A Hollow Victory *HF*

By SlashR

“This is incredible…”


A bat winged man, named Diablo, flew through the air with an incredible speed. The mighty Hulk tried to keep up by taking giant leaps. It did not help the Hulk. Diablo turned around and fully slammed his fist into the Hulk’s stomach. The Hulk stumbled back a bit.


Both SlashR and Outburst stepped back in shock. SlashR checked the computer console and turned his head to Outburst. “Damn ‘Burst, this stupid computer is way too realistic. That powerlevel this “Hulk” seems to have.. It’s almost like the real deal.”

“Oui, I know Jaimy. But look! Diablo seems to be doing fine..”

The Hulk ran up to Diablo who landed by now. The Hulk raised his fist, ready to slam Diablo, when Diablo grabbed it. Hulk was furious now, but it didn’t change a thing. Diablo raised one hand and unleashed a bolt of fire straight from hell. The Hulk stumbled back once more…. and… fell.

That seems to have stopped the monster. I have a question Jaimy; how many test are you planning on putting me through? I’m getting sick of beating computer programmed copies of the real thing. Give me a chance to show my skills in a real battlefield. I garantee that I’ll destroy everything in my way. Diablo smiled, showing his pointy teeth.

The door opened and Rune stepped in. “Okay, get the hell out of here! It’s my turn stupid devil!”

Diablo turned his head to Rune and showed his teeth once again. “Don’t irritate me blue haired wizard. The others might trust you, but I can still sense Essex’ smell all over you! One bad move and I’ll rip out your spine!” Diablo walked straight out punching Rune down with one of his wings.

Rune got up and turned to the exit. Just wait Diablo.. One day I’ll show everyone I was right about you.

SlashR was worried.. His purpose was to create an unity in the Outer Circle. Not to divide his team. It’s impossible to train his team members when they can’t even stand eachother.. Should he give in to Rune’s feelings and throw Diablo out of the circle? Should he try to stop this fighting between Rune and Diablo? SlashR looked at Outburst and sighed. Even Outburst showed signs of irritation. What if the Outer Circle turns out to be a complete failure?

SlashR walked out of the control room and grabbed his jacket. Where’s that damn communicator??? Where is it.. Ah..there it is. SlashR grabbed the communicator and smiled. It’s time for us to truly work as a team. “WAKE UP AND GET YOUR ASSES IN THE TRAINING ROOM! ALL OF YOU!”

The Training Room, ten minutes later

“Okay..so most of you have actually managed to get out of bed. That’s good..” SlashR looked at the few Outer Circle members who arrived. They stood in a neat line slightly tired. Sure, SlashR might be awake for 2 hours now already, but not everyone stands up at 5 am. Outburst already supervised a training session, so it wasn’t too hard for her too keep her eyes open. Nebula and Impossible Man had a sleeply glare over them and both Rune and Diablo glared furiously at eachother. Not what you’d call the perfect team.

“Right guys. We’re a team and we’re going to opporate as one. I refuse to hear you guys bickering about everything that I see. I’ve never actually dared to step in and say something about this, but now I have reached my fucking limit! You all are going with me to Europe. We’re going to figure out who was behind that organization and we are going to work as a TEAM.”

Diablo smiled and hit Rune with his wing. “Oops! Sorry my dear Rune. I still don’t have total control of my wings.

Rune turned his head to Diablo and grinted his teeth. “Listen stupid devil! If you do something like this ONE MORE TIME, I’ll turn you into a duck!”

Diablo hit Rune once again with his wing “What was that? I heard someone talk??

“OKAY! That’s enough! Stop fighting and get your ass to the jet. We’re going right away!” SlashR pulled Rune away by his neck and pushed him against a wall. “Listen Rune, we have to trust Diablo on this right now. I really don’t feel like playing the babysitter here all the time with you two fighting! You should know better than that!”

End chapter 1.

High up in the air…

The Jet flew up with an incredible speed. The sky that seemed so quiet a few seconds ago, was loudly interrupted by the Jet flying by. A few birds looked up, but continued their usual business. A lonely man with his dog didn’t even nothing the jet. Nothing seemed like it would interfear with the few White Court members. SlashR glared at the equipment in the jet. Everything seemed fine.. Everything? Well.. not everything. Rune and Diablo were still fighting. Diablo decided to mind scan Rune. He felt Essex was still controlling Rune. Rune did not like this and accused Diablo of false meanings. Finally Outburst broke the two up by holding a charged card under their noses. After seeing a charged card in the jet, SlashR ran up to Outburst and yelled at her for charging up stuff inside the jet. This turned out to be Impossible Man however which pissed off Outburst even more. In a few seconds Impossible Man was launched into the air by Outburst’s staff and landed on Nebula. Now Nebula was involved in the fighting too. Normally Nebula was pretty calm and wouldn’t easily get pissed. This however was a different case. Nebula had to hear them whine and yell during the whole flight and was finally relieved to have a good reason to start yelling at THEM.

SlashR smashed his fist on some machinery and walked up to the others. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL DOING?” His eye twitched for a second. “We’re supposed to be a team here! Not a bunch of bickering children!”

Diablo yawned. “That was almost touching.. Say, your eye twitched. Was that part of the act? Anyway… Why the hell does it take so long to get where we’re supposed to be?

“Listen devil-wannabe, I don’t fucking care how long it takes for you! We don’t have the access to powers that let us travel across the entire earth in a few seconds. DEAL WITH IT. Learn to have patience!” SlashR took one of his knives and cut himself in his own finger. “See this? It’s blood! I bleed! I’m fucking human you know? FUCKING HUMAN! I can’t deal with everyone fighting all around me! I just can’t! Most of you are adults! Atleast have SOME sense of responsibility! What do you expect me to do? Dance naked until everyone stops fighting?”

Outburst glared at SlashR and looked out the window. “Say Slash, Diablo was right..sorta.. Wouldn’t we be above the Atlantic Ocean by now?”

SlashR walked up to one of the windows and looked outside. “What the hell?”

Diablo looked up “Hell? Did someone say hell?

SlashR’s eyes widened “This isn’t right! We’re still around the same place where we started! This can’t be right.. This just can’t! Oh shit shit shit shit! Look there! Up in the sky!”

Everyone except Diablo rushed to one of the windows and looked.

“Demons..demons everywhere..”

Huh?” Now Diablo rushed to one of the windows..”Essex.. he..unleashed the demons from hell… he..stopped…time….he….” Diablo teleported away and appeared outside. ”This…can’t be.. happening!” With an instant flash Diablo’s lifeless body fell down on the ground.

Impossible Man was the first one to comment on the situation. “Look! Diablo got his ass kicked! He got his ass kicked! He..” but was interrupted by Outburst who held her hand infront of Impossible Man’s mouth.

“Ssssh Impy!” Everyone glared in shock as the sky changed color. The sky changed from blue to darkish red. First time stopped, and now this. “Soooooooo, Slash? Shouldn’t we land and do something about the situation?”

“Situation?… I… Can we do something about this?? I mean… .. . .. This seems pretty bad…” Nevertheless, SlashR ran up to the cockpit and landed the jet. The ground seemed to be stable, but as soon as the group outer circle members stepped outside, the ground around them collapsed. SlashR drew his sword, Rune started to concentrate for a spell, Outburst picked some cards from her pocket and charged them, Nebula looked around nervously and Impossible Man… Well, he didn’t seem to be affected.

“NAGA NAGA NOOCH! He pulled a pie out of nowhere and pushed it into SlashR’s face. Lighten up Slash! Or is it your time of the month again?”Impossible Man jumped around, dodging SlashR who was quite furious now.

This is enough mortals! I am here to get what’s mine!

“So what’s yours then?? I’d like to be yours, but I’m already married to Slashy overhere!” Impossible Man’s lips changed into big kissy lips and tried to kiss SlashR.

Enough!” A blast flew out of Essex’ hands and hit Impossible Man straight in the chest. Impossible Man stumbled and fell down on the ground.

“Impy!!” For a moment all the fighting they had, seemed forgotten. All of them had a furious rage in their eyes when they saw Impossible Man falling down. A rage they’d surely use against Essex.

I’ve come to take my son Rune, my creation SlashR and the devil Diablo. Do not stand in my way. I assure you that my powers have grown so much more since the last time I fought SlashR and Diablo.

Diablo crawled up to the rest and wiped some blood from his mouth. “He’s not lying. I can feel the power in him. It’s growing..still growing by the minute.”

Supergrover’s office

“Yes, come in!”

“You’ve called for me Grover?”

Supergrover laid his work down and looked up to the man. “Indeed, I might have an interesting business proposel for you.”

“Talk, I’m listening.”

“I’ve been talking to my headmaster, SlashR. He’s got some interesting plans to reform the hellions.”

“That’s great Grover, what has this got to do with me? Do you wish me to join the hellions?” The man had an anwkard smile on his face after he said that.

“No, I know you would refuse that. I have doubts SlashR wishes to concentrate further on the Hellions matter. I think you could help him out a bit. You do have experience with teams after all.”

“Are you saying I would be the second in command? That would..”

“No no, you would be some sort of councillor. An adviser.. “

“Very well Grover, I will think about it.”

To be continued…

A place that could very well be hell…

Fire burned all around them.. The smell of death was near. Had hell finally arrived to earth? A man floated up in the air. His white hairs waving in the wind. His laughing sending a cold chill down their bones. This man, who held many lives in his hand, was known as Essex. His body was surging of powers. Powers that found their origin from hell. But this man did not know the true meaning of these powers. No, he did not know the word "limit". Diablo always knew that the powers from hell should not be overused. Overusing them would only mean getting drawn into a dark force. A force which would tear away everything that was good inside of you. Diablo experienced this once, he experienced the great powers inside of him. He experienced the feeling of victory when he struck down Galactacus himself. He also experienced his evil side. Something he did not want to experience again.

"Essex… you…you can't do this.. I can't let you get away with this.. You can't use the powers of hell like this! It's.. it's.. not right.." Blood dripped out of Diablo's nose and mouth. His body had more and more troubles to held itself together.

"It's no use Diablo.. It's no use.. He won't listen to us." SlashR slowly walked up to Diablo. The power of the wind around him was building up and it started to become harder and harder to stand straight. SlashR looked up. The sky was black.. Not one single beam of light, and hope shined through. "How is this possible.. 10 km from here the sky is blue like it's supposed to be. How can the world be this dissorientated?"

Outburst and Nebula held the jet firmly. The wind reached a point where it was impossible to move. Luckelly they put the unconcious Impossible Man inside the jet before the wind became stronger. A very lucky move indeed. Otherwise he might have been dead. Outburst tried to charge one of her cards but Nebula stopped her. "Don't Burst.. The wind.. If you throw one of your cards, it won't reach Essex anyway. That damn wind.."

The wind did not stop Rune however. He remained somewhat stable thanks to his magic spells. He pointed to Essex with one hand and started to concentrate for a spell. "You have gone too far father.."

SlashR finally reached Diablo. Diablo's claws were pushed into the ground. This was the only reason Diablo remained on this spot and didn't fly up in the air thanks to the strong wind. "Diablo, Essex wants Rune. Look, he's slowly approaching him.. We have to hurry. We can't let Essex have his way."

"Agreed… But I don't….. have much power left. What do you suggest?"

"Teleport Rune away. I don't care whereto. Just teleport him far away. Then we'll have to keep him busy untill.. reinforcements arrive..if they arrive." SlashR looked at Nebula and Outburst. "I don't think they'll be of much help. The wind is too strong there for them to reach us. We'll have to do it alone."

Diablo looked at Rune. "Right, here goes nothing.." Diablo reached out with one of his hands and Rune dissapeared.

Essex turned around in anger and faced SlashR and Diablo. "Nooooo!! This will cost you your life." Essex approached Diablo and pushed SlashR away with a strong wind. "Let's see how you will function without your mental barriers, Diablo!" Essex' hand slowly reached Diablo's face. He touched Diablo for a brief moment and then..then hell broke loose.

Diablo's eyes glowed for a brief instant, and then Diablo unleashed a terrible scream. "Lights going out everywhere…Everywhere around me.. Lights shining less and less… Can't comprehend all of this..Can't….Lights…going.. out" Diablo grabbed his head with both hands and fell down unconcious.

"What did you do to Diablo?? What did you do??"

Essex smiled. "I took away his mental barriers. All of them… You see, it is quite simple. Without these barriers, Diablo feels death all around him. Everytime a soul leaves its mortal body, he feels it. Even for him it's impossible to survive this."

"You monster!" And with this, SlashR grabbed his sword and jumped straight at Essex' throat.

Supergrover's office

"I've got to be sure you'll put your best efforts in this. SlashR might need some help, don't give him any more troubles."

"Listen Grover, asking me is probably trouble. Authoraties are still looking for me."

"We both know you are a changed man. Maybe now you can show this. Maybe now you can show the world your true self."

"Did Hawkeye give a response? What does he think?"

"I'm not sure yet. I mean, he's not sure. But I'm sure I can convince him."

"Okay, get back to me soon."

"I will…" With that, Supergrover laid down the phone.

To be continued…

Fading lights… everywhere..to hard to stop… why?

Diablo screamed once more. Normally pain was something Diablo did not care about. Pain was something for the mortals. Not something for the god of hell, the son of hellgoat. He looked at his hands. Blood was dripping out of little cuts. His body had more and more trouble to keep itself together. This wouldn't be a problem on normal days, but now his connection to hell was becoming less an less strong. Hell did not provide him with the powers to stop this, and now hell even gives that little power that Diablo can hardly keep his body together. Diablo knew that he needed power, his body was pure power after all. Unlike the mortals, he can not live outside hell without power. Where is Byron? Why isn't his loved one by his side on the moment he needs her the most? His head was beginning to feel heavier and heavier. He never knew how much pain he could tolerate, now he does. He looked at Outburst and Nebula. They can't help him, they can't even move. The wind is too strong. But why doesn't the wind affect him then? "Byr..on…"

"Take this Essex!" SlashR threw three of his knives at Essex. Thanks to SlashR's luck, they all hit their target. It was very unfortunate though that it did not harm Essex a bit. After this SlashR jumped at Essex and struck his sword down into Essex' back. A light appeared around Essex. SlashR had to cover his eyes to not go blind. After he removed his arm, he saw Essex simply absorbed the sword. This is insane.. I can never take him down..

Meanwhile, around the White Court mansion

"Damn assholes. Can't even get their garden right." A man dressed in black stepped out of the bushes. "You would expect the White Court to have more care for its garden."

"What's wrong with the garden then?"

"Grover! Didn't see you there! You could get rid of this dogshit lying here for starters. This is no way to treat a guest, is it?"

"Magil, why have you arrived so quickly? We just talked on the phone! I still need to discuss this with SlashR. He does not know a thing. And Hawkeye still need to give me a response about…."

"Listen Grover, I'm just checking things out here. I need to see what the situation is. Besides, SlashR shall have to live with the fact that someone's looking over his shoulders." Magil brushed the dirt off his black jacket and looked Grover straight in the eye. "I honestly don't care what SlashR's feelings are about this. It's his problem that he's not stable, not mine."

Supergrover tried to smile and turned around. "Very well Magil, I will escort you to your room. And please, we've agreed to keep the swearing down."

"Yeah, yeah.." Whatever.. Magil followed Supergrover as they walked into the White Court mansion.

Back to the battlefield

"Can't… let…this.. control me.. must..regain..my… mental..barriers…" Diablo stepped up and walked a few meters. "For..Byron…" Slowly his mental barriers started to rebuild themselves in Diablo's head. His willpower begun to get stronger and stronger. Must act quickly..before I'm totally powerles. And suddenly.. only if it was for an instant, Diablo felt something was wrong. "A light.. I can feel…Urgh..a light going out nearby" Diablo looked up, only to see SlashR being thrown at him.

Diablo was just able to dodge SlashR and turned around to face Essex. But then… "The light..It's so close.."


Diablo turned his head and looked at SlashR. He completely forgot about SlashR, his mind was only set on Essex. "SlashR? Jaimy? " Diablo rushed up to SlashR, only to see something he missed before. Flesh was burned away, only to leave a gaping hole behind in SlashR's stomach. Thanks to the burned flesh, SlashR's regenerating power was unable to do its work. "SlashR!

"Essex… He must have missed me.. I-I-Idon't feel any pain.. Just…."

"Shhh… Don't talk Jaimy."

"He..he hit me..didn't he? I should have known my luck would run out sooner or later."

Diablo looked up with his eyes. Essex must be around somewhere… "Calm down, I'll make you better..I will"

"I…I'm going to die, aren't I? You..you normally don't react this way.. I don't..I don't want to die.. Not now, not after I finally found out who I really am.. Not.. now. I've got so much to do…So much.."

"Jaimy! Calm down! I'm the god of hell. I won't let you die! I promise.. "

"Promise me.. Promise me to take care of the outer circle.. I'm sure Outburst will manage alone..but.. Do keep an eye out for them..please don't leave them stranded.."

"Okay! I promise.. I won't leave the outer circle.. I…"

A sudden wind pushed Diablo out of the way.

"How convinient. The two of you are together."

"I won't let you get him Essex! I won't let you take any more lives! Diablo rushed to SlashR and put his hand on SlashR's chest. "SlashR, this might hurt a bit, but this is the only way to not let you die." A bright glow started from Diablo's hand, and soon SlashR's whole body was glowing. The bright light soon changed shape.. It became smaller..smaller..and smaller.. until..

"Diablo! What have you done?"

"I've changed SlashR's soul into this gem. This way he'll be free from your work when I put his soul back in his body. Free from those implants.. Free from everything they've done to him. He'll finally be human."

"Very interesting Diablo, mind if I experiment with this myself?" Essex reached out with his hand, and slowly the gem started moving towards him.

"No Essex, you won't have him.. Never!" Diablo jumped forward, raised his foot and smashed it down on the gem. The gem fell apart in thousand pieces. The wind blowing each piece into a different direction until they were all gone.

"Fool! Now we both can't use him! You've really killed him! Shattered his soul!"

"This wasn't my final act Essex. I will end this now, like I should have done before. I will cut off your access to hell!"

"What? That's insane! You'll lose your own powers then!"

"Very true Essex… Very true. Although I'm sure Byron will find a way for me to regain them. " Diablo raised his hands up in the air and hummed a soft melody. Slowly the wind started lying down, the sky became blue and the ground restored itself. Diablo's batwings shrunk until they were nothing more than stumps. His horns fell off and his eyes lost its blackness.

Essex screamed in agony as all him powers were sucked out of his body. He finally fell down on the ground.."Diablo? What have you done?" and teleported away by using one of his old devices.

Diablo smiled. "I've finally stopped you."

Both Outburst and Nebula ran up to Diablo. "What happened to you? Where is Slash?"

"He's gone burst.. and so am I.. "

"Gone? What are you sayin'?"

"He's dead! DEAD! I've failed him again.. Nothing I can do for him now. The same goes for you. I can't help you so leave! Just leave!"


Supergrover's office

"Okay Magil, for the last time! We're not discussing things until SlashR comes back. He's got an important role in this. He IS the headmaster after all."

Magil sighed and lowered his sunglasses. "Listen Grover, you've asked for me. You want my help so don't go and yell at me. Yell at yourself for calling me too soon. You should know movement isn't a problem with my powers." Magil smiled and put his sunglasses back on. "Okay Grover, I'll tell you this: I'm going to bed, we'll discuss things tomorrow. How does that sound?"

"Very well Magil.. Very well. SlashR will be back by then anyway."

The end…