And They All Fell Down...

By SlashR

The White Court mansion

His name is SlashR, once he was a member of this court, but these days have long past. Today he’s here for an appointment, an appointment with the fearless White King. It has been a long time since he stepped into the King’s office, but there was no time for reminiscing now.

The servant opened the door and SlashR followed him into the King’s office.

“My lord, mr. Koppers has arrived.”

The king was standing with his back to the two men, watching out of his window. “Very well Stevenson, leave us.”

The servant bowed and walked out of the room, closing the doors behind him.

“Now, what has brought you here?”

”You very well know what has brought me here Diablo!”

Diablo turned around towards SlashR and smiled. “I didn’t know you still had an interest in the White Court and might I say, you have aged well.”

”You know just as much as I do that I don’t age thanks to my regenerating powers.”

”Ah yes, still the little boy from way back, aren’t you?”

SlashR grabbed one of his knives and threw it at Diablo. “Damn it! Stop patronizing me!”

Diablo raised his hands and the knives fell down, on the same time a chair moved towards SlashR. “Care to sit down?” Diablo grinned. He was clearly enjoying this. “I must say I’m truly surprised to see you here after being absent for more than twenty human years.”

”You very well know why I was absent! I couldn’t leave the door for five minutes without being hunted down by bounty hunters!” SlashR drew his sword. “Bounty hunters you sent after me!”

“Well, you didn’t seem to get out of my way. I can’t say you left me with another choice.”

SlashR walked up to Diablo and pointed his sword towards him. “You killed off the whole White Court!”
Diablo’s eye flashed. “They…They left me no choice! They refused to help save Byron.”

”You bastard! You tore out SuperGrover’s Excalibur! And for what? You weren’t able to save Byron with it, were you?”

Diablo jumped up from his chair in anger. ”Enough!” Slowly he restored his temper and sat down again. “He had to pay a price for being unwilling to help me.”

”So that makes it okay for you to take control of the White Court and the western business world? Where does it end Diablo? Where does it end?”

”That is of no concern for you human.”

”You know, I really thought that you joining the White Court would help you understand humans. Perhaps even do something constructive for them… If I knew what I know now..”

“Oh, but I did learn.” Diablo smiled. “I’ve learned that some humans mean well, but the majority consists of ignorant feeble minds trying to gain wealth for their own. They need my guidance to prosper. Haven’t you noticed how peaceful it has become thanks to me?”

”Peaceful Diablo? The people live in fear! You don’t understand at all what people really want, do you? They want freedom. Freedom to choose their own life.” SlashR looked down and closed his eyes. He put back his sword and looked into Diablo’s eyes. “You know what? You’re pathetic. A mere shadow of your former self.”

Enough! I did not ask for your opinion!” Diablo jumped up from his chair and reached out a hand towards SlashR. He closed his hand, and together with that, ripped out the life out of SlashR. SlashR dropped on the floor, dead.

Diablo sat down at his desk and reached out for his buzzer. “Stevenson, get rid of this guest for me. Oh, and let the next guest in, will you?”

The End