Deep Voices *HF*

By SlashR


He feels the ropes burn against his chest, it’s hard to breath. He tries to open his eyes, but strangely enough things stay dark. Is he still concious? He feels something dripping along his face. Blood? Sweat? It’s hard to remember what happened. Everything is so blury. He feels a sudden pain in his right leg. Why? And why isn’t his power taking care of the pain like it always does? His thoughts are stopped by a hard slam.

“{Stay awake muttie! We don’t want you to black out and miss the pain we will give you}”* (*translated from dutch)

That language, he seems to recognize it. Dutch.. Something he hasn’t heard in a long time. Not that he’s glad to hear it right now. He’d rather be somewhere safe. Slowly the strength returns to open his eyes. The bright light is blinding at first. One lamp is shining straight in his eyes. “{Urgh..the..light! So..bright..}”

The man smiles. He seems to be dressed in clothes that protect him against most attacks. He even appears to have a kevlar vest. Another man steps from behind the lamp. “{Well, I guess our guest is awake Dirk.}”

The man called “Dirk” shows a sign of a smile on his face. For some reason the smile gives shivers. Why?? Why can’t he remember what happened? Why does his head feel this heavy? And why is blood dripping from his face? Before he can continue his thinking, the man called Dirk kicks him, and the chair down. “{You should have stayed in America punk. We don’t want your kind here.}”

Black. Things are getting dark again. He sees two red eyes starring at him. Two red eyes…and..a small red traingle slightly above them on his forehead? A voice echos through his head.. Hard to concentrate.. Hard to hear what is being said.

“{WAKE THE HELL UP}” Another kick follows and hits the chest. The red eyes surrounded in darkness make place for the man who kicked him. Then the pain steps in. First a burning sensation, then something that feels like his whole body is screaming. He..must..have..hit..something..important..vital..organ?

“{Your turn Jozef}” Dirk steps back.. Still with the same smile on his face.

The other man steps forward. He is extremely muscled. He probably works out. He doesn’t look like someone who has social skills. The man raises a fist and the fist strikes the target: the stomach.

This time the pain is much bigger. A blackness floats over him and the last thing he hears is the same voice from the man with the red eyes. Why can’t he hear it? Damn it! Then.. Everything stops..

Deep voices: Chapter 1

The White Court mansion, a week ago.

“Careful Slash! Don’t let it get to you”

With a careful leap SlashR dodged the mechanic enemy. His hand dissapeared into his belt and appeared with three knives. With a movement that seemed to be practised on for quite some time, he threw the knives straight into the weak parts of the mechanic monster. It stopped moving, cracked a bit, and fell down. “Ha! It’s good to know that my luck isn’t completely gone yet.”

Outburst switched the simulation off and checked the statistics. “Actually mon ami, I don’t think you used your incredible luck powers. It’s all about your agility, non?” Outburst couldn’t hide her smile.

“Hey!! Stop making fun of my luck!! It’ll be useful someday!…when..” SlashR sighed and collected his knives. “People ask me why I throw knives, on days like these I wonder too! I mean.. I constantly have to pick them up again. Couldn’t hire someone? How about.. Dark Wolf your..”


“..faifthful puppy!”

“SLASH!! Don’t make me come and charge up your pants like I did last time!”

SlashR was laughing hysterically now. “But miss Headmaster? Wouldn’t that be a bad example for the students?” Fortunatly SlashR learned a valuable lesson that day. Do not piss off the headmistress.

An hour later

“Do you want some more ice Slash?” Nebula walked into SlashR’s room with a bag of ice. Unfortunatly for SlashR the whole White Court heard about his accident with Outburst. SlashR knew that he’d hear about this for the rest of the week. Or month. Or perhaps even year. SlashR let out a big sigh

“Yes please miss Field Commander miss.”

“You know Slash.. You changed.. You’re.. less serious.. Less.. moody.. And you don’t train the whole day anymore.” Nebula meanwhile placed the bag of ice on the chair and carefully helped SlashR sit down.

“Ouch! Careful there! But you know.. Other people told me that too.. The thing is.. I can’t remember a thing. I mean, I just remember that I woke up here after that big fight (* he’s clearly talking about the y2k story, if that’s ever going to happen ofcourse! :-p) I do remember bits and pieces of my time as white hellion, and even as red field commander. I don’t know anything about being Red leader though.” SlashR glared up in the air hoping to find the answer there. “I really don’t doubt you guys. I mean.. if you tell me I did those things.. I’ve probably done these things.”

Nebula looked puzzled at Slash. He was a confusing guy. She only knew him from his tough guy attitude back when he trained her everyday. She hated him, and still she looked up to him. “Say.. uh..weren’t you called Longshot back then?”

“That’s right, my blue skinned friend!”

“Stop calling me that! And..uh.. Damnit! This is just too confusing for me.” Nebula decided that chewing on her gum was more satisfying. It was strange though that he remembered less and less between the time he was first called SlashR untill the time he arrived full of wounds on their doorstep. At first he only forgot a few selective things, but then it got worse. “Hmm..Maybe it’s the coffee.”

“What?” SlashR glared at Nebula. “What’s wrong with the coffee? Don’t tell me Impossible Man mixed the sugar up with salt AGAIN. Damn.. that makes me VERY tired. I really have to..”

“No!! That’s not it! Don’t mind me! I think you should talk to SuperGrover though. Maybe he knows what to do. Your amnesia can be dangerous in battle after all!”

“That’s true..I’ll talk to him “ SlashR glared at his coffee once again. “Are you sure there’s nothing wrong with it?”

“Yes! I’m possitive! But I’d better get going. I have some stuff to do.”

“Ok! Have fun doing stuff!”

“Thanks!” Nebula gently lifted SlashR up and took the bag of ice away.

“And uh..Nebs?”


“Is that gum?”


“Right! You know perfectly well that I do not want people to chew gum all over the place! How about cleaning my room as a punishment?”


End Chapter 1

Deep voices: Chapter 2

The White Court mansion, still a week ago.

Strange, that’s all Slash could call it. People kept telling him about things that he can’t remember. Are they liars? Am I stupid? Am I who everyone thinks I am? These questions floated through his head. He still did not understand where the rest of the hellions were. And why was Blackfire queen? What happened to Nytshade. ? He slowly aproached the door to SuperGrover’s office. This was it. Here he would find the answers to his questions.

“Yes..Come in Slash..”

SlashR still stared at the door with a hand raised, ready to knock. “What the..? How did you know I was about to knock on the door?”

SuperGrover opened the door and smiled. “Nebula informed me.”

SlashR sighed in relief. “Thank god, I thought everyone was becoming a telepath here.”

“Sit down!” SuperGrover pointed to a chair. “You wanted to talk?”

SlashR slowly walked to the chair while examining the room. Strange.. It changed after his last visit. But then again, everything changed. Not even Ryan is around anymore. SlashR tried to sit down carefully, avoiding the burn marks on his bottom. “Uhm..Yeah. I’ve got some problems…”

“Problems? You mean with Outburst? I’ve heard she charged your pants.”

“NO! Well..she did.. but..that’s not the problem! The problem is that I have no idea what’s going on! People keep telling me about my past and I don’t remember a bit! And my luck seems to be fading away too!” While talking SlashR switched position to try to stop the pain in his bottom.

“Say, what happened to your regenerating power? Wouldn’t it have made your burning wounds go away in a few seconds?” SuperGrover glared at SlashR who was STILL jumping around in his seat to avoid the pain.

“Uh??? What are you talking about? I’ve got no regenerating powers! Never had, and never will have!”

SuperGrover was becoming a bit confused but decided not to let confusion take over. “Ok, what is your suggestion? What are you going to do about this?”

“Well, I think I should take some time off. I should go back to Holland. Maybe stay there for a while. Who knows? It might bring back some memories.”

“Well Slash, you can try. Just remember that we’re always here if you need our help, ok??”

Meanwhile in the Netherlands..

(“How are the preperations going?”)

(“Perfect.. Soon we will be able to take over the airport and start our plan.”)

The man ,who seemed to be in charge, slowly reached down and grabbed something out of the bag. (“With this nerve gas, they’ll offer no resistance to you. After we take over the airport, you can start taking hostages. And remember… It is of vital importance that you do not get caught. Alive that is.”)

And once again back to the White Court mansion..

Darkness. Darkness everywhere. Why is it impossible to retrieve those memories? Why is it impossible to focus? Why does he feel an incredible burning sensation inside of him. Something that is hard to repress. What is it? Slowly he pressed his hand against the wall to regain some balance. “Diablo…..” Diablo? Why did he say Diablo? What is a Diablo? His hand began to shake.. “ is..”

End Chapter 2

Deep voices: Chapter 3

Shiphol, the Netherlands.

SlashR stepped into the main hall of the airport. Fresh air managed to slip into this hot space through one of the open windows. The flight didn’t go that well this time. As soon as the plane started to fly he felt an incredible urge in his stomach to release his breakfast. (In other words: An urge to puke!) This was strange ‘cause SlashR used the private White Court jet enough times before. Maybe a casual plane like this wasn’t as comforting.

SlashR slowly walked through the large croud of people. He had to control the urge to grab his sword and slash everyone out of the way. What was wrong with him? It didn’t matter.. He was almost outside.. The fresh air would make him feel better.

And then.. a voice that changed everything: “NO BODY MOVE!”

A small tube flew through the air and landed straight infront of SlashR’s feet. The tube opened and gas released itself. Then more tubes followed. All of them releasing a gas. People screamed in fear. They tried to run but something was keeping them in their place… The gas? SlashR felt his arms getting heavy, his knees started to shake and his eyes began to get heavy. He slowly fell down along with the rest of the people. Then, something strange happened. His body started to move. First slowly, then a bit faster. His eyes opened again, and for a moment it seemed that his left eye flashed. A smile appeared on his face when he saw men in armored suits walking in. He slowly laid down again to hide the fact that he was concious.

(“Everyone is unconcious sir”)* (* translated from dutch)

The man, who seemed to be the leader of this bunch, had even heavier armor than the rest. There seemed to be atleast 15 armored men waiting outside with a armored van parked next to them. Inside there were atleast 10 armored men. SlashR waited till the men were close enough. He then jumped up, reached inside his pocket and pulled three knives out. (“Hey creeps!”)

All of them turned around and faced SlashR.

(“I’m your worst nightmare!”) SlashR jumped straight at the men, threw the knives and hit three of them in their chest. The men then grabbed their guns and started shooting. SlashR kept moving which made it impossible for the men to hit him.

(“Why aren’t we hitting him?”)

(“Maybe ‘cause I’m a lucky bastard? The only one who’s going to walk away alive here is me!”) SlashR drew his sword and struck it right through the armor in one of the men’s stomach. Without stopping, he pulled the sword out and went for the next target. Unfortunatly the many bullets flying around made it impossible for SlashR not to get hit. One bullet pierced his arm, but it didn’t slow him down. He felt his arm slowly restoring itself.

Then armored men realized that resistance was becoming futile, but then it looked like luck was jumping over to them.

SlashR’s left eye flashed again and with a loud bang he fell down on the ground. (“That pain.. my arm! What happened?”)

The man in charge pointed at SlashR (“Grab him! The bastard’s down!”) The men surrounded SlashR and punched and kicked him till he blacked out. The last thing SlashR felt was his warm blood dripping out of his mouth.

(“Good work men! Grab this asshole and tie him up. This little shit might turn out to be useful for us.”)

the Netherlands

Sounds.. Sounds everywhere. Why can’t I hear what’s going on? There’s a scream. A loud scream. A shot. Someone’s shot? Something’s moving. I’m moving? No.. Maybe a car? His stomach was getting heavy. What’s going on? Why is there a burning sensation inside of me? Why..?

Slowly his eyes opened..

(“Look at this, our guest is waking up!”) A heavily build man with scares all over his face looked straight into SlashR’s eyes. (“This little shit almost messed up our plans”) His hand raised up in the air and landed on SlashR’s cheek. SlashR saw blood dripping from the hand. His blood.

(“Don’…I’m,……”) SlashR’s eye flashed for a brief instant. He slowly turned his head to see where he actually was.. It looked like a car.. They’re taking him somewhere.

(“Boss.. What should we do with him when we arrive? Kill him?”)

The man infront smiled. (“No, I want to know who he is first. His information might proof to be useful to us eventually. If that’s not the case, you can always kill him afterwards”)

(“Kill me? Ha.. When I get out of this you’ll learn what true pain is. You little shit! I’ve trained with the greatest fighters. Do you really think you can..”)

Another fist hit SlashR. This time it seemed to have hit something vital. Blackness overcomed SlashR. The only thing he heared as his eyes close is the laugher of one of the men.



(“Tie him against that chair! I don’t want to have any chance of him breaking free!”)

Two men walked into the secluded room. One man seemed to be builded physically well, but didn’t seem to be that bright. The other man seemed to be a bit less strong, but wore clothes that protect him well.

(“Ok , I trust you on this Dirk. Jozef will ask questions and you’ll beat him up. Be careful. He might be dangerous if he breaks free.”) The boss-like figure walked out of the room and the two men stared at the unconcious SlashR.

(“You can’t question him if he’s unconcious Jozef..”) The two man looked at the unconcious SlashR. (“Just look at him.. The sweat is dripping from his head. He must be having some kind of nightmare! Haha.. Imagine the shock he’ll have when we plant this fist in his stomach as soon as he wakes up.”)

The two man laughed, hard enough for SlashR to hear you’d expect. But SlashR’s mind was somewhere else, or maybe not there at all.


Three years ago..

“So mr. Koppers, you do know your plan?” A big man, dressed in dark clothes and wearing sun glasses, stepped forward. “Failure is not an option. The European Union paid a lot of money to get you where you are. Don’t dissapoint them, mr Koppers.”

“Don’t worry Ruskovich. I will infiltrate the United States and get the information you want. It won’t be too hard with my powers and special training. Something I don’t understand though, is why you had to implant that chip.”

“That chip ,mr Koppers, will prevent our secret from leaking out. If something goes wrong, your memories about this ‘accident’ will be erased.” Ruskovich smiled and continued talking. “Ofcourse, failure still won’t be an option. To make sure you’ll accomplish your task succesfully, you’ll be accomponied by Weapon Alpha.”

Mr Koppers frowned. “Weapon Alpha? I think I can handle this alone, Ruskovich. No need to bring in someone else.”

Ruskovich smiled again. “Your confidence is admirable. Weapon Alpha will proof to be useful however. His powers are an excellent way to sneak in. Controlling the shadows like he does, can’t be anything but useful. Besides, after the ‘Weapon X’ failure in Germany, we can’t take any chances.”

“I understand Ruskovich. I will bring back your precious information and show you I’m worthy.” Mr Koppers bowed and walked out of the door. The door closed behind him and Ruskovich looked up.

“Very well Ruskovich.. You’ll get a chance to show me your plan does work. I am curious though, what genetic genes did you change to give him these luck power and hollow bones? I’ve checked the genetic codes, and it seems to be impossible to do this to a normal human.”

“I don’t know sir, Weapon Prime already possesed these powers before we gave him this special training.”

“A mutant perhaps, Ruskovich? You know mutants are too dangerous for these kinds of operations. According to those german Weapon X log files, it didn’t exactly go their way.”

“Sir! We’ve checked his genetic codes, there is no sign of him being a mutant “ Sweat was slowly dripping from Ruskovich forehead. It was clear that Ruskovich feared this unknown man.

“Very well, but do realize that we can’t have another failure like mr Mahler. We might not have bonded Weapon Prime’s skeleton with adamantium, but this operation was expensive. Germany was so kind to hand over these log files to us, don’t dissapoint them mr Ruskovich.”

“Yes sir!”

End chapter 4

Three years ago

“Move your ass, Alpha!!” Weapon Prime grabbed his gun and shot down two of his followers. “Damn Alpha, do something! I can’t shoot them all!” Weapon Alpha stood up and stretched out his hands. His black eyes glowed for a slight moment and shadows formed around him. The shadows took a humanoid form and attacked some other followers. Weapon Prime was shooting at the rest meanwhile. Thanks to his luck, most of the bullets hit the target. Unfortunatly even super powered luck runs out…. “DAMN!”

“What’s wrong Prime?”

“The fucking bullets! I don’t have any bullets left!” Weapon Prime grabbed Alpha by the hand and pulled him away. “Come on, we’re getting out of here!”

Weapon Alpha tried to turn back, but was stopped by Prime. “What about that information then? We can’t leave without the information!”

“Forget about the fucking information! We have to get out of here…. FAST!” Weapon Prime pushed Alpha into the stolen jet and closed the door. He quickly ran up to the controls and started the plane. The plane took off..



“Koppers! We failed our mission! Don’t you know what that means?”

(“I don’t care right now Boersma. We have to get out of here alive, then we’ll see about the mission.”)

(“Idiot! Don’t you remember our training? We’re not supposed to talk in dutch! Now they can trace us!”) Boersma raised his hand and slapped Koppers. (“You’ve ruined it!”)

(“I think our mission was ruined when the entire fucking FBI started shooting at us! We have to…. . . .. “)

(“Koppers??? KOPPERS?? .. . …….”)

Both young men stopped in their tracks. They were unable to think, unable to move and unable to fly that jet. The chip did what it was supposed to do. The jet slowly lost height….


Back to Amsterdam, a few days ago..

“Urgh.. Must..Continue.. Mission”

The two men walked up to SlashR. “Look Dirk.. The asshole woke up.” The man called Jozef, showed a smile on his face. He loved his work and he knew he was going to enjoy this. “Dirk, time to show him his situation.”

Dirk stepped forward and hit SlashR straight in the stomach. SlashR instantly tried to raise his hand to fight back, but only felt his hand burn against the rope. This time Dirk’s foot met SlashR’s face. The chair fell backwards onto the ground. This didn’t stop Dirk who continued hitting SlashR with everything he had.

This unfortunatly did not turn out the way it was supposed to turn out. With every hit, the anger in SlashR was made stronger. His blood in his body started pumping faster and faster and the grib of the ropes on his body started to losen. He did not feel the pain when he broke free with his own hands, he ignored his bleeding hands and his broken ribs. The only thing he wanted was revenge.. Revenge and to succesfully end the mission.

Dirk stepped back out of shock. It did not help him. SlashR jumped forward, grabbed Dirk by the neck and broke it without effort. Before Jozef was able to react he met the same chair SlashR was once tied up to. The chair might have possibly only hurt him, but it was certain that after the fall against the metallic wall, Jozef was unconcious.

SlashR stepped out of the room and kicked a guard down. He grabbed the gun and browsed around for any other guards. It seemed that this was the only guard. ”Good..Weapon Prime does not like to be slowed down..” He walked through a hallway with rooms similar to the rooms in which he was. All the rooms were empty.. Except for one.. SlashR slowly opened the door and… “WEAPON ALPHA!”

A man with black hairs was tied onto a chair. Blood was sipping from his open wounds and his right leg seemed to be.. missing… (“Uh….help…me!”)

SlashR ran up to the man and tried to untie him. “We must continue our mission! We must…”

“Leave him.”


“You heard me.. Leave him!” A man stepped out of the shadows revealing his two wings and tail. His black eyes looked straight at SlashR.

“What..who..are you? This is not..part..of...operation.. Why…” SlashR slowly stumbled back, it seemed that the pain returned in his body in an instant.

“Your body is weak.. but you will make it.. I am Diablo, god of hell.” Diablo walked up to the tied up man. “ dying. He will not live long.” Diablo laid his hand on the man’s face. The man tried to resist but within seconds his life slibbed away. Diablo’s eyes glowed for a bit and then he turned to SlashR. “I’ve only speeded up the process. It seems my plan to restore your memories has failed. Failed ‘cause of mortals who were taking over an airport!” Diablo’s eyes revealed his anger this time. “I should kill them by one.. Just to see them suffer.. “

SlashR looked at it all in disbelieve. In his eyes, he was still working on completing a mission, he still had the mission objective in his head. This was not part of it. The scariest part was that somehow this person looked familiar. How can a devil look-a-like be familiar?

Diablo grabbed SlashR by his torn jacket and busted through a wall. “It’s time to continue my plans”

End Chapter 5 (Yeah.. I know it’s kinda weird.. but all will be explained! Don’t worry! J)

Bullets flew around everywhere. A normal human would have perished within a few seconds. A normal human.. .But these two were far from normal. With an incredible accuracy, Diablo blocked the bullets with his sword. With his other hand Diablo produced a great heat. Bright red flames burst out of his finger tips and surrounded a few of the men. SlashR on the other hand had to keep low profile. The pain in his body was incredible and another bullet might proof to be vital.

Diablo seemed to show limitless powers. Everytime a group of men fell down, a new group walked in. This did not slow Diablo down, on the contrary. Diablo’s eyes flared bright red as he shot down man after man. Bullets were stopped in mid air and men were thrown around. His wings flapped with incredible speed and produced a strong wind blowing the last few men away. “Damn humans! In my glory days I stopped Galactus. Do they really think they stand a chance against me?”

“Who…” SlashR tried to stand up but felt the weight of his body pushing him down again.

“This is starting to irritate me!” Diablo planted his hand in SlashR’s chest and a bright glow surrounded them. “I’ll restore your damn memories even if I have to do it one by one.”

::Jaimy::A normal human… Born in a normal family, living a normal live.. until…

::Weapon Prime::A fighting machine.. made by the Europian Union to spy on the United States..until..

::Longshot::A spy, send out to keep an eye on Byron in the Inner Hellfire Club…until..

::SlashR::A strict leader of the red hellions, altered by Essex to spy on Diablo…until..

Diablo stumbled back. “This..this.. is amazing.. For some reason your personalties have been split up completely. I will have to go deeper..deeper…deeper…

Inside SlashR’s head…4 years ago…
(“Jaimy! Get ready for school!”) Nel Koppers was a hard working mother, she tried to raise her kids in the best possible way. Unfortunatly her son, Jaimy Koppers, seemed to be busy watching cartoons instead of packing for school. (“JAIMY! Get ready for school or you’ll be late!”)

Jaimy stood up and walked his schoolbooks (“Stupid school.. I’d rather…”) Jaimy looked up, there was someone knocking on the door. (“Mum.. Someone’s at the door!”)

Nel walked up the door and opened it slowly. A man in a business suit waited patiently. “Hello mrs Koppers, I’m from the organization Hendricks Ell and I’m here to talk about your son.”

Nel glared at the fancy dressed man.. “My son?? What’s wrong then? Did he do something?? And why have I never heard about your organization before?”

“Patience, mrs Koppers, all will be explained.” The man raised his hand “Won’t it, mrs Koppers?”

“Yes…yes..come in….”

The man walked in and passed Nel who was still standing next to the door, in some kind of trance. He slowly browsed around to see where his target was.. until..

“Sir?? Can I do something for you?” Jaimy glared at the man, not knowing that the man was looking for him, not knowing what the man was going to do which would change his live forever.

“Yes, Jaimy, I’ve been looking for you..”

“Looking for me?”

“Yes.” The man walked up to Jaimy and slowly laid his hand on Jaimy’s head. “You are the one I’ve chosen.”

“What..? What are you doing?”

“Silence.. This will only take a few minutes, you won’t remember a thing.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The astral plane~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
”Since then, you’ve had an incredible luck with everything you did.. Isn’t that right?

”You..You were the man?”

”That’s right. I’ve granted you your powers on that day. Unfortunatly you were found by the government and then the Weapon Prime program started. They inplanted various other abilities in you.”

“I.. I don’t understand.. “

”It’ll clear up soon enough.. Do you remember the plane crash?”


Three years ago..
His body is helpless. Unable to move. The jet is quickly losing height. Still unable to move. The chip. It’s eating away his nerve system. That’s not part of the plan. Nothing’s working. Boersma… what’s going on with him? What can’t I hear anything anymore? Why is my nose bleeding? Is it ‘cause the jet’s losing height this fast or..something else?

A bat winged man. I can see him. His dark hairs waving in the wind. His red eyes piercing my soul. Is he an angel? Am I dying? He’s reaching out for me. His body slides through the jet like it’s not there. He’s a ghost? No.. He can’t be a ghost. His eyes.. they’re so bright. They’re making me feel calm. A bright light.. I.. .. . . . .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The astral plane~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

”On that day you were about to die. I took you and your companion out of the plane. I still don’t know why I saved him that day.. I thought me might proof to be handy later on in your life. Unfortunatly he just died.”

”That..that was Weapon Alpha? It was him?”

”Hmpf, you don’t understand what’s going on, do you? Those criminals who were taking over the airport, they worked for the government. The same government that captured you.”

”That..that doesn’t make sense. They weren’t looking for me.. They took me ‘cause I attacked them.. It was never their plan!”

”Jaimy, the chip is still in your head. Still making you do things for them without you knowing it. You only went to the Netherlands ‘cause THEY ordered you subconciously. They ordered you to attack. They ordered those criminals to take anyone with them who opposed them. You’re dealing with someone with a lot of powers here.”

”I..I don’t understand..”

A terrible pain flashed through their heads when they were pulled out of the astral plane by an unknown force. Their bodies were thrown back by that same force. SlashR’s body shaked harder and harder, it was too hard for his body to keep up with the wounds. Diablo coughed and looked up. “Essex.”

“Very good Diablo, you’re beginning to learn. You know why I’m here. I want back what’s mine.”

…To be continued

The blast was heard 40 miles from here. Diablo flew through the air and landed with a big bang. His once big and mighty bat wings were torn and his raven black hair caught on fire. Blood dripped slowly out of his nose and it took some effort for Diablo to get on his feet.

“Essex.. you.. can’t…be…serious..”

Within an instant Essex appeared infront of Diablo. “This time you’d better stay down old deamon. I’m here to retrieve what’s mine and you know exactly what I’m talking about!”

Diablo opened the palm of his hand and a sword appeared. The sword seemed to absorb the light out of the suroundings. “I will not let you get him!”

“You don’t get it, do you?” Another blast followed and Diablo was thrown back again. “Ever since I messed around with SlashR’s powers, I’ve made him mine!”

Diablo flew straight to Essex’ throat and tried to tear it off with all his might. Essex smiled and simply pushed Diablo away with little effort. “Oh come on dear Diablo. You should try better than that! Perhaps you want me to end this now? End your miserable life?”

Diablo smiled. “You don’t understand the nature of my power Essex.” Diablo pushed his sword forward into Essex’ chest. Unfortunatly the wound instantly healed when Diablo pulled the sword out. “You don’t have the skill to properly use my powers! It took me thousands of years to master it. You can forget about doing that in a few months, Essex!” Diablo’s nails grew and changed into claws. He planted his claws into Essex’ chest and started ripping. The body healed instantly with every wound that was made.

SlashR slowly tried to stand up. His regenerating power was working in overtime now. Must… get…help..Maybe.. I..can..gather..some..hellions…together.. His hand browsed through his pockets. Where is that damn communicator? He knew it must be somewhere! Unless..unless they took his communicator away when they captured him.

Diablo himself wasn’t doing too well either. Due to all his effort, his body was getting weak. It wouldn’t take long for Diablo to completely exhaust. With his last strength, Diablo laid his hand on Essex’ shoulder. A glow emitted and a bright light in Diablo’s eyes seemed to appear before Essex could slam him away. With a furious look on his face, Essex blasted Diablo out of his way. Essex was still unaware of what happened. “Well well well Diablo, you do put up a brave fight. Now however, I’ll have to end it. End it with your death

Diablo wiped away the blood that was coming out of his nose and smiled. “Fortunatly the tides have changed Essex. SlashR is neither mine, nor yourse. It’s time we both let go of him.” With that said, Diablo reached out with his hands. A red glow started to omit from his hands. That same red glow appeared on Essex’ chest. Essex gasped in shock, and took a few steps back. “What are you doing old deamon? What are you doing??” Diablo slowly stood up. His raven black hairs waving in the wind. His wounds slowly healing and the pride in his eyes slowly returning. “I am taking back what’s mine Essex, well part of it anyway.

Essex’ pain started to become more and more intense. “Diablo! This is not over…” A portal opened and Essex stepped through. “It sure isn’t Essex…

SlashR slowly crawled up to Diablo. “Diablo? What happened?”

I’ve managed to take part of my powers back, Jaimy. Barely enough to hold Essex back, but we’ll have to do with this. It’s impossible for me to do more.. The only one who can change my power levels back to normal is my father..

“Your father? So why don’t we contact him then?”

You really wouldn’t want to do that Jaimy.. My father, Hellgoat, will force me to work for him again. Something I can’t and refuse to do. Years ago I stopped Galactus from eating earth. It was a battle which a lot of cosmic beings witnessed. A battle I shouldn’t and couldn’t have won. I did win though, and I learned a valuable lesson that day….


… I’ve learned that everything I believed in.. Everything I thought was true.. Is false. My father Hellgoat, he decieved me. He wanted me to be just like him. To have no remorse.. To enjoy the slaughterings I’ve went through. You Jaimy, would have been the turning point of it all. You would have helped me change. You would have made it all different. I was wrong.. This is something I have to do alone. Something I can’t put in someone else’s shoe.

“Yeah well… Let’s get home first.. This group of gangsters or whatever they were, will be back. And the police will be here any minute too. I mean, they can’t possibly ignore shit like this. Half of the building has been blown away due to the fight.”

Home.. Yes.. I will bring you home..

Deep voices: Chapter 8

The White Court mansion.

Rune dodged two fists and threw a fireball at the robot. The robot unleashed a wave of water before the fireball could hit the target. Rune smiled.. “Well well, it looks like the robot is adapting.. ADAPT TO THIS!"” He snapped his fingers and a huge bunny fell on the robot, squishing it. Rune stopped for a minute and turned around. I can feel something.. A teleportation?

A portal opened infront of Rune and SlashR fell out. A few seconds later Diablo stepped through. Diablo sniffed and looked at Rune. “I smell Essex’ influence here.. You will die spy!” Diablo raised his hand, ready to shoot a huge firebolt at Rune, when SlashR stopped him. “Diablo! Wait! He’s alright! He’s not a spy!”

SlashR slowly got up and walked up to Rune. “Get SuperGrover.. Tell him we have a guest..” SlashR coughed and turned to Diablo. “And you…You’re going to stay here for a while.. Atleast until all my memories have been cleared up!”

Diablo smiled. Things were going exactly as planned. Being in the White Court mansion would give him the ablitity to check on Byron with more ease. “Very well.. I will stay here. But do remember that you can’t keep me here forever. I will go whenever I please.

“Whatever Diablo.. Just make sure I get all my memories back!”

What if you might not like what you get back?

“We’ll see about that then.. Right now I’m going to talk to SuperGrover. You take the room at the end of the hall for now.” SlashR walked out of the training room.

Diablo stared at SlashR.. Excellent. He did not even notice the full return of his powers. He probably believes I cured him during the teleportation. Soon I will be able to exploit the White Court to deal with Essex. Maybe I can even have some fun with the one they call Khalid. Diablo laughed and walked to his room.

Rune closed the door and sat in a corner. I know something’s up with him.. I just don’t trust him.. I can’t trust him.. He’s just as bad as my father. He might even mind control Jaimy.. Rune stood up and looked at the control boot. “Resume program. Raise difficulty with 15%”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ that night ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Diablo telephaticly scanned the White Court mansion. He had to be sure Essex would not follow him. Yes, the White Court could help him defeat Essex, but unprepared they’d stand no chance. Essex probably figured out by now that part of his powers are stolen. He won’t hold back the next time.. He’ll crush them all.. Including me.. He can’t let that happen.. Maybe now he can do something with his life. Actually do something good for a change.. Maybe… Or Maybe not. Diablo smiled and closed his eyes. It’s late.. He’ll have time to think about it tomorrow..

SlashR looked outside the window. A lot happened this week. His memories are getting back slowly. It actually seems the luck is returning too. Diablo seems to actually want to help me.. Was I wrong about him all this time? Can we trust him? SlashR closed the curtain and went to bed.. He promised himself that after this day everything would be different.. It had to be different..

The end.. For now.