The Final Showdown *HF* Chapter 1

By SlashR

The White Court mansion..

His name is dr. Torres, and right now he wishes he was somewhere else. An island in the Caribbean wouldn't be bad, or perhaps somewhere in Southern Europe.. Unfortunately for him however, he was in his office, staring at five of Diablo's claws. "Uhm…You don't have to do that physical examination.. You seem fine! FINE!!!"

Diablo moved one of his claws along dr. Torres' cheek. "If you order a physical examination one more time, dear doctor, I will examine every organ in your body myself." Diablo jumped up and slammed one closet away with a furious blow. Medical papers and books fell down on the ground, creating an even bigger chaos. "Why can't you feeble insects stay out of my way for once? Why can't you?" Within seconds Diablo's claws turned back to normal finger nails as he turned his back to dr. Torres. He straightened his tie and scrapped his throat. "Now, if you excuse me, I have an appointment." Diablo walked out of the room and softly closed the door.

Dr. Torres slowly got up while scratching the back of my head. "Sure feel sorry for the person he has that appointment with.." As he turned his attention to the mess to clean it all up, he noticed everything was back to normal. "Damn, I never get used to things like that.."

Diablo continued his walk through the hallway. He was pissed, very pissed. Not only had there been a civil war raging in hell for a couple of weeks now, but he was powerless to do something about it too. "So, what are you doing here?"

A figure stepped out of the shadows. It was Sammael, better known as Satan. "I am troubled by the current events Diablo."

Diablo turned his head fiercely to his uncle. "Do you think I care not? Do you think this progression keeps me out in the cold? I.."

"Silence, I don't need to hear your squabbling. I need to see action. The future is still cloudy, but I feel something dangerous is bound to happen. Something that eventually might cause the destruction of hell."

Diablo snickered. "The destruction of hell? You must be kidding me. Hell is indestructible! You know that better than anybody else! Hell is.."

"Enough! Do you seriously think I came here to joke around? You need to stop these events from happening!" Satan turned his back to Diablo and disappeared into the shadows.

Diablo glared at the shadows for a moment. His thoughts were blank, no words available. First the loss of Byron and then the destruction of hell?  Satan meanwhile had returned to his chamber and sat down in his throne. He rubbed his chin and sighed. I'm sorry I have to use you like this Diablo, but it's the only way… 

Diablo smashed his door in and browsed through his room. Everything was still there. Good.. If they had broken through hell, his hellstone would have shattered. He had still control.. good.. However.. waiting much longer could proof vital. Sammael's warning should not be ignored. However..the appointment.. He had an appointment with some sort of businessman.. He looked at his hand and smiled. Within seconds, one of his nails was a claw. With little effort he carved a sentence in the wall: "Grover, I am away on urgent business, screw your businessmen." He then turned his back to the wall and opened a portal. Time to do some house-cleaning in hell.


A battleground. Diablo instantly found himself on a battleground. Demons versus demons. Blood everywhere. Many of his trusted servants.. dead on the ground. Diablo screamed in a bloodthirsty rage and unleashed his wings and claws. He started pounding into every enemy demon he saw, not leaving a lot of recognizable parts behind.

Apracox jumped up from behind and kicked Diablo down. "You're getting old Diablo, why not stay down?"

"Apracox! I've been waiting to see you again! Prepare for your destruction! PREPARE TO GET RIPPED INTO PIECES"

End of chapter 1