For The Future Forget The Past *HF*

By StevenBlueKing

For the Future, Forget the Past *HF*.

Written by Ian Fitzroy, edited by Steven Booth, Purple King.

The room was alive with the soft humming of Pavarotti being transmitted through the airwaves of the Red Hellion Ian Fitzroy’s suite. Upon the wall hung marvellous paintings and intricate sculptures, reflecting a large proportion of the young man’s personality. In many ways, Ian had always been a privileged person; no matter what road he wandered down, or what spiral he found himself being absorbed into, he always seemed to land on his feet and start all over again. As a child he was brought up in the extremely wealthy district of Beverley Hills where he was graced and showered with material things. Money, presents, friends…he had them all. But Ian also had a dark secret that threatened to drag him into a towering abyss.

“Ian is different,” Dr. Adler said, staring at the wide-eyed brown haired boy. Ian could see the anguish in his parent’s eyes. That was then.

He’d come so far since that day an elderly man with the purest white hair and most chilling blue eyes pulled up to Ian’s parents’ beach house. Ian remembered the way his ruby red suit and sparkling black shoes made him look so important, so prestigious. “My names Dr. Booth,” he said in a peculiar accent, shaking his father’s uncertain hand. The man smelled of roses; a dominant fragrance that still tantalised Ian’s nasal receptors today. “Ian here is different,” the important man said, carefully stirring the silver teaspoon in his tea, “and I have a special place for him.” Ian remembers that man placing a bizarre looking ‘H’ seal in his father’s hand, and smiling widely. Ian’s dad looked white; almost as white as the prominent looking man. “It is his destiny to take a place in my Club,” the man declared, as he rose from the armchair and made it to the front door, “you cannot deny him his destiny.” Ian didn’t realise just how important that ‘H’ was.

“I see we’re all dressed up tonight,” Luke Howarth, the Elemental and low ranking General Member commented as he walked into Ian’s room; his powerful legs carrying him gracefully across the plush purple carpet that hugged the Red Hellion’s floor.

“There nothing like looking your best,” Ian said as he fidgeted with a carnation that he was trying hard to fix to his emerald green blazer that slipped delicately over his silken white shirt. A corresponding pair of bright green pants finished off Ian’s attire, along with a blue necktie.

“If you ask me,” Luke said in a husky, mysterious voice, “I think you have a date!” Ian’s cheeks began to fill with crimson; giving him a very embarrassed, schoolboy look about him.

“It’s not really a date, she’s just a girl who is employed at Steven’s Tennessee Mutant Research Facility.” Luke just rolled his green eyes and began to squeal as he left the room, allowing Ian to continue his difficult task of fixing his carnation to his suit. “Damn thing never goes on….” He grumbled to himself.

“I hate November,” Steven grumbled in an arrogant tone as he telekinetically levitated two crystal glasses from a platter, situated across from their seats in the elegant limousine. Lush, purple carpet decked the floor adding a more comfortable and springy feel to it; complemented nicely by the exquisite black leather that hugged then seats charily. The vehicle moved lethargically through the heaving traffic that congested and blocked the roads, like slick oil clogging up a kitchen sink. Steven booth’s face began to fill with colour; slowly matching his apple red suit and proceeding beyond the constraints of the wonderful colour.

“What on Earth is going on Yenson?” the Red Bishop growled in a ferocious tone, enough to phase even the strongest of hearts. The limo driver began to frantically pull as his long, rich black locks of hair that fell just after his chin, twisting them around his index finger. “Stop that immediately, and answer me when I question you fool!” Steven screamed, throwing the platter on the floor; flailing his fists around widely.

“Now now, Steven,” a silky voice said, placing a green gauntlet on the Red Bishop’s shoulder, playfully pulling him to his seat. Steven snapped his head violently to his attacker, and then his eyes began to soften and grin spread across his face.

“You’re right, ShockWave,” he said as he laughed half-heartily, straightening his attire and telekinetically placing the soiled glasses and platter back in their place. Steven secretly cursed himself inside. There was something that drew him to ShockWave. Not a romantic passion or an obsession, but Steven could see an aura to ShockWave unlike no other. There was an air of mystery, loyalty, compassion and kindness to this woman that told RKB she was the perfect person to have in the International Hellfire Club. Although no title had been bestowed upon her, Shockwave had proved herself to be very loyal to the team in the few days she’d been there. It was a good move for you to track her down Steven thought to himself, she’s a valuable asset to the team. The Red Bishop smiled at ShockWave; a friendly, warm smile. This woman also had a strong sense of morality and an unwavering defence against manipulation. There’s too much of that already in the Red Court Steven said to himself, too much indeed. Perhaps ShockWave will be my rock in the Red Court, someone who I can trust whole-heartedly.

“Your very quiet,” ShockWave said, “something wrong?” Steven just smiled kindly at her; as a grandfather would smile at his grandchild. “No my dear, nothing at all,” he declared before turning his attention once more to the traffic jam, rambling slightly about his arrogant hatred for Christmas shoppers.

“Rogue,” DarkWolf said as he stared across the delicately arranged BHC lawns, fixating his gaze on the trickling fountain that was still dribbling. The sun had began to descend from the sky, leaving behind a trail of orange sky, as it made its way beyond the horizon, allowing the onslaught of solid blackness that comes with night set firmly upon the landscape. The Black Queen looked up from the pile of papers she’d been dictating the BHC’s progress report from with a puzzled, questioning look on her face. DarkWolf couldn’t help but adore the way her knee length, pure black skirt and sleeveless black blouse clung elegantly to her beautiful physique.

“Yes, Justin?” she said as she began to brush away some truant strands of orange hair that had began to invade her face.

“Do you think I made the right decision about firing Matt?” he said quite blandly, avoiding direct eye contact with the Queen. DarkWolf began to sweat slightly, fidgeting with his collar to allow some air to circulate around his body. Rogue’s mouth slightly gaped open in astonishment, a demanding look upon her face.

DarkWolf began to speak in an uncertain tone. “It’s just it must have been hard for him to return to the Club that HE started and take a semi-important role instead of leading. Instead of tossing him out, don’t you think we should have given him a chance?”

“The fact of the matter is,” Rogue, said as she herself avoided DarkWolf’s lingering eye motions, “matt left of his own accord, and I doubt his conduct in the BHC would have improved.” She then looked straight at DarkWolf with a warm, affectionate smile. “Don’t beat yourself up about him.”

DarkWolf nodded and quickly scrambled out of the room as he picked up Nate’s scent in the corridor. He needed to speak to him and gave Rogue a speedy ‘Good bye’ as he darted out of the room. The Black Queen just shook her head and continued to scan the report.

Chastity crossed the room with grace and elegance, combining her astounding sword fighting skills and her shrewd magical capabilities to easily overwhelm the sentinel being she’d programmed to test her sword fighting skills. It had been too long since she’d felt this good. Sweat rolled freely from her forehead, her breath coming out in short, hoarse rasps. Indeed she hadn’t felt this good since…. a sudden memory began to flood into her mind.

The Red Courts Property was huge. There was a mansion for the Inner Circle members, one for the Hellions, a guesthouse, a training building for the Hellions, a courtyard in front of a large ballroom and a large pool. It was a wonderful sight from above. As I flew lower above the Training grounds I could see someone inside. I decided to come closer to see who it was. As I entered the building I saw a large figure having a sword fight with a practice dummy. Immediately I noticed it was Ian. He was shirtless and shoeless. His body was covered in sweat that caused his body to gleam in the moonlight coming from the glass roof. He was a great swordsman. He moved with such speed and grace that it would be hard to keep up with him, if you were someone who was untrained. My father had put me in swordsmen classes at the age of four. The swordsmen class combined with my ballet classes made me a better swordswoman than even my teacher. This time I wasn’t going to be shy. I was going to approach Ian with the confidence I always have. I cleared my voice and yelled,

"Your weak on your left side." Ian stopped spun around to face me and replied,

"Excuse me!"

With an arrogant tone I answered, "Your weak on your left side. You leave it wide open for an attack."

"How dare you insult me technique. I am strong in every area, especially my left side."

“Well you’ll never found out by fighting a dummy." Ian glanced at the dummy than back at me, he smiled and said,

"Is that a challenge?” I took my cloak off and as it fell to the ground my clothing morphed into a woman pirate’s outfit, of course in red. I moved my hand in a circular motion forming a cloud of smoke. The smoke began to take the shape of a sword and as I put my hand to where the handle, would be it became a real sword. I took the edge of the sword and made a semi-circle on the ground. Ian looked as if he was not impressed. He rushed to me with great speed and swung his sword as well. I blocked his attack and gave him a little smile but he kept his war face on. Our swords clang a couple of times before I saw my opening. I made a swift attack to his left, giving him a sharp cut to the side.

He did a backward flip and rubbed his fingers against his side. He looked at the blood on his fingers and looked up at me. I had a small laugh and said, "I told you."

This time he returned my smile. He rushed me again. Our swords clang longer than before and with more force. Until Ian made two quick attacks cutting my leg and a piece of my hair. He smiled and said, "You get too cocky when you’re fighting.” I could’ve easily healed my hair, and myself but I choice to keep these war scars for know. Our sparing match went on for half the night. And it became more of a dance than a match. As the sun was coming up our dance had to end, we both made three more clangs and than froze. My sword was at his throat and his was at my heart. Both our swords edges were close enough to their targets that they drew blood. Ian smiled and said, "A draw?"

I smiled and used my control over the wind to blow him across the room. I laughed and said, "For know."

Tears began to form in the corner of Chastity’s eyes, as the long since wounds, which were sewn together, have painfully been ripped open, exposing all her demons from the past. She stumbled backwards, losing her grip on the amt and fell face first onto the gymnasium floor, cracking her skull as she did. Black dots began to collide through the air, causing her to fall into a state of dizziness. Snap out of it Chastity scolded herself as she tried to regain her footing, scrambling to her feet in a disorientated fashion. Clicking her carefully manicured, blood red fingernails she summoned a derelict stool that lay unattended in the corner of the room. “Just calm down,” she said aloud, trying to reassure herself, "Ian’s long gone. He went and left you, but that’s made you stronger. Even Queens of Hellfire Clubs can sometimes have bad memories.”

Steven’s oily English voice suddenly appeared in Chastity’s ears. “You don’t need him,” her memory said as it replayed Steven’s first response to Ian’s leaving of the Club, “you have friends here that love and care for you.” Chastity began to smile. She did have a strong and powerful court filled with people she loved and adored. She had nothing to worry about. With that, the Red Queen continued her virtuous workout, unaware she was being observed.

“My Queen,” Ryan said, as he stood engulfed in shadows that dominated the sterile corridor that led from the observation deck of the danger room where the Red Queen was situated. He took a quick, savouring drink of the prosperous liquor that swirled around in his crystal tumbler. “You truly are a wondrous sight. Indeed, the time is at hand for your splendour to be adored by more.” A wicked, powerful smile crept across the Red King’s face as he bit his lips with anxiety, his eyes following the graceful figure of Chastity Darkholme hungrily. Prising himself away from her, Ryan Jensen began to walk meticulously down the dark corridor, his predominant smile never phasing from his handsome, structured face.

Gene sat rather quietly in his White Court office, resting his tired feet on his sturdy office desk. He’d been busy all morning filling out mountains of superfluous paperwork that wasn’t even necessary. With a heartily sigh, he looked at the pile of mail that had accumulated in front of him. Taking his silver letter opener in his hand, he wrenched open a very proficient looking letter with the most elegant script splashed on the front of the envelope. Upon further investigation he was encountered with more of the luxurious writing. Quickly he scanned the letter, his facial expressions changing as he did. With an uncertainty clinging to his mind, he re-read the letter, suspiciously evaluating it. There must have been some mistake. With a puzzled look on his face he wandered from his lavishly furbished chair and began to ramble down the copiously designed halls of the WHC mansion and finally collided with the White Rook, Khalid Hunter. “Look at this,” Gene said bluntly, thrusting the almost calligraphically styled letter into his rough hands.

Khalid looked apprehensively at Gene. “This has to be a wind up,” he growled, “that stuck up, snotty little runt couldn’t possibly be serious. Here’s one of Ryan’s pawns for crying out loud!”
Gene laughed at the thought of RKB having a combat with Mufasa. It was something that would surely be a quite interesting arrangement to see. “I think he actually wants to come and teach here,” Gene declared, “but with his affiliation with the IHFC, RKB isn’t coming here.” Khalid nodded in agreement, and headed down the corridors.

“Your quiet tonight, Kyle,” Marnie Fix said as she grabbed tighter into the Red Hellion’s strappingly powerful arm, smiling seductively at him. Kyle’s gaze remained transfixed on the large cinema screen in front of him; his eyes tracking the people on the screen with acute accuracy. Marnie sighed and joined her date in surveillance of the movie, glancing around at the youthful couples that littered the dimly lit, somewhat scruffily furnished theatre. In one last final attempt to direct Kyle’s engrossed attention, she planted a slight kiss on his cheek. The embrace seemed to send a tingling jolt of electricity through Marnie’s body, her sensations counteracted by Shadow’s. Lovingly they looked at one another, hoping the other was experiencing the same as they were. In a more relaxed tone the duet settled back to the movie, a grin across one another’s face.

Steven scurried alone across the cobbled pathway leading from the garage to the main building of the Red Court’s mansion. He’d recently departed from ShockWave, who had business to attend to. “She’s the type of noble and justified person we could do with a round here,” Steven said to himself, a smirk crossing his face. Suddenly a strong breeze ruffled his heavy black trench coat. Rain pelted down from the skies with wrathful vengeance, the strong, gale-like winds trying in vain to upturn and attack the Red mansion.

“Seems like a storm’s on the way, my Grace,” the doorman said as he retrieved the soaked coat from the Red Bishop’s body. Steven smiled politely, and breezed past him into his office. He guessed that the letter he sent to the White…ummm…. associate had reached its destination already. It was uncertain why someone would name themselves such a vulgar and degrading name, but Steven didn’t dwell on WHC policies. Telekinetically he levitated about seven inches from the ground allowing the maids to continue hovering the velvety soft carpet of the hallway. Steven entered his office and began to do a brief telepathic scan for his personal assistant Charles. He wasn’t in the building.

With a sigh, the Red Bishop proceeded to his desk, telekinetically starting up the music system, that began to churn out the delicate music of charlotte Church. Steven hummed along to the words as he took his place behind the large, domineering desk. He filed all his loose papers into one pile together, and commenced to search through his mail. A quick glance at the antique pocket watch that dangled from within his blazer pocket told him it was eight thirty three. Almost time for his airline company’s party. Since buying Airtours, Steven’s wealth seemed to have been spiralling upwards, but in the wake of certain events, he was doubtful in the existence of the business any longer.

Suddenly a very elaborate letter caught his eye. It was bound in a blue, quilted envelope and had the most decorative golden writing on the front of it. With a certain hesitation Steven opened the padded letter. As his finger violently popped open the sheath of the letter, a very intricately sewn in badge fell from the package.

Steven’s eyes narrowed in on it, his face suddenly becoming chalky white, whiter than the purest snow. He grasped the pain that erupted in his heart and stumbled backwards, propping himself against the strong Greek pillars that surrounded each window in his office. He levitated the sash over to him, and suddenly his stomach began to churn with…fear. “This can’t be,” he whispered in rasped, hoarse breaths, shaking his head violently. He quickly send a mental probe around the mansion to see who was present. Immediately he activated the security button; unleashing the full defences of the Red Court upon the mansion. He looked one lasts time at the badge. It was a royal blue ‘H’ on a purple background with the words ‘Blue is Antwerp’ sewn in in gold letters. RKB clutched the sash and teleported out of the room into the crowded corridor.

The servants were all alarmed at the sudden defensive appearance of the mansion. “Don’t worry,” Steven said in a less that convincing voice, “it’s just a security check up.” With that he raced at a hurried pace across the mansion, finally arriving at the Red King’s office door. He didn’t bother to alarm the King of his arrival telepathically or even with a courteous knock. He merely burst into the room, finding Ryan behind a desk. “How can I help you?” Ryan said in a cheerful tone that descended as he saw the look of fear in the Red Bishop’s face. Steven was a ma of hidden emotions, tough as nails, firm as steel. Nothing panicked him. But the look in his eyes frightened even the mighty Red King.

Steven tried three times to speak, but fear erupted from his mouth blocking his vocal release. Finally he began to speak, “Get everyone here now, hellions, general Members and everyone else! We are all in the up most danger.” Ryan looked simply at the Red bishop, uncertain whether to heed his warning. Then he noticed the security had been but on high alert. Steven wasn’t joking. Something big must have shaken him up. “Right, I’ll do that straight away,” Ryan, said as he hurried off out of his room, followed by the Red bishop. Please don’t be too late Steven said to himself as he headed into the War Room.

Part Two, Written by Ian Fitzroy, edited by RKB, the Purple King.

“Well, that was a complete waste of time,” Marnie Fox said, leaning on Kyle’s arm as the couple proceeded from the theatre, into the bustling Las Vegas streets. The Red Rook was still struck by the dazzling lights that Vegas happily beamed upon people. The whole town seemed to seep with life and happiness, opportunity and prosperity.

Kyle smirked slightly. “Julia Roberts sure was hot!” he exclaimed. Marnie looked daggers at him.

“Well, if you like trashy bimbos, I suppose. I thought you had more taste Mr. Eccleston, but it seems I was mistake.” Marnie made a loud, disapproving sniff and turned her head away from him. Kyle looked somewhat hurt by his date’s response. Date. It felt so strange to be doing something normal. Buying a CD, sharing pizza with a friend, taking a beautiful girl to the movies…. that was normal. Not fighting for your life against an enemy who hates and despises you, or having your soul corrupted by black magic.

Kyle wrapped his arms around Marnie, smiling wickedly at her. Pulling her closer he began to kiss her when both were stunned by the invading psionic presence. “You two, get to the mansion NOW!” RKB’s firm voice shouted in their heads, before quickly departing.

“I wonder what’s got the little dude so upset,” Marnie said as she followed Shadow into a portal he’d just opened.

Tantalising music charmed around the heaving restaurant; vainly piercing the clattering of cutlery and the soft humming of conversation. The invigorating smell of expensive perfume lingered in the demanding atmosphere. “This is a wonderful place,” Stephanie Macgraff said as she disregarded a straying strand of silky brown hair over her shoulder, slightly adjusted the horn rimmed glasses that laid carefully on the end of her nose. Ian Fitzroy smiled shyly, out stretching his friend’s chair, calmly inviting her to take a seat.

“Mr Booth recommended this place to me,” Ian said as he seated himself, and ordered two menus. He took a long staring gaze at his date. She had the most delicate frame he’d ever seen, her emerald green dress, trimmed with elegant grey fur around the collar clung to her angelic frame carefully, sliding into every nook and cranny like a second skin. Waves of silky brown hair flowed from her head, nestling carefully behind her shoulders. In the dimly lit restaurant, her turquoise eyes glimmered behind those intellectual looking glasses.

“So how long have you worked for Mr Booth then?” Ian asked as he removed his eyes from her physique, and began to scan through the menu.

Stephanie gave a quiet, reserved laugh. “I used to work for Steven in Airtours, but I found out I was a mutant, and basically went mad. Everything I touched wouldn’t stop exploding. I was almost ready to quit being secretary, thinking that me being a mutant could endanger the name of Airtours, and put it bottom of the airline companies. But then Steven approached me one night and told me about being a mutant and his research facilities. He admitted me to the Texas branch, and slowly I learned control. Eventually, Steven offered me a job as a nurse at the Texas branch and I happily said yes. I also know about the Hellfire Club. So, how’d you meet Steven?” She took a quick drink of her vintage wine, licking her lips as she did, savouring the exquisite liquid as it swirled around in her crystal tumbler. Then she shot Ina a melting, warm glance, inviting him to speak.

Ian shifted awkwardly in his seat. Everything about Stephanie seemed to have metamorphed in the last few minutes. She seemed so shy, so quiet and placid at work, hiding gently behind her large bureau. But the way she looked, her evidently proud body language and her eyes…. she seemed so much more confidant and stronger than when he first met her. “I’ve been friends with Steven ever since he found me when I was fifteen. I’d just developed my powers, and it was really hard on me too. My parents ignored me, pretended I wasn’t different. But then one day Steven turned up, and my parent’s let him take me to the private boarding school for mutants he run. And ever since, I’ve always been by his side, so to speak, and I am also a Hellfire Club member. But mainly I just keep an eye on Steven’s private mutant research centres, his private schools and hospitals, his airline and cruise liner company and his shipping company. Not to mention his upcoming pharmaceutical company, Composites Company.” Ian signalled for the waiter to come to the table, placing his leather bound menu down flat.

“Hello Sir, Madame, can I please take your order?” the waiter said, his squeaky, high-pitched voice adding to his youthful look. Not to mention his platinum blonde hair, which he kept on brushing from his eyes, giving him even more youthful look.

“To start I’d like melon, then for main course, lamb cooked fairly well, in the most expensive red wine you have, with all the trimmings. As for desert…. I’ll have the chocolate gateau,” Ian said, somewhat licking his lips as he imagined the succulent meal he would soon be presented with.

“Excellent choice, sir, and for you Madame?” the waiter said as he scribbled carelessly onto his pad, silently scorning the large appetite he’d been addressed with. Just as Stephanie began to speak, her mouth fell shut, as did her eyes. Silently she slumped in her chair, followed closely by the rest of the assemblage. Ian rose defensively from his chair, scanning the room meticulously. A twinge grasped his head, making him stand still, trying to fight the pain.

”Cease this struggling, my friend,” the oily, lethargic voice of RKB said within his head, “step through the portal I am sending. It is urgent that you get to the mansion NOW! And don’t worry, everyone’s temporarily sleeping, and Stephanie will think you were called away on business.” Obediently, the Red Hellion thrust his body through he portal, as he began to curse about messing his meal.

Steven paced impatiently around the Red King’s office, wiping his sweat-ridden forehead. “Where is everyone?” he screamed ending his bony fists smashing onto the King’s desk, sending several things rumbling around the structure. ShockWave gave Chastity a concerned look, the Red Queen merely shrugging her off. What is her problem Chastity said to herself she not even a member of THIS court. Suddenly the fantastic tapestries that lined the official office of the Red King were emerged in black, thick, swirling smoke as Kyle Eccleston, also known as Red Hellion Shadow, and Marnie Fox, Red Rook, ascended from them.

“It’s about time you two turned up,” Daemon Darkholme said as he leaned lazily against the mantle piece of the roaring fire that illuminated the luxurious room. From across the room, Spark, Epyon, Morte, Lark and Salvatore all stood in their red uniforms, each one clinging to their physique perfectly. Without warning, Ian Fitzroy toppled through a portal, directing from the far side of the long office.

“Alas, you are all here, and probably wondering why I’ve called you all here so suddenly,” RKB said, as he peered suspiciously out of the blinds. Raising his index fingers to his temples, the Red Bishop began to emit a powerful psionic scan, which drifted through the assembled members of the IHFC, racking through each one with a slight twist of pain. Then he immediately allowed his arms to fall to his side and turned his attention to them all. “I apologise for my psychic interruptions, but I must be sure that none of you have already fallen slave to the menace that has decided to rekindle itself from the ashes of my past.”

A wave of uncertainty wafted through the air, drifting from one member to the next. Everyone’s eyes fixated upon the frail looking man standing nervously in the middle of the room. “I have a slight confession to make to you,” Steven said as he straightened his necktie, fingering the expensive material tensely. “About 1898, I think I’d been Black King of the Northern Hellfire Club of England for about ten years. A very rich landowner, coming from Antwerp, approached the Club and me. He was the silent Blue King of Antwerp. For those of you, well most of you that aren’t aware, 500 years ago was the day the Hellfire Clubs nearly died. There were six branches to the Hellfire Club, the Secret Ones, and they got together on this day, just as the ancient grail foretold. The Black in London, The White in Paris, Red in Madrid, Grey in Rome, Blue in Antwerp, and the Green in Lisbon. Then the bombs in each Court went off. The Greens and Blue were closest to the bombs, none of them made it out, and the others were hit very hard.”

Chastity began to speak in her informative, business-like voice. “I know of this, I believe this was the basis of the formation of the Grey Court.” A smug, victorious smile crept across her beautiful face.

Steven shot her a piercing, burning look that seemed to pass through her violently. “Don’t speak to me like some blind fool,” the Red Bishop spat, his deathly icy eyes growing wider and wider, “I am over a century and a half old. I know more about this world than you could even dream about.” Chastity opened her mouth to defend herself, before Ryan shot her a calming look.

“As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted,” Steven said in a shrill, metallic voice, “the Blues were heavily hit.” He took a quick pause, shifting his glasses nervously from his face. “It must have been about my sixth year as Black King of the Northern Hellfire Club,” Steven began, “I was approached by Lord Isambard of Antwerp, a very powerful industrialist. He wanted to recruit me for the Blue Hellfire Club of Antwerp that hadn’t exactly been dominating the face of the planet. They’d been moving around, observing us all and finally choosing a time to reveal their existence. Anyway, he asked me to be Blue Bishop. I violently refused, but finally I said I’d dual member with the Clubs, and was made Blue Bishop. It didn’t involve much until they demanded that I assimilate the Northern Hellfire Club into the Antwerp branch. I basically laughed din their faces, but I seriously under-estimated their power. They attacked the Club on several occasions, and despite how much I denied it, I did relocate the Club because of them. But before I went, Isambard, and External, gave me this letter:
What does it prophet a man, to gain the world, at the cost of his soul?
Blue is Antwerp, and the blood of her enemies will stream the streets, and no mercy shall be shown to disbelievers.

Steven sifted his weight from one leg to the other, straightening his tie and adjusting his attire. Never before had the Red Bishop been so nervous. “Earlier today I received the seal of a marked man from Antwerp, the sign that soon someone will be sent to assassinate me, and all those who have dishonoured the Hellfire Clubs. I fear that the war the may rage will also attack you all.”

An eerily silence drafted across the room; the atmosphere thick enough to slice. Finally the delicate silence began to crumble under the powerful voice of the authorative Red King. “No matter what lies ahead, the Hellfire Club shall not abandon you. We shall stand firm.”

Alien forms of straying slight wandered monotonously across the dimly lit room; casting evil, twisted and sinister shadows around the chamber. The candle that tried to illuminate the domineeringly dark room flickered in the breeze that wafted across the damp and indistinguishable darkness. “This won’t do,” a hoarse, twisted voice said as he re-arranged his boots, making a heavy thumping noise on the large oak desk, “you truly do have a backbone revealing all our secrets. But don’t worry, Blue Bishop, you days, your hours, your minutes are numbered. As are the idiotic examples of Hellfire Clubs you flaunt. For today, the mighty wrath of the ancient Clubs shall be felt, and your debt will be paid in blood, as we restore the Clubs back to their former glory.” And with that, Joseph Ryan clicked his fingers, allowing him to materialise from the wooden chair in which he was seated.

Chapter Three

Written by Shadow, edited by RKB and Ian Fitzroy. Contributed by Epyon.

One upon a time, in a far away land.

A millennium and a half ago in England to be precise.

A once-great king was falling from grace—and taking his shining kingdom down with him. And not even his magical sword could slow his descent. While the kingdom was great, the king was loved. He led his people on great quests, both personal and public (such as the Holy Quest for the Holy Grail).

Sadly, when a kingdom is so high, it can fall all the longer—building up great force until it collides against the Pit itself, shattering into a million shards of good intentions.

As the hungry common people began to chatter of rebellion against the king, a small group of nobles and wealthy businessmen held a clandestine meeting to discuss the fate of the shining kingdom. It was agreed that the great fall was due to the lack of control they held over the king.

Vowing that they and their progeny would be the cornerstone and the foundation of all great governments to ever come, they plotted on how to seize control of the known-world without revealing their existence.

Creating an organization of wealth, power, and aristocracy, they hid themselves amongst others with similar desires for power and order, while at the same time manoeuvring themselves into a central position from where they could reign unchallenged and unknown.

However, the covert organization had not planned as well as they had believed. Unknown to most members, some founders were not what they seemed. They were something more than human. With powers un-dreamt of by mortal men.

Soon, this secret society decided that to truly thrive, the falling king (who was still the best hope the world had) had to die. So they sent in the king’s own bastard son to commit the murder. The resulting age was chaotic and violent. And any chance a king had for gaining control was to be found in an alliance—subservience—to this group of men and women.

Fortunately, the side of good was not without its own extra-powerful defender. Although now alone and unable to thwart the will of the secret group, a great and powerful wizard quickly rescued the magic sword from the grasp of his dying monarch, and threw the instrument into an abyss. The wizard then went into hiding, waiting for the inevitable births of those that will have the power to oppose the operations of the group. Someday he would have an army. And someday, when the world’s greatest need was manifest, the Ascended One would come to lead the army to victory.

Throughout the following centuries, the covert organization has guided and condemned governments and businesses around the world. Behind nearly every great accomplishment, stand the secret ones. And behind every great tragedy, there they will also be.

They have been called by many different names by many different peoples, but to themselves they are called the Inner Circle of the HellFire Club.

Steven wandered helplessly around the mansion; his elderly body trembling in the stifling cold breeze that began to float around the mansion. In the distance, the grandfather clock chimed as the hour approached three in the morning. The Red Bishop sighed heavily. Insomnia is something he’d learned to love with in the 154 years he’d been alive. 154. It sounds so long, so ancient. To those who aren’t cursed with a life that has no end, 154 years old is nothing but a blessing. Something they can only dream of. But to the unfortunate people that are marked with semi-immortality, it is nothing but a disastrous reminder of how they can never leave this world, and return to those who they’ve lost over the years.

“So much has happened in my existence, “ RKB said as he levitated into the kitchen, telekinetically triggering the switch on the kettle. “There has been so much disaster, so much turmoil and death. So many in desperate need of my help, but they die and fade away before I can assist them. So many medical and political challenges for me to bulldoze. But how can one man with a mallet, destroy such a towering challenge?” Steven shook his head, sending his skeletal fingers through his icy white hair, purer than any kind of snow. Half-heartedly he aroused his telepathy, closing shut his eyelids.

Beneath the flaps of skin his eyes rolled and revolved busily, his mind dancing around the mansion like tongues of flames hungrily consuming anything in their destructive path. Those flames were so much like the telepathic might of the Red Bishop. He alone stood unchallenged as the most psionically gifted and strongest psion on the planet, surpassing everyone that lived. He was the kind of telepath the other telepaths feared. But even he had weaknesses. Trapped in a crippled, withered old body that could barely contain him, he would never be able to reach his ultimate power.

The faint whistling of the climaxing kettle jolted the Red Bishop from his thoughts. Lethargically he crossed the kitchen and placed the steaming water into a teacup, stirring the bag and water together. A quick telepathic bolt suddenly passed through his body, alerting him of a nearby presence.

“Good morning,” Steven said, as he looked past the Red Queen, averting his attention from her. Casually he levitated across the room, brushing past the Queen and into the corridor. “Your being too hard on yourself,” Chastity said in a leveled, calm tone, “you are always the first to note the bad things you’ve accomplished. But you never acknowledge all the good you have done.”

Steven stopped abruptly, spinning around to make eye contact with the Red Queen. His gaze could phase and intimidate almost anything, but it had not affect on the Red Queen. He noticed how strong, how independent Chastity had grown since her short time with the Red Court. It seemed only yesterday she came through the doors to her initiation party as a General Member. And within weeks, he was welcoming her to the ranks of the Hellions. Then, within mere days, she was promoted to Rook. It was almost impossible for someone to ascend through the ranks. That is something Steven had never experienced. He barely ever had to fight for his title. Black Rook of the Northern hellfire Club of England was handed to him at birth, and in next to no time, title as Black King. Then he joined the IHFC, and was immediately made Knight. The only title he battled for the Bishop. But he overcame it easily. But Chastity had fought her way through the ranks with hard work; using her charm and positive attitude to be crowned Red Queen

“Steven, you’ve given the International Hellfire Club a pulse, a purpose. You have given hope to so many people, as a teacher, doctor, and politician, Bishop, Knight or mentor. So many owe you’re their life, and you are truly a man of many wonders.” Chastity took a deep breath, emitting a stale silence between the two Inner Circle members.

“Thank you,” Steven said in a choky, raspy voice, and a smile spreading across his face. Chastity gave him a friendly wink, before teleporting away. The Red Bishop walked back to his room, a pleased smile on his face.

“Nathan?” Steven said into the receiver of his antique telephone. There was a muffled sense of astonishment on the other side of the line.

“Mental Rogue?” Nathan Perkins, also known as Paradox said in a groggy voice, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He suddenly shot upright in his bed.

“Calm down,” Steven said, his empathic powers picking up Paradox’s sudden state of shock, “and I must apologise for my late interruptions.” Steven pulled a pocket watch from his blue silken dressing gown. In the dim light being emanated from his desk lamp, the timepiece declared four minutes past three. Perhaps I should have waited until the morning he said to himself.

“So, what did you want?” Paradox said rudely, anger in his voice. He knew a call from Mental Rogue, Red Bishop of the infamous Las Vegas Hellfire Club was always something leading upto trouble.

“I see you haven’t lost your complete lack of manners,” RKB sniffed arrogantly down the phone, as his hand shot to his face adjusting his spectacles. “Who said I wanted anything?”

Paradox began to laugh sarcastically down the receiver. “I can’t ever remember you telephoning me for a friendly chat, tea and biscuits before,” the former Black Upstart scoffed as he dragged his body out of his untidy bed and headed across his littered apartment. “Cut to the chase,” he said, as he took a quick sniff of the milk he took from the refrigerator. It was so stale; the odour almost knocked him off his feet.

A smile tried to creep across the fragile face of the Red Bishop. “My reputation precedes me,” he chuckled. Then his tone became more serious. “I have an assignment for you to do, since you’ve been very idle lately.”

Paradox rolled his eyes violently, his arms wanting to grab the Red Bishop’s scrawny neck and choke him to death. If he would have thought espionage was this demanding, he would have dropped it.

“Like you dropped your status in the BHC?” RKB said sharply, his voice level and emotionless.

Nathan’s eyes widened in anger. “If you read my mind again without asking me, I’ll kick your…”

“Now now, no need for gutter language,” Steven said, “concentrate on the mission ahead. I want you to follow me for the next few days, and look out for a man called Joseph Ryan. If he gets anywhere near me alert me. I’ll fax over the photo of him in the morning.”

“Why can’t you just telepathically locate him?” Paradox said, as he crawled back into bed; the warmth of the bed sheets invigorating him.

“Don’t question my authority, after all I pay your wages. Let’s just say, he has ways of evading my telepathic probes,” Steven said as he rose from his desk chair and fiddled with the control panel on the wall. In the distance he could hear his indoor fountain churn to life; the trickling of the water and the dimly lit ceiling lights giving his office a more welcoming and relaxing feel. Telekinetically, he threw another log on the already roaring fire and then laid down on the chairs longe near the conflagration.

“Okay master,” Paradox said in a patronising tone, “your will is my command.” And with that, he hung up the telephone.

“Take that Joseph,” RKB said to himself, as he caressed a framed photograph of himself and his former friend in his hands, “now I have cover. I know everywhere I go you’ll be hot on my heals, but I’m ready for you. You’ve caused too much uproar and sadness in my life. But don’t worry, it all ends soon.” Steven suddenly shot from his feet and forcefully threw the photo into the blaze; watching as the flames devoured it and wiped it from existence.

”Quite the little speech maker,” Ozyranian Kine said, as he took a swift drink of his champagne, looking pensively at the viewing globe in front of him, “Bargh, he makes me physically sick!” he clicked his mystical fingers, and the orb disappeared a cloud of burgundy smoke.

“Now, now, my Knight,” Isambard Lent said, looking over the room from his elegant throne where several skimpily dressed servant girls attended to his every wish, “you should feel more respect towards our Bishop.” He stood up; his athletic physique, pure blonde hair and aquatic eyes giving him the most picturesque look. The looks fit for a King. His deep green eyes suddenly flared red and his whole body glowed with a radiant white light. Abruptly, he appeared by the side of a beautiful lady, playing chess at a table on her own.

“Bishop?” Paris Witchester shrieked, tossing a straying strand of her silky black hair over her shoulder, “that person down there is not fit for such an honour. As Blue Rook, I declare him unfit!” She moved a pawn forward one diagonal space and took an opposing bishop. Seeing she had left her King open to checkmate, the Blue Rook’s temper flared, as did her right index finger, sending a bolt of energy into the chess set, phasing it upon impact.

The sound of disapproving tutting came from across the room. Behind the piano, Bethany Beaura, the Blue Queen, tantalised the room with elegant music, her fingers passing over the keys in a hypnotic dance. “My Rook, you presume to much,” she hissed, “for soon, Steven Booth will take his place among our numbers, or die. The events shall slide together like a carefully played game of chess. Something you should revise, my dear.”

“If my opinion means anything,” Ralph ransom, the Blue pawn said in his Egyptian voice, his eyes hidden behind dark glasses, “in the future I see nothing but toil and misery for our Club, this could be a result of re-initiating the Blue Bishop.”

From the far end of the luxuriously designed boardroom, the lush purple drapes that hugged and guarded the windows aroused violently, announcing the arrival of a guest.

“Antwerp is so lovely at night,” Joseph Ryan said as he slid through he purple drapes and teleported beside the Blue King’s throne; selecting some grapes from a bunch and popping the into his mouth, “any news about that treacherous snake?”

Paris smiled widely at the former White king; her heart beating ever so faster in her chest. His proud, masculine physique, barely contained in the expensive, tailored business suit he wore, made her eyes wander around his body. The golden hair that graced his head shimmered in the strong lighting of the room. I wish I wasn’t so young she cursed to herself, her eyes hungrily observing Joseph.

“Greetings,” Isambard said, shaking Joseph’s hand as he ascended behind him in a trail of white light. The Blue King then turned and addressed the Inner Circle. “As you are aware, we take back our birth right, and Antwerp shall become the strong hold of Hellfire Club that it was five hundred years ago. And the Red Bishop shall either kneel before the feet of Antwerp, or feel her mighty wrath. And if he is such a fool as to reject our offer, then Joseph Ryan will be made our Bishop. A trial of combat will commence soon, between the Red Bishop and his former assistant King of the Beverley Hills Hellfire Club. So, I say to you now, take the next few hours for rest and peace. For tomorrow, the day of judgement shall arrive.”

Chastity slipped through the shadily lit corridors of the Inner Circle’s bedchambers with ease, her agility and sleekness resembling that of a panther. The distant sound of footprints caused the Red Queen to phase herself into the wall, ready to attack anyone who shouldn’t have been in the hallways. To her relief it was her elder brother, the Red Knight, dragging himself in after a night out. It’s ten minutes past three! Chastity said to herself, where has he been for so long? And who’s that Slutty blonde haired woman he’s brought home with him. Ooo, him and me are gonna have some serious words in the morning. When she was sure that Daemon and his lady friend had concealed themselves in his bedchamber, she teleported into the Red King’s room, solidifying herself on his head, just below his feet. With a wicked grin on her face, the Red Queen sent a low current of electricity through the Red King’s body, dragging him from his peaceful slumber.

“Chastity, my dear,” he said as he went to grab her, a seductive smile spread across his face in a toothy grin, “so nice to see you.” The Red Queen pushed away his advancing arms and stood up, crossing her arms over her chest.

Ryan slid out of bed and into a red towelling robe, concealing his nakedness. Even in the simple robe, Chastity couldn’t help but think how good Ryan looked. Good enough to eat she mused to herself. Then the task that she had come her to perform slid into her mind. She crossed the room, magically lighting all the lights as she did, signalling the King to follow her. Curiously, the Red King followed his femme fatale.

“I believe the time is at hand,” Chastity said as she opened up a wormhole and pulled out a very familiar cane. It was decked with several precious jewels around its titanium frame, then atop of it laid a red and blue ruby. It was the Red Bishop’s cane. “The power basin of the International Hellfire Club spreads wider and wider everyday,” the Red Queen said, lifting the cane above her head. A slight breeze began to draft through the exquisite room of the Red King. “And with such increases of power, come more and more opportunities and responsibilities. As you and I agreed, the IHFC must forge a channel through the rest of the Clubs, hence creating a secondary court, a Blue Court. Now, our avatar, the Red bishop, Steven booth, is ready for such a task.”

A powerful blast of energy fired from the tip of the cane, splitting up into many different colours that circled the walking stick. Finally they all grouped back together and forged their way into the ruby. And suddenly the blue and red colours began swirling together until they made a perfect purple ruby. The energy died down and the cane fell to the floor. Ryan quickly ran behind Chastity, and caught her in his arms.

“We decided on naming the Court, Blue,” Chastity said in a groan, “but Purple is such a more appropriate. I therefore think that soon we should coronate the Red Bishop as Purple King of the International Hellfire Club.” With that the Red Queen opened up another wormhole and sent the cane back into the Red bishop’s room. And then she fell asleep in her lover’s arms.

Ryan tenderly placed her on his bed and went over to his mini bar and poured himself a sifter of brandy. “It seems all my plans are coming together,” he said as he stared out of the window, his gaze dancing across the silent grounds of the IHFC estate.

Steven awoke violently from his nap, sliding off the chairs longe onto the velvety soft floor. “Ow!” he said as his body collided with the floor. He realised he had drifted off to sleep. "What time is it I wonder?” as he took his pocket watch from his robe. “I’ve only been to sleep for five minutes,” he sighed, as he levitated to his desk chair. He knew there was no chance of going back to sleep. Sliding his glasses onto his face, he decided to get a head start on grading the Academy’s tests. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed his cane, given to him by Chastity only weeks earlier, lying debility on his favourite reading chair. “How odd,” he said as he walked over to retrieve it, “that’s should be in my wardrobe.” As he neared the cane he noticed the transformation atop of the ruby. It was no longer a red and blue ruby, but instead a purple ruby with a crown marking on the top. “How strange,” he said to himself as he headed out of the room in search for the Red Queen.

For the Future, Forget the Past *HF* Chapter Four

Written by RKB and Salvanza.

Chastity opened her eyes slightly; seeing the bed sheets rise as the Red King’s chest cavity increased and decreased. I must have dosed off she said, as she teleported herself to her own chamber. The bitter night’s icy air chilled right through her, causing her to pull her silken night robe tighter around her. With the slightest of effort, she pryokinetically kindled a small, but adequately heated fire. A quick glance at the jewel encrusted mantle piece clock the Red Queen had been presented by from the former Red Rook, Ian Fitzroy, upon her ascension tot eh inner Circle told her it was three thirty. In the hallway she could her the clanging of expensive tailored shoes on the wooden floors of the hallway. Casting a new spell she’d learnt, she allowed her mystic self to drift from her body into the corridor. It’s Steven she said to herself, as she teleported into her bed, pretending to be sleeping. The Red bishop knocked a few times, and then declined his advancement.

“Thank God for that,” she said crawling out of her comfortable bed, “the last thing I need is a confrontation with my Bishop. He seems to be more argumentative, more competitive as of late.” The slight shift in the shadows cast by the fireplace and the few lights that lit the room indicated the presence of another in her suite.

“Fox, my dear,” Chastity said without turning her head towards the Red Rook, “it’s nice to see you. Is this a social call?”

Marnie shrugged her shoulders, then gestured to the rows of luggage that lined the oak floor of the Red Queen’s room. “Taking a trip are we?” she said sarcastically.

Chastity slid her an envelope. Carefully, the Red rook opened the envelope and took out the rose scented piece of black paper. In the middle of this paper was a dominant crimson silhouette of a bishop chess piece. The Red Rook’s brow began to furrow, not knowing what her Queen was upto.

“One must understand that there was for a time a cast iron grip on this Court, led by Ryan and Ryan alone. But, as he was introduced to a certain psion, he seemed to be getting lazier and lazier. What the poor boy was deprived of was a queen. And whilst he searched for one, the grip of this certain psion increased and increased. But, then the psion got lazy and was attracted to other courts as well as his own.” Chastity gave the Red Rook a warming, yet intimidating smile, that seemed to send shivers through the young woman’s spine.

”Then this court was introduced to the Darkholme’s. And since day one I, along with my brother, have been restoring this court back to glory. And a few weeks ago I stumbled upon something that would truly play the court into my hands.”

Marnie hung on every word that her mistress said, taking and evaluating all her careful riddles and rhymes. If there was one thing that she was certain of in life, it was that Chastity Darkholme was a woman of much strength, and no weaknesses. A woman NOT to be crossed.

Chastity could see she had her prodigy engrossed in her words. Marnie had proven to be the most susceptible member of her little group. And her sudden outburst relationship with Shadow had clearly put the icing on the cake that was Chastity’s plan.

“Despite popular belief,” Chastity began as she snapped her fingers making the fire roar with life, “Steven isn’t the quiet little religious person. Too many times I have clashed with him. To put it bluntly, he could turn out to be the thorn in my side. Now, I do love him like a father, but he must be eliminated from my plans. So, I stumbled into the VERY colourful history of our bishop. According to a file he thought long lost, he once accepted a title of Blue Bishop of Antwerp; to build a bond between his Club and the long thought dead club. But Steven rejected their advances, and severed the ties. But, the Antwerp branch needs him back to complete their Inner Circle.” Chastity took a breath, and placed a golden goblet to her red lips, taking a quick sip of water.

“In order to restore them to their former glory,” Chastity started again, “they have decided to assimilate with us…and have Steven as their King. This means he’s out of the way. Leaving you to be Bishop, and Shadow to be Rook. Think of the possibilities the Red Court could have with an Inner Circle like that! We will be invincible!”

The Red Rook’s eyes were wide in astonishment, her mouth gaping open slightly. Chastity just nodded, rubbing her fingers across Marnie’s chin. “It’s a lot to take in,” she said, “but it’ll all slot together smoothly. Now I must depart for the airport.”

Fox managed to gather her thoughts. “Airport? What would one want to go to the airport for?”

“I am going to the Black Hellfire Club of England, more specifically London. My two good friends are there and it’s time we met up.” Chastity slipped into a large fir coat when a perusing knock chimed on her door.

“Now now Marnie, you should go back to get. It’s almost four in the morning.” With that the Red Queen trotted out of the room and down the dimly lit corridors, followed by a parade of servants.

“Three fifty nine and twelve seconds,” Steven said as he meticulously combed his blonde hair, adjusting his necktie. He didn’t look too bad at all. The luxurious navy blue suit and wait coast blended brilliantly together, and with his mysteriously metamorphed cane at his side, his shoes sparkling and his golden rimmed glasses peering off the end of his nose, he was ready to go about his daily affairs. In the next room, he could hear his personal assistant Charles crawl out of bed, planning the Bishop’s journal. “To think I have to go all the way to Washington today to give a talk about genetics to a bunch of no body senators who are already strictly against allowing any kind of assistance towards mutants,” he sighed, remembering the recent atrocities. He’d been in his Airtours office in New York on that fateful day. Since then, he’d been more on edge. More cautious. And more determined for justice.

“Damn,” he said out loud, rapping his cane on the floor, “I am supposed to be teaching at the Academy this afternoon. DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DA..,” he began before the door behind him slammed, introducing his assistant’s arrival.

“Sir, you already have that covered, remember, Professor Wessex is teaching them. Calm down and go and have some breakfast.” Steven shook his head. Despite how organised and in control he seemed, he couldn’t do anything without the help of certain people. One person stood out from his thoughts more than anyone else. Recently he’d been building bonds with his new Academy students, whilst making sure all this hellions were okay. But he’d given little thought to his best friend in the world.

Ian Fitzroy had done more Steven than he’d even admit. Every time Steven needed to be at a mutant research facility and at an Airtours meeting at the same time, Ian was there to stand in at either slot. He kept an eye on everything for him. But Steven hadn’t repaid him.

“Charles,” Steven said as he headed out of the door, “please can you alert me when Mr Fitzroy is available for business?”

Xeus said alone in his room at the BHC Academy, pretending to revise anaerobic respiration. Some of the things RKB had taught him he’d never need to know or ever use. But at least the Academy and the Marauders gave him purpose. Yet, he didn’t feel right in the BHC. He didn’t know any of the members, but he knew he disliked most of them. Except for RKB. Something drew him to him; like a mystical magnetism. He could trust him. From the halfway he could hear the stirrings of the other members, ravenous for breakfast. A sigh breezed through his body as he grabbed his guitar, and began strumming an absent-minded tune.

“Dual membership,” Nate snickered as he cleared his plate onto the side of the dining room cabinet, “who heard of such an idea?” The Black Prince looked dissentingly at the Black Princess.

“Well, it is never been such a rule in the past,” Monet said, twisting a strand jet black hair around her finger, “I myself think it is a terrible idea. I mean, it is just so…reckless.” The two had been friends ever since they found themselves in the earlier recantation of the BHC. That friendship had always proved beneficial to each one of them. It provided them with a shoulder to cry on when times were at their hardest, or a person to listen to their troubles.

“I am not a fan of RKB being in this establishment,” Monet said bluntly, as she spooned some cereal into her mouth.

Nate looked at her with a deep, thoughtful look. “He seems loyal and dedicated,” Nate said, taking a sip of his orange juice, “a little crazy, eccentric and power hungry, but an all round good guy. You worry to much.”

The Princess stared diggers at her counterpart. “He’s the freaking Red Bishop! He shouldn’t even be in another court. It’s just not right. And he’s a little…well, arrogant.”

Suddenly the Inner Circle dining room was joined by a third person. The Prince and Princess’ eyes skewered the figure that sprawled across the room, and took a seat in one of the elegant thrones that decked the room, the Knight’s throne. “So, bad mouthing the Black Headmaster is wise is it?” Xeus said as he grabbed a red apple from the crystal dish that was perched in the centre of the table, “now I don’t think that’s really a good idea.”

“This is an Inner Circle dining room,” Monet spat forcefully, “why don’t you take yourself to the little ‘canteen’.”

Xeus smiled defiantly at her. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“In the BHC, we have more influence than you. So just butt out!” Nate said, clenching his fists solidly. Beneath his gruff exterior, he was sweating nervously. From his observations of the Headmaster, he wasn’t really a man to mess around or aggravate. He didn’t just wield extremely powerful psionic powers, but his influence and economic strength was something not to tamper with.

“It’s okay, I think I’ll ask him what he thinks about it,” Xeus smiled. Suddenly he felt the chair being grasped with an invisible force, pinning it and himself to the floor.

“Listen here, you silly little boy,” Monet said, string fiery at the Marauder, “you keep your mouth shut.”

Abruptly the Black King entered the room, smiling at the assembled members of the team. The chair fell from the telekinetic grasp of the Prince. Xeus wiped off his shirt and jumped to his feet. “Hey, I’ll continue this discussion with RKB later,” he said craftily as he headed out of the room and down the corridors, a smug smile plastered across his face.

Thomas rose from his bed and languidly dressed, selecting mocha coloured tee shirt that was sleeveless and stuck to his muscular physique like a second skin, complemented by a pair of charcoal pants. “Saturday’s are so boring,” he said as he glanced at the miniature clock besides his bed. Eight thirty he said to himself, think I’ll go and run a simulation in the danger Room for a few minutes.

Unlike the other Hellions, Epyon actually enjoyed the hours he’d worked up in the Danger Room. There were a lot of things that set him aside from the other students. It wasn’t always easy being Thomas Bennett.

“Thomas,” a strong, authorative voice said from behind him. Instantly the young warrior recognised his mentor’s call.

“Hello Steven,” Thomas said as he span around to see the Red Bishop heading towards him, cane in hand. In all this years of being under the tutelage, he could never adapt to the style of attire his fiend and mentor had adopted. Too sophisticated for his liking.

“We haven’t done anything as friends for ages,” RKB said, “so why don’t we grab a limo into town and go shopping for a new sword a piece. It’s about time we upgraded our skills.”

Epyon smiled heartily. He was planning of another dull afternoon in front of the television but he’d been graced with an interesting day out and a free present as well. “It’s a deal,” he said, “meet you in an hour.” With that the young Hellion trotted off down the hallways.

The airport as alive with activity as the ramblings of inward and outward flights. Elegantly, the private jet landed on the tarmac with ease. “At last,” Paris Witchester groaned as she took the hand of the airport attendant, guiding her way carefully down the towering flight of stairs leading from the jet, “that flight was too long. Why could you just teleport us here, Joseph?”

From the plane came the golden haired man of her affection. He sniffed arrogantly. “One would expect more from an airport in Las Vegas. It’s quite robust.”

“Quit your nonsensical jabbering,” Isambard Lent declared, thrusting his powerful physique through the hole in the fuselage, “we all know why we’re here. And it isn’t for a very pretty reason.”

The scarlet red limo ploughed effortlessly through the infected and congested roads of Las Vegas, swerving and intruding past the lesser cars. “Why is traffic always bad when I have a destination to reach!?” Steven Booth screeched.

Epyon rolled his eyes and placed his hand on the Red Bishop’s shoulder. “Calm down Steven, this is supposed to be a fun day out. Just chill dude.” With that, the Red Hellion slid back in the devilishly comfortable red leather seats of the limo and placed on a headset, tapping his body in time to Linki’ Park.

A sigh ricocheted through Steven’s elderly body. He knew his apprentice was correct. But lately Steven had been grumpier and more short tempered. May nights he’d found himself waking at ungodly hours, searching through the astral plane for…. nothing. There was nothing strange about anything. But why couldn’t he shift that overwhelming sense of… danger. Indeed, his mind was flashing warily around him; crying out with warnings and signals, but none of them made any sense. And the letter from Antwerp, the transfiguration of his cane. None of it made any sense. I should have gone back to England with Chastity he said to himself.

“By Jove,” Steven said as he threw a sword to Epyon, “that one is most divine!”

Thomas acrobatically back flipped and seized the weapon in his hands. After a few practices with it, he decided it was the one for him. Its blade was made of a rare silver, capable of destroying any super natural beings. Something he was sure he’d cross in the days with the IHFC. A meticulously designed handle, embedded in gold and jewels finished off the classic look of the sword. “I’ll take it!” he said cheerfully.

Ian Fitzroy climbed out of the deep, luxurious black leather chair that he’d seated himself in. Today was the Hellion’s ‘day off’. On Saturdays everything seemed to become quieter, more… normal. “Kyle and Hel are off on some silly date, Salvatore is singing at a choir meeting, Lark and Spark are at the beach, Epyon’s out with RKB, Morte is in her room probably trying to slit her wrists, and I’m stuck here with you.”

The Hellion, seated in a white leather chair from across the room, began to grin, stroking his goatee beard. “My my, am I that boring?” Wolfox stRanger said as he reached for the crystal decanter situated on a nearby table. Carefully, he removed the lid and placed it on the diamond platter and poured the succulent brown liquid into a glass, allowing it to swirl around. He could feel his friend’s eyes burn into him as he did so.

“I forgot you had abstained from alcohol,” Wolfox said as he took a sip of the whiskey, “you don’t know what your missing.” Suddenly Ian rose from his seat, and generated a blast of intangible energy. He directed it towards the former Red Knight and solidified it just before it hit his chest, shattering the glass.

“I thought you and I could have been friends,” Ian said as he straightened his emerald green necktie, “after all, we are a little older than the other Hellions. But, after all that’s happened, when we nearly lost Shadow and Salva, you still think it’s okay to drink? You make me sick.” And with that, Ian Fitzroy marched out of the room.

“The time is almost at hand,” Ralph Randsom said as he adjusted his ever-present dark glasses, “allow the battle to commence.”

“Anything else sir?” the middle-aged shopkeeper said as she threw a straying lock of her scruffy blonde hair over her shoulder. Steven gave her a little, patronising laugh as she put his credit card through the machine.

“My dear, I have purchased two swords to the value of $153,000, I think I have had more than enough!” he shrieked happily, taking his card from her. With that he and Epyon began to march across the store, admiring the fabulous craftsmanship that had gone into the expensive weapons.

“We must sign out,” Epyon said to RKB, averting his attention the large, oval purple desk that lay near the glass entrance doors. The sword shop was on the top floor of a very large, elite and not to mention classy plaza.

Steven furrowed his brow as his gaze fell upon the attendant. Without his spectacles he couldn’t be sure who it was, but something gave him the impression he knew that person. A cold shiver began to tingle down his spine as the hairs of the back of his neck began to stand on end.

“Please sign here,” the man said in an emotionless voice, shoving a clipboard in the two IHFC member’s direction. He hid his face defiantly behind the boulder hat he wore.

“It’s good to see stores taking extra security,” Steven said as he signed the paper and span around, ready to leave the store. Abruptly, the desk clerk began to disappear, and then re-appear in front of the Red Bishop.

“Hello, Blue Bishop,” Joseph Ryan said as he brandished a gun from his holster, placing it in the Red Bishop’s skull, “seems history has a way of repeating itself. Welcome to our final resting point.” And with that his finger began to graze the trigger, sending a bullet out of the barrel.

For the Future, Forget the Past *HF* Chapter Five.

Written by Salvanza and Elemental, edited by RKB.

Beads of sweat began to form on the forehead of the Red Bishop, trickling down his pale skin, ricocheting off his cheekbones. The cold, metallic barrel of the gun burrowed slightly into the skin on his forehead, making droplets of blood form. “Hello, Blue Bishop,” Joseph Ryan said mechanically, a fanatical smile stretched across his face, twisting his features in unholy shapes. “Seems history has a way of repeating itself. Welcome to our final resting point.”

His finger began to graze the trigger, sending a bullet out of the barrel. A scream echoed from the Red bishop’s mouth, before Epyon shoved the elderly man out of the path of the bullet, forming a short blast of spirit energy to send the bullet out of its path. Steven fell to the ground in shock, only adding t the frenzy of the bystanders, who began to run around screaming and shouting.

Joseph looked acidically at the former Black Knight of the Beverley Hills Hellfire Club, pointing his gun towards him. “You always were a nuisance, Epyon,” he said as he stepped forward, “always Steven’s little teacher’s pet. Well, your perfect master isn’t the saint you think he is. But you won’t leave to see that.”

Joseph began to pull the trigger when a figure ascended from the beams that ran across the roof. Using the full momentum of his fall, Nathan Perkins landed on top of Joseph, knocking him to the ground, sending the gun spiralling along the marble floor.

“Thank heavens,” Steven said as he levitated from the floor and glided over to Epyon, checking him for injuries.

“Who’s he?” Thomas said as he rubbed his aching arm, glancing at the stranger that was grappling on the floor with the former White King of the Beverley Hills Hellfire Club.

Steven smiled warmly, as he fired a sneaky blast of telekinetic energy from his right eye, striking Joseph’s heal, sending him tumbling to the ground, Paradox hot on his pursuit. “That is Nathan Perkins, a mutant also known as Paradox. Ever since I receive the sign of death from Antwerp, I have hired him as a bodyguard. I knew something was in the works.”

By know the usually crowded shopping centre was empty, except for the two IHFC's members, Paradox and Joseph. Paradox sent his fists crashing into the face of Joseph, breaking his delicate flesh as he did so. With a ferocious roar, Joseph teleported a grand piano from the lobby on top of the former Black Upstart. Using his mutant abilities, Paradox grasped the heavy piano, leaving him susceptible to a kick in the mid section from his attacker. He fell to the ground, the piano on top of him, knocking him into unconsciousness. Joseph smiled, then span around, his face colliding with the clenched fists of the Red Bishop, propelling him across the room.

Steven cartwheeled across the floor, clipping Joseph off his feet with his own feet, kicking him into the air. Then he thrust off his exquisitely tailored trench coat, levitating himself four or five feet off the ground. He clenched his fists even tighter; his eyes become more and more charged with purple psionic energy as he did so. It seeped from his eyes and fists. “I care not of your attacks on me,” Steven said through gritted teeth, “but when you endanger someone who is innocent in my name, that’s when you over step the line. Now cease this nonsense or I shall destroy you.”

Joseph spat at the Red bishop, charging full blast at him, unsheathing a knife from his boots. Using all his power he swung his arms into the air, cutting through the Red Bishop’s right leg with the knife. Steven screamed with pain, firing a powerful blast of telekinetic energy at Joseph, throwing him into the air and far across the room. With a shocking pain, Steven fell from the air, only to be caught by Epyon, his normal blue hair becoming longer and turning blonder, showing that he was charging up.

Joseph rolled from the floor and quickly scrambled to his feet. “Oh leave it out Thomas,” he mocked, “you could never hurt me.” With that eh snapped his fingers together, grabbing himself, Epyon and RKB, and teleporting them to the top of the building, onto the roof.

“Hey, what’s this?” Draco said as he rose from his comfortable chair, looking towards the monitors in the war room. His job as Red Knight was to make sure the mansion and the team, as a whole was safe and secure. In the corner of the room, a screen began to flicker on and off, finally revealing the frantic looking face of one of the limo drivers.

“Mr Darkholme,” he said unevenly, “the Red Bishop and Master Bennett have been attacked at downtown plaza, Ritza I think. Please come and help them!”

Daemon’s mouth opened slightly as he began to march across the room. He tapped in a code on the keypad and the microphone system began to flare up. “All IC and Hellions currently in the mansion report to the hangar bay NOW!”

“What the Hell are we doing up here?” Epyon said as he laid the Red Bishop of the floor. Steven was conscious, but reeling pain.

Joseph shook his head. “You have had an ego boost since we last met,” Joseph said as he drew a machete from the sheath strapped on his back, “have you still got that scar?”

Epyon ignorantly began to rub the long scar along his right chest cavity, given to him last time he battled the White King back in the Beverley Hills days. He almost died. But not today. Thomas’ hair stood on end, turning white, raising him into the air. Summoning as much spirit energy as possible from the nearby living things, he began to focus it into a blast that cut into Joseph.

Joseph teleported out of the way and re-appeared behind Epyon, striking him fiercely with an energy beam. Thomas lost his balance, and began to descend from the sky. He tried to gather enough energy to become airborne, but he couldn’t, and finally collided with the hard tarmac that lined the pavement, thrusting his body two inches into the tough material, sending him into unconsciousness.

Joseph hovered just above the wall that ran along the side of the roof, looking eagerly at Epyon, laughing shrilly when he hit the ground. Then he spans around to meet the Red Bishop. But Steven didn’t lie where he was when Joseph was last observing him. “Hello,” Steven said as he phased out of the walls, striking Joseph with a telekinetic bolt, “you are one crazy person. You have injured a boy, Joseph. What has possessed you this time, possessed you enough to kill an innocent person.” Steven’s voice was dominated with anger and hatred. He lunged into the air, grabbing Joseph, and slamming him into the ground, pinning him down with his neck. His eyes burned with psionic energy. Using his telekinethesis, he began to form knives on the end of his fists. Carefully, he converted this energy into psionic energy, and then began to flood it onto the astral plane.

Joseph’s eyes widened with fear. He knew Steven was preparing to use his kinetic telepathy, something he had only seen his former best friend use very rarely. It was fatal to anyone who received it. In a burst of panic, he began to wriggle, but Steven’s grip was cast iron.

“You like seeing people squirm and wriggle and beg for mercy,” Steven spat, “so, you beg for MY mercy. BEG. But, it will do you no good.” Telepathically, Steven began to guide the psionic energy across the astral plane. Finally he found Joseph’s ‘image’. “It’s almost over,” Steven said before he felt two spikes impale his arms. Immediately he tore away from Joseph, and span around to meet his attackers.

“My, my,” Isambard Lent said as he stepped from the shadows, accompanied by the rest of the Inner Circle, “seems Joseph struck a nerve, huh?” Steven said nothing. “I hear you got our little card,” the Blue King went on, “it’s time that you re joined Antwerp as Blue Bishop, for we are rising back from the ashes and restoring our Club back to greatness. And we need you as our Bishop.”

“Just must be joking,” Steven said with a snigger, “I would never join Antwerp. You are a bunch of psychotic mad men!”

Bethany Beaura stepped forward, her golden cape hugging at her meticulously designed battle suit. “Who said you had a CHOICE!” she screamed, summoning her mutant powers. Her voice ran through he Red Bishop, paralysing him on the spot. The Ozyranian Kane began to chant a spell, sending Steven into a sleep like state. “He’s ours,” Ralph said rebelliously.

“Not without a fight, tubby,” Spark said as he raced from the landing glider of the IHFC, sending two powerful electrical blasts at the Blue Pawn. He was immediately joined by Draco, Ryan, Ian Fitzroy, Lark and Morte.

“Isambard?” Ryan questioned, grabbing the Blue King with his collar, “why are you attacking my Bishop and your King?”

Isambard suddenly flashed a great light at Ryan, tumbling him across the roof. “For someone of your calibre, you are a fool,” he scoffed, “we used the IHFC. We don’t really want to join you. We merely needed to get close to Steven to re claim him for our Inner Circle. For he was once a member of our team.”

Ryan jumped to his feet in disarray, a fierce look spread across his face. “I don’t care what’s going on, but no one is having MY Bishop.”

For the Future, Forget the Past *HF* Chapter Six.

Written by RKB.

Ryan smashed his fists into Islamabad’s face, sending him to the ground. He cut through the RED dimension and cut the Blue King off from his powers. Then he booted him hardly in the ribs, sending him unconscious. He glanced around quickly at his team. Lark and the Blue Queen were trading blows, Morte and the Blue Rook were combating forcefully, and Draco was exchanging mystical blasts with the Knight. Ian and Spark were fighting, but being overwhelmed by the resuscitated Joseph.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ryan noticed Ralph Randsom carrying the unconscious body of the Red Bishop away. Ryan sprinted athletically to him, placing a well-calculated kick into the blind precogs spine, paralysing him temporarily.

“Bet you didn’t see that coming,” Ryan spat, as he grabbed a hold of Steven. The Red Bishop began to moan, then flared with telekinetic energy.

“Steven!” Ryan cried, “calm down, we’re here!” The Red Bishop glanced at Ryan and dropped his defences.

“Good,” he said in a flat, emotionless voice, “the Inner Circle of Antwerp has invaded. They need me for…” he began before Ryan interrupted.

“I know everything,” the Red King said, “but I thought they wanted to join the IHFC. We, Chastity and I, were going to make you King of the new Court that would be formed. But it seems they only asked to be in the IHFC house to get close to you.”

Steven said nothing then levitated into the battlefield. With the slightest of ease he teleported all the IHFC members to one side. Then eh addressed the Antwerp IC. “You lot are a bunch of evil people,” he began, “I am NOT joining up with you. Now leave, or be destroyed.” His eyes flared again, his telepathy causing the blood to stop flowing to the head’s of the members, paralysing them on the spot.

“You have no choice,” Joseph said as he teleported beside Steven, leaning on his shoulder, “it’s either you or me.” Steven looked daggers at him, then threw a powerful blast of energy at him, sending him tot eh floor.

“What do you mean?” he said, kicking Joseph in the back.

“Well, I have the same claim to the Bishop title as you. One of us has to take the title. You have always been the best and leader of everything, whilst I sit in the docks, second best. But this time its different. I am going to kill you then take my rightful place as Blue Bishop.”

Steven looked wide-eyed at his former friend. “You mean you attacked me and tried to kill my whole Club just to fight for a position I DON’T want? You truly are insane. Take it. I don’t want it.”

Isambard stepped forward. “Is this right, Steven, do you officially severe your ties with us like the coward you are?”

Steven sent a miniature earthquake of telekinetic energy through eh ground. “YES, you nutter. Now leave. And if you ever bother me again, I shall not be so merciful.”

Isambard Lent laughed. “I shall go, but our paths will cross again, mark my words.”

Steven hovered just above the ground, dressing one of Epyon’s wounds. He had been very fortunate. Apart from him fracturing his sternum, dislocating his ulna and radius, breaking most of his phalanges on his hand and breaking his collarbone, Epyon was in good health. His toughened skin had saved him from most of the injury. Steven telekinetically guided a bottle from the shelf. Meticulously he began to unscrew the lid and dip the very tip of a cotton bud into the liquid then inserted it into a rather deep cut in Epyon’s arm.

The young warrior bolted up in bed, almost knocking over the sophisticated equipment around him. Steven merely laughed. “I thought that’d get your attention,” he said as he placed the container back on the shelf.

Thomas caressed his arm like an injured animal. “What was it?” he finally said.

“It’s phenol,” Steven said, “it works like a chemical burn, killing all the germs and hopefully stopping infection. I had to surgically remove a piece of steel that had driven itself into your arm. “

Epyon nodded then began to speak, but abruptly stopped. He turned to face the Red Bishop. Steven’s eyes were slowly beginning to fill with tears, threatening to spill out over onto his face at any moment. “What’s the matter?” Epyon said soothingly.

Steven quickly wiped his eyes and began to straighten his structure. “Nothing, I just thought that the day before yesterday, I nearly lost you.”

Thomas just smiled. “Well, I am here. I see Paradox has been in the wars as well.” The Red Hellion gestured over to the unconscious body lying about ten feet away from him in a bed.

“Nothing serious,” Steven said, “fractured skull, tore the ligaments in his knee. I had to perform a synovial membrane replacement. Haven’t done one of them for ages. At the moment I am just sedating him. Anyway, I must dash to a meeting, the nurse will be in her office. If you need anything, just ring her.” And with that the man teleported out of the room.

“Hey,” Ian Fitzroy said as he locked the door to his sleek, jet-black Porsche, gesturing the Red Bishop to come over to him. Steven span around and headed over to his friend, a warm smile plastered across his face.

“Where are you off to?” the Hellion said, throwing his keys from one hand to another.

Steven sighed, lifting his black leather briefcase up. “I am off to the BHC, some kind of meeting or other, they want me there. But they’ll have to do without Epyon, Hel and Draco…”

“How’s Epyon?” Ian said in a very paternal way. Being older than the Hellions always made Ian feel more responsible for their well being.

“After a few minor operations, he’s okay,” Steven, said, looking anxiously at his watch.

“Well, he had the best damn surgeon in America looking after him,” Ian joked. “Anyway, I must be going, I have a stack of work to do. I’m writing up a rough draft of the Toilliver account, you may wanna see it. I’ll fax it through to your office. See ya.”

With that he ran into the mansion. Steven boarded one of the small, light aircrafts and kicked it into motion. It had been ages since he’d piloted a plane, something he knew that he would be doing more often. The engine roared to life as the fuselage revved up and took off from the runway.

Monet tapped her foot impatiently as a stifling silence solidified through the hot boardroom. Everyone was present, except for the members of the IHFC. “This is exactly my point,” Monet whispered to Nate who sat besides her, “having dual membership doesn’t work!”

Nate shook his head and began messing with a pen that lay inside his blazer pocket. He hated having to get dressed in a suit when they had these silly meetings. But, being a prince, he had to set a good example.

The large, heavy, mahogany doors suddenly opened, revealing the Red Bishop. “I must apologize for my tardiness,” he said a she hurried across the room and took his seat at the oval desk, “as I am sure you are aware, things at the IHFC have been a little chaotic.”

Darkwolf nodded, inviting him to take a seat. “How is Epyon?” the Black King asked, handing Steven a folder with the day’s discussions in them.

Steven smiled. “Head like a brick,” he said in a jokingly, unfamiliar tone for the Red Bishop, “after a few repairs, he was okay.”

“And where is our Headmistress and Field Captain?” Monet interrupted, her brown eyes burning into Steven’s. But the power of his icy blue eyes seemed to retaliate fiercely, consuming the Black Princess’. The two locked in the optical combat for what seemed like an eternity. Finally Steven broke contact. “Hellfire Phoenix is giving a report to the General Members and Draco is upgrading the IHFC security system to prevent anymore espionage.”

The Black Princess shook her head; locks of silky black hair tremoring around as she did so. “That’s not good, is it?” she said bitterly, “they must split there time equally between both Courts. This is a very important meeting.” Nate grabbed her arm, trying to silence her. She merely shrugged it off.

Steven began to speak in a very arrogant tone. “My dear, they are engaged in more serious matters. I am afraid they can’t be here, and they apologise, but the reality is that they may be away for some meetings.”

“That’s no good!” Monet growled, “they’re being more favourable to the IHFC than the BHC. We won’t stand this kind of treatment.”

Steven opened his mouth to shoot back a response, before Darkwolf rose to his feet. “Calm down, the pair of you,” he said in a calming, peaceful tone, “fair enough, they should be here, but they have other things to attend to. They’ll be here next time.”

Monet turned her head away defiantly, crossing her arms over her chest. “I don’t know why you’d want a load of IHFCers all over the BHC anyway,” she said through the side of her mouth.

Steven’s eyes began to burn in their sockets. “How DARE you!” he said a she unleashed a powerful bolt of telekinetic energy that he directed to miss Monet, and aim at the wall. The blast ripped right through the wall.

Almost immediately everyone was to arms. Nathan and Greg tried to restrain Monet, finally reaching their goal with the assistance of the Black Queen, whilst DarkWolf, DarkFallenAngel and Storm! tried to calm RKB.

“This has gone far enough,” Darkwolf said, “you two are acting like children.”

RKB stared disgustedly at him. “I will not tolerate anyone insulting my Court,” he spat.

“Your team!” Monet screamed, “how can you feel proud about the IHFC after what Ryan did?”

Steven stared violently at her. “What on earth are you talking about, you silly girl,” Steven said, “I know Ryan is no saint, but he’s still a noble person at heart.”

“That noble that he plotted with the Illumanti and could have probably prevented the Millennium Massacre?” Monet said violently, trying to fight back the tears that were forming in her eyes, “because of him I lost many friends and my Darkfire Court!”

Steven shook his head. “I am sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Greg looked daggers at him. “Don’t play dumb, everyone knows.” The Black Knight stared into RKB’s eyes. “God, you really don’t know do you?” he finally said. Steven shook his head again.

“Oh my God,” Darkwolf said, as he began to tell the story.

Ian sat at his office desk. He loved the new office Steven had installed in the Red Bishop’s quarters. It was about as big as a tennis court, and fine furniture and tapestries; priceless works of art and decorations littered the room giving it a more homely feel. In the distance, Ian could hear the faint trickling of the Red Bishop’s stunning indoor waterfall fountain. The Red Hellion flicked through the accounting report for Toilliver Industries. Steven would hit the roof with joy when he found out how much profit they were making.

Life in the IHFC had gotten much better for Ian. He was happier with his friends, had a well-paid job, had begun dating and was from time to time teaching, something he had wanted to do ever since he graduated from university. Hell, he even had a savings account to buy a mansion in Italy. Indeed, life was good.

Lethargically he scribbled some notes into the account book, and then placed all the papers that littered his desk back in the filing cabinet. Just as he locked the cabinet the telephone began to ring. With a sigh Ian rushed over to the desk. “Hello, Professor Booth’s office, how may I be off assistance to you?”

Ian could here the angry panting on the other side of the telephone. “It’s Steven. Prepare my jet, get all the Hellions aboard it, have ShockWave and Charles aboard, load up Paradox and Epyon, and get over here fast. Lock my quarters up meticulously and go into my vault. In there, press the green button then open the safe. Inside will be a dial. Type in hangar bay then press the YELLOW button. This will make sure no one other than me can access my quarters, and it’ll teleport you to the hangar bay. Once everyone’s aboard get over to the BHC mansion as soon as possible. Don’t tell Ryan or any other Red Court members. Also radio Jamaica and have them prepare my castle. No time to explain, just get here now!” With that the line fell dead.

For the Future, Forget the Past *HF* Chapter Seven

Written by Ian Fitzroy and RKB

“What’s going on?” Spark said as he tossed a shirt over his naked torso, drying his hair with a snowy white towel. He stood next to his dresser, droplets of water left over from his shower dripping off his body. Ian said nothing as he slammed the door shut, locking it with the master key RKB had given to him. Everything so far had gone to plan. The quarters were sealed tight and everyone who was needed was inside the mansion. What bothered him was how his best friend sounded so…. afraid? Anxious? Angry? It was something that Ian had never heard in his friend’s voice.

“Pack a bag quickly, only pack essentials. Be at the hangar bay in ten minutes. Tell no one. If anyone asks what you’re doing, make something up. But hurry up!”

Scott raised his eyebrows questioningly. “Why?” he finally said out loud.

Ian stared at him. “Because I said so, no hurry up!” And with that he hurried form the room, in search of the rest of the Hellions.

Steven sat impatiently in his plush, black leather chair, tapping his bony finger son the solid structure. Although his Black Court office was extremely well decorated, it was nothing to his Red Court office. That was art. But the décor of his offices was the last thing on the telepath’s mind. He shook his head continuously, trying to grasp ahold of what he had just been told. It was almost too much to understand. At this moment everything seemed to be superfluous, except for the rage that seized his entire body.

I can’t believe that Ryan is so evil Steven said to himself, but the fact that he hid all of this from me…ME! The most powerful psion on the face of the planet!

The gentle rapping at the huge, intricately carved doors that led into his office jousted him from his thoughts. Steven took a deep, cleansing breath, trying to push the anger that pulsated through his veins out of his body.

“Xeus!” Steven said as he opened the door, shaking the young man’s hand vigorously, “how may I be of assistance to you on this fine day?”

The young Marauder twitched nervously before following the Headmaster into the vast, and expensive looking office. The Red Bishop took a seat behind his large desk, inviting the young man to sit down in one of the lavishly comfortable navy blue chairs. Xeus happily accepted his Headmaster’s invitation.

“So, how can I help?” Steven said, leaning towards him.

“It’s a little hard for me to say this,” Xeus said as he shuddered in the chair, “but I am not happy here. I am an outcast from the rest of the members, and the people here are too damn cynical. Well, what I’m trying to say is, can I come and be a Hellion?”

Steven began to caress his chin with his right hand, carefully mulling over Xeus’ question. “If you aren’t happy here,” Steven began, “you are welcomed to come and be a IHFC Hellion. At the moment, I am taking the Hellions to my castle in Jamaica. Run along quickly and pack a bag, and you can come with us. I’ll straighten things out with Darkwolf.”

Xeus flashed him a pleased smile and trotted out of the room, a happy smile across his face. Steven knew only too well the pain of being rejected. Most of the BHC Inner Circle, perhaps with the exception of Darkwolf and Nathan Sommers, had quite openly voiced their disapproval of my Headmastership. I tried so hard Steven said with a huge, taxing sigh, but it was never to be. Steven began to walk out of the room in search of the Black King.

“Now that we’re airborne,” ShockWave said in a disapproving tone to the pilot, checking her monitor, “can you tell me what’s going on?” She didn’t realise how great it felt to co-pilot a plane. After all her missions with the BHC, flying is something she’d never be bored of. Things had changed since those days. The Club was destined to fail after the Millennium incident. No matter how hard they all tried, with the departure of Silver, then Gomurr, the Nemesis and the rest, and with the deaths of so many Marauders and Upstarts, the Club’s foundation was weakening and weakening until it finally sank into the ground and was covered up by sediments of the earth. I wish I could have been around when Darkwolf opened the BHC, I could have helped. ShockWave sighed. She knew that the Millennium left too many scars in her for her to ever have stayed around. But now she was back with a Hellfire Club, following a man she knew nothing about, but who knew plenty about her. Was she making the right choice? Something about that old man made her feel like she was….

“I know as much as you,” Ian Fitzroy said, interrupting her thoughts, “RKB just said get ShockWave, myself, all the Hellions and his assistant Charles aboard a plane and get over to the BHC fast. He also had me lock up his quarters like Fort Knox, not to mention radioing Jamaica to prepare his castle. Something must have gotten him spooked. He’s never sounded to… angry.”

Epyon sighed a she tried to read one of his Gundam comics he’d snapped up before Lark and Morte had literally prized him away from his room. He didn’t have a clue what was going on, and the pain he was in from his injuries made he want to scream out in pain. Luckily, the jet was equipped with sophisticated medical facilities, enough to make himself and Paradox comfortable. He noticed Spark and Lark nestled on one of the double seats, arm in arm. They seemed so happy. His attention shifted to Shadow, who sat quietly on his own, a few seats away from Morte. Probably annoyed at having to leave his lover girl behind Epyon hissed, taking pleasure in Kyle’s discomfort. He’d known him for years, and never had he gotten used to liking him and his ways.

Salvanza and Wolfox sat at a table, discussing the latest episode of Star Trek. It pleased him to see one of his closest friends happy after so long. Salvanza had always been cursed with his powers. But his powers mysteriously vanished leaving him with new ones.

“Hey bookworm,” Morte said, placing herself beside him, her completely black attire and make up casting a spell of gloom over the whole vicinity, “you know they’re other things than those damn books!” She took the comic from Epyon’s grasp, tossing it onto the floor. Epyon didn’t bother to retrieve it. His hospital bed felt too good to be disturbed.

“Like what?” he jeered, “painting your room jet black and listening to satanic music? Very envious!”

Morte clenched her fists before the powerful voice of Ian intervened. “Calm it you two,” he said, “RKB is having a bit of trouble, and he doesn’t need you lot messing about. Just chill.”

Finally the BHC mansion came into view; the vast expanse of land it covered almost intimidating Ian as he set the plane to land on the runway that led to the hangar bay.

“Come in,” Darkwolf said as RKB knocked quietly at his door. The mutant telepath opened the door, and began to walk in. He immediately came face to face with the assembled BHC Inner Circle.

“I hope I am not disturbing anything,” Steven said, as he ignored the changing facial expression of Monet, “but I must speak to you.”

Darkwolf nodded, inviting him to speak. Steven gave a loud, audible sigh then began to speak. “To put it bluntly; it’s not going to work out. Me and BHC. I have tried my hardest, but it just will never be. There’s too much conflict and uneasy feelings surrounding my Headmastership. And the Headmistress, she’s busy as Red Rook and as a teenager, the Field Commander is also busy and in need of a social life. The students can’t be happy, splitting their time between two Courts. I know, for one, Xeus feels uncomfortable here. Therefore, I am resigning from the BHC as of now, and I am withdrawing all IHFC relationships. I am sorry if I am causing any inconvenience. I shall continue to pay for the extra teaching staff required and the headquarters. But, I cannot, and will not allow the BHC to be treated second best. It’s clear that the IHFC me more than the BHC. I hope you can all understand this. And Xeus has expressed that he wishes to come with me to the IHFC.”

An uneasy silence circulated through the air; striking each member dumbfound. Finally, Nate broke the silence, his voice having the effect of a sledgehammer, bushing the brittle silence away. “I am sorry to hear that,” he said, “but it is an educated and well respected reason for leaving. Our loss is the IHFC gain.”

Steven smiled. “And just to let you know,” he said, “Ryan will pay for what he did. I am not sure what I am to do, I must gather my thoughts. I’m taking the IHFC Hellions and a few others with me to my Jamaican base whilst I decide what I am to do. Thank you once again for your understanding, and I wish you all the very best in the future.”

Suddenly, the Black Sentry, Storm! burst into the room. “DW, there’s an aircraft asking for permission to land. Captain is a Ian Fitzroy and says he ahs orders from RKB to be here.”

“That’s right, let him land please,” RKB said. After saying his goodbyes and apologising to Monet, the Red Bishop walked out of the Black Mansion for the last time as Headmaster, and boarded his jet, Xeus at his side.

Blackfire sighed heavily, pulling her silken night robe tightly around her frame. Tears rolled down her face, cascading off her high cheekbones, streaking the delicately applied make up that she had on her face. She didn’t know why she was crying anymore. Too many things burned a whole in her skin, piercing her heart like a dagger. Her relationship with Daemon was gone. It had turned to dust just like her own dreams and ambitions. Loki wasn’t around, and she hadn’t seen Josh in what felt like decades. And here she was, Grey Rook, standing on the balcony of her own suite, over looking the Mediterranean Sea that hugged gently at the might citadel, home of the Grey Court. She was now apart of a team, and not just any part, an Inner Circle part. She swore the day she left the White Court as Queen that she’d never ever get involved with a Club again. But she had. Part of her told her told her it was to try and salvage what she had with Daemon, the other part told her it was because she needed some sense of belonging. Finally, she dried her eyes and headed into her room, collapsing on the large, four postered, canopied bed, and watch the night time sky burn brightly as the sun began to descend from the sky.

The tension inside the jet was almost solid; almost capable of touching and feeling. No one uttered a word. There was no idle chitchat about the latest movie, the best looking actress or any other usual teenage ranting. Instead, a thick, tar-like silence clanged to the air.

Steven stood by one of the rear windows, looking out as the sky began to turn from a vivacious, vibrant blue, to a dark, cold black, scattered by little bursts of light from stars. “Is there anything you’d like to talk to me about?” Shockwave said as she crept up behind the Red Bishop.

Steven sighed, placing his head against the cold, metallic wall. “I found out about the Millennium Massacre and how Ryan was in with the Illumanti. I don’t know what to do, ShockWave, I just don’t know what to do. Lately, things have been getting too much. Chastity and I are almost always at one another’s throats; my relationship with Ryan isn’t much better. Then I had the whole issue with that maniac Ian trying to kill me, then Joseph and the bloody Antwerp Anti-socials. I hardly ever have time to socialise outside the Club. My relationship with Hellfire Phoenix and Draco doesn’t even exist anymore. The Legacy Virus is hanging around my neck. All around me things are falling to pieces. Look at the Hellions. I have one lying in a hospital bed, one borderline psychopath and suicidal and with only half a soul. And I’ve quit my job with the BHC.”

ShockWave felt a little uneasy. She could see the pain and the strain in the old man’s face. He looked so old, so feeble, so frail. “We all get overwhelmed now and again,” she said in a soft, soothing voice, “and with the workload you have for yourself, I’m surprised your still living! Perhaps quitting your job with the BHC is a good thing. You’ll be missed, but at least it gives you less work. And now we’re off to Jamaica. I believe your castle is huge. Why don’t you take a wing and just chill for a few days on your own. I’m sure Ian, Wolfox and myself can manage the Hellions for a few days. Then you can sort out all this business. Okay?” She smiled warmly at the old man, her dazzling green eyes sparkling in the fading sunlight.

Steven smiled back and patted her shoulder. “Thanks for the pep talk,” he joked as he walked over to a very elegantly cushioned seat, “perhaps I will relax for a few days.” With that, he closed his eyes and allowed his mind to stray across the astral plane, the gentle humming of the jet almost soothing him to sleep.

“As anyone seen RKB?” Ryan said as he walked into the War Room. Draco was propped behind several monitors, dissecting the data that flashed on and off the screen carefully.

“Haven’t seen them all day,” Draco said, “I’ve been busy trying to improve the security of this place.” Ryan nodded and wandered through the mansion. How peculiar he said to himself, where are all the Hellions? A sudden tingle began to run down the Red King’s spine, sending bolts of shivers through his body. He didn’t know where the Hellions or his Bishop was, and the absence of the two injure people made him nervous. Something was wrong, very wrong.

As he entered his office he walked straight over to the antique telephone that graced his desk. Carefully he punched in the number for DarkWolf’s office.

“Hello, Mr Mills office, how can I be of assistance,” a petite, high-pitched female voice said.

Ryan sighed. “Tell Mr Mills, Ryan Jensen is on the phone. It’s urgent.” There was a short silence whilst the woman put the Red King through to his Black Court counterpart. Finally he heard the strong, masculine voice of DarkWolf.

“Have you heard from my Bishop, I believe he had a meeting there today,” Ryan said in a level, masking voice. He hadn’t agreed with allowing someone as inexperienced as Darkwolf become King of such a powerful Court, but it wasn’t his business. No, he had bigger and better plans.

“You mean short skinny dude, with one Hell of a powerful mind and a HUGE temper against a certain Red King?” Darkwolf said, as he leaned back in his chair.

“What on earth are you rambling about, boy?” Ryan said, anger seeping into his words.

Justin Mills just laughed. “Now Ryan that would be telling. But one thing’s for sure, you might not want to wind the little dude up for a while. I mean you’re not exactly his biggest fan at the moment.”

With that the line went dead, leaving a very puzzled Red King.

For the Future, Forget the Past HF Chapter Eight

Written by RKB

Sunshine streaked through the French windows, the velvety purple curtains rustling in the gentle breeze of the morning. The fresh sea air wafted through the room, adding a texture of freshness to the heaving room. Steven Booth, the Red Bishop and Hellion Headmaster of the InterNETional Hellfire Club, arose from his peaceful slumber. For the first time in months, he hadn’t been awoken in his sleep in the small, crawling hours of the morning. Insomnia hadn’t plagued the 152-year-old for this night. It was the feeling of being in his castle. His home. Yes, the Las Vegas mansion was like a home to him, but his castle here in Jamaica was HIS house, his retreat, his fortress from Club life. Here, he could shrug off the shackles of Court life, and indulge in everyday pleasures like having a wonderful breakfast on the terrace of an ancient castle, or sunbathe in the glorious Caribbean sunshine, allowing the radiant rays to toast your skin a healthy brown or just relaxing besides the crystal clear oceans.

Steven did a quick psychic scan. All the Hellions, except Ian, were still asleep, almost probably from jet lag. ShockWave, Charles and Ian Fitzroy all sat on the third floor balcony, just outside one of the master rooms, over looking the busy town below. He couldn’t have asked for a better relationship between Ian and ShockWave. They seemed to be getting on very well. A promising friendship was blooming there.

He could feel the slight twinges of pain that shot through Epyon’s body via the mind link he shared with him. The poor boy was okay. As was Paradox, who was already awake and hungrily consuming his breakfast. Life seemed so peaceful, so tranquil. But then the overwhelming sense of dread began to claw at Steven’s stomach, making him want to be violently sick. Indolently, he trickled out of the bed and removed his silk pyjamas, stepping into a jet stream of hot water that cleaned his body. He’d usually take a soothing bath in the morning, but today a shower seemed more appropriate.

He quickly began to select his attire. Finally he decided to wear a very expensive black suit, with a matching green tuxedo and a very sharp black hat. As always, his cane was in hand. He was ready for the day’s work. And there was a lot of it to do. A lot of ‘cleaning’ to be done.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a very elaborately designed trinket box. He strode over to it and removed the lid, taking the Rosary beads from it. Wrapping the beads around his hand he began to make a sign of the cross.

“Well, that’s most frightfully awful!” Charles said with disgust, as he spread a thin layer of butter over his toasted bread. Charles had been the personal assistant to RKB for nearly thirty years. And he savoured every year. He knew what a good man he was, and how he cared for his students. He could empathize with everything the Red Bishop went through. So he was painfully aware of how flat his heart must have been upon learning about the Millennium Massacre.

“I think Steven will be okay, just give him a few days to himself. As for the Hellions, there are no lessons all week, and they can do basically what they want. But RKB has warned the castle is like a maze, so NO exploring for any of them.”

Ian nodded and took a sip if his black coffee. He almost spit it out as he saw the Red Bishop scurry down the steps leading from the towers tot eh balcony.

“Don’t stare,” Steven said as he poured himself a cup of tea and mixed in several spoonfuls of sugar, mixing it carefully, “it’s very rude!” He took a seat next to Charles and began to read the local paper.

Everyone exchanged glances and continued with their breakfasts in silence. “Oh come on!” RKB finally roared, “We’re in paradise! Lighten up! This is the order for today: hellions, can do what they please, you three, relaxation. I have booked you in at the health spa down the road in the town; limo will take you in an hour. I, on the other hand, have to go and deal with the business back in Las Vegas.”

With that, the Red Bishop folded his newspaper and began to walk to the hangar bay. Infact, I think I’ll teleport he said to himself, as he began to materialise away.

“There you are!” Hellfire Phoenix said as she jumped off the sofa, as the Red Bishop materialised beside her. The shock of his arrival had scared her, but a sense of overwhelming happiness wafted over her when she saw it was him, “Ryan’s been going livid with worry. Where have you been? Where’s Kyle?”

Hel began to smile as the thought of Shadow filled doer mind. Steven’s face remained solid and emotionless. “Kyle’s where abouts don’t concern you, nor my own business, now where is Ryan?
Hel began to open her mouth when Steven phased into his ghost like form and began ploughing through he walls of the mansion, in pursuit of the Red King.

“Steven!” Ryan said as he rose from his chair, sending the papers on his desk in a falling frenzy. He smiled warmly at Steven. But the Red Bishop’s face was stony white and fixed. Without moving, he used his telekinethesis to levitate the papers back into a neat pile.

Ryan stared at him, trying to mentally dissect him. “Is there something wrong?” Ryan finally said.

Steven opened his mouth to reply to the Red King’s questioned when Draco burst into the room, his wings outstretched and his limbs flailing in an awkward attack. “Chastity’s in the infirmary, her powers are going wild! That Felicity girl is with her. God, you have to come now!”

Steven said nothing as he walked a speedily pace towards the infirmary.

“What’s wrong with HIM?” Draco said as he hovered above the ground next to Ryan as the pair descended down the vast corridors of the mansion.

Ryan sighed and shook his head. “I am not sure, but he doesn’t seem one bit happy.” Finally they headed into the hospital ward, where doctors hurried around trying to attend to the Red Queen.

“YOU!” Steven said in a piercing voice, pointing to one of the doctors, “what’s the problem?”

The doctor shook nervously, the carnage around him almost too much for him to bear. “It’s the Rd Queen, she’s going into labour!”

Steven laughed out loud, pushing the doctor aside. “I am one of the most renowned doctor’s on this planet, and Chastity isn’t pregnant.” He glanced at her as she screamed a stream of obscenities at Ryan. Indeed she was pregnant. Steven fell backwards in shock, supported by the Red Knight. 2Dear Lord, how is this possible?”

Ryan cradled the boy in his arms, stroking its face with his fingers. Chastity lay silently in the bed, sleeping, as Hellfire Phoenix and Draco cradled the other four children. Steven walked through he door, a puzzled look on his face. “This is almost impossible,” he said, “were you and Chastity, err…how can I put it, intermit before she came to the Club?”

Ryan shook his head, and turned his attention to the child once again.

“Well, all blood tests show YOU are the father. This is too strange to be happening,” Steven said, shaking his head.

Chastity awoke, smiling fairly at Ryan. “I see, this is what all the pain was about, huh?” she said in a dazed voice.

Ryan smiled. What the Hell is going on he said to himself.

“I’d love too!” Steven said as he sat beside Chastity in her bed, soothing one of the girls’s to sleep. Chastity smiled.

“And for the Godmother, we want Hellfire Phoenix.” Marnie blushed slightly.

Chastity began to fall back to sleep. As the children dozed off to sleep, Hellfire Phoenix and Draco left the room. Finally, the only people there were Ryan, Steven and Chastity.

“Was something wrong earlier?” Ryan said, “and where are the Hellions?”

Abruptly, Steven fired a blast of telekinetic energy at the Red King, slamming him against the wall. Steven then clicked his fingers, teleporting them both to the far side of the mansion.

“You never told me!” Steven screamed as he unleashed another wave of bolt son Ryan, “about the Millennium Massacre. I’ve seen some terrible things, but you Ryan, are truly scum!”

Ryan cart wheeled out of the way and threw a diamond platter at Steven, which struck him right in the forehead, knocking him to the ground. A faint trickle of blood began to ooze from the incision. Steven began to retaliate when Ryan held his arms out in protest.

“Do you think I’m proud of that?” he said ferociously, “Do you think I am not awakened every night in my sleep by the screaming of the ghosts I could have helped to live? That day onwards, I knew I’d done something bad. And ever since I have tried to make it up to them. Those who died. I am so sorry.”

“Sorry doesn’t bring them back!” Steven screamed even louder, hurling a set of champagne glasses at him, “they were nothing more than kids under your guidance. Under the Club’s guidance. And you, YOU betrayed them! How could you do it? They could have been my students!” With that last word, Steven fired a tremendously powerful blast at Ryan, decimating the entire wall and the surrounding rooms. The structure of the mansion’s east side began to crumble and bend.

“What’s going on?” Daemon said as he and the Red Rook teleported into the room. Steven threw them through the doorframe telekinetically.

“We have to stop him!” Draco said as he extended his wings, “he’s like a mad man!”

“Because of your treachery,” Steven said to Ryan, “I am taking all I hold dear with me and we are splitting from this corrupt and evil place. I only pray God can have mercy on your soul!” And with that, the Red Bishop slung his heavy green diamond ring, the symbol of the Bishop onto the floor then teleported away.

Ian darted across the tennis court gracefully, knocking the ball victoriously back to ShockWave. The two were engaged in the gridlock for nearly an hour, neither one missing a shot. The advancement of the Red Bishop’s plane distracted them.

“Do you think things went well?” Ian said as the jet landed. Suddenly from behind the foliage that covered the hangar bay, two very distinctive beams of purple energy erupted into the sky, echoed by the unholy screams of the Red Bishop.

“Hmmm, I wonder,” ShockWave, joked.

**Several days later**

Chastity sat in her desk, quietly reading over the building work cost. Steven sure did know how to make an impression. But that didn’t bother her the most. What bothered her is that where her newborn children lay only days ago were now toddlers. That was uncanny. Suddenly her beeper went off. “Damn!” she said, “I’m late for a meeting!” She suddenly teleported into the boardroom. Ryan flashes her a quick smile.

Ryan’s face suddenly turned a pale grey colour. “We have much to discuss,” Ryan said. “As you are aware, Steven has left us and has taken the Hellions with him. Shadow, however, has teleported back here and will be joining us any moment. Therefore, we need to shuffle the roster slightly. Hellfire, you are the Bishop. Shadow will be Rook. And know we vote to excommunicate Steven from the Club.”

“Wait!” Chastity said, dragging Ryan from his chair and out of the room, “I have a better idea.”

ShockWave sat quietly; filing her nails as she waited for the rest of the members of RKB’s meeting entered the room. Epyon walked in easily, his appearance wasn’t quite what one would expect for someone of his state of mind. The usually quiet, secluded Hellion strode in with a spring in his step, sunglasses son face and dressed in a very snazzy turtleneck and combats.

“Feeling better?” ShockWave laughed as Epyon took the seat besides her.

Thomas nodded, taking his sunglasses off his face. “Isn’t this place great?”

“It is indeed,” Paradox said as he hobbled into the room, his lower right leg plastered upto the knee.

Finally Ian Fitzroy and Charles entered the room and they all took their seats.

“Where’s the boss man?” Paradox mocked.

“I’m right here!” Steven said s he slid into the room and took his seat; a large, plush purple leather seat behind his enormous mahogany desk. “I’m sure you are all curious about why I have called you here,” he said, “I have been mulling over what to do now I am officially rid of the IHFC. And I thought…. we can establish our own Club. But not like any other Club. Sure, we will have a Hellion team and an Inner Circle, but we shall also convert this castle into a school for mutants. A proper school where they not only learn to use their powers, but where they can broaden their minds.” Steven took a deep breath and took a sip of his water that lay before him.

“I propose myself as King. As King I be head of this organisation and make sure things run okay. But I’d also like to be Administrate Headmaster to keep an eye on the school. As my Queen and second in command, I would like to invite Shockwave to the title. Now, as my Bishop, I ask you Paradox and as my Knight, Epyon. Now Charles, you will have an important role. I’d like you to be a supervisor, make sure the grounds of the castle are okay, and make sure things runs smoothly. I’d like you to be the secretary to the Inner Circle. And Ian, I am honoured to ask you to be my assistant. I’d ask you to be Rook, but that position isn’t as important as the one I have for you. You will officially run my Mutant Research facilities, my private schools and my many businesses. You are the vice president of the Booth Empire. Now, do we all accept our roles?”

There was a silence in the room whilst everyone governed the prospects of the former Red Bishop’s questions.

“I’d love too!” Ian said happily, shaking Steven’s hand.

“Me too,” ShockWave said happily. Paradox merely nodded, as did Epyon. Charles mouthed a silent yes.

A huge smile crept across Steven’s face as he teleported a glass of champagne into each of their hands. “To the Purple Hellfire Club, long may we reign!”

Chastity walked across the drawbridge of Steven’s castle, the water flowing viciously beneath her feet. She couldn’t believe he owned such a place. It was a real castle with a moat, turrets, drawbridges and the works. Steven certainly had the money stored away. She signed in at reception and stood in awe of the castle. The inside decoration was breath taking. It looked exactly like a medieval castle, except for the odd sophisticated piece of furniture scattered around. But the two looks blended elegantly together.

From the corner of her eye, she could see Steven ascend down a row of wide stairs, graced with a thick, red carpet. “Chastity my dear, so nice to see you,” Steven said as he gave her a kick peck on the cheek, “to what do I owe this pleasure?” Steven noticed how drained Chastity looked. The young girl was probably scared stiff. Twenty years old and now the mother of five children. But Steven couldn’t feel any worried or scared feelings. Indeed, the Red Queen was made of steel.

“Well, Steven, the IHFC have a proposition to offer you,” Chastity said.

The smile faded from Steven’s face, only to be replaced by a long, scorning expression. “Not interested,” he said through gritted teeth as he turned his back on her and began to walk away.

“Steven!” Chastity snapped, making him turn around to face her, “here me out like a gentleman!”

Steven pretended to smile and offered Chastity a seat next to him on a very comfortable chairs longe.

“I know you were shocked, as I was, to here about what Ryan did. But, you are one of the most devout Catholics I know, and don’t you preach forgiveness? Ryan made a mistake, a grievous mistake, which he is paying for. But please don’t abandon us. Without you there is no IHFC. I know you could never ever be apart of the Red Court again, so we decided that you could make a secondary Court to govern alongside the IHFC. This Court will be run by you and you alone, and that way you can keep a closer eye on Ryan. Please, we need you.” Chastity wiped away a tear from her eye and looked at Steven.

Steven thought silently for a moment. Finally he began to speak. “I have already formed a Purple Court,” he said, “Me as King, Shockwave as my Queen, Paradox as my Bishop and Epyon as my Knight. Xeus is a favourite for Bishop. We are not a Hellfire Club but merely a teaching association. This castle you see here, will become the newest addition to my line of schools for mutants. Things are going to go well. I think it’s best if we don’t rejoin the IHFC.”

Chastity sighed. “Please Steven. You can’t abandon the Club that you love so much.”

Steven thought about all the good time he’d had as Red Bishop. He did love the Club very much. “Listen here,” he said, “if we did join the IHFC, the Purple Court stays as it is now. And we want our base here. And the school and Hellions will remain here, under my guidance. You can elect a Field Commander to keep an eye on things if you like.”

Chastity agreed.

“Well, it’s settled,” Steven said happily, “but if I see anything I don’t like, I am gonna pull out so fast it’ll give you friction burns!”

Chastity laughed as she walked linked by her arm to the Purple King, laughing and joking about happier times. Her job was done. The IHFC hadn’t weakened through this experience. It had merely grown stronger and stronger.

Chastity waved goodbye to Steven who was off to eat dinner with the other members of the Purple Court. Chastity headed across the vastly huge castle, gaping at the marvellous place. She was somewhat jealous of the Purple Court members for having such an elaborate base. Finally, she was about to head into her private jet when a shrill wind ran through the air. She knew who was behind her before his hooves hand placed on her shoulder.

“Quite the actress,” HellGoat said in her ear, his voice low and menacing, “I can see why Ryan has chosen such a brilliant Queen.”

Chastity laughed defiantly, throwing her silvery hair over her shoulder. “And how do you know it isn’t me who selected the King?”

An unholy laughter rang from the demon’s mouth, as shards of fire seeped through his outburst. “You are quite a woman, Darkholme, but I fear you will regret what you have done this day. For Steven Booth is not a man to be messed with.”

Chastity laughed stridently. “He’s an old softie, a soft touch who only needs to hear the right words to make him happy. I have him wrapped around my little finger.”

HellGoat laughed once again. “Such confidence. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” And with that the demon faded into the shadows.

“Do you think it’s wise?” ShockWave said, concern plastered all over her face.

Steven laughed gently then began to speak in a soft, silky voice. “I am not going to get us into any kind of trouble. I am already several steps a head of Chastity and Ryan and even Shadow. I can’t believe he left us to go with them.”

“You were never young and in love, were you?” Shockwave scolded jokingly.

Steven pretended to look deep in thought. “I think I was young, but never in love. Always too busy running things. I’ve spent over 130 years being in Hellfire Clubs. Isn’t that a long time? Anyway, come and look at this.”

“It’s a laptop,” Shockwave said as she lifted it in her fingers, “nothing too spectacular.”

Steven shook his head. “My dear, it’s not just any laptop. An associate of mine, who prefers to remain anonymous, has infiltrated the Red King’s Mansion and is secretly spying on them, making sure things are running, how can I put it, smoothly. He feeds all his findings into this computer. Isn’t it great?”

Shockwave was taken back. She imagined the Purple King to be a quiet, reserved, respectful and honest man. But this act made her think there was a loveable rogue in his personality somewhere. That, or either a well buried tyrant. Steven was a man not to be under-estimated. “It’s very good, but can he really keep this is?”
Steven nodded. “I’m constantly implanting fake psionic prints into his mind and he is a skilled shape shifter. No one will be able to tell he is a spy.”

Shockwave laughed, raising her glass. “To the Purple Court!” she said in a loud, boisterous voice.

“To the Purple Court,” Steven said in a smug voice, a pleasing sense of accomplishment pulsating through his body.

Writer’s Note: This is the official PHC introduction story. I plotted it and wrote it, but none of it could have been accomplished without the hard work of my cousin and Purple Rook, Ian Fitzroy, my friends Salvanza and Shadow (both Red Hellions) and my really loyal friend, Epyon (Purple Knight). A big thanks you to all of you.