The Echo of Darkness *HF* Prologue

By SlashR

Could he bring them back to life? He was not sure. Their sparks, their lights as it were, were long gone. Even demons from the lowest caliber had them; lights.  He had always known that, yet time after time he sent them to battle with the knowledge that death was unavoidable. Does that make him a monster? Does that make him evil?

Diablo stopped in front of one of the bodies. A badly forged sword stuck out of the chest. Diablo bended down on his knees and moved his finger across the blade of the sword. Even though the sword was not good looking, and even though it never had the sharpness it could have, it did its work. It took a life away. Now his fingers were sticky. He forgot that blood got sticky when drying up..Just like the smell of death in a large battlefield.

When was the last time he was in a battlefield? Was it world war two? For a small instance the thought of September the 11th came up in his head, but.. that was different. It had a different feel.. almost if..there were no souls left after death. Diablo frowned and continued his thought. He never had doubts about battles before. He always thought they were a good way to solve things.. He..He was never directly involved, is that why? It's easy to accept death when not affected by it, isn't it?

Now finally he did fell victim to it.. He did feel what it's like to lose someone. Was this meant as a lesson? (See Soul Clash) Diablo looked up and let out a loud scream of anger. He was the god of hell. These things are not meant to happen to godlike beings!

As he turned his back to the battlefield and walked by to the long corridor leading back to his throne room, he had to close his eyes a couple of times to suppress a tear. Byron was gone, maybe forever, and it was hurting him. A lot. He looked back one more time. One last few at the dead. He wish he hadn't. From a distance it was easy to see: millions of deaths. Millions of dreams gone. Millions of thoughts gone. It was all his fault. Yes. He is a monster.

Diablo made a slow gesture with his hand and a portal appeared. He made his mind up. He did take the position as White Knight before, but sometimes decisions have to been thought over. Yes. He's going to quit the White Court.