Family Bonds *HF*

By StevenBlueKing

Family Bonds *HF*

Chapter One

Wonderful music churned from the expensive ancient piano in the centre of the heaving ballroom, as the clatter of heels began to waltz over the polished dance floor, tantalising the assemblage into an elegant dance. As usual, the infamous Hellfire Club of Antwerp boasted an excellent monthly banquet, attended by some of the most influential people around the globe. Standing proudly on the interior balcony was Isambard Lent, the Blue King, his powerful, muscular, proportional body encased in a luxurious Italian silk pin stripe, the incredibly beautiful, incredibly deadly Blue Queen, Bethany Beaura by his side. To her left stood the tall, strapping, good-looking Blue Bishop, Joseph Ryan, his sandy blonde hair and tranquil blue eyes dazzling in the light of the room. Beside the King, standing in extremely lavish ceremonial robes was Ozyranian Kane, the tremendously loyal and devoted Blue Knight. To his right was the youngest of the Antwerp Hellfire Club’s elite Inner Circle members, but in no ways the least, Paris Winchester, her hourglass body and angelic face enthralling all the men in the room as a red silk dress hung seductively to every curve and cranny of her skin. The cluster of the selected was completed by the Blue Pawn, Ralph Randsom, his eyes hidden as always behind his ever-present dark glasses. Together, the six of them made up the Inner Circle, a group some of the most influential people on the globe, capable of shaping the face of the earth with just one touch of their fingers.
Before them, enjoying the copious banquet, were the people privileged with membership to this elite Club. A silence became present as the six Inner Circle members approached the railings of the balcony, the King beginning to speak. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he said in a confidant, faintly French accent, “welcome to the March banquet of the Hellfire Club, hosted by the Inner Circle. We hope you have an enjoyable and productive time. Eat, drink, be merry and most importantly, shape your future with one another. As the people here are the crème du la crème. The people of the future.”
There was a brief applause before the room was once again engulfed in the gentle hum of friendly gossip and idle chat. The occasional business deal was struck and a pleasant atmosphere wafted through the room.
“I hate to cut short the celebrations,” Joseph whispered into Isambard’s ear, “but I have some business to attend to.”
A smile crept over the Blue King’s face. “Dignified business, I hope,” he chuckled, elbowing Joseph softly in the ribs. For a moment Isambard stared at Joseph, his eyes running over his extremely muscular body barely contained in the exquisite suit, his sandy blonde hair and tranquil eyes. He pulled away quickly. “Okay Joseph, I shall tell the Inner Circle.”
“Thank you,” the Blue Bishop said, his eyes beginning to flash with white energy as a small spark began to rip into the air before him. Almost immediately, his entire body was consumed in the blinding glare, making him vanish from sight.
Isambard’s smile faded from his face as the Bishop dissolved out of the room.

The city centre was alive with activity, as it always was on a Friday night. Streams of people wandered it’s streets, taking in the sights. A cool spring breeze rustled around. Music escaped from the nearby nightclubs, spilling forth onto the peaceful night air. In the dark, cloudy sky, the stars burned brightly, spreading their eerie glow upon the landscape. The moon shined defiantly, despite the emersion of most of its surface into the dark sky.
Underneath the street lamp, she stood quietly, her blazing blue eyes darting around her. As usual, he was late. A big mistake. But something she had learned to live with in all the years she had known. The years she had befriended him, the years she had spent as his assistant, and finally the years she had spent as his lover. She had seen a side to him that no one on the planet had ever observed. When she looked into his eyes, she saw his soul. Felt every ounce of love, of hate, desire, passion, torment, success, everything that was contained in his heart.
Then she remembered the hurt. That burning feeling that besieged her skin every time he touched her. Never again would she allow him to hurt her. For now, however, their interests coincided with one another. She sent a slender hand through her silky, dark black hair. In the faint glow of the street lamp, her hair seemed almost blue. A sudden chill began to arouse her from her thoughts, making her pull the thick trench coat tighter around her hourglass, diminutive frame. Now she wished her attire were a little less revealing, as the icy cold chill slid around her. But, she had to wear the right clothes to catch Joseph’s attention. Knee high, pointed white leather boots, a white leather mini skirt that cut just above the thigh and a silky white v neck shirt that met a little too far down her chest. Her black hair cascaded freely, finishing just before her shoulders. Everything was in place. All she needed was for him to arrive.
Out of the corner of her coral blue eyes she noticed the sudden outburst of light emerge from one of the shrouded alleyways. A wicked smile crept across her beautiful face. He had arrived. Time to make her move.
With an uncharted elegance and incredible grace, she walked steadily through the crowds and slipped into the alley. She turned to the man who materialised from the blinding light and smiled. “Greetings.”
His eyes ran up and down her revealing attire before fixing on her face. “Felicity, you look as wonderful as ever,” Joseph Ryan said, taking her hand and kissing it.
She hid her flattery and turned her nose away from him, breaking the contact. “Always was the charmer,” she almost spat, “you know why we are here. Now state your business and allow us to complete the task.”
The Blue Bishop straightened up and hardened his face, trying to mask his feelings from Felicity. He knew she was a powerful and rigid woman, but she had become even more so since they last met. The task at hand, he could tell, was starting to worry her. “It’s five in the afternoon there,” he declared, “we can strike now, or tomorrow. I think…”
“You don’t get paid for thinking Jo,” she said bluntly, “teleport us there now and we will check into a hotel. Then, in the morning, which will no doubt be the best time to hatch our plans.”
Joseph nodded. “I hope you don’t mind me asking,” he said in a clearly undecided voice, “but how probable is it that, you know, it’s me.”
Felicity smiled widely, seductively. “I am not sure. I didn’t exactly stick to schedule.” She blushed slightly.
Joseph instinctively wanted to wrap his arms around her, but opted not to. “I’m glad you didn’t, my dear.”
“I’m not,” she said coldly, “now let us depart.”

End Chapter One

Chapter Two

“It’s so good to see you again,” Kyle said as he slipped his muscular arms around her waist, drawing Marnie Fox, better known to the Hellfire Club’s as Hellfire Phoenix, the newly appointed Black Headmistress, closer towards him. He kissed her delicately on the cheek, before breaking the embrace and composing himself, staring lovingly, longingly into her eyes. Underneath the brave mask he wore, the Purple Prince’s heart bled.
So much had happened in the past few months, he still hadn’t adjusted to it. First, he is plucked from his life in Las Vegas as a Red Hellion to be a Purple Hellion, and then back to Vegas as Red Rook. And then, he was taken from the Red Court and the International Hellfire Club all together by Steven upon the split. After a battle, where he lost his best friend, he was given the demanding title of Purple Prince. He hadn’t had any time to just stop and contemplate the changes and embrace the future. Instead he’d been pushed forward at a blurring speed and now he was starting to feel the strain.
And throughout the ordeal, no matter how many times he implied when speaking to her, Hellfire Phoenix hadn’t been there to support him when he needed it the most. He understood that the division of the courts had been hard on her as well, and she was busy with starting her reign as Headmistress, but he still felt betrayed. When the other Courts had received invitations to the funeral, she never took hers up, and she only telephoned him once. And that was mainly dominated by her telling him how much she was enjoying the new title.
“Something wrong,” Marnie said softly, looking at Kyle with a slight grin, “you seem a little distant. Do you not like your birthday present?” She knocked a straying lock of jet-black hair out of her angelic face.
Kyle pushed his thoughts from his mind and smiled wearily, lifting his right arm up, examining the draping, glittering gold bracelet that hugged his wrist. “No, it’s not that. I love it. It’s just, I’ve been a little, er, pre occupied lately.” His smile widened as he once again pulled the Black Headmistress towards him, his lips meeting hers in an embrace. Finally, he pulled away and grinned widely at her. “I’ve missed you.”
Her alabaster cheeks began to streak with crimson as she returned his smile, patting him on the chin. “You know that there is a place for you in the Black Court. I m sure they’d find you a good job.”
Kyle glared at her. “We’ve already been there. Steven’s done a lot for me and I am not leaving him.”
Marnie’s lip began to curl as she batted back, her words filled with coldness. “Oh, that’s right. The almighty Purple King. He’s the reason why we are split up. Chastity is right; you should never rely on a man. They just let you down.”
“You know, you get more like that little whore every time I get you see you, which isn’t very often. If anyone has let anyone down, it’s you. All you care about is your title and how to manipulate people. Well, I am sick of being treated like yesterday’s trash,” Kyle shouted, anger clearly in control of his emotions.
Nearby, the assembled members of the Purple Hellfire Club and other guests started to notice the feuding couple. Marnie’s face was now seized with pure rage. “What are you trying to say?” she spat, almost acidicly, like cobra unleashing venom.
“What I’m saying is its ov…” Kyle replied before the screeching of the heavy mahogany doors at the top of the elegantly decorated staircase blasted through the room, signalling the entrance of someone into the ballroom.
One slender, white leather clad hand took the banister, the lighting in the room reflecting off the solid gold ring on his middle finger, making the purple ruby set into the gold sparkle, twinkling to life. Steadily, two feet, encased in dazzlingly shiny Italian loafers began their descent down to staircase. If there was one thing Steven Booth was good at, it was entrances. In his left hand was his ever-present titanium cane, his gloved hand resting on the crimson and cerulean ruby on the top of it. For a man that lived over one and a half centuries, the Purple King’s moves were conducted gracefully, his jet-black, double breasted pin stripe suit with an immaculate, crisp cream shirt and navy blue tie clinging to his frame with sophistication. His snowy white, blonde streaked hair was neatly groomed, his alluring icy blue eyes unhidden behind his usually present spectacles. As always, his antique pocket watch clung to the breast of his blazer jacket.
He descended down a few steps then turned to the group of people within the vast, expensively decorated ballroom. The ancient room looked wonderful, if he did so himself. And to his surprise, the whole Purple Hellfire Club was present. He’d expected a few of them not to come. No matter how much he tried to fool himself, Steven knew Kyle wasn’t the most popular person in the Court. And Steven also noticed many familiar faces. Some of Kyle’s old friends, his family members. Even some people who saw him grow up in the Beverley Hills Hellfire Club.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Steven finally declared in a serious, yet informal voice, his hypnotic English accent drawing more attention to him, “today I open my home to you all to allow you to celebrate a very special day. For twenty-one years ago to this day, on the 29th March, Good Friday for those of you who didn’t go to Mass today, Kyle Eccleston, the Purple Prince of our Court was born. So, please raise your glasses and join in with me in wishing Kyle a happy and wonderful birthday.”
Using his psionic abilities, Steven levitated a goblet of champagne off one of the waiter’s trays. Raising the crystal cut glass into the air he began to speak, “A toast, to the Purple Prince, Kyle Eccleston!” The room participated with the King’s gesture.
Shadow masked his anger with Hellfire Phoenix and smiled and waved. Suddenly he felt a stinging feeling in his mind. This isn’t over Marnie spat. Kyle, never taking his attention from the assemblage, replied mentally. That’s the whole point Marnie, it is over.
A look of surprise and anger washed over her as she charged through the crowd and out of the grand doors of the ballroom.
Steven noticed the clearly disgruntled Headmistress exit the room. He raised his eyebrow to Kyle, who turned his face the other way. “Youngsters,” he said to himself, “always falling out. Life’s too short.” As soon as he spoke the words, he began to laugh at the irony. Life is too short. Not for someone who has lived over one and a half centuries. Finally, he emerged from his train of thoughts and began to tackle the last few stairs of the case, before entering the polished wooden floor, mingling with the crowd.
“Hey Kyle, happy birthday!” Ian Fitzroy said as he grabbed the young Prince’s hand, shaking it vigorously, “now you are a proper man. You can have your first glass of legal alcohol.” Kyle contemplated that thought for a moment. To the world outside the Hellfire Club, it would be hard to imagine the Purple Rook as an alcoholic violent man who almost died twice due to drink. It somewhat stained one’s perception of alcohol. The Prince then noticed an awkward silence. He was quite good friends with Ian, but the two weren’t exactly close. Ian was serious, organised and professional, and everything about him had an air of solemness and precision. Kyle on the other hand took life easy, taking time to relax and savour the luxuries he held. Afterall, he was much younger than Ian.
“Hello!” Salvanza’s loud, distinctive voice said, demolishing the stagnant silence between the two, “talk about dull. Most of these people are middle aged.” Ian rose and eyebrow, looking suggestively at Salvanza. The Purple Advisor tried not to smile, holding his hands up in his defence. “There’s nothing wrong with middle aged people,” he giggled, “but, I mean, come on Kyle you are an adult now! Let’s have some real fun.”
“Don’t worry, tonight we’re all flying out to New York for a real night out,” Kyle said, “and we have VIP passes to all the clubs!”
“Cool!” Salvanza said, clearly impressed. Then he stopped and thought for a moment. “What has Steven got you?”
The Prince stood for a moment. It hadn’t occurred to him, but Steven was yet to hand over a present to him. How odd. Everyone knew of Steven’s generosity. Perhaps it had slipped the Purple King’s mind. With the recent events of the last few weeks no one could blame him. But it still didn’t make Kyle feel any better. Had Steven truly been so changed by Glass and Spark’s deaths that he was forgetting his other students? “Nothing,” Kyle finally announced as he realised Ian and Salvanza were staring at him.
“My my Kyle,” Steven said as he came from behind the trio, startling them, “do you think that I’d miss the opportunity to go shopping for a present for you? Dear me, you must be ill!” The King let out a mischievous laugh. Then he reached into his blazer pocket and pulled out a small red box, passing it to Kyle.
With his brow furrowed, he took the carefully wrapped box and slid off the lid. Inside, set into red velvet and silk was a key. Steven smiled. “Happy birthday Kyle,” he said, directing his attention to the window. Shadow smiled. A car. Steven had gotten him a car. The Prince looked out of the window vigorously, wanting to go and examine the car. And as he did so, his mouth gawped open.
“Oh my,” Ian said, “that’s a real beauty. Must have cost you a fortune, Steven.”
The King snickered. “Yes, I mean I am only the president of a 400 billion dollar company. I’d better be watching those pennies!” He turned his attention to the astonished Kyle. “So, what do you think?”
“A…a jet?” Kyle managed to stutter as he stood staring at the brand new aircraft that was just landing on the helipad. On the side of it was a large emblem reading Shadow. He smiled. “This is soo cool!” he screamed, “I have to check it out!” The Prince’s coral blue eyes began to glow purple as he summoned his teleportation abilities.
“Not so fast!” Steven said as he reached through the astral plane, entering Kyle’s mind and disrupting the signals from his brain to his x-gene, causing his powers to short circuit, “there is still one more surprise.” He reached into his blazer pocket again and revealed an envelope with a real wax seal on the back, handing it to Kyle.
Shadow eagerly opened it, taking out the carefully folded piece of paper, once again gasping. “It’s not a large apartment,” Steven said, “but I thought you could do with a little sanctuary from the Purple Hellfire Club. And New York is one of the coolest places I have ever been. So I thought it’d be too good a deal not to buy.”
“I don’t know what to say,” Kyle stuttered, “this is just so… so kind.” Steven just grinned at him. “Knowing that you like it is all the thanks I desire. Now, are we going to check out that plane or what?” The two of them began to materialise as Steven teleported them aboard the exclusive jet.

“How sweet,” Felicity’s voice crackled, as she lowered the binoculars from her eyes, “he’s bought him an aeroplane. Saying that, Steven always was a bit too lavish with his money. That’s what attracted me to him in the first place.”
Despite the nervous growl of his stomach, Joseph replied. “That, and the 400 billion he has.”
Her icy blue, coral coloured eyes fixed on Joseph. If looks could kill, the Blue Bishop would have been struck dead by the fatal glare. “Silence, fool.” Her black hair began to turn lighter and lighter, changing into an almost gingery colour, then yellow before it began to shine with a blinding light. Her eyes glowed, as if they were now made of gold. The eerie binding light consumed her whole body, making her levitate from the ground. “Do not forget how easily I can end your miserable life!” she screamed, before the energy began to fade and her features changed back to normal.
The Blue Bishop smiled. He could still strike Felicity right where it hurt. No matter how powerful she was, Joseph knew he was in control. Afterall, she was still partly woman. Part of her still wanted someone to love and someone to love her. Perhaps he could manipulate these emotions to his advantage. No, not yet. What he had to do was focus on the task in hand.
“The plane is taking off,” Felicity said, “Steven and Kyle are aboard. Now, let’s attack.”
“Okay,” Joseph said as he began to rise into the air. His hands, which were on the ends of his outstretched arms, began to glow with golden energy. He brought them together and unleashed a beam of almost invisible energy upon the fuselage. It ran around the frame of the plane, before glowing incredibly bright. Once the energy cleared, the space where the plane once was was now vacant. Felicity smiled as she saw the aircraft disappear. Joseph did sometimes come in handy. Such a shame she’d have to finish him off. But it was the only way to make her plans come to flourishing. And with that, her body once again glowed brilliantly, as she began to disappear.

End Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Westbridge Academy For Higher Learning,
New York City, 1974.

No matter how hard he focused his vision, the soft black text on the contrasting snowy white paper began to run and merge with one another, until it was impossible to decipher the jumble of colour on the page. With a weary sigh, he removed the rectangular, golden-framed glasses from his face and placed them carefully into their black, leather bound case. His blurred eyesight wandered onto the prestigious grandfather clock that ticked silently in the corner, like a sentinel of time, a warrior of night. Ten minutes to two. He hadn’t realised how late it was. As soon as he entered his office six hours earlier and saw the SAT papers purchasing welcomingly on his desk, he knew he had to grade them, even though the results weren’t due for another few weeks. But Steven Booth wasn’t a man to leave things to the last moment. And because of his premature start on marking the papers, he was about an eighth of the way through them. Suddenly, a sly thought crossed his mind. Perhaps he’d leave a few of them on the deputy headmaster’s desk.
He started to place the tests into his expensive looking, black leather briefcase, and gathering other papers that he needed. After filing a few reports and upgrading some permanent records in reaction to the previous morning’s incident involving several students and the tying of Mr Parker, a substitute teacher, to the flagpole outside the school. “I am so glad that I was never a youngster,” he muttered to himself, “young people are sticky. And misbehaved.” A toothy grin spread across his face. Using his telekinetic powers, one of the many manifestations of his incredibly powerful, well disciplined psionic abilities, he made the grammar phone in the centre of his luxurious office spring to life, carefully starting to play the gentle melody of his favourite Frank Sinatra song, I’ve Got You Under My Skin. The Headmaster smiled. “There’s only Sinatra who can make a song sound so good,” he declared, before slipping into his expensive black trench coat, black gloves, pork pie hat and scarf. The only downside to living in New York was the bitterly cold winters they received. But snow, wind, rain…. it wasn’t exactly a stranger to the old man. Living in England for over fifty years, the land of his birth, he was a regular recipient of the savageness of the elements. He once again called upon his telekinetic powers to shut off the music system and levitate his briefcase and wooden walking cane into his hands. With one final sigh, he exited the office, locking it using his master key, and preceded down the now lifeless halls of Westbridge Academy.
The school had only been open a year and a half, but word spread life wildfire amongst the minority of homeless young mutants that a new place for them had opened. And within a week, the school had one hundred and thirty three students. That’s when Steven realised that he needed more staff. But finding the ‘right’ kind of staff proved difficult. He needed to recruit highly educated people, who were loyal and compassionate for the mutant minority. Using his fabulous wealth and even greater mental powers, he managed to recruit a full set of teaching staff, support staff and residential staff. Then came the hard part.
Some of the mutants were in quite fit condition, the only thing wrong in their life was the fact that they’d run away from home or been kicked out of home because of their mutancy. And even though Steven tried, he knew he couldn’t house the whole mutant population in one vast mansion, just outside New York City. So, he decided to make guidelines. Only pupils between 11 and 18 years old could come and receive an education and tutorial using their powers. Mutants any younger would be returned to their parents or entered into an adoption programme, until they were old enough to join the school. Other older mutants could either come and teach at his other schools, work for him in one of his many industries or enter society as integrated members of the public, using Steven’s guidance and finance. It didn’t suit them all, but Steven could sleep at night knowing his privileges were now helping others.
As one might expect at such an hour, the only presence that met Steven in the corridor was the streaming rays of moonlight that streaked through the windows. In this eerie glow, the usually heaving hallway seemed to barren, so empty. The people in the pictures that hung on the wall looked nothing more than lifeless husks. A chill began to circulate around Steven’s ankles, making him tighten his trench coat. He paced down the polished wooden floor, his steel-plated bottoms of his shoes clanking loudly. You are being foolish, Steven, scaring yourself, he scolded to himself, come on, you are 128 years old and the most powerful telepath on earth! Just get out of here and go to bed!
Steven nodded and agreed with himself. His initial idea was to take a cab into the city for a coffee and something to eat. One could always find such amenities in New York, the city that never sleeps. But perhaps sleep was the best option. He had a room in the dormitory block, but he thought it best to go to his apartment in the city. Getting away from school, even if it was only for a few hours, would be a good idea. So, unlocking the main door and alerting one of the many chauffeurs outside his school, he began the journey home.

“2:17am,” Joseph Ryan said as he lay shirtless, his bare torso dripped in sweat, “and where is your husband?” He shifted around on the elegant, four poster king size bed, allowing the Queen Anne silken sheets to glide gently over his skin.
From the adjacent bathroom came his response. “Who cares, my dear, as long as he’s not here. You know Steven, always were and always will be a work aholic. I am glad you don’t indulge in the same personality, Jo.” There was a tone of seduction in her last sentence that made Joseph smile, his pulse rising slightly.
She stepped out of the bathroom, turning off the light, and emerged into the predominantly sky blue room, it’s soft, but stylish furnishings and expensive items of décor shining almost luminously in the moonlight. One of the privileges of owning an entire block was that she could have a bedroom the size of most houses.
“Oh my goodness, Felicity,” Joseph said as his eyes fixed on the woman entering the room, “you look, you look so…. wow.”
The young woman smiled, streaks of red pouring into her alabaster skinned face. She took still, allowing him to analyse her whole body. Her long, flowing black hair shone brightly in the moon’s glow, cascading like a waterfall around her face. Like those of a cat, her coral blue eyes shimmered in the dark, giving her a beautiful, awe inspiring look about her. A blue silk nightgown clung to her hourglass figured body, filling every curve and cranny with the luxurious material, supported by two spaghetti straps. “I am glad you like it,” she said in a low, husky voice as she walked towards the bed, “now show me how much you like it.” One hand went to her strap, gently letting it slip off her shoulder. Suddenly, a loud, authoritive bang shuck through the room. Someone was in the adjacent living room. Joseph quickly sprung up from the bed and stood next to Felicity.
“I’ll go and investigate it, you stay here and get ready to call the police,” he said, grasping the golden handle. Before he could turn it, they both heard a familiar voice in the next room.
“Felicity, I’m home,” Steven said as he wandered around the incredibly decorated living room, picking up the mail on the table, sifting through the front of the envelopes, “sorry I am so late but I got so caught up in my work. And as usual, Joseph left school early today, so I couldn’t ask him to help me with them. I sometimes wonder why I keep him as deputy headmaster. Anyway…” he gibbered on.
Joseph’s healthy, red-flecked cheeks immediately turned white as his legs felt weak, a motion mirrored by Felicity. “Oh damn, he’s home!” she shrieked. Running to the bed, she picked up Joseph’s shirt, socks and shoes, throwing them at him. “Get out of here now before he catches us!”
Frantically, he threw on his clothes and began to summon his mutant ability to teleport him out of the room, blowing Felicity one final kiss. Just as Joseph disappeared, the door opened, revealing Steven. He smiled widely at Felicity.
“I thought you were asleep,” he said, kissing her gently on the cheek, “did I wake you?”
Felicity nodded. “Yes, I was up waiting for you, but I must have fallen asleep. Steven, I sometimes wonder if you married me or that school!” She pretended to be cross and looked at him, cocking one eyebrow.
Steven held his hands up in defence. “Nah, you are much better look than the school.” Then his gaze fell upon the bed. Immediately his brow began to furrow. “Felicity, my dear, since when have you worn loafers. Black, Italian loafers. Black Italian MALE loafers?” He pointed towards the sole shoe that lay on the bed.
Felicity started to panic. “Er, er,” she mumbled, “it’s yours! I was getting you a pair of shoes out for tomorrow, and realised I could only find this one shoe and then I started to hunt for the other.”
“Oh, is that so,” Steven said sweetly, “thank you. There is just one problem. My Italian loafers don’t have the name ‘Joseph’ engraved into the buckle. Now I think about it.” He levitated the shoe towards him telekinetically, “these are the shoes I bought for Joseph. What’s going on?”
Felicity wanted to be violently sick. How could Joseph be so stupid! The whole plan was now jeopardised. “Perhaps you two put the wrong shoes on after tennis or something, huh? I mean, you two do spend a lot of time together and do a lot of sports together. It could have…”
Steven held his hand over her mouth, glaring into her eyes. “Stop the lies Felicity. You forget that I am the most powerful telepathic mind on the entire planet, perhaps in the whole galaxy. Whilst you were trying to lie to me, I scanned your mind. I can’t believe it.”
He stepped away from her, turning back into the living room, trying to mask the invisible blade that had just been plunged into his heart. From behind him he could hear Felicity plead. “Steven, I am sorry. It meant nothing; it was just a silly fling. Please forgive me.”
Steven turned sharply on his heels, glaring into her eyes. “Haven’t I been a good husband? We’ve only been married three months, but it’s been the best three months of my life. I’ve given you everything. Why Felicity, why did you have to do this to me. And with my best friend.”
She began to sob. “I don’t know,” she cried, “I don’t know. It was just a spur of the moment thing.” Almost immediately, a coffee table went flying across the room, colliding with the wall just to the side of her. Steven levitated over to her.
“Save your tears,” he spat, “I can see through this guise. You are nothing but some glorified slut. I loved you. You are the first woman I have met in my long life that meant something to me. And now you go and do this to me.”
Felicity pushed the tears out of her eyes. It was clear this dramatic performance wouldn’t change his mind. It was time now to fight offensively. “Perhaps if you were around more, it wouldn’t have come to this!” she screamed hysterically, “You spend all your damn time at that school. I mean you took a computer along on the honeymoon with us so you could keep in contact. Joseph was different. He had time for me. He….”
“He what? Used you like some Bangkok whore?” Steven said viciously. Felicity struck him violently across the face.
“At least Joseph knows how to satisfy a woman, not life you,” she screamed, “Some of us have natural urges. Some of us don’t want to be virgins all our lives.”
Steven rubbed his face and looked at her. “So, this is down to sex? You knew I am a Catholic. You know the rules. And I thought you’d have the decency to respect those rules. But you have made evil our vows. I want you out of here tonight. Consider this marriage over.”
He turned around and went to head into the kitchen. Felicity bit her lip. This wasn’t going her way one bit. If he didn’t reconsider, the whole project would be in danger. “Yes Steven, you may throw me out. But you can’t end this marriage. No divorce, remember?” She smiled. He couldn’t wriggle out of that one. And being the man of faith he was, which would stick in his mind.
In a flat, even tone, he replied, “Oh, not a divorce, an annulment. You have been caught committing adultery. I will be sending a letter to the Pope tomorrow to have this marriage dissolved. And since I’m annulling you, you won’t get a penny. Now get out.”
Damn Felicity said, Joseph’s going to kill me.

“Good morning Steven,” Joseph said as he saw the Headmaster enter his office. He placed his pen down and smiled at Steven. But a smile was far from what met Joseph’s sight. Instead, one solid, clenched fist ploughed into his face, knocking him off the leather chair he was sat on.
“You have some nerve showing upto work today,” Steven said as he grabbed Joseph by the hair, pulling him to his feet. Once upright, the Headmaster kicked Joseph squarely in the stomach, throwing him into a heavy bookcase.
A steady trickle of crimson liquid started to flow from Joseph’s nose, staining his creamy white shirt. “What’s the meaning of this!” he shouted, “You’re possessed!”
Steven glared at him intently, using his telekinetic powers to freeze him in place. “You know, the extra ‘attention’ you and Felicity have been engaged in.” Joseph’s face suddenly went as white as chalk, a sickening, lurching stomach gurgling in his stomach. “I take it she didn’t go to your house last night. Probably went and stood on a street corner waiting for some attention,” Steven spat, before punching Joseph in the gut, releasing his telekinetic grip, making him fall to the floor. “You two have messed with someone you shouldn’t have. And now you are going to pay.” The headmaster picked Joseph up with the lapels of his blazer and swung him in a 360 degree momentum, releasing him, allowing him to smash throw a coffee table.
“You’d better get out of this office, this school and my life,” Steven shouted, “and if I ever see you again, I will kill you, understand. You have betrayed my friendship and used property that didn’t belong to you.” Joseph staggered to his feet, grabbing ahold of the bookcase for support. Steven glared and then handed him an envelope. “Inside here is ten million dollars. I’m giving it to you and Felicity so you can start a new life somewhere a long way from here. Now go.”
Joseph opened his mouth to speak, but opted against it. He’d never seen Steven so ferocious, so extremely angry. Taking the envelope, he walked out of the room and into the hallway. Making sure no one was looking, he began to teleport away.
Steven stood silently amidst the destroyed room. The shock still hadn’t settled in. In his 126 years of like, he’d never met someone he wanted to marry. Until Felicity. She seemed perfect: intelligent, good personality, stunning looks…. she had it all. But she also betrayed him. As had Joseph. He thought for a moment. “From this day forward,” he said, picking up a picture of Joseph, Felicity and Steven standing in front of Buckingham Palace in England that lay in the ruins of a shattered photo frame, “I shall be married to my work. No longer will my heart seek a soul mate.”

Back in the present

“This is so fabulous, Steven,” Kyle said as his hands darted over the sophisticated controls inside the cockpit of his new jet, “I have always loved the flight simulator in the Danger Room, but it doesn’t even come close to being as realistic as the real thing!”
The Purple King smiled. “I am glad you like your present. It was either a jet, a cruise liner or an island. I couldn’t find an island that was for sale and I thought that a ship would be wasted around here. So I opted for the jet.”
The Purple Prince laughed, keeping his eyes on the sky in front of him. “I am glad you choose the plane. I wish Marnie was here to see this.” Suddenly, Kyle remembered the argument. Why had she been so heartless? Did she not realise the difficulty he’d been through lately. Perhaps the break up was for the best. But, deep down, he still loved her. Steven looked thoughtfully at the Prince.
“Is there something wrong, Kyle?” Steven said in a paternal voice, “perhaps involving a certain Black Headmistress?” Kyle sighed and turned his attention to Steven. The two were extremely close, but unlike his other students, Kyle wasn’t as son like to Steven. True, the Purple King had raised Kyle since he was very young, but he still seemed to be unable to show his affection to Steven. Shadow was insecure as far as his feelings were concerned. To most, he seemed to be the cocky, loud mouth clown of the group, who was a little spoiled than most. But deep down, Kyle couldn’t allow himself to grow close to anyone. His parents had abandoned him, as did his girlfriend for over five years when she found out he was a mutant. Steven had constantly shown strength and love for Kyle, but he didn’t want to become too emotionally attached incase Steven left him. That’s why so many people where shocked at Kyle’s relationship with Hellfire Phoenix. And she had let him down.
“Nothing wrong Steven, I’m just a little…” Kyle said before a visor of light appeared before him, blinding him, making him loose control of plane.
“What’s going on?” Steven said, raising a telekinetic shield around himself and Kyle, “the ship seems to be being swallowed by this light.” And before Kyle could answer, the jet vanished from sight.

End Chapter Three

Chapter Four

He could feel the cold, metallic surface pressing against his skin as he began to emerge from the state of sleep he had been plunged into, his naked torso feeling exceptionally icy against the metal. His head pounded as the light in the room flooded into his eyes, making him even more disorientated. Mustering up all the strength he could acquire, he managed to shut the light out and concentrate. What had happened? The last thing he remembered was a blinding lights, much like the ones outside. Only this was a ravenous luminosity, consuming everything in its path. He was aboard a… plane? No, it was a jet. His jet. The birthday party… Slowly he began to remember. That’s when it struck him. Steven was onboard when the plane started to vanish! Where was he?
The Purple Prince once again opened his eyes, allowing the raw glow to glare into them, threatening to tear them from their socket. But he had to fight past the pain and make sure Steven was okay. He tried to reach out and feel his surroundings when he realised his arms were shackled to the cold surface he lay on. So were his legs and stomach. Shadow knew it was time to use his powers. And as he tried to turn his body intangible, he realised his powers were gone. Damn it, where am I? And who the hell’s abducted me? he said to himself. Suddenly, the lights faded, revealing a highly sophisticated, metallic laboratory. So many gadgets and machines surrounded him, it was incredible. But they all seemed to alien, so barren. Then he caught sight of Steven.
The centuries old monarch of the Purple Hellfire Club was unconscious, his head drooped in a remorseful sleep, his usually glowing face and charismatic movements now still in a silent standstill. Unlike Kyle, he was fully clothed in the same attire he had worn at the party, except for his ever-present walking cane. The ruby tipped stick was no longer in his hand, but lying on a table nearby. It was a sorry sight to see perhaps one of the most powerful person’s in the universe reduced to such a helpless state. As Kyle contemplated Steven’s situation, the loud clanking of the door was audible, catching the Prince’s attention. From the little light that shone into the dominantly dark room from the corridor, Shadow could see the faint outline of two people.
“Nice to see you are awake, young Kyle,” a familiar, masculine voice declared in a soft, sombre tone, “it’s such a shame your compatriot cannot join in this consciousness with you.”
Kyle’s lower lip immediately began to curl as he recognised the voice, his eyes narrowing into a forceful stare. He could make out the man’s face. “What the Hell do you want?” he said through clenched teeth, “and what have you done to Steven?”
The man smiled, allowing an almost silent, sinister laugh to curdle from his mouth. “Now now, that is no way to treat your King is it?” Joseph mused, “and as for Steven, he’s taking a little time out. But it’s not him we are interested in, dear boy, it’s you.”
The Purple Prince sneered. “You aren’t my King anymore, Joseph. You can no longer bully me or torture me. Now loosen these chains and we’ll soon find out just how tough you really are.”
The former White King stepped into the room, his assailant remaining in the shadowed doorway. Joseph walked over to Kyle and held his chin in his fingers. “Always was the feisty one,” he murmured, “never one for taking orders. Much like myself that way. Anyway, allow me to introduce you to someone.” With a click of his fingers, light once again flooded into the room, revealing the beautiful body of Felicity Harvard. Despite her age, she looked incredibly young, not a day over twenty-one. She smiled at Kyle, showing rows of sparklingly white teeth. Kyle gasped at her incredible beauty, before regaining his composure.
“Good afternoon, Kyle,” she said in a sweet but deadly voice, winking at the young boy, “it’s such a pleasure to meet you after so many years.”
Shadow furrowed his brow, keeping a steely gaze on the woman. “Hey, nice you meet you. It’s not everyday you get kidnapped by a complete stranger.”
Her vibrant red lips pursed, as her coral blue eyes narrowed scrutiny at him. “You don’t remember me?” she spat, “well, we’ll have to wake up Steven and have a few words with him then.”
Carefully, she walked over to the still motionless Purple King, her high-heeled white leather boots clanging loudly against the metallic floor. She stood just in front of him; one well manicured hand reaching out to his cheek, caressing it for a moment. With a spark of green energy that emerged from her finger, Steven was violently shocked awake, his head snapping backwards, colliding with the metal surface. The King raised his head towards the woman, his groggy eyesight fixing on the dazzling beautiful young woman. As soon as he fixed his gaze on her, his face became awash with disbelief. “Fe..Fe.. Felicity?” he stammered out.
She smiled at him, running the back of her fingers across his face. “Yes baby, it’s me. Glad to see me?”

“This is too freaky,” Salvanza said as his feet touched the ground of the springy green lawns of the Purple Hellfire Club’s Castle grounds, a look of bewilderment washed over his face, “I’ve flown all the way around the island, and there is no sign of the jet anywhere.”
Shockwave crossed her arms, sighing loudly. “Hmm, they can’t have just disappeared into thin air!” she declared. There was a sick feeling beginning to threaten her stomach. She remembered when certain members of the PHC had gone missing before…. it almost destroyed the Club. Could someone else be out to claim revenge on Steven? Or had he and Shadow just decided to go a little further in the new jet. Afterall, they were both males, and getting a new jet was like having a wonderful girlfriend. You want to show her off all over the place. “They’re probably around somewhere, try sending out some of the Hellions for a look. And get Epyon to run a radar scan on the jet, Scarlett Mistress to try and contact Steven telepathically and the rest of you to scout the grounds.”
“I don’t know how much good that’ll do,” Ian, said as he walked over to the group of assembled PHC members on the lawn, “Epyon already did a scan on the jet and Steven and Kyle’s communicators. He got nothing. Scarlett Mistress and Cerebra have found nothing. And as Salvanza said, the plane is nowhere in sight.”
The Purple Queen looked at Ian, a slight feeling of annoyance visible on her face. “Well, try again.”
“Okay, you are the boss, but I’m telling you, something is seriously wrong. You know some of the enemies we have. Only people like them could steal two of our members without us even knowing. Do you think we should call the other Courts?” the Purple Rook questioned.
Shockwave glared at him. “This is our problem, not theirs.” Then she turned her attention to the assembled Inner and Outer Circle and Hellions. “Xeus, make sure all the guests have left. Epyon, Masquerade, go to the War Room and do some scans and radars… try and find them that way. Scarlett Mistress, try using Cerebra one more time. Ian radio the other Courts and see if they have heard anything, but don’t let on that something is wrong. Storm, Salvanza, you come with me. We’ll fly around and see if they can be spotted. The rest of you, prepare the Ready Room and get ready for any trouble we might encounter.”
They members began to carry out the Queen’s orders. Shockwave sighed. I hope to God that they’re safe.

“I… I cannot believe it,” Steven blurted out, “is it, is it really you?” The King’s face was still locked in an astonished position. The young woman cackled evilly, starting contently at him.
“Yes sweetie, it’s me,” she hummed, “what’s the matter, don’t you like seeing the walking dead?”
Steven remembered what had happened in the jet and regained his composure. Something was seriously wrong. “You can’t be Felicity,” he declared forcefully, “she died. Joseph told me. You are just some cheap imitation.”
Joseph walked from across the room and stood beside her, leaning slightly on her shoulder. “Well, Steven, I lied. You see, Felicity here just happens to an External, just like you.”
The Purple King went from being shocked to completely raged. “Joseph,” he said acidly, “I might have known a low life like you was behind this. Why did you attack me in my own home and kidnap my Prince?”
The former White King locked eyes with Steven. “Because today is the day the wool is finally pulled from over your eyes,” he sneered, “the day you will learn the true identity of the boy you call Shadow. Ever since you took me back as a friend and made me White King, I have been biding my time, becoming stronger and stronger, until I finally had the power to kill you. You have taken so much from me, and now its payback time.”
“You truly are a mad man,” Steven said, equally fiercely, “to assume that I have treated you badly. All my years of friendship with you, you have constantly stabbed me in the back and betrayed me. I thought it come to and end when I gave you my Blue Bishop title. We made an agreement. Why have you broken it?”
Joseph opened his mouth to speak, but Felicity cut in, her tone low and soft, but with an air of forcefulness and power in it. “Because you have something that is incredibly precious to both myself and Joseph.”
“And what might that be, you glorified whore,” the Purple King almost screamed. Before she could reply, Kyle interrupted.
“I hate to be demanding, but will someone kindly tell me what’s going on?” he shouted. Joseph smiled widely.
“I am surprised Steven never told you,” he said in a counterfeit, false voice, “him and Felicity were married quite a few years ago. That was until he found out that she liked me more.”
“Married?” Steven sneered, “it was nothing more than a pretence. I thought it was real, but Felicity showed me how wrong I was.”
The White King rolled his eyes and stared at Steven. “I thought you were a clever man,” he joked, “you have more PhD’s than a medical convention. You still haven’t worked it out, have you?” The Purple King merely sniffed. “Felicity never married you because she loved you. No, she didn’t even marry you for your money, although we did have plans for it. She married you because she was working for me. Ever since I met you, I knew that you’d be a threat to me. I’d heard the stories of how the Beverley Hills Hellfire Club was once run, and I knew it had to be opened again. So I asked you. And at first, you didn’t agree. That’s when I realised you had to die, so I could open it up and be the black King, without any annoying little Steven’s telling me what’s right or wrong. So I first hired a gunman, who shot you when you delivered that speech to the UN in 1972.”
Steven’s mouth fell wipe open. “That was you? You son of a….”
Joseph continued to speak. “Yes, but being an External, you recovered. Then I tried to poison you, but you didn’t even realise you’d been poisoned. So, I decided that the only way to kill you was to have someone of the same power fighting you. I tried cloning you, which failed miserably. So then I had to resort to other ‘methods’.”
“That’s where I come in,” Felicity interrupted, “Joseph wanted someone quite powerful to marry Steven and produce a child who could be coached by him to destroy you. With my power and your power, the child would have been incredibly powerful. So I married you. But, what neither Joseph or I contemplated, was the fact you planned on being a virgin unless you wanted a child. I must have asked you a hundred times for a child, but you denied. And during this process, Joseph and I fell in love. And like proper lovers we had sex. And that’s when you caught us. Our plan was immediately up in ruins.”
Joseph smiled at Felicity and started to speak. “My stupidity almost jeopardised the whole operation. But, if you remember, Felicity slapped you across the face. Well, she scrapped off some DNA. A couple of day later, we met up for our last goodbye, and then I realised that I could make a child using your cells and planting them into Felicity. We took the DNA and planted in her. But you were breathing down my neck to leave town, so I had to go before I could see the results.” He stopped and took a deep breath, looking at Steven. To anyone looking at Steven, they would think his heart was being severed into small pieces and then allowed to be bathed in acid. Scars that he had long thought healed were now being torn wide open. He wanted to rip off the shackles and destroy the pair of them.
Felicity could sense the distinct feeling of hurt and betrayal that was coursing through Steven’s body. She took over from Joseph. “But I managed to contact him a few weeks later telling him I was pregnant. But there was a complication. According to the doctor, the child had been conceived on the night the cells were implanted into me. But you see, Joseph and I had also, er, shown our physical love that night. I begged him to come and take a DNA test to see who the father was. But he told me of the spy you had hired to keep an eye on him.”
“Well, I had to make sure the pair of you were kept apart,” Steven said, masking his hurt with a gruff, strong voice, “consider it my way of punishing you.”
If looks could kill, both Joseph and Felicity would have struck down the Purple King on the spot. “Well, whatever,” Felicity continued, “I gave birth to a boy, but there were complications and I died. The child was put up for adoption immediately. A beautiful baby boy. And when I came back to life, it was too late to find the child. That was 21 years ago to this day. By this time, you and Joseph had reconciled, and the private spy you had hired to keep an eye on him was dismissed. That allowed us, Joseph and I, to meet up again and try and find the child.”
Steven could see the pieces of the puzzle starting to slot together in his mind. But the answer he had deliberated couldn’t be true. “Continue,” he managed to say, urging her to carry on. Kyle was silent, listening carefully to the conversation. Something told him he wasn’t going to like what was going to be said next.
“Very well Steven,” Joseph said, “we found the boy. The lucky lad had been adopted into a VERY exclusive family, who happened to own a chain of power plants. The child however, was a mutant and had been sent off to the Westbridge Academy for Higher Learning. YOUR school. It was around the time the Beverley Hills Hellfire was started up. I tried to gain access to the school, but I couldn’t. So I took a few months from my task and concentrated on the Inner Circle. And on the initiation day, I was shocked to see the boy who I had hunted, the person would could be me son standing amongst the teenagers, as the White Rook.
“No,” Steven choked out, “It cannot be.” Joseph smiled widely, a cruel grin spreading across his face.
“What can’t be?” Kyle shouted frantically, “what’s going on?”
Felicity walked beside Kyle, staring into his baby blue eyes, their beauty reflecting the passionate blue in her own. “Kyle say hello to your mommy. And say hello to Joseph and Steven, your dads.”

End Chapter Four

Chapter Five

“This sucks, big style,” Masquerade said as he shifted his boots off the tinted blue computer terminal surface, sighing loudly, “I could be doing loads more interesting things than this!”
Epyon looked up from his surveillance screen, narrowing his eyes at the Purple Hellion. “Listen here, there’s nothing more important than finding Steven and Kyle. Now shut up and help me find them, or leave.” With that, the Knight turned his attention back to the screen. Perhaps he had over reacted, but this situation was far from humorous. The fact that Steven, one of the most powerful men on the planet, and Kyle, a skilled, avid fighter had vanished without a trace was incredibly terrifying. His thoughts wandered back to the last time members of the Purple Court went missing (see Regicide *HF* for more details). It was an experience he’d sooner not repeat.
“Hey,” he said as a miniature box exploded onto his screen. He clicked the mouse, making a sophisticated map burst into the monitor. With the tap of a few keys, he transferred that image into the ‘chalk board’, three-dimensional table map surveyor in the centre of the War Room. “I think we’ve got something,” he said, examining the map, “looks like there is a faint psi signature of Steven emitting from a small, dilapidated New York laboratory, on the outskirts of the town near Queens. But the place must be heavily psi shielded because the psi signature is weak. Luckily, since Steven’s telepathy is bound in a unique way to the Astral plane, psi dampeners don’t work as effectively as they do against most telepaths.”
“At last,” Masquerade declared, “some action.”
The Knight nodded. “Signal all PHC members to return to the War Room immediately,” he commanded.

“Hmm, you always did say how much you hated Jerry Springer,” Felicity aid in a hoarse cackle, “but this would look out of place even on that show.”
Steven glared at her, his frosty blue eyes burning into hers with incredible intensity. If he had been in control of his psionic abilities, one would expect the trademark purple energy to seep from them, signifying his anger. “So, my friends,” Steven spat, “who is the father?” He glanced at Shadow. It was hard to believe the facts that had just been revealed to him. But the effect it was having on Kyle didn’t bear thinking about.
“Luckily, you are the father,” Joseph said, “and that means that Kyle has the juicy genetic material of both you and Felicity. And now, we are going to ‘enhance’ Kyle’s abilities to their apex.”
“What do you mean?” the Purple Prince stuttered out, “what, are you talking about?” The look across his face showed deep sadness, astonishment and hurt. In the space of literally a few minutes, his whole life had been turned upside down. Joseph seemed to home in on these feelings and was ready to work them to his advantage.
Elegantly, he walked across the steel floor and reached a machine, partially covered by a crisp, pure white sheet. With a violent tug, the bound of cloth floated to the floor, revealing an extremely alien-looking pod with a chair inside. The Blue Bishop smiled widely, turning his grin to Kyle. “I am going to plug you into this machine which will magnify your mutant powers, taking them to levels you could only dream of. And then, we are going to channel that energy into RKB’s body, hopefully destroying it.”
The colour from Kyle’s cheeks began to drain away, revealing a stony faced boy, a look of total bewilderment spread across his face. A lingering, stale silence wafted through the room until the tone of the Purple King exploded, shattering the quiet. “You are truly insane!” he yelled, trying to muster up some powers. He knew that he still had some of his powers, but something was numbing them, disconnecting him from regaining full control. All he needed was one telekinetic bolt, but even that seemed beyond his reach. He glanced over at Kyle. It was almost too much for the old monarch to comprehend. The boy he had risen from the age of five, who he had nursed when he was ill and rejoiced with him when he had achieved something, the person who felt like a son to him was actually his son! But right now he had to concentrate on escaping.
Felicity walked slowly across the room, her high-heeled shoes slapping loudly on the metallic surface, before she came to an abrupt stop just beside the captive pod Kyle had found himself in. With a cunning smile, she sealed the lid down and then turned to Joseph, the eerie smile still evident on her beautiful face. “Do it now!” she commanded.
The Blue Bishop took a grey cable that lay on the ground and connected it to Steven’s restrainment unit, then clicked a button. Almost immediately, Kyle began to glow with a faint topaz energy, as a tingling sensation ran throughout his body. “Kyle’s energy will now be amplified by the device and wired into you Steven, hopefully overriding your cells with energy, destroying your body,” Joseph said. As he finished speaking, Steven could feel the sharp, stabbing pains of energy shoot from the pod into his body, making it sizzle with raw energy. He bit his lip to conceal his pain, and before he could fight it, he slipped into unconsciousness, allowing himself to slip into the temptation of the all-consuming darkness.

“Take us down slowly and silently,” Ian Fitzroy commanded to Epyon, as the young Knight took control of the sophisticated controls of the Purple Hellfire Club’s elite starcruiser, “we don’t want to attract any unwanted attention. Who knows what may be waiting down there for us.”
“Let’s just hope we aren’t late,” Xeus said in a concerned voice. As the jet came to a subtle stop on top of the derelict factory roof, the Bishop began to speak. “Listen up. Epyon, Ian, Shockwave and I are going into the factory first, with Storm, Salvanza, Blackfire and Morte covering our backs. The rest of you remain here, and if we don’t emerge in say ten minutes, come looking for us.”
There were a few discontented murmurs from the Hellions, but all were silenced by a piercing glance from the Purple Queen. Silently, the Inner and Outer Circles descended from the plane and onto the tarmac roof, looking for an entrance. “There doesn’t seem to be a way in,” Morte informed them. The Purple Knight smiled as he unsheathed his sword. Swinging it into the air, he drove the blue tinted blade into the concrete, smashing a considerable amount of it away.
“Smart ass,” Morte murmured under her breath, as she followed the rest of them in.

“Did you hear something?” Felicity said nervously, turning to Joseph. The Blue Bishop furrowed his blondish eyebrows. “Yes I did,” he said in an equally anxious voice, “I’d better go and investigate. Damn lab, the security system isn’t even up and running yet.”
He walked over to the steel door that led into the dark, shadow-engulfed hallways. With an impatient push, he opened the door, only to be punched squarely in the face by an almost iron like fist, sending him sprawling across the room. “Looks like the cavalry’s arrived,” Epyon said as he stepped into the room.

End Chapter Five

Chapter Six

“My my,” Joseph said as he picked himself off from the ground, staring manically at the Purple Knight, “we meet again.” He quickly scrambled to his feet and looked sharply at Epyon.
The young Knight’s hand shot to his cheek where a faint, but still clearly visible scar ran across. A scar received from the former White King. Immediately, Thomas summoned his sword to hand and held it out. “I am no longer that frightened little child you once knew,” he spat, “so, let’s see how you compare now. Or are you too scared to fight fairly.”
Before the Blue Bishop could retaliate, the floor around the Purple Hellfire Club’s Inner Circle began to crackle and tremble, before the cast iron girders began to tear from the ground, encasing each member in it’s solid grip. Felicity, whose platinum hair was now alight, smiled, as bolts of mystical energy ran through her fingers. “I expected more of a challenge,” she laughed. Suddenly, she felt a chilling wind circle her ankles. Then it became stronger and stronger, until finally it lifted her off the ground, throwing her against the wall. And before Joseph could assist, a bolt of electricity hit him squarely on the chest.
“I’ll give you a challenge,” Storm said as she flew through the hall made by the Purple Knight, the power of the elements coursing through her veins. Every cell of her body leaked with electricity as she hovered above the two of them. From behind her, the Purple Advisor and Paladin, Blackfire and Salvanza, followed the Princess into the room, finally joined by Morte. The young Scribe walked over to the metal bondages that held firmly around the Purple Bishop, Queen and Rook, and unsheathed a gloved hand, placing it on the bare metal. As her skin came in contact with the restraints, it immediately began to corrode and waste away, enough for the now freed Knight to use his sword to free them.
“Infidels,” Felicity screamed unleashing a bolt of mystical energy upon Storm, sending her crashing to the ground, “you will not reverse my work.”
”Ah, shut up,” Morte said as she began to summersault towards her, before Felicity sent an extremely powerful blast through her body, brining the Scribe to her knees.
“Right team,” Shockwave said, “Ian, Salvanza, free Shadow and Steven. Xeus, watch their backs. Blackfire, Epyon and I will sort these two raving lunatics out.” The team began to disperse, following their Queen’s orders.
Joseph back flipped across the room, taking Epyon by surprise, sending his foot plummeting into his face, knocking him backwards. “You’re even weaker than I remember,” the former White King hissed, kicking the now grounded Knight in the ribs, “I don’t know why I even bother.” He outstretched his hands, as fragments of loose debris from the lab began to swirl around, blown by an unseen wind, before descending on the Knight, burying him under the mixture of metal and wood. The Blue Bishop turned on his heels to rejoin the battle, before the debris was flung into the air, revealing a bloody, but angry Purple Knight. Before he could stop him, Epyon balled his right hand into a fist and threw it with all his might into Joseph’s chest, upper cutting him, sending him propelling into the air. As he hit the ground, the Blue Bishop was once again assaulted by another upper cut by Epyon, sending him crashing into the corner. The pain was something like he had never felt before. From what he could tell, his right arm was broken, as was his collarbone and several ribs.
“Want some more?” Epyon roared, as his hands once again balled into fists.

“Feel my wrath for interfering,” Felicity screamed as she unleashed a wave of mystic bolts upon the Purple Queen and Paladin. The two women darted away from the shower of bolts, but the persistent onslaughts from Felicity made it almost impossible for them to retaliate with their own attacks. Finally, Shockwave managed to stagger her with an energy bolt, leaving way for Blackfire to assault Felicity. The Purple Paladin moved with uncharted grace, combining a few swift kicks and powerful punches to knock the sorceress across the room.
“Good work,” Shockwave said, “you go and attend to Storm and Morte. Get them to the jet. Take Xeus with you. I’ll go and help Salvanza and Ian out.”
“What should I do?” Epyon said from across the room, his gaze fixed on the unconscious body of the Blue Bishop.
“Go with Blackfire. Now come, move it.” Shockwave declared. Obediently, the Purple Paladin, Bishop and Knight filed out of the now ransacked room, carrying the unconscious bodies of Morte and Storm with them. The Queen noticed the flow of energy from the pod to Steven stop, and walked over to greet the Advisor and Rook.
“How are they?” she questioned, a tone of concern evident in her voice. Salvanza smiled as he guided Shadow warily from the pod. The Queen’s heart jumped with joy. Shadow, although he looked severely drained and shaken, was okay. She them turned her attention to Ian. “And Steven?”
A grimacing expression crossed his face as he turned around; revealing the limp body of the old monarch sprawled across his arms. “I can’t feel a pulse.”
Shockwave’s smile faded quickly from her face. “That can’t be, he’s External.”
“Will you all stop talking about me like I’m dead,” Steven said as he opened his eyes, almost leaping off Ian, “can’t I die every once in a while? Seesh.”
Ian’s mouth gaped open wide in astonishment, before Steven subtly closed it for him telekinetically. Then the King’s icy cold gaze surfaced as he glanced the room. “Where is that bastard?” he roared.
The Purple Queen gasped audibly. In all the time she had known him, she had never heard the Purple King utter a swear word. She glanced into his eyes. The usually inviting, calmness was now replaced with raging anger.
In the corner of the room, the Blue Bishop staggered to his feet, glaring equally as menacing towards Steven. Despite his injuries, the man straightened up and began to speak. “Let’s do this,” he said before materialising into thin air, reappearing just beside Steven’s head, sending his foot into the Purple King’s face. In shock, Steven staggered backwards before teleporting himself behind Joseph and slipping his arms underneath the Blue Bishop’s and raising them, holding the man in a grip. Steven began to speak in his ear.
“You are a loser,” he spat, “you were born a loser, you’ll live a loser, you’ll die a loser.” Joseph began to squirm, but Steven’s grip became tighter and tighter. “Shockwave, Ian, Salvanza, get out of here,” the King ordered, “Mr Ryan and I have some business to attend to.”
The remaining PHC members hesitantly backed out of the room, leaving Steven and Joseph alone, except for the still unconscious body of Felicity. The Purple King loosened his grip, throwing the Bishop the ground. “I’m not angry because you have once again betrayed my friendship and my trust,” Steven said in a low, but threatening tone, “I am not angry because you attacked me. What I am angry at is the fact that you and that slut over there denied me something very precious. You denied me the knowledge of knowing I had a son. And that is a crime for which you must be punished.”
Joseph stood up and looked at Steven. In his heart of hearts he knew he was no match for the psion. But, he also knew that Steven would never kill him. It went against everything he stood for. So perhaps he could use that to his advantage. “Tell it to a lawyer,” the Blue Bishop spat, “I’d do anything to get rid of you.”
Steven smiled. “You Ryans, why have I put up with you as long as I have? Sympathy? Your descendants were pathetic Joseph, but you just take the biscuit.” The King’s eyes began to turn purple as psionic energy began to flow through his body. In the blink of an eye, a powerful bolt hit Joseph squarely on the chest, pinning him to the wall. Steven floated towards him, increasing the amount of energy with every step he took. “If I truly wanted, I could destroy you without so much as a click of my fingers. You are an insect. But for now I shall allow you to live. But,” Steven said as the air around him began to crackle, “I must give you a warning not to cross me again.” He loosened his grip on Joseph, allowing him to slump to the ground. Steven turned on his heels from Joseph and began to walk across the laboratory, his expensive loafers clattering loudly on the ground. He stopped for a moment beside Felicity’s still body, and then turned his face away and began to levitate himself through the hole in the roof.
“Goodbye,” he muttered, as he unleashed an enormous telekinetic blast upon Joseph, tearing into the Blue Bishop’s body with immeasurable agony. With one final blast, the energy wave died down and Steven teleported aboard the PHC ship.

Felicity stirred as she freed her foot from the fallen debris that encased it. Her risqué white leather attire was now little more than a few strategically placed pieces of cloth. She ached in about twenty different places, but despite the pain, she rose to her feet. Her coral blue eyes surveyed the room. The whole laboratory was now destroyed, and the Purple Hellfire Club members were no longer visible. They’d failed. She fought not to allow the lurching feeling in her stomach erupt into her throat. Then she looked for Joseph. In the corner of the shattered lab, she noticed, amongst a lot of broken cables and fallen debris, was the Blue Bishop. Summoning what little energy she had, she freed him, levitating his conscious, but aching body towards her. She looked at her former lover’s body. Deep cuts and blood filled gashes covered his body. From the look of it, both legs and his right arm were broken. It would stretch her weakened magical abilities to heal him. Outstretching her arm, she chanted a few words as a bath of light washed over him, replacing his torn clothes and shredded flesh with a new, healthy looking body. Then, she used the same process of herself, restoring her face and body to its former glory. Taking his hand, she pulled Joseph to his feet.
“We’ve failed,” he said through clenched teeth, “and now Steven knows the truth. This is a disaster!” In his hand, a ball of blue energy began to form as he unleashed it, tearing open an abyss of immensely bright light. “We shall return to the base and plot our revenge.”
Felicity smiled. “Do not be so pessimistic,” she said slyly, “you forget we still have an ace up our sleeve.”
Joseph’s smile widened. “Yes,” she said, smiling, “let us find Kyle’s twin brother immediately and hope that he has the same power as his brother. And let’s hope that Steven doesn’t find him first.”
“How could he?” Felicity questioned, “He doesn’t even know he exists.” She paused for a moment. “Let’s, depart” she declared, as she followed Joseph through the portal.

End Chapter Six


A steady buzz of conversation ran through the large classroom, as the assembled students discussed with one another what had happened. There were wild rumours flowing throughout the school, some extremely ambiguous, whilst others held some remnants of truth. “I heard that Kyle is Steven’s long lost son that he had with Ryan, the Red King’s old wife,” one boy declared confidently.
“Boy, you lie!” another girl replied, “Shadow is Steven’s brother, and their parents are Shockwave and Xeus.”
“Oh come on!” another girl interrupted, “how could that be true? Steven’s older than the lot of them.”
“I ain’t lying, girlfriend,” the first girl declared. Before she could continue her testament, the door to the classroom opened. The students immediately hurried to their seats. Ian Fitzroy, the Purple Rook walked into the room confidently, beckoning for the students to take their seats. Silently he walked into the centre of the room and began to speak.
“Professor Booth will not be taking you for biology today,” he said in a loud, authoritive voice, “now many of you will have heard the rumours going around campus. Professor Booth has asked me to inform you of what really is the truth.”
As he had expected, the student’s attentions were turned on him as they listened intently to his words.

“I just can’t believe it,” Kyle said as he walked arm in arm with Storm, the Purple Princess through the flower gardens. A neat, clean bandage was wrapped around her arm, protecting the wound she had received from yesterday. Her attention was focused on the Purple Prince.
“Steven was always like a father to me when my parents died. I was only five and he looked after me and treat me like his son. But never for one moment did I think he was my real, biological father.”
“I can only imagine how distressful this must be for you,” Storm said in a soothing, compassionate voice, her free hand adjusting the ankle length green gown she wore.
Kyle furrowed his brow. “It may sound strange, but I don’t feel distressed. If anything I feel relieved. Feel like I have finally found what I was searching for. But this still is incredibly freaky.”

“Look at him,” Steven said as he leaned against the glass pane in the window of his office, overlooking the flower gardens, “it’s almost too much for me to handle.”
The Purple Queen, dressed in an elegant black business suit, her red hair flowing loosely around her head, the two evident green streaks clearly visible. Her back tensed in the extravagantly comfortable office chair. “It must be a shock to you, to find out that for the last sixteen years you have been looking after your own son and you didn’t know it.”
The King nodded, turning away from the Prince and Princess. “I feel so guilty,” he said, his voice oozing with agony.
Shockwave’s golden-flecked green eyes blinked as she furrowed her brow. “Why?”
Steven sighed loudly, collapsing onto his office chair. “If only I had known, things would so different for him. He would never have had to see the Eccleston’s, his adoptive parents die. He’d never have had to be harmed by Joseph. I could have protected him from all of that. But instead I let him down.” Tears threatened to erupt from the King’s eyes.
The Purple Queen looked sympathetically at her friend. “How were you to know, Steven? Felicity and Joseph, they hid it from you. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Have you spoken to Kyle?”
He looked at her, wiping away a trickling tear. “No. I don’t know what to say to him.”
Shockwave crossed her arms, rising from the chair. “Go to him. Speak with him. Make sure he’s okay.”
Steven rose from his chair, straightening his blue pinstripe suit. “I shall do that. Thank you Shockwave.” With a quick hug, he left the room.
The Purple Queen leaned against the end of the King’s elegantly sculptured desk. How can I tell him? she said to herself right now he needs me more than ever. But I have to tell him soon.

“So, what do you want to do about it?” Storm said as she sat beside the Prince on the stone monument in the centre of the garden.
Kyle opened his mouth to speak, but before he could Steven entered the garden, nodding to Storm to leave them. As the Purple Princess left the room, he looked at Kyle. “How are you?” he managed to mumble.
Shadow smiled weakly, holding up his arm. A bandage was wrapped around it. “Just a sprain. Other than that I am okay.” There was a stale silence as the two men locked eyes on one another.
“If I would have known,” Steven said, shattering the silence, “I would of, I would of, it would be so different for you Kyle. But Joseph never told me, he never told me.” The King’s voice bled with emotion.
The Prince nodded. “I know, Steven. I know.” His sky blue eyes began to fill with tears, cascading over his eyelids. Steven looked at him. Every part of him that was human wanted to comfort Kyle. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
“Where do we go from here?” Kyle said, his voice high pitched. Steven shook her head, keeping his gaze on Kyle. “It’s upto you.”
The Prince rose to his feet and walked over to Steven, rubbing past his shoulder. He stopped just as he came to the floral archway that drooped over the entrance to the garden. Turning around sharply, he ran towards Steven, throwing his arms around him. Steven’s legs felt like jelly as the Prince’s grip tightened around him. “I want to be your son,” Kyle said, fighting back tears,.
Steven smiled widely, tears of his own flowing down his cheeks. The two men broke the embrace, and walked back into the castle.

“You suck!” Kyle shouted as he batted the tennis ball over the net with ease, allowing the sun to bathe his skin. On the other side of the net, the Purple King struggled to catch the ball, finally tripping over his feet, landing solidly on his backside. The Prince laughed loudly as he materialised himself beside his father. “Let’s just say I beat you,” he giggled.
Steven, taking Kyle’s hand dragged himself to his feet. “I am sure you cheated. And cut me some slack I am one hundred and seventy ni, I mean 156 years old.” Dusting himself off, the King snapped his fingers, making the white tennis kit disappear from his body, replaced with an expensive purple suit and tuxedo, his jewel-capped cane in his hand. Kyle followed the same gesture, materialising himself inside an equally stunning blue suit. “We’d better be making our way to the meeting, or Shockwave will fry our butts!”
“Okay dad,” Kyle said, opening a portal, allowing the two men to step through it.

“Well, the past three days have been ones to remember,” Steven said as he stood at the foot of the table, surrounded by the assembled Inner and Outer Circles, “but in many ways, this marks a new age for the Purple Hellfire Club. Now, I, the Purple King, have an heir to carry on my name. Shockwave and I have been talking, and we decided it was time for a change in the PHC. Several members have shown capabilities that go beyond their duties; whilst others request that their titles are too much for them to cope with. So, I shall declare the newly revised roster of the Purple Hellfire Club.”
There was an air of unease drifting through the room. Could this mean some of the members were being demoted?
“Firstly, Ian. He is an excellent PHC member, but he wishes to become further involved in the administration of Fitzroy Industry. And he believes there is someone else who could quite easily do his job more efficiently than him. So, I welcome him to the new title of Purple Advisor, and as his predecessor, Morte will be made the new Purple Rook.”
There were a few gasps of astonishment. Morte, her usually chalky white complexion, now even whiter. “Me…me as Purple Rook? You… you have to be kidding.”
Shockwave laughed. “Not at all. Ian personally recommended you as his predecessor.” The new Purple Rook flashed an immense smile at Ian.
“If Ian is to be the Advisor, then what is Salvanza’s new title?” Storm questioned. Steven turned towards Salvanza and smiled.
“Salvanza wishes to become more involved with the security layout and functions of the Purple Hellfire Club. So, he will replace Blackfire as Paladin. Blackfire will take on a new title as leader of the Outer Circle as its Enforcer.”
Once again there were a few words of disbelieve and congratulations before Steven continued. “Toby has only been with us a short while, but she has proved her skills are unique and an asset to the PHC. So, we have opted to promote her to the Outer Circle as Assassin.”
The room fell silent as Shockwave stood up. “There is just one more change to be announced. I came to the Club as its Queen, and I helped Steven, Xeus, Epyon and Paradox, later Ian, to establish the Club. And now I think my work is done. So, I shall be retiring as Purple Queen to fulfil another task, but I shall still be a member and be called upon anytime I am needed.”
Gasps of shock echoed around the room as Shockwave walked out of the boardroom. As she proceeded down the hallway she felt the presence of the King in her mind.
Thank you he said gently and remember, as soon as you are done, return to us.
“Will do,” she said to him, “by the way, whom are you going to replace me with?”
“I think I have an idea who, but I am not one hundred percent sure yet. Anyway, take care and may God go with you.”
The King turned his attention to the Inner and Outer Circle. “A banquet will be held tomorrow at 7.30pm to celebrate the good news. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a telephone call to make.”

The rose scented water washed over her delicate white skin like a soft summer breeze, the dimly lit room and burning incense making the Grey Queen’s Rook’s bathroom seem the sanctuary of peace. Quietly, Charlotte Sometimes, known to the Hellfire Clubs as Rage lay quietly, the gentle rhythm of Demarche Mode ringing around the extravagant bathroom.
Suddenly there was an intrusive knock at the door that disturbed Rage from her trance like state. Annoyed at being aroused, she slipped a grey flannel dressing gown around her body and opened the door. Standing before her in a smart maid suit was Christine, her personal assistant. “Sorry to disturb you, Miss Sometimes, but there is a telephone call waiting for you in your office.”
“Who is it from?” Rage said as she followed the woman to her office.
“A Mr Steven Booth,” Christine said, “Purple King I believe. He said it was extremely important.”
“Steven?” she said, her voice questioning him as she answered the phone, “is that you?”
“Yes, it’s me,” he said in his flamboyant English voice. “I may have a proposition for you.”
Charlotte smiled widely. “Go ahead, tell me,” she laughed.

End Epilogue