You are correct SlashR. However, due to this, a bridge between realities has formed. Our world Diablo unknowingly made the bridge bigger when he transported you to that dimension.”

“I don’t think that’s the main problem though.. Ryan probably figured out this world Diablo would get his powers back eventually, and he must have plans when the transfer is complete. I mean, what’s going to happen when that other dimension’s Diablo takes over this Diablo’s body completely? Can we handle someone like that? I know from my experience in the other dimension that that Diablo wasn’t an easygoing person. He killed for fun.”

SuperGrover sighed. “Yes, that might proof to be difficult indeed. Isn’t there a way to reverse the transfer Gomurr?”

“Probably, but that involves closing the bridge between the two dimensions and I’m not sure how to do that. We’d need something to fill the gap. Something to float between the two dimensions.”

“Think about it Gomurr, I’d like to talk to SlashR meanwhile. I want to reinstate him as soon as possible.If that’s okay with you ofcourse, SlashR?”

“Yeah…sure.. Didn’t have much time to rest, but to be honest, I really couldn’t rest at a time like this anyway.” SlashR walked to his old room together with SuperGrover. It used to be his room, but now Diablo took his place. Was he even wanted? No.. it shouldn’t be a reason not to rejoin..It should be a reason to show everyone he was still capable of leading the hellions. Yeah.. the hellions.. “SuperGrover..”


“What happened to the Outer Circle when I was gone? Where’s the Hellions strike team?”

“We decided to take on a different approach Slash. We’ve continued on your plans to reform the Hellions and worked that out with the Grey Court.”

“I see… and where are Outburst and Rune? I can’t believe they’ve left…Are they on a holiday or something?”

“No.. they did leave.. Pretty soon after you seemingly died, the old outer circle crumbled into nothing.”

“Grover..Do you think it’s possible to reinstate me as hellions headmaster?”

“Well, I think we can arrange something. You were the one to think it up afteral.” SuperGrover smiled and walked out of the room leaving SlashR behind.

SlashR looked at his hands and formed two fists. “I can’t believe I survived that shit.. I can’t believe I’m back.. It’s good to be back.. yeah..

End Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Energy everywhere, things slowly burning down.. HellGoat. He’s there.. Did he do this? No.. he’s being consumed by the energy himself too. How’s this possible? How can something consume something as powerful as HellGoat? Diablo jumped up in fear. What? He was in a bed..

“Grover! He woke up!” Gomurr slowly walked back a few steps to avoid any suprises Diablo might have.

SuperGrover and SlashR walked up to Diablo. SuperGrover had limited the amount of people around Diablo to a minimum. If Diablo would go into a rage, the chance of casualities would be much smaller. Afteral, wouldn’t it be far easier to dodge things when you are in a smaller group?

Diablo looked at SuperGrover and SlashR and then turned his head to Gomurr. “Quick old one, we don’t have much time left. If we don’t stop the portal from opening further, we’ll all be doomed.”

SlashR narrowed his eyes. “Not so fast, how do we know it’s really you and not that freaked out thing you had going on?”

Diablo jumped up and walked up to SlashR. “You don’t. Now move over or I’ll break your arms.”

SlashR grabbed one of his knives and pointed it at Diablo’s throat. The two of them were standing eye in eye. “Listen fuckhead, I don’t care who you are, or how powerful you are, but I demand you treat me with respect. You’ve been lying to me eversince we met, so I don’t see why we’d have to trust you know.”

Diablo growled. “You’re testing my patience..Move out of my way or die..!”

SuperGrover grabbed SlashR by the arm and pulled him back. “SlashR, leave him be. Even if he’s lying, we don’t have the power to stop him.”

Diablo smiled and flew through the ceiling, heading for the dimension distortian.

“Damn, I wish he’d stop doing that. SlashR, Gomurr, come on, we’re going to follow him.”

Meanwhile Diablo had already reached the portal. The portal was consinderably bigger and blue light was glowing brightly. Diablo’s body was slammed on the ground by the force coming out of it.


He slowly raised one of his arms and released a blast into the portal. The blue light became brighter and the portal grew even bigger.


Slowly Diablo was getting drawn into the portal. He struck one of his hands into the ground, trying to hold ground with his nails firmly planted into the ground. (Yeah, a lot of the word “ground” in the sentence and that makes the sentence SPECIAL!! )

“Can’t..let…it…overwhelm me…”

The portal opened up even more and the bright light started surrounding Diablo. Pieces of his clothes were torn off and drawn into the portal.


Diablo released his grip and let himself get sucked into the portal. He experienced an incredible pain, and then.. nothing.. Around him was only darkness. The plan worked however, his body filled the gap. It worked as some sort of cork.

Your plan has failed.

“Perhaps.. but you’re stuck with me.Ryan might have lost me, but he will be able to conquer this dimension with a lot more ease without you.”

Really? Your plan seems to have one flaw. I won’t be staying here, and the portal won’t be open for Ryan to get through.

Diablo smiled and concentrated deeply. He felt his spirit phase out of his old body and for a moment saw his alternate reality self. With his body still stuck there, Diablo squeezed through the remains of the portal into the normal world again, forming a new body in the progress.

“No.. you can’t leave me here! Noooooo”

Diablo closed the remains of the portal when SuperGrover, SlashR and Gomurr showed up.

“Diablo?” SuperGrover stopped the other two. “What happened?”

It’s easy human, by placing myself into the temporal dimension distortion, I filled the growing gap. I then seperated my own mind from my posessed body and left my body there, with my alternate reality counterpart in it. By doing this I have fixed the temporal dimension distortion and got rid of my counterpart.

Gomurr smiled. “I am impressed Diablo, I didn’t know you still had that in you.”

Silence old man, I finally feel whole again, by powers and mind, and I’m not going to let you ruin it by babbling on.” Diablo turned his back on the three and walked with firm steps towards the White Court mansion. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some business to attend as White Pawn.

SlashR looked at the others. “I didn’t think he was going to stay.”

SuperGrover nodded. “Me neither, I must have underestimated him.”

End Chapter Seven


Diablo looked out his window. His room had changed drasticly in the last few hours. Every human form of comfort had been destroyed. What remained what some sort of wooden throne. The walls were painted black, although they seemed to be more like fireburns than paint. Even the carpet had to go. “Yes SuperGrover..You keep on thinking I actually believe in your ideals.. The only reason I’m still here is that job I had to do. I’m a man of honor and I finish what I start.. However SuperGrover, when I’m finished, I will be gone and I will take Christian with me.” Diablo smiled and stroked his beard.

Meanwhile SlashR and SuperGrover had a discussion in SuperGrover’s office.

“I’m telling you Mike, I can’t function properly in the team with him around!”

“So that’s it then? You’re leaving the White Court because of this?”

“No…I don’t want to leave.. I just want to stay low for a while. I was thinking about going back to Europe. I can gather information for you there and on the same time I have the chance to sort things in my head.”

“Very well, I will see to it. When are you going to leave?”

“Now, I want to leave now. I’m not going to say goodbye to everyone either. It’s just gonna make it harder for me to leave. I’ve got these letters I’ve written for everyone, could you pass them around?”

The End and a new beginning…