Soul Clash *HF*

By SlashR

Amsterdam, somewhere in an alley

It was still early in Amsterdam. Most people were getting up around this time. A bad stench arose from one of the dark alleys. A stench unnoticeable for the people who were just getting up.

Not the whole street was deserted though.. One man, or to be more specific, one demon, walked into the alley. Then he stopped..

He was here. I can still smell him. He took down one of my demons without any effort. This is strange. The demon should have been able to stop him. Has he grown that powerful in this short time?

Diablo stepped back from the dead body and sighed. He slowly turned away from the scene and walked away, unnoticed. Within seconds the demon turned into ashes, leaving no trace behind of what took place here. Diablo’s costume changed into an expensive Armani suit in seconds. Now the demon was nothing more than a respectable member of society.

“It’s…It’s you?”

Diablo narrowed his eyes. The voice didn’t seem to be recognizable, yet the soul…He knew that soul..

”Linda?” He turned his head to a woman standing behind him. “Is it you, Linda?”

Amsterdam, 1942

”{Get those damn Jews! Get them!}*” (* translated from German)

Diablo watched the scene from the other side of the street. It was war.. Diablo found it interesting how those humans were ready to kill themselves in the millions. As soon as Germany invaded Poland, Diablo went to earth to follow it all. It was like watching one of those movies the humans recently invented.. Yes..movies.. Just only better.. Entertainment at his best.

Three German SS-ers were bashing one man into the ground. Kicks after kicks followed even though the man didn’t move much anymore. A girl was standing next to them.. She was crying..

Diablo frowned as he watched the scene. Yes, it was entertainment..but it seemed so.. can’t..and yet.. it.. Diablo closed his eyes to relax. His thoughts were confusing him once again. He stepped up closer to the beating and touched one of the men on the shoulders.

”{You there, what is this?}” Diablo’s voice instantly turned into flawless German as he scanned the mind of the SS-er.

“{Stay away or you might feel our boots cracking your skull too.}”

”{How dare you talk this way to an high ranking officer of the German army?}” Diablo opened his coat and instantly papers appeared in his pocket when he reached out to grab them. “{Here are my papers, now continue your business elsewhere before I report your ignorance to the officer in charge here.}”

“{Y-Yes sir…}” The three men walked off, leaving the men and the daughter behind.

Diablo kneeled next to the man and looked him in the eye. “[Are you alright..?]*” (*translated from Dutch)

The man coughed some blood as he looked Diablo in the eye. “[’re not with them?]”


”[My daughter.. She’s not safe.. Please..Take care of her.. Please..]”

Diablo looked at the little girl, who was still crying, and closed his eyes. “[I….]”

”[P-please…I’m in no condition to keep her safe.. Please..She’s everything to me.. Please..]” The man grabbed Diablo by his coat and used it to rise up a little. Now the two men were looking each other straight in the eyes.

“[Very well, I promise I’ll take care of her..]”

”[Thank you.. may God protect you. Here..take this.]” The man reached in his pocket and took out a necklace with a David star hanging onto it. “[Take this.. May it bring you fortune, love and happiness..]” The man closed his eyes in pain and let go of Diablo’s coat.

Diablo looked at the man. He was dying.. He’d probably be dead in a few hours.. maybe less.. And his daughter.. I..Why do I bother..Isn’t it just entertainment? Why should I worry about insects? Diablo held the necklace firmly in his hand and closed it. He then safely put it in his pocket. “[Young man, let me ease your pain..]” Diablo closed the man’s eyes and pushed him over the edge of life and death. Yes, a painless death is what he deserved, not a death of suffering.

Diablo looked at the little girl who cried harder now. He stood up and walked up to her. “[And what’s your name little girl..]?”

The girl stopped crying for a bit to answer. “[Linda..]”

“[You’ll be fine Linda…]” Diablo turned his back to her and walked away.

Not much HellGoat’s throne room


”Ah, my son.. What is it? Planning a new way to exterminate more humans? I must say that you are more eager than I thought. These humans are already destroying themselves now..perhaps..”

”’s not what I meant to say.”

”Then what is it?” HellGoat frowned, slightly irritated.

“If this is all entertainment.. if this is all fun. Why..why do I feel sorrow? These humans are merely insects, yet today I felt sorrow for them. I.. I can’t explain why.”

”Sorrow? Of course you feel sorrow. These humans lead a pitiful exsistance. They have no real intelligence and simply accomplish nothing. Who wouldn’t feel sorrow for a bunch of mere insects like that?”

”Yet a man I encountered expressed pain and grieve. How can a insect express that?”

”You are misguided Diablo.”

Diablo turned his back from HellGoat “I guess you are right..” and walked away.

His next destination was his uncle Sammael. Yes, Sammael should be able to clear it up. He has been of much help.

Hell.. Somewhere in the further regions

”Satan! I’ve come for your advice.” Diablo barged into the room and looked at the demons standing guard. The demons instantly backed off and left the room. They knew their place..

“Diablo..What is it?” Satan stroke his small beard and relaxed in his chair. His fingers caressed the stone armchair.

Diablo walked up to Sammael and bowed respectfully. “This war.. It makes me doubt my believes.. I wish to end it.”

“War Diablo? What war?”

”The war on earth.” Diablo looked at the ground in embarrassment. “I wish to end it.”

Satan smiled. “You know you can’t do that Diablo.. It’s against the rules.”


”Besides, you didn’t have any problems with the previous wars. I can even remember you starting some.”

”Yes..but that was different. This..this war seems to..”

”Diablo, you can’t interfere. Those are the rules and you have to obey them. If they find out you interfere with these humans too much..”

”Bwah.. I am the god of hell, son of HellGoat, I shall crush them!”

”All of them? I doubt..Now stay away from them Diablo, don’t worry about the war.”

”You’re right…I shall abide.. “ Diablo bowed one more time and stepped out of the room.

The present..

Linda..It is you..

”You haven’t changed it all.. And I mean that literally.”

Yes I…

”No need to explain.. I know what you are.”

You do..? I mean..I..

”Yes..You must be an angel sent by god to watch over me. I’ve felt your presence watching over my shoulder my whole life.. Protecting me.. “

…… I must go..


Diablo stepped into the shadows and disappeared.

“But…I never had the chance to thank you...”

End Chapter One

Chapter Two


ENOUGH! How is it possible that he’s coming this far with his plans?” Diablo smashed his hand on the stone table and looked at the ensemble.

”Perhaps he took control of the hellstone?”

Idiot! Only I control the power of hell! A million hellstones wouldn’t even be enough for him to cease control.

The demon quickly closed his mouth and looked the other way.

Now, I need to know how Apracox (*See Cosmic Conflict and The Hidden Power of the Hellstone) could get this far. He took down dozens of my best demons and managed to stay away from my fury.

”But lord, can’t you just blink him out of existence? He is one of our fellow demons after all..One of the demons under your command..”

I don’t know how…but he seemed to have gained his own control. Now.. I command you to work on a solution before this goes out of hand. I have other business to attend.

Somewhere in the far side of the galaxy

This is the resting spot for many omnipotent beings. A place where they can spend time together scheming about all things mortal. A place soon to be disturbed.

”Hear me!” Diablo stepped out a portal fiercely.

The seven beings present turned their head or in some cases heads, and looked at Diablo. Some with anger, some with curiosity.

The older looking one, named Zaphier stood up and looked down on Diablo. “What is it this time?”

Haven’t you sensed it? There’s an event bound to happen on earth and..

Another one looked up. “Earth? Who cares about earth? I..”

Silence! Before I punish your ignorance… This event seems to cloud things, I can’t look past it. The future.. it’s.. I can’t see it.

The other beings looked up and checked for themselves. Diablo must simply be weaker than they thought.. After all, looking ahead a few days in the future is a minor things to do. Then.. they all blinked and glared. They all muddled something in the lines of “He..He’s right.”

Good, then it’s settled. I’m going to stop this from happening.

Another being looked up. “Stop what from happening?”

Three planes are going to crash down on human construction, killing many innocents.

“You’re not..”

Not what?

”You’re not going to stop that event from happening, Diablo.”

What? How dare you command me? I am Diablo, god of hell and son of the Elohim Raphael. How dare you?

The other beings stood up. “The rules Diablo, they forbid each and every one of us to stop events from happening.”

Those rules are bullshit. I am allowed to trigger events, but I’m not allowed to stop them? This ignorance is pathetic.

”Diablo, either you step down or we will terminate you.”

Terminate me? I’ve killed stronger beings than you. I’m not afraid to take on all of you at once and I don’t care if I won’t make it out alive. You suffering would bring me pleasure enough.” Diablo turned his back to the group and started to walk back to the portal when one of the beings jumped in front of him.

“You’re not getting away so easily Diablo.”

YOU DARE DEFY ME?” Diablo grabbed the being by the shoulder and incinerated him into dust. As he stepped into the portal he telepathically brought a message to rest of the beings. “This..isn’t..over..yet.

Although Diablo’s fears were confirmed, he couldn’t take action yet, there was one person left to visit.

Sammael!” Diablo bowed respectfully.

”Diablo? What can I do for you?”

Uncle, surely you know of the event bound to happen on earth.

“Yes..Yes I do.”

”Then tell me uncle, tell me why I shouldn’t stop it from happening? These humans, they are not insects. They have feelings, hopes and dreams, how can I let that be taken away from them? It’s true that they have minor intelligence and that their lifespan is negligible, but they do not deserve this

”You have changed Diablo.”


”Diablo, how do you know this event won’t be better for humanity in the long run?”

I don’t.. I.. The future is unclear, I can’t look past this event.

”You show such faith in these humans, why not show more by letting this event happen?”


”If they are truly what you say they are, then they will surely end up better by learning from it, Diablo”

Yes, but those lives.. all those..

”Diablo! You of all beings should know that those lives mean nothing in the greater event. If all those people hadn’t died in the war you wanted to stop, then where would humanity be now?”

Diablo glared. “Very well.. I…I shall. I..” He turned his back on his uncle and walked through the teleport.

September the 11th , in front of the WTC

He saw the first plane crash, then the second one. He felt the souls slip out of the building. One by one people were dying.. innocent people. He turned his back to it and closed his eyes. Why couldn’t he stop this? Why?

Then…Then the first tower started to crash down. Diablo looked and grabbed the David star. He could do nothing more.

The event was over quickly. Both towers were gone and many lives were lost. Still, there seemed to be people under there..alive.. Diablo walked into an alley and transformed himself into a fireman. He ran out and up to the rubble.

He scanned every piece of debris for life. Then finally..”Under here..Hey! Come and help me dig! There are people buried alive here.” A few other firemen ran up to him and started to help pulling the debris away. Diablo didn’t leave that scene for the next few days, not until he felt there was no one left alive.

End Chapter Two

Chapter Three

How dare you? How dare you tell me what to do?” Diablo slammed his fist on the conference table, breaking it for the fifth time this week.

“Listen Diablo, the only thing Nebula was saying, is that you could have helped preventing the WTC attack from happening. You look into the future constantly so you could at least have given a warning.” SuperGrover looked at the rest of the Inner Circle briefly and then continued. “I think our general feel is that you could at least have done something, Diablo.”

Mufasa looked at the floor, trying to keep as low profile as possible. It seemed to work.. They continued..

”Diablo, I have to agree with Nebula and SuperGrover. We haven’t heard a single warning from you. You can’t tell me you don’t care that those innocent people died.” Cyclops looked Diablo deep in the eye, hoping for a response.

Ozymandias nodded. “He probably doesn’t care alright.” Ozymandias never liked Diablo, and this was an excellent opportunity to rip open some sore wounds. “In fact, I’m sure the bastard is laughing inside.”

SuperGrover sighed. “That’s enough Oz, I think Diablo has proven himself to be..”

”To be what Grover? A great irritation factor?”

”OZ! Diablo probably has a good reason for not telling us about it… Diablo?”

Human, I am god of hell, what makes you think I even care what goes on in this pitiful world? Do you seriously think I care if a few thousand mortals perish? You are rodents.. you multiply by the why does this event even matter?

Diablo turned his back to the rest and walked out of the room. When he reached the door, he closed his eyes for a few seconds, sighed and turned his head to them. “Above all……Some things go even beyond my power.

He barged through the hallway, pushed Dr Angelo Torres away, who was just on his way to request a yearly medical examination, and laid waste to a plant standing in a corner. He kicked his door open and opened a portal to hell. Within seconds Diablo left the mortal realm and was back in his own familiar place.

Their ignorance is pathetic. Do they seriously think I care about their struggle to survive?” He let himself fall on the ground and sat there motionless. “Yet.. I do care..I don’t know why.. Maybe it’s guilt..

And Ozymandias…I wonder why he’s dancing this dance of death with me. Perhaps he is tired of living. How dare he comment on me after all the stuff he’s done?” Diablo glared somewhat. “Funny how Mufasa remained silent.. I know he..

“Lord!” One of the many Demons walked up to Diablo and looked nervously at his master.


“Lord, we have sighted Apracox.”

You have? Excellent….

”Lord, he’s starting a rebellion in the further regions of hell.”

Diablo looked up surprised. “How could he do that? Aren’t all demons under my control?

”Lord, it appears that there are regions of hell uncharted by us. He has taken control of parts of those regions.”

Diablo stood up and formed fists ”Then it’s time for me to take him out.

”Shall I assemble our armies?”

No, I am the god of hell, I do not need an army to stop him. I shall rip his life essence out of him with my own hands” Diablo stood up and unleashed his bat wings. His next destination: the unexplored regions of hell.

Meanwhile in the International Hellfire Court Mansion, the Red Bishop’s office

Steven Booth had a busy day. After the training with his students, he still had to check up on the tests they’ve done. He opened the door to his office, preparing himself for a long night. Slowly he browsed through the room. Something seemed off… He walked to his desk and grabbed the tests. Suddenly a knife flew through the test papers, pinning them to a wall.

Steven Booth jumped away from his desk immediately. “What!?”

”Mr Booth I presume?” SlashR walked out from behind the curtains, balancing a knife on one of his fingers.

“How did you get in here?”

”Does that matter, mr Booth?” SlashR walked up to Steven Booth and pushed him back slightly with one hand. “I don’t think it does.”

”Oh, I do think it does. If you don’t tell me, I’ll rip it out of your mind and mind fry you while doing that.”

”You’re underestimating me, mr Booth. This telepathy blocking device prevents you from using your telepathy in this room.” SlashR reached into one of his pocket and revealed a small device, similar looking to a paperclip. “I must say that the security here is quite weak.”
“You’re not that smart yourself. What makes you think I need my telepathic powers to get rid of you? One simple press on a button and security forces will take you out.” Steven Booth walked up to his desk and held his finger close to a button.

SlashR’s eye briefly flashed as he threw the knife balancing on his finger. The knife hit the button straight on, making it useless. “You will not.”

”That’s it! I will not tolerate this! Telepathy or not, you’re history!”

SlashR smiled. “Oh, I knew blocking your telepathy wouldn’t stop you from killing me. However, do realize that if you kill me, you’ll have the entire White Court going against you and perhaps with them, even the Grey Court.”

Steven Booth backed up for a bit. “That’s insane! You are the one who invaded property! You don’t seriously think..”

”Ah, but see, there’s your flaw. You can’t proof I was the one to come here. You might as well have forced me into this mansion to kill me.”

In anger Steven Booth turned his back towards SlashR and walked towards his window. ”Very well. What do you want?”

”Just want to give you a friendly warning mr Booth. I know Ryan, and I know the Red Court. I’m keeping an eye on you..I know you and the Red Court will be up to no good soon, and you can be sure I’ll be there to stop you.”

”Hmpf, you’ve got quite some nerve to..” Steven Booth turned towards SlashR and realized he was gone. “Whatever is he up to?”

Back in hell…

DIE INSOLENT FOOLS! DIE!” Diablo flew through the air, blasting demon after demon. Diablo had his great power, yet the demons were in very large numbers, and they didn’t seem to get any less too. “You dare face your master?” The demons continued hitting Diablo with all they’ve got. It didn’t hurt Diablo.. It didn’t even weaken him a little.. yet.. it seemed so.. humiliating.. Those lesser beings, attacking clearly someone who’s superior.

I pity you, I pity all of you who seek death at my hands” Diablo rose up from the ground and unleashed a huge blast of Hellfire. Yet, for those hundreds of demons taken down, new ones were standing ready.

“That’s enough demons..”

The demons instantly stepped back and looked at their master. Diablo’s bat wings popped from his back as he flew up a bit in the air to witness the one who ordered the demons.

Apracox! You are the one foolish enough to temper with my might!” Diablo smiled. “You know the penalty for that…Death

Apracox smiled, suprising Diablo. How could he smile after being sentenced to death? Does he seriously think he can stand up against the mighty god of hell?

”Not at all Diablo, I have one card left.” Apracox snapped his fingers and an image of Byron appeared above the battlefield. “Do you see this Diablo?”


”I have her Diablo. If you lay one hand on me, I shall order my demons to kill her.”

WHAT? You…No!” Diablo dropped himself on his knees. His body unable to move. “Not…Byron..

”Yes Diablo, and you know you can’t stop me now!”

End Chapter Three

Chapter four


As much as Diablo hated to admit it, he had lost. He had to pull back, and by doing that he acknowledged the new faction in hell. But…What else could he do? Apracox has Byron.. He has Byron.

Diablo glared at one of the walls in his throne room. The wall was decorated with artifacts from all over the galaxy. He held a Shiar helmet in his hands and observed it. The helmet was previously owned by the Shiar Empress of the sixth dynasty. Only one exists... He crushed it into ashes. He turned his head towards his other artifacts.
All of them... useless. The throne of the last king of Atlantis, Diablo blasted it into pieces. He felt a rage taking over his body and everything going red. He started blasting and punching everything around him. Nothing was


Diablo turned his head and looked at the demon who stepped in. His eyes were filled with rage, the only thing Diablo produced was a snarl.

"Lord, Apracox is advancing forwards. If we don't act, he'll be here within a few hours."

"BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!" Diablo jumped towards the demon and held the demon by the throat. "You…..Die.." Diablo twitched his eyes and closed them. Furiously, Diablo threw the demon against one of the walls, leaving a nice demon-shaped imprint. "…NOW"

The demon slowly stood up, disoriented from the impact. He wiped his hand across his neck, where Diablo's claws had scratched him. "But…Lord, we must do something now! He is advancing!"

Diablo furiously glared at the demon and saw him franticly run out of the throne room. "His ignorance sickens me."

"His ignorance Diablo?"

"What? Who is there? Reveal yourself to the god of hell!"

Satan appeared in front of Diablo and sat down on his throne. "Hope you don't mind me sitting here?"

Meanwhile in the White Court mansion

”So you see Grover, the Red Court still is a potential tread. Now, I need to talk about Diablo..”

SuperGrover looked SlashR straight in the eyes. “What about him?”

”I don’t trust him.” SlashR stood up from his chair and glared out of the window. “He’s dangerous.”

”Well Slash, you were the one who got him into this court in the first place.”

”Yeah, but things were different then. He has changed Grover, he seems to be far less stable than he was before.”

”Slash, I’m not going to investigate one of our Inner Circle members.”

”Yeah, that’s one other problem. How the hell did he get into the Inner Circle?”

”I don’t think..”

”Yeah, that’s the problem. You don’t think.” SlashR walked out of SuperGrover’s office and slammed the door shut.

Back in hell

Diablo was surprised. His uncle, visiting him? Besides that, he was sitting on his throne and asking if it bothers him. Of course it bothers him. It’s unacceptable! Diablo glared and sighed.

"I.. No, of course it does not bother me." Diablo turned his back to his uncle and sighed. How dare he sit on my throne. Diablo turned back to Satan and smiled. "Whatever can I do for you, Uncle?"

"You can start by fighting back."

"Ridiculous! They have Byron!"

"Sometimes you sicken me, Diablo." Satan rose from the throne and walked over to Diablo. "You are the god of hell, now protect your realm."

"How dare you command me? It is my decision to take, not yours. If I.."


Diablo stepped back in shock.

"This is not a decision to make. If you lose control of hell, the flow of souls will be disturbed. Byron is irrelevant."

"IRRELEVANT? She is the air that I breath, the stars in the sky, the fire in my heart. How dare you? How dare you??? HOW DARE YOU!?" Diablo narrowed his eyes. "I should.."

"ENOUGH! I do not have time for this Diablo. If you lose control of hell, there's no telling how far this disaster will reach. This goes beyond just you and Byron. All those mortals you care about are in danger."

"Care? CARE?! I am the god of hell; I care NOTHING for them. That.."

"Diablo, either you go and stop him personally, or I'll go. If I go Diablo, I won't hold back to save Byron. It is not my business to get her out safely."

Diablo's eyes met his uncle and glared.

"If she means that much to you, Diablo, then you would not allow a rebel like Apracox to reduce her to a bargaining chip. You do not really think she will be safe while in Apracox's custody, do you? A lesser demon such as him is never bound to keep his word. You have those you can strongarm into helping you, do you not? Why not use them to
your advantage?"

THE GOD OF HELL DOES NOT NEED ASSISTANCE!” Diablo turned his back to his uncle and stormed out of his throne room, into action. He didn’t see Satan smile.

Nephilic, Garyn, Zophar, you are my higher demons, do your job and ready the demons.


My toleration level has been breached, I am going to clean hell from these ignorant fools. Ready for war, the god of hell is claiming his property.

End Chapter four

Chapter five

Blood was flying around everywhere. It was demon versus demon, no mercy was granted. The battle had the closest resemblance to a medieval battle field, yet even that wasn’t close to the gore presented here. Diablo floated above the battle field with his huge batlike wings making powerful flying movements and holding one of his sacred swords in his hand. The sight was truly scary for any living being, demon or not.

Leave no survivors! I shall hunt the traitor Apracox down. He shall feel the ultimate pain for daring to face me.” Diablo flew just above the fighting demons, cutting down enemy demons down one by one while flying by. His movements were very efficient, and anyone standing in the way, surely stood no chance.

Apracox looked at the fight through an image floating in the air and saw Diablo coming closer. He grabbed Byron by the arm and pulled her along. “Hurry!”

Let go of me!” Byron resisted and blasted Apracox with a bolt of hellfire on the chest. It only made him mad.

“You should know that my trap made you too weak to resist me. Now you’ll serve me by completing my plans.” Apracox pushed Byron in front of him and blasted her with a red glowing beam. Byron first gasped in shock and then her gasp turned into a scream, a bone-chilling scream.

Diablo heard the scream and flew even harder towards them with tears in his eyes. He ignored friend or foe and flew straight through them on occasions. Nothing could stop him. Nothing could stop him from getting to Byron in time. Damn it. Why are they in his way? Why are they slowing him down?

Then, it was over. The red light ceased, and left a Byron paused in mid-movement. Her whole body was covered with stone, hellstone. Apracox smiled and stepped into a portal, just as Diablo arrived.

Diablo screamed, his anger was unbelievably big. The demons fighting looked up at Diablo and they all stopped. Never had they seen that much anger, never had they felt that much fear. Within seconds the battlefield turned into an empty space full of cadavers and blood. They all fled, without exception.

Then, the scream of anger turned into a sound that could be as best described as a whale of pain. Not physical pain, but pain deep inside the heart. He dropped himself next to Byron and held her firmly against him. The hellstone was burning against his skin. Yes, he had a certain tolerance to the stone, but this was the most pure form around, even Diablo could not withstand the pure power of it. Yet, even though his flesh was burning, he could not let go.


“Diablo.” Satan emerged from the shadows and walked up to Byron and Diablo.

Diablo jumped up and snarled. “You knew this was going to happen!

”Did I Diablo? You give me way too much credit.” Satan looked at Byron and observed her. “Hellstone?”

Yes, he…he..” Diablo was unable to finish his sentence and had to wipe the tears from his eyes.

”So she’s dead? I must say this surprises even me.” Satan ran his finger across Byron and felt the stone burn against his finger. “Mighty powerful stuff. It seems to be in its pure form. Unbreakable by any means.”

She’s not dead. She’s still inside of this cold stone layer. I can feel her soul. SHE IS NOT DEAD” Diablo grabbed Byron and took her on his shoulder. The stone was burning firmly against his shoulder and smoke was coming from the burn marks. The pain did not bother Diablo.

“What are you going to do?”

I’m not leaving her here. When I return her to her home, I will find a cure and then I will crush Apracox in the palm of my hand. And if I find out you have got anything to do with this, you will be next.” Diablo opened a portal and stepped through.

Satan was left behind. He observed the battle field and smiled. Yet you do not realize what you’re up against Diablo. Apracox is merely a puppet. Do you seriously think he could have done this to Byron alone? Then Satan stepped through the portal, leaving the battle field alone.

The White Court mansion

SlashR walked through the halls, it wasn’t the same. Nothing was. He lived here for a while. He was headmaster, created the Outer Circle with the White King and had a bright future ahead. Then Essex had to “kill him” and ruin everything. The Outer Circle is gone and so are the hellions he was planning on creating. Everything he worked for is gone. What the hell is he doing here?

He arrived at the Training room and opened the door. Gomurr was teaching a group of kids some basic fighting techniques. Why the hell are kids suddenly around? This used to be a valuable training spot. Hell, you can’t even train anymore when you want to.

He closed the door and continued his trip through the mansion until he finally ended up at the main hall. He opened the front door and stepped out of the building. Yeah, it was certain now. There was no place for him anymore. No place to rejoin the White Court’s roster.

He stepped in his car and drove off.

The End