Carpe Diem *HF* Epilogue

By StevenBlueKing


“How can I even begin to tell him Tyra?” Steven said as his voice peaked with anguish, his eyes staring on the motionless man in front of him. The maintenance team had done a superb job in fixing the castle, and within two days the majority of the damages were rectified.

Waya shifted her arm bound in the cast that covered her broken bone. “Just tell him the truth,” Waya replied, “but wait until he is better. Now come on, I’ll walk you to the conference. It’d be a little freaky calling us all for a meeting and then not turning up.”

Steven smiled as he tore himself reluctantly from his newly reunited son’s bedside and linked arms with the Purple Scribe, waddling down the rubble filled hallways of the castle. So much had happened in such a short time it scared him. First there was the problem surrounding his powers. Everything seemed to be in place except for his telekinethesis. Then there was Morte. He knew the girl was tough, but even the mightiest rocks can crumble. His greatest fear was that she’d hide it all away, allow all her grief and torment to just build up until she exploded. He’d definitely need to book her in for some therapy sessions. The King’s thoughts drifted onto his family. His son was getting married and having a baby, which took Steven totally by surprise, but not as much as discovering he had another son. Something that shook him deep to his core. Then there were the strong feelings of depression that he picked up from Lark. True to say that PHC had taken some surprises and some knocks in the past few months. He knew the Court could stick together and hold out, but could he? Only time would tell.

Silence fell as he entered the conference room. His eyes scanned the crowd. Everyone was present. Even Felicity and Joseph had turned up. He didn’t know what to make of them. They seemed genuinely sorry for what they’ve done to him and they truly do want to reconcile but could he forgive them for all the hurt, all the pain they put him through? Once again, only time would tell.

“I’ve called this meeting today for a very special reason,” Steven said as he took his place at the head of the table, his eyes meeting each member in turn, “a new age is dawning for the Purple Hellfire Club. Ever since our creation, tragedy after tragedy has befallen us. The death of Spark and Glass. Then ShockWave parted our company for who knows how long. There are others I can name but won’t. The point is, things have been bad for us lately. But, slowly but surely they’ve gotten much better. Now, I think the PHC are truly a Hellfire Club to proud of. To truly cast off the oppressive manacles of the PHC, I think the time for change is in order.”

There were a few mumbles of conversation amongst the members are all eyes were focused curiously on the diminutive man at the front of the table. Steven shrugged off their piercing glances, taking a sip of water. To his dismay it was warm. He’d have to talk to the servants about that. “The Queen and I,” he declared again in a loud, presumptuous voice, “we have decided that a new roster is in need. We are expanding our Inner Circle as well as the Outer Circle. And also, our name shall be changed to signify a new era in the Hellfire Club.” He was quiet for a moment whilst the members took in what he said. Behind his professional emotional barrier, the King anxiously wished to proceed with his business. “The reign of the Blue Hellfire Club shall begin!”

“Blue Hellfire Club?” Toby said, cocking her brow towards the King, “sounds cool.”

Steven smiled warmly at the young woman. “Indeed. Now, we announce our new roster. My rank remains unchanged as does Rage’s. Xeus, Epyon and Morte remain in their robes. But Blackfire is to be promoted to a new Inner Circle title, that of Pawn.”

Sharon’s eyes became wide with astonishment, her mouth slightly gaping open. “Are you sure? I mean, I didn’t think..>”

“We are positive,” Steven declared, “you have the skills and talent, as well as the experience to hold an Inner Circle rank.” The young woman blushed faintly. Steven continued. “Storm and Shadow shall remain in their ranks. But Ian Fitzroy has requested demotion, so to fill his space; we invite Waya to the title of Advisor. Paladin shall also be taken over by Toby, as we feel she is ready for a higher rank. Taking her position as Assassin will be Graymalkin. The new Scribe will be Ian Fitzroy, a new title of Sentry to assist the Knight is being forged with Salvanza as it and finally, from the Hellions, we have promoted Lark to the new title of Sage to assist the Bishop in his duties. The Blue Hellfire Club is now truly complete.”

“It was only a matter of time before I got promoted,” Graymalkin said as he laced up his combat boots, a smug grin on his face, “I mean, I have been excelling in all my combat work. The King must have an eye for taste.”

Masquerade sneered as he headed for the door of the male Hellion’s changing rooms that led into the Danger Room. “I wonder why he picked you then,” the young Hellion sneered before vacating. Graymalkin bit down on his lip as he let a growl role out of his throat.

“Just ignore him,” Shadow said as he headed for the same path as Masquerade, “he’s just jealous. I think you’re great for the title. Now hurry up, you don’t wanna be late for my dad. Believe me, he doesn’t like punctuality.”

The two men headed out into the Danger Room with the rest of the assembled Outer Circle and Hellion squad. Steven had ordered them to all meet today for a special training session. Within moments, the King walked through the doors, dressed in his extravagant battle suit. “Good morning class,” he said in a sombre tone, “I called this meeting today to tell you all classes for the next week will NOT be taken by me. I have been called away to fill in for the headmaster at one of my Academies in New York. I am leaving Epyon and Blackfire in command of the practical sessions. Show them the same respect you show me, for if I return and hear any reports of misconduct, I shall be most annoyed. Now, if you will Storm, turn a simulation alpha class team level. I want you in command and I want the exercise to last five minutes. I can’t stay to watch it, but it is being recorded and whilst I am gone all sessions will be recorded. If there is nothing else to say, then begin.” And with that, the King span on his heels and headed out of the room.

“Is it just me,” Scarlett Mistress said, “or is my uncle acting a little strange, even for him.”

“I don’t know cousin,” Shadow said as his eyes followed the King’s exit, “I just don’t know. Anyway, let’s get one with the simulation.”

Steven’s hands felt for his cane as he staggered along the corridors of the sub basements, his free hand caressing the pulsating poundings in his temples. His eyes burned in his head as an immense light burned in front of him. He tried to struggle, but the light began to engulf the whole corridor. With a groan, he collapsed to the ground.

The rain batted down hard from the ominous grey clouds, smashing against the ground like miniature bombs, wrecking their fury. A cold, merciless wind howled across the weather beaten terrain, wafting the naked branches of the trees around like a wailing wraith. In the distance, two beams of hazy yellow light pierced the thick fog as an expensive, jet-black Rolls Royce that seemed to blend into the dark night’s sky pulled up to the gates of the ground. One tall, hefty man clambered out of the driver’s seat, opening the passenger door. Slowly, a figure emerged as two shiny black shoes clipped against the stone pathway, followed by the sound of metal scraping stone as a cane appeared. Then, the man fully surfaced from the car, his diminutive frame dressed in a luxurious black pinstripe, a hat covering his golden hair. With a limp, the elderly looking man walked along the path towards the top of the hill, his steps shaken by the vicious elements. With a breath of relief he came to the top of the hill. In silence he walked towards several pieces of stone peering up from the howling grassland. Squinting behind golden-rimmed glasses he looked at the faded inscriptions on them. As his eyes read the carvings, they grew wide with total shock and he collapsed to his knees, a hand on his breast as if trying to stop his heart from tearing in two. Tears stung his eyes as he looked at the tombstones. “No,” he screamed through his sobs, “they can’t be. Christian. Charlotte. Chastity. Sabrina. Thomas. Ian. Lark. Khalid. Shannon. Abby. Dead. All of them. But… but how?”

Behind him the gloomy shadows began to twist and turn until they formed a silhouette of a man behind him, two spiralled horns poking out of his head. Steven knew he was there. “You,” he spat, a mixture of grief and fury in his voice, “you killed them.”

“Not me,” HellGoat replied, a cruel smile on his face as a hoofed hand rested on Steven’s shoulder, “you did. Because you didn’t tell them what was going to happen. You let it pass you by. A big event is coming Steven. Make sure you find it, before it finds you.”

“What…. what are you, what are you talking about?” Steven stumbled, wiping away his tears, “tell em you filthy…”. Steven stopped as he realised the demon had disappeared. A rageful glare formed over his face before once again his word went totally white.

“Steven,” Charlotte said as she picked him up gently from the metallic floor, “are you okay? Do you want to take you to the hospital wing?”

The Blue King’s vision clouded before forming a picture of the beautiful Queen in front of him. His hand shot to her face, caressing it slightly. “You’re alive,” he said.

Charlotte laughed. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

Steven’s face suddenly became submerged in a frown. “If only I knew Charlotte, if only I knew.”
