And After Darkness Comes..

By SlashR

Darkness, darkness everywhere. Yet, with all this darkness, with all this space, so little movement able. He scratched his nails against the glasslike surface, like he has been doing for 30 years now. But, like before, the glasslike substance seems unaffected. The person slams his fist on the surface one more time and lets himself drop. This bubble has been his prison for 30 years now, a prison from which espace seems impossible even for such a being as himself.

A new person has arrived in the darkness. Time and space seem to twist around this one like water in a bath. He floats up to the person trapped in the bubble, and smiles. Well Diablo, still enjoying yourself?

The person in the bubble looks up. His body frail from the lack of use, his throat dry and his eyes can barely see. “E-Epoch, w-what do you want?

I come to punish you Diablo. You’ve disappointed me once again and you must pay for that.” Epoch smirked. “You know how sad this makes me feel.

Diablo closed his eyes and coughed, using his voice took more of him than he thought. Then slowly a smile appeared on his face. “”One of your creations failed again? Heh, I told you it wouldn’t work.

And so you did, Diablo. Yet, you seem to forget that this is only a minor setback.

Give it up Epoch, you can’t create something as powerful as me. You can’t recreate the god of hell!

Proud as ever, aren’t you? Too bad it won’t help Byron.” Epoch raised one hand and an image appeared in the darkness. Byron, still incased in Hellstone, was standing in a room which seemed to be Epoch’s throne room. The room was filled with other trophies too, with one of them being Diablo’s throne. “My chamber is getting rather full as you can see, so I might have to get rid of one of my decoration peaces.

Byron…” Diablo closed his eyes to press back the tears. “Fine, what do you want?

I’ve been creating multiple Diablo’s who follow my orders to conquer the many different dimensions. As a powerful time elemental it’s easy to create these images, however they seem to lack the power of the original.

Spare me your rubbish I already know Epoch, tell me what you want.”

”Very well, savish one. The man you know as Gene has been hindering my plans. One of his alternate reality selves named the Blood King, has defeated over 14 of my creations. He has been taken care of, ironically, by Gene. Gene seems to work together with a Malachai and a Christian. I want you to, shall I say, get them out of the picture.

Christian..? One of the reasons I joined the White Court was to keep an eye out for him, not to kill him Epoch. Forget it!” Diablo snarled.

Very well Diablo, I shall dispose of Byron.

W-wait! I..” Diablo closed his eyes and bit his lip. He had to make a decision, and quickly. “No, I understand it now. First you want me to get rid of Gene, then any other being standing in your way will follow. Yes, I understand it completely. You want me to become your puppet, your bloodhound hunting down anything standing in your way.

Very clever Diablo, however, don’t forget about Byron.

You underestimated me Epoch. You forgot about my honor and my pride. I will never become anyone’s puppet.

You’re willing to throw away Byron’s life just like that Diablo?” Epoch smiled. Diablo was bluffing, he HAD to be.

If I comply to you, Byron won’t be saved either Epoch. Besides, Byron wouldn’t want me doing that. You were able to take me out once with that Epoch, but not again. Not again!

Epoch turned his back to Diablo and closed his eyes. His plan had failed. He might have lost that dimension for ever, or not.. Perhaps another Diablo could take over..? Yes, another Diablo will take over and wreck havoc. Gene, Malachai and Christian won’t be able to stop them all.

I’ll leave you now Diablo, but first..” Epoch made a circle movement with his finger, and the bubble shrunk in size, giving Diablo even less space. “And this is only the beginning..

Then, within seconds, Epoch disappeared… leaving only Diablo behind. Diablo slowly pressed his hand against his prison wall. He had no strength left to fight it. As tears starting falling out of his eyes, he realized he would never get out of here. Death would never free his soul and never, never will he see Byron again.

The End