Time Can Heal All Wounds *HF*
By StevenBlueKing
Times Can Heal All Wounds *HF*

Chapter One: Why Spend Mine, When I Can Spend Yours.
Dr. Hank McCoy, better known as Beast, the bouncing blue genius of the X-men, sat quietly in his laboratory, as he had done for the past twelve hours. As always, the doctor was trying to bring hope to many mutants, to cure the disease that raged around the mutant world- the Legacy Virus. But, he was having difficulty doing it. Too much occupied his mind, making it hard for him to think. The silence of the mansion was almost enough to strip a person’s sanity. Around him the clausophobic atmosphere threatened to implode, consuming him. Eventually he decided it was time for a break. He rubbed his fury neck with his hefty bestial hands, and tiredly staggered to the kitchen and carefully comprised his favourite sandwich. Methodically he slid out of the French windows onto the patio. His gaze fell upon the captivating demonstration of the stars. He gaped at the beauty and mystery that surrounded the stars. It gave him hope. The radiant sparkles granted him courage. But, even the might stars will burn to an ash.
Nathaniel scurried around the mutedly lit laboratory. But the metallic and sophisticated glow from the laboratory made it seem like it was beyond this world. It reflected the man who lived there. For Nathaniel Essex was not just a master scientist. He was a mutant, with a soul so corrupt that some argue he is not a man, merely a demon. A sinister demon. Yet, he has since diverted his attention to the Legacy Virus, the plague that infects and destroys not only the physical bodies of mutants, but also their hearts and their souls, crippling their minds. Sinister’s heart began to thud harder, a toothy grin, exposing his intricate rows of sharp teeth, spread across his evil face. “I have it,” he managed to breath, staring down into a sophisticated computer, “it has begun.”
Gregor sat quietly at his desk, flicking through the masses of paper that had accumulated. He hadn’t realised taking on the title of Prelate would involve all the work. But today, he didn’t care. For only one thought dominated his mind: Charlotte Sometimes. Ever since he’d laid eyes upon the Grey ambassador and former Red Queen, she had driven him crazy. The Black Prelate was aroused from his day dreaming by the impatient cough of the Dragonfire Team’s one and only Headmaster. “Sorry,” Jetfire replied still thinking of his love, “have you been waiting long, Steven?” The Headmaster, who was dressed in a convoluted blue lounge suit, merely grunted. “Only five minutes of my precious time. Anyway, I need your signature on this form.” The Prelate snatched the piece of paper from the headmaster and leaned back in his comfortable chair, reading it. “Have you talked to the King and Queen about this?” he snorted. Steven shot him a look like ice. Jetfire knew that if looks could kill, Steven would have struck him down faster that lightning. “No. But I think hiring some extra staff to assist me in my teachings would benefit Chastity, and myself along with the students. It is difficult teaching the academy and Red hellions together, the rivalry is immense. And my schedule is tight enough as it is.” Gregor looked at him and then signed the form. “Thank you,” Steven said, grabbing the piece of paper from his hand. With that, he teleported away. Gregor gazed out of the window for a few minutes, admiring the freshly sprung roses that serpentinely crept around the walls of the Black Hellfire Club’s office department. He quickly ran to the telephone and ordered a very expensive bunch of flowers. “Any message on the sir?” a slobbishly youthful voice chewed. Gregor smiled. 2No. But make sure only the Miss Sometimes sees them.” With that he went back to his desk and continued his work.
“As you respire,” Steven said to the youths he found in front of him, all clearly bored with his agonising lectures, “you not only release carbon dioxide but you also unleash moisture from your mouth. Such moisture can be absorbed by the oxygen. But when the air becomes saturated, condensation is formed.” Scott fidgeted in his chair, trying to occupy his frazzled mind. His discomfort was felt throughout the class. The only attentive people were Xeus, Shifter and Epyon. “looks like the new guys are teacher’s pet,” DarkFallenAngel whispered to Spark, and cynically she added, “and Epyon.” Spark seemed caught off guard by this remark. “What is that supposed to mean?” he said acidically. The Black Executioner gave a low chuckle, “Nothing sweetly.” And then, she turned to the front of the class, where the Red Bishop and Headmaster still droned on. Spark tried to focus his attention upon his mentor. After a long and agonising morning a bell began to ring, signalling the end of the torture. “Wait!” cried the Red Bishop, “let me take a register before you go.” The students groaned by co-operated.
“Here sir.”
“I am present.”
“Shadow’s here!”
“Yes sir.”
Charlotte scurried through the swarming crowds, gazing with awe at the splendour of Rome. It was architecturally established and its beauty was immense. “C’mon!” Mystikal, the Grey Rook dragged her, the two trailing behind the newly appointed Grey Goddess, Blackfire, Grey Pawn, Waya and Siren. Charlotte, jolted back to reality, hurried to catch up with her court members. She had had a wonderful day, visiting the Vatican and wave after wave of museums and other sights such as the Coliseum. But, the most important part was, she was with friends that loved her. “My feet are aching,” she said, rubbing her feet, drawing attention to herself from the other customers of McDonald’s. Siren coughed, intending the Ambassador to move her feet as she approached with a tray full of food. Waya bit into her Big Mac ravenously. “That rich court food is excellent,” she said with her mouth full, spilling some of the contents onto her shirt, “but nothing can beat a good old McDonalds.” Blackfire laughed, spluttering her drink onto the paper serviette that lined the tray. Charlotte felt so content and happy to be doing normal things with normal friends and enjoying herself. She had found a place to be accepted.
Rogue sat in the blazing sunshine, allowing the vibrant sun to beat down upon her. Its warmth and light renewed her spirit. As did the return of her best friend-Monet. Slowly, she ate the turkey and mayonnaise sandwich, savouring every piece of it. Today, nothing would stop her from enjoying herself. “Heya!” the Black Mage’s voice beams, startling the Queen. Monet quickly slipped beside the Queen on the wooden bench. “So whatya upto, chica?” she beamed. Rogue gave a little laugh. “Just enjoying the sunshine.” Monet gave a huge grin. “I have just been pushing Nate around a bit,” she said. Suddenly the Black Scribe materialised beside the duet. “You rang?” he belched. Monet playfully pushed him away. “Hey,” Rogue said, rising to her feet, “whatya say to having a look into town for a while?” “Sounds good to me,” Monet said, linking arms with her Queen, marching her towards the garage, “and let’s take the jaguar. I’ll show you my wonderful driving skills.” Nate gave a pretend groan of agony. Monet planted her elbow in his ribs. The three laughed happily as they entered the garage, which was compressed by masses of cars, the Black mage’s red jaguar roaring to them all.
“Angelo,” Acydic, the new White Hellion Headmaster said, as he entered the medical facilities, carrying a cellular phone, “you have a call. You’ll never guess who.” The doctor placed his pen atop his report and shoved them to one side. “Who?” he asked curiously. Acydic almost laughed. Almost. “The Red Bishop.” Dr. Angelo, bamboozled by the caller, quickly took the phone. “H..hello?” he stuttered.
“My Lady,” Dark Phoenix said, the eerie glow of the candlelight twisting her face into savage positions, “when will my time come?” Chastity gave a little laugh, a hint of superiority in her voice. “You shall get what’s coming to you soon, my dear, and then we will really shake things up.” Marnie gave a wicked laugh. But then her face became more serious. “But, what about the obstacle that most obstructs your path?” Chastity gave a bellow and began to speak but was cut off. “It will always remain there,” Gauntlet said, walking down the spiralling stairs of Chastity’s secret hide away, “and it might even prove dangerous. But, our will shall be felt.” Chastity smiled happily at him. “Draco has taught you well,” she said. “Anyway,” she said, “your Queen has engagements to attend to.” And with that she materialised from the chamber.
“Firstly,” Steven said, passing several collaborations of papers around the table, “I shall give a Hellion progress report.” The Inner Circle all nodded in agreement. Steven took to his feet. “As you are aware,” he began to speak, removing his glasses from his face, “I have merged the academic training of both my Academy and the Hellions into one, increasing my time and giving me more time to do separate training. The BHC are best suited for the educational pursuits of the Hellions, so we are to operate there. Now, we have a new Hellion, Lark. From what I can tell, she is making outstanding social progress and her abilities have developed fruitfully. I am continuing to keep my attention on her. But I am more concerned about Aquapyro. Ever since Ryan and I restored him (See Face My Wrath *HF* for the full story) he has changed dramatically. And know, since his return from his tours, I find my mind link with him severed and his powers gone. But now he has alien abilities and I am not happy. I shall continue my studies. Salvatore is still in the infirmary recovering from his injuries. And I think that’s my business over and done with.” Chastity gave a patronising clap. “Next order of the day,” Ryan declared, “we must discuss the possibility of Rook.” Draco and Chastity’s faces both illuminated with joy. “If you ask me,” Steven snorted, “why do we need a Rook? If we keep the position open long enough we may find a perfect person. Why are we eager to fill that position?” Chastity instantly took over. “The Club draws its strength from the Inner Circle,” she smudged, “and we must stand rigid, as a FULL Inner Circle. I vote Dark Phoenix II.” Draco silently agreed. “Barg!” Steven Booth grunted, “Do with it as you may. Consider my vote inactive. Now if you don’t mind I must be off.” With that he teleported from the room. Ryan began to speak. “I think Marnie will be a perfect addition to the Hellfire Club. Shall I give her the good news, or you Chastity?” The Red Queen smiled, displaying rows of pearly white teeth. “I shall take this honour.”
Charles knocked quietly, almost silently on the large wooden doors. He noticed how exact and precise the animal carvings on the doors were. And how expensive the door handle must have been. Charles hadn’t quite grasped just how much wealth his master and the Red Hellfire Club had. “Come in,” a raspy voice said loudly. Charles straightened his uniform and ventured inward. He could hear the distinctive voice of Frank Sinatra blurring from the ancient gramophone in the corner of the Red Bishop’s decretive office. “Your guest awaits in the formal reception of the Main Mansion,” Charles informed the Red Bishop, who was just finishing off a large bowl of strawberry ice cream. “Thank you,” Steven said, pushing his papers to one side. He rose to his feet and lifted his hand in the air. Shards of mystical energy erupted from his fingers, summoning his jacket. “Oh, and Charles,” Steven said as he opened a large portal, “I am giving you a week off to go and visit your family.” And wish that the Red Bishop stepped through the gateway.
“You know what,” Shadow beamed abruptly, “I am sick of this rubbish!” He instantly called upon a spell to make him fly off. “Shall I pursue him?” Lark asked eagerly. Epyon gave a little laugh. “No,” he said, “let’s just enjoy our walk.” The Hellions trekked around the gardens of the Red Mansion, chatting casually and enjoying the essence of youth. “Who’s up for a club tonight?” Spark beamed. Epyon rolled his eyes, and Ian Fitzroy gave a menacing laugh. “I think I’ll pass,” Wolfox said suddenly, “I have more oppressing things to do.” With that he took off. “Is everyone around here suffering from split personality?” Lark joked. The group continued to enjoy the vibrant sunshine. They were together. And everyone was a friend. But why did Gauntlet feel that something was wrong?
The Grey King sat in his office, enjoying a cold beer. He had a tonne of work to do and countless numbers of meetings to attend. But he didn’t care. He merely sat quietly and acknowledged the benefits of being King. Indeed, he was back were he belonged. Suddenly he heard a thunderous commotion from the adjacent chamber. “YOU WHAT?” screamed the Grey Queen, telekinetically hurtling a buffet at the servant. The terrified young man leapt away from danger, fear burning in his eyes. “Hey! Hey,” Bobbi Todd said as she walked into the room, “what’s going on?” Marvel Girl shot a powerful look at the newly appointed Inner Circle member. “This fool!” she spat, “has spilt tea on my new dress!” Bobbi Todd inspected the wonderful silken creation that lay on the bed. She also noticed the ugly brown stain on it. “I am sorry mistress,” the man whimpered. This seemed to turn the Queen red with anger. “Calm down,” the Grey Scribe said soothingly, “I am sure that he didn’t mean any of it.” The queen, half heartily backed away from the room, into the bathroom. Instantly the servant scurried away. Bobbi sighed and went back into the hall. “Heya!” Echo, the Grey Advisor beamed as she walked up the corridor, “is the Queen in?” Bobbi laughed, as Echo heard the explosive noises exerting from the Queen’s room. “I guess so,” the Advisor laughed, “that woman’s scary when she’s mad.”
“Dr.,” Steven said as he opened the door to the reception. The WHC’s medical expert was situated in a rather uncomfortable looking chair in the formal room. He rose to his feet, taking the red Bishop’s hand and shaking it. “I am so glad you could come,” Steven said, leading him out of the room down the expensively furnished passageway. “I am curious to why you have called upon me,” he said, with a hint of confusion and inquisition in his voice. Steven opened the door to a derelict office, and huddled the good doctor inside, motioning for him to sit down. “I have a proposition to pass by you,” RKB said to the still bemused doctor. “I understand you shall be attending the Mutant Legislation Hearings in a week’s time,” Steven said. Dr. Torres nodded. “There is quite a cast of attendance,” he said, “Moria MacTaggert, Dr. Hank McCoy, Professor Xavier and Professor Booth amongst them!” Steven smiled. “It is clear,” the Red Bishop said, “that you don’t know why full character. I am attending those hearings, I am Professor Booth. I was just wondering if a learned man such as you would view my research that I have been conducting.” The doctor smiled. “I.. I would be happy to,” he said giddily, “but surely a man of your calibre doesn’t need my input.” Steven gave a little chuckle. “Even the best amongst us must consider we are capable of error.”
Chastity phased through the walls of Dark Phoenix II’s room. She was surprised to see the young Hellion sat behind a desk, reading a textbook. Suddenly Fox’s eyes grew wide with yellow energy. “Show yourself,” she hissed, the Phoenix aura erupting immediately. Chastity smiled and solidified. Marnie instantaneously backed down. “I see your powers grow more fruitful everyday,” Chastity hissed. Marnie smiled. “Your in,” the Red queen whispered. Fox suddenly rose up into the air with cheers. “I got the Rook title?” she said in disbelief. Chastity smugly smiled. “Why did you have any doubt? Anyway, we have things to do.” Marnie looked suspiciously at her mentor. “What?” she quizzed. Chastity’s eyes grew wide with evil. “Aquapyro has retuned, yet his attitude and good will is gone. I think it is time he was recruited to our little group.” Marnie and Chastity both gave sinister chuckles of laughter.
“Preparations are underway for the gathering of the world’s most foremost meetings on Mutant Control Hearings,” the cheerful CNN newsreader declared. But her sweet and positive voice was echoed out by the almost deafening clatter that submerged the diner. It was a typical bar: small, crowded and smelling of too many cigars and grimy surfaces. “Can I get ya anythin’ doll?” a middle aged bartender said, whilst defiantly chewing some gum, exposing the contents to everyone in her visible range. The man merely shook his head and continued further into the bar, trudging relentlessly thought he crowds. Finally he spotted a young, blonde haired woman in a seductively short blue dress, sitting patiently in the corner. She saw her target and began to approach him. “Hello gorgeous,” she said, flinging her arms around the broad shouldered man. Daemon Darkholme merely smiled, a toothy smile. “Feelin’ better now you’re here. Now what would you say to ditching these rejects from animal farm and go somewhere a bit more… private?” the Red Knight said. His lady friend smiled into his eyes. “Not too private,” she teased.
The music swirled around the room, an enchanting tune dazzling the room, hosting tranquillity. From a distance, the trickling waters of the indoor fountain were almost hypnotic. “Out of the tree of life I’ve just picked me a plum,” RKB sang happily to the music that churned elegantly from the C.D. player. The Bishop relaxed in his comfortable chair, looking over his speech. He took a quick glance at the antique grandfather clock strategically positioned beside his desk. Two hours and he hadn’t even begun to explain the theory of evolution. There was too much he wanted to say. And the psionic static he had been feeling in his brain was making it hard for him to concentrate. Suddenly he felt a gust of wind signalling the arrival of Chastity. The Red Queen materialised on the corner of the desk. “Chastity,” Steven said, rising from his chair to greet the Queen. “Just thought I’d drop by. Howe’s the speech going?” she said. RKB groaned. “I cannot concentrate. But the hearing s are just days away. And I must make my point clear: the Legacy Virus is under control. But I just can’t direct my thoughts.” Chastity looked sympathetically at him. “And,” he added, “I have been having some trouble with my mind links to yourself and your brother. I am having difficulty communicating telepathically with you.” Chastity rubbed her chin, secretly trying to restrain a laugh. “It must be the magic,” she said, “it gives off a transmission signal that almost erases psionic energy from the surrounding area.” Steven nodded in agreement. “Well, I am off to the lab,” Steven said, “I am studying that Virus and getting no where so I might as well waste my time there.” “Okay Steven,” Chastity laughed, then teleported away.
(Year 2016)
Jon Toilliver sat in her plush leather chair of her office, over looking her latest stock figures. She almost shrieked when she discovered how much profit she’d made. Slyly she slid out of her office and magically glided down the halls of the United Compound, the glow of the candles making her beautiful skin resemble porcelain. Carefully she slid the door to the White King’s office open. “Hello my Queen,” harbinger smiled toothily, “to what do I owe this wonderful pleasure?” The White Queen smiled seductively. “Your plan worked perfectly,” she whispered, “my investment money shall be available tomorrow.” Harbinger smiled happily and gave his Queen a kiss on the cheek. “Your truly are a spectacular woman,” he said, “but right now I must go and visit the Black Queen.” Nytshade’s face twisted in disparagement. “What do you wish from HER?” she cursed. Harbinger laughed. “Well, I happen to like Nemesis.” The White rook suddenly fell from a portal. “My mistress always did have that effect on men,” Blink* teased.
“Do you have any idea,” Maul, the Red Rook said in a strong German accent, “how close I came to being obliterated?” RKB scoffed at him. “No, but I am sure you are going to tell me, you filthy stalker,” he spat. Maul suddenly extended long, glistening claws from his fingertips. 2Oh, shield them,” Silver, the Black Bishop said, “and scurry back into the hall you came from. I must speak with the Red Bishop.” Maul looked in disbelievement and headed out of the room, knocking past the Grey Knight Rune. “Steven,” Silver said, “the rebels have struck again. Lucky nebula was injured, as was SuperGrover!!! but you and Ryan cannot refuse to over look that their little ‘band’ is growing.” Steven rocked back in his chair. “Call an Inner Circle meeting,” RKB finally delivered.” And with that he went back to staring out of the window, upon the smoking city below.
End of Chapter One.
Times Can Heal All Wounds* HF*
Chapter Two: We Stand Before You.
Sinister wrapped his tenchcoat extra firmly around his metallic frame. The Congress hall was crammed with bodies. His black, voidless eyes scanned the room. He was impressed. Some of the most renowned scientific minds were present. Cunningly he placed his skeletal hands inside his pocket, and retrieved a small, metal cylinder. His pointed finger grazed a switch. Green numbers appeared on the surface of the container. Sinister quickly placed it under his seat, and headed out of the Congress building. From across the room, an equally disguised man looked nervously at the fleeing male. A corrupt smile spread across his face as he stealthily glided along the room, as a child does when he is getting a reward.
“We are approaching Washington,” Banshee said quietly in Moira’s ear. She gave a sigh. “It’s now or never,” she said, “bring us down carefully.” Banshee obediently took the controls of the private jet, beginning preparations for landings. The craft settled down on the pad easily. Outside were the legions of photographers and journalists that Moira had always hated. Yet her green eyes spotted a friendly duo. “Hello there, Charles,” she said, as Dr. McCoy helped her out of the jet. Charles gave her a friendly grin. “It is good to see you, old friend.” A thin scrawny man with a blue folder hurried to the three doctors. “The Hearings re proceeding soon,” he said in a very arrogant voice, “we advise you take your seats.” The four people headed through the swamp of people into the prestigious building.
“It’s starting!” shouted Lark. Suddenly the complete Inner Circle and Hellions filed into the expensively furnished recreation room. They all took their seats, their gaze fixed upon the superfluous large wide screen television. “He’s been working on this for ages,” Ryan said, “let’s keep our fingers crossed.” Draco sat behind Dark Phoenix II, eying her carefully. Gauntlet and Chastity shot him laser like looks. Suddenly the camera fixed upon the interior of the Hearings. Professor Booth was sat with Moira MacTaggert, Professor Xavier, Dr. McCoy and several other less famous doctors. Opposite them were the Senators, who were voting upon whether or not to pass the mutant registration act. Professor Xavier, who had been elected leader of the opposition, took the stand. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he said into the microphone, his voice calm and cool, “I am here today, with my colleagues, to prove that mutants are not dangerous. They are merely human beings with special gifts.” There were several murmurs through the congress. Then one rather stout Senator stood up and in a most pompous voice he said. “That’s a nice though, it’s it? They are people with special gifts whose shouldn’t be feared. But what about Magneto? He has leveled whole towns, crashed asteroids into the Earth and much more. Apocalypse. Inflicted several millions of dollars worth of damage on the town of London. And then, there is the Legacy Virus. It is a danger to all people.” RKB suddenly flew from his seat. “Rubbish!” he screamed, “the mutant population are the only poor souls who can suffer from this terrible diseases. Instead of hounding them and persecuting them, you should be helping me and my peers in assisting this growing problem” Purple energy began to flow from his eyes. Xavier looked at him with horror. Using his telepathy, he suddenly stopped the flow of blood to RKB’s brain, making the energy go away. “Did you see that?” Epyon cried with repulsion, “he almost unleashed some energy upon that senator.” Chastity fidgeted awkwardly. “He should never have gone,” Draco began, “the weeks of preparation have exhausted him.” They all fell quiet. “That’s the whole point!” the Senator said, “If the mutants reveal themselves, we will help them.” This time Xavier began to speak. “Those mutants who have publicly revealed their existence have been met with fear and hostility.” The atmosphere became one of mixed emotions and anger. Several members of the audience began shouting things. RKB once again stood up. “And what about the Genoshian government,” he almost hissed, “They imprisoned mutants using those sentinels. And when it all came to light it was the rebel band of mutants known as the X-men who assisted them, not our own Government.” Suddenly the weirdly disguised man tossed aside his garments, revealing his purple and blue suit. He lifted the metallic ball into the air. “Hear me,” he said in a scratchy voice, “for I shall bring famine, pestilence, war and death upon you all!” Everyone began running and screaming like lambs to the slaughter, desperate to escape. “Oh GOD!” cried Xavier, “it’s Apocalypse.” Apocalypse suddenly metamorphed to about 50 feet and glided over to the doctors, firing blasts of energy at them. “This here, is the Legacy Virus, manipulated by Sinister. It will infect all mutants and humans.” And with that eh unleashed the balls contents. But rather uncannily a green gas emerged, coating itself on Apocalypse’s body. He began to fight and struggle with it. Then a hologram abruptly appeared. “You didn’t think I would let that physco unleash such a thing upon us all,” the hologram of Sinister began, “you can thank me later. But for now, seeing him die is enough.” “If..i..am..going..to…die,” Apocalypse choked, “then you’re all coming with me.” He unleashed a cannon of energy. RKB instantly teleported out of the way. But he was unfortunate enough to miss teleporting Xavier and the rest of the doctors.
Jon knocked on the Red Bishop’s door, her hand trembling. Steven opened the door, only to catch the White Queen as she fainted. RKB looked at her skin. “Holy crap,” he said, teleporting them both to the laboratory. Epyon cartwheeled out of the way; dropping the computer he was working on on the floor. “Prepare the bondifier immediately,” RKB screamed, “the Virus has gripped Jon’s internal organ system.” Epyon deferentially unlocked the door to a large chamber, carrying the now green White Queen inside. He locked the door firmly behind him and RKB loaded up the machine. “She must have missed her latest dosage,” he said, “silly idiot. She doesn’t realise how dangerous the Legacy Virus is.”
Cyclops stumbled in the mud. “Watch it, old friend,” coughed Ozymandias, as he grabbed his old friend. Gomurr looked warily at them. “A group of sentinels were spotted just outside Texas,” Darkwolf said, “the are exterminating the town. It’s one of the last mutant run towns.” Rage spat at the floor. “We’d better get there quick then.” Gomurr stretched his hands out in the air, making a large portal appear. Rogue and Blackfire both leapt through, followed by the rest. Finally the old mage closed the portal.
RKB opened the door to the study, only to be met with the very impatient eyes of the four kings. “Where have you been?” Hawkeye screeched, his eyes wide with anger. Steven yawned. “It’s that reject from the grave yard, Infectia. He’s useless.” Gregor laughed at Ryan. “Well, may we begin?” Harbinger said. Steven smiled cruelly. “Of course Cronos.” The King rose from the table, sending his fists pounding on the oak structure. “I am called Harbinger!” he growled. RKB just sighed. “Whatever. You can change the name all you want, but that bad tempered little boy always remains!” Ryan quickly rose to his feet. “Can we have a progress report about our White and Black Queen?” RKB suddenly opened a portal and through it fell a file. “According to my readings,” he began, “Nemesis is in control of the Legacy Virus. She was wise to come to us for help.” Gregor squirmed in his chair. “I still think it was unfair that if we treated her she had to be Queen.” Hawkeye scoffed loudly, his insanity seeping through his words. “She is enjoying it now, isn’t that true Harbinger?” Once again the White King’s temper rose. “But our White Queen is still as head strong as ever. She has missed several dosages of the antibiotics, and the Virus has developed to a molecular level.” This news seemed to chill around the room, like a convection of cold air. Harbinger broke the uneasy silence. “Steven, do tell about the Hellions.” This seemed to interest the Red Bishop immensely. “You must be joking about this Infectia replacing me as Headmaster.” Ryan looked arrogantly at him. “You know as much as I do that he is a good candidate. And with your new role as defence secretary of our newly established country, you will need al the help you can get.” Gregor shuffled his papers. “When are we going to release the news to the Inner Circle?” RKB looked puzzled. “News about what?” he asked in a questionable tone. “As you are aware, ever since Apocalypse killed Xavier and all those other doctors at the Congress Hearings all those years ago, and his body somehow mutated the Legacy Virus and it started infecting everyone. Well, all the Clubs united and we unofficially bought this large patch of Canada, just before the government brought in sentinels to control mutants” Harbinger said. “I need no history lessons,” Steven snobbily said. The White King shrugged off his comments. “Well, you developed this wonderful barrier to fit around our territory that blocked out the Legacy Virus. So we all moved here. Then we had SuperGrover!!! and his band of idiots saying how unnoble it was to let others die. So, we allowed mutants to come and live her. Then, you found a cure for some forms of the diseases and we started ‘renting’ our land under the barrier to mutants. Well, it has been a struggle trying to keep ahold of this land, with the international governments trying to attack us and so on. So, we have offered a LARGE amount of money to President Greenland and he ahs declared us the rulers of this land. But there is one condition: we have to keep all the infected mutants here.” RKB laughed. “That’s great!” he said. With that the meeting adjourned.
“I don’t believe it!” Blackfire shrieked. Nathan and DarkFallenAngel both looked strangely at her. “What?” the said in unisome, holding one another’s hands. Sharon said, “I have just been watching the television. I….well, take a look for yourself1” The trio looked at the news. “Ryan, Gregor, Hawkeye and Harbinger have been declared monarchs!” they choked, “oh my God!” Suddenly SuperGrover!!!, Darkwolf, Acydic, Psishot, Greg, Havoc1, Nebula, Rogue, Marvel Girl, Scrib, Waya and Rage, collectively known as the rebels, entered the dark tunnels. “We heard,” SuperGrover!!! said down heartily, “We got to Texas too late. Not one soul remained.” Blackfire could feel tears forming in her eyes. “This is terrible,” Gomurr said, leaning against his staff, “Ryan and the others. Their power has been increased even more. And if they manage to rule the world, then I fear that the Ascension will never occur.” SuperGrover!!! walked over to the old man. “Christian’s dead,” he said hoarsely, “there will never be an Ascension.” Gomurr tutted. “Mufasa never sensed his life essence fade away.” The two didn’t continue to argue. Siren, in the form of a dragon with Mystikal by her side, suddenly fell through the tunnels. “Great, we are all here,” Nebula said, “because SuperGrover!!! and Gomurr want to tell us something.” A wave of uncertainty wafted through the air. Suddenly Ozymandias began to cough uncontrollably, his chest heaving in convulsions, psionic energy flowing from his skeletal frame. “The Virus,” he choked, “it’s been getting worse.” Gomurr held his crumpled old hand in the air, swirls of green energy began to form around his fingers. Carefully he placed his index fingers on Ozymandias’ temples, soothing his pain. SuperGrover!!! then began to speak. “I don’t think I really need to say that the tension that had been stretched to unbearable limits between mutants and humans has become almost too unbearable. And with our former ‘allies’ gaining political power, they effectively house hundreds, if not thousands, of mutants. People around the world are already complaining, taking their anger out on innocent mutants.” SuperGrover!!! could sense the acknowledgement in the room. He steadily carried on. “But we have a theory. Gomurr, if you will?” The old mage levitated to the centre of the room. “Tonight, is the night of Timeslide’s eighteenth birthday. Insight of his parental status, with Nemesis being the psion she is, and Cronos being the telepath and traveller eh is, their offspring are inevitably going to be able to access some forms of telepathy. But, I recently retrieved the Grail and have seen an answer to our dilemma. The Holy vessel has indicated that Timeslide is destined to become a time traveller…and this is how it fits in with my plan. If we can somehow infiltrate the Hellfire Club’s ‘promised land’ and kidnap the boy, we can warp his powers, hence him tearing through time, back to the assassination of Moira MacTaggert, Xavier, McCoy, the president and so on. Once there, we can destroy Apocalypse and this catastrophe of a future can never occur.” An eerie silence crept around the room, its noise free environment almost too much to bear.
Timeslide suddenly felt a cold tingle trickle down his spine, as if someone had walked across his grave. The pen he was writing RKB’s assignment on photosynthesis with toppled from his hand, finally landing on the quilted floor of his room. Reaching out with his mind he telekinetically guided the pen to his hand. The small computer in the corner of the elegant room buzzed on. “Happy Birthday, son,” Harbinger said, “did you like my present?” Timeslide suddenly opened a portal and a large, jet-black hovercraft motor vehicle fell through. “Loved it,” he said bluntly. The White King was shocked by the attitude of his son. He quickly shut the video link. “The only reason you feel those feelings is because eh reminds you of yourself,” RKB said, as he charged in the King’s room. Harbinger quickly span around. “I didn’t invite you in!” he barked, “and keep out of my mind.” He tried to push out the Red Bishop but he couldn’t shift it. A devious smile pierced the Red Bishop’s 168-year-old face. “Did you want something?” Harbinger cursed. RKB teleported a large file into the King’s hand. “Reports,” he said, “about the hellions. Thought you might want to read.” With that he smarmily phased through the ceiling down into the hallways of the Royal Quarters. Cronos marched stroppily to his desk and began fingering through the file.
“Let me get this straight,” Rage, said, her ever-present trench coat wrapped around her athletic frame, “if we steal this kid and live to get him back here, then how do we charge his powers?” Gomurr stroked his long, silvery beard. “The Red Bishop, as fanatical and insane as he is, is also one of the most intelligent minds on the planet. He has devised a machine that can warp reality, and even mutant powers but it needs a phenomenal amount of psionic energy to operate it. It is a challenge for even him, so I can only hope that Ozymandias, Mystikal and Marvel Girl have enough power to use it. Then when we charge the machine, a small group of us will Timeslide through time back to 2001 and hopefully stop Apocalypse’s crimes.” Nebula looked slightly puzzled. “Then what happens?” SuperGrover!!! began to speak, “Moira MacTaggert and the other doctors will never have been killed. They will have developed a cure for the Virus along with Sinister’s help. The only drawback is this timeline cannot exist as parallel as the other, and we cannot exist as we are now. Upon stopping this, we will all inevitably punish. The question is: are you in or are you out?” Silence engulfed the whole room.
Astron hurled bolts of electricity at her opponents, mentally confusing them with her telepathic illusions. She had a knack for combat. But her gloating left her immune to a vine whip from Jon Tolliver Jr. also known as Phantasmal. “Your gross neglect and arrogance cost you that attack,” she hissed, whilst casting a spell to freeze Phantasmal. Suddenly she toppled from the air, and the spell over Astron was broken. “That was almost to easy,” CastOf, said smugly, “I took away your powers easier than algebra.” Abruptly the whole danger room shook with a tremendous force and then a blast of psi-energy seized the bodies of the young Hellions. Timeslide and Earthquake both gracefully levitated from the ceiling. “You guys couldn’t even take out a rebel!” they scoffed, high-fiving one another. A blinding blast of energy convoluted through their bodies, and suddenly they felt themselves become heavier and heavier until they toppled to the ground. “I warned you two not to keep your guard open,” Destruction said, as Deathshield, who had morphed herself into a demon, flew them all to the ground. The battle scene, a run down neighbourhood in Texas, faded away. “That was good,” Epyon said as he walked into the room, Spark and Gauntlet following him. Instantly the united Hellions fell into line. “It seems only yesterday RKB was making us do these exercises,” Spark laughed. Gauntlet merely looked at him with disgust. Epyon was about to commence his analysis of the session when RKB suddenly teleported into the room, accompanied by Infectia. Spark, Epyon and Gauntlet fell into line with the Hellions. “Thank you,” the Red Bishop said, “now, Epyon, tell me about the latest training section.” The Field Commander began to dissect the training session, with the Deputy Headmaster, Infectia, scribbling the details down on a pad. “Good work,” RKB said, “now everyone but the Hellions depart. We have a very long friendly chat to have, my doorways to the future.”
Echo sat unmoving in her chair. Salvia began to form at her mouth, and ricochet down her chin. Suddenly, the Grey Advisor was greeted by the Grey pawn. “Glad to see you are conscious,” Ian hissed mechanically. Echo nodded. “In a way deary, I feel sorry for you. But, I had to mind control someone to do my dirty work. And you were the perfect target. Anyway, how many mutants died in Texas?” Echo nodded. “All of them, my my, you are good at what you do. This kingdom will be mine!” Behind him, Ian could feel four piercing eyes staring into his head. “Don’t you mean ours?” Chastity hissed. Ian smiled. “Of course my Red Queen.” The Red Liaison, Phoenix of the Hellfire smiled. “Indeed Ian, it will be ours.” Draco and Gauntlet stood silently at the entrance, never taking their distrustful eyes off the man they saw in front of them.
“As you all know,” RKB said in his loud, formal voice, “you all have an important part in this Club. But none of you, or should I say, most of you are unsure what that is. So today we are going to take a trip into the past…..” his voice said, as his telepathic aura extended around the room.
They could feel each other, but darkness made it impervious to see one another. Yet they all felt drawn to one guiding voice. “The year is 2001. Congress had called a Hearing over the menace of the Legacy Virus and mutant registration. A very impressive team of scientists were gathered to give their findings on the Virus. I was one of them. Apocalypse planted a dose of the Virus that genetically altered the disease, making it infect any living organism. When Sinister found out he tried to stop him from unleashing it in congress, and did, but Apocalypse in his last moments, killed all the scientists and senators. The world was in uproar, and the legacy Virus was spreading fast. I tried to find a cure but it was impossible. The Red, White, Black and Grey Courts all merged together in a hope of fighting the disease. But soon the Government passed Mutant Registration laws, allowing Sentinels to destroy all mutants, as an act of revenge. Using their enormous wealth, the Clubs bought most of Canada from the United Nations and declared it a sanctuary for mutants, at a reasonable price. But this brings disrupt through the Courts, making them split into two groups. SuperGrover!!! and many of the members left to try and fight the Sentinels, whilst the other members stayed. Cronos was elected White King, and changed his name to Harbinger. Jon Tolliver, former White Queen, is infected with the disease and in one last desperate attempt rejoins the Club as Queen. RKB by now has developed a machine that can slow down the Virus. Harbinger selects his Inner Circle carefully, putting Diablo as Bishop and Mufasa as Rook. Sarah Ferguson, also known as Blink* decides that she wants to rejoin the Club, becomes White Rook. Outburst is made White awn when she quits the rebel group led by DarkWolf and SuperGrover!!!. Finally, tre is given title as White Scribe. Phoenix of the Hellfire is given a brand new title of Red Liaison, or personal assistant to the Red queen, and Maul, who is found out not to be dead, fills up the mantle of Red Rook. Ryan recovers from a bout of mind control from Chastity, who is put under psionic supervision by hellfire of the Phoenix. Jetfire is voted as Black King and changes his name to Gregor. Nemesis finally returns to the Club, infected with the Virus, and happily accepts the title of Queen. Avalon is encouraged by Gregor to rejoin the Club as prince. The young man, who is infected with the Virus, accepts. Silver and Havok one both mysteriously join the Club as Bishop and Knight. Nate Grey and Storm!, who are involved in a relationship, are promoted to Rook and Pawn. Harbinger mind enslaves Daemon and Hawkeye the two are freed by myself. But they have been left quite insane. Byron becomes Grey Queen. RKB catches the Legacy Virus and transfers his magic to Rune who becomes Grey knight. I lose the Virus by heavy dosages of the machine. Toby and Draco fall in love, anchoring her to the Grey Court as Rook. Ian is taken back for another chance and given position of Grey pawn and Echo as Grey Advisor. Then here’s where you all fit in. harbinger secretly stole genes from your parents to produce powerful children. He took genes from Nate and Storm! And produced you Astron. From Nemesis and himself he made you Timeslide. From Gregor and Nytshade he made you Phantasmal. Genes from Ryan and Chastity and produced you Destruction. From Darkwolf and Outburst he made you CastOf.” Suddenly the Hellions ascend back to the normal realm. They all looked incredibly puzzled. “But you’re my grandfather,” Destruction cried. RKB shook his head. “You have learned a great deal today,” he said, as he was about to leave the room, “I shall give you some time to adjust to the situation. Earthquake grabbed ahold of the Red Bishop’s arm. “What about me and Deathshield?” he asked cautiously. “You are my grandson, your parents were my son and his wife. They both died at the Sentinels hands. And Deathshield is the only naturally born child, produced by Toby and Draco.” And with that the old man left the room. “I have told them,” he said in a sickened voice, “happy now?” Harbinger smiled toothily. “Indeed.”
DarkFallenAngel held a little photo to her face, her tears dampening the picture. “What’s the matter?” Waya asked with concern in her voice. DFA quickly shoved the photo away and flew out of the door. “It’s Nathan’s anniversary,” Rage said, “she always misses him and Earthquake about this time.” Waya nodded sympathetically. “Why does the world have to be so evil?” Waya said with a heavy sigh. Rage gave a smile. “If I knew, my friend, I would tell you. But it is. We get up everyday and fight for what is right. Nathan Sommers is one of the brave warriors who died on their feet so that others could live. In this line of work, we must all give sacrifices.” Suddenly the duo was met with another figure. “Such strong words,” Gomurr said, leaning on his stick, “but are you willing to go all the way Rage?” The two both smiled, as did Gomurr. “That makes four of us.”
Time Can Heal All Wounds *HF*
Chapter Three.
We Are A Club, Aren’t We?
Rune led back in the uncomfortable boardroom chairs, awaiting the arrival of the other members. He had had a most boring day, a meeting only made things worse. The door opened and in stepped Maul. “Glad to see I am not the only one who’s turning up to this meeting,” Rune scoffed. Maul ignored him and took his seat. The room quickly began to fill with all the members. “Hellfire Scribe,” Ryan said to Infectia, “address the Court to whom is present.” The gaunt man should shakily to his feet. “Present from the Red Court is: King, Lord Ryan, Queen: Chastity, Bishop: RKB, Knight: Draco, Rook: Maul and Liaison: Dark Phoenix II.” Marnie Fox suddenly flew from her seat, the Phoenix aura spreading around her body. “I AM PHOENIX OF THE HELLFIRE!” she screamed, “Dark Phoenix II died when my love, Aquapyro died.” Avalon and Hawkeye both tried to calm her. “Proceed,” Gregor commanded. “From the Black Court we have: King: Gregor, Queen: Nemesis, Prince: Avalon, Bishop: Silver, Knight: Havok, Rook: Nate Grey, Pawn: Storm!. From the Grey Court we have: King: Hawkeye, Queen: Byron, Bishop: Daemon, Knight: Rune, Rook: Toby, Pawn: Ian and Advisor: Echo. From the White Court we have: King: Harbinger, Queen: Nytshade, Bishop: Diablo, Knight: Mufasa, Rook: Blink*, Pawn: Outburst and Scribe: tre.” The skeletal man then stumbled back into his chair. “Any fresh news?” Gregor asked. Jon stood up. “Nemesis is a slut.” Mufasa and Diablo both grabbed the White Queen to her seat. Nemesis went a shade of crimson, her hands flying over to the white queen, but Harbinger looked warily at her. Jon is just a stupid insane woman Harbinger said telepathically to Nemesis ignore her. “Well, I would just like to announce I have alerted the Hellions of their parental status,” RKB said, as he filed his nails, looking blatantly into the air. Several healthy looking faces suddenly were plunged into shock. Finally Outburst choked up, “You told them about me?” He nodded. “I told them all the basics, but I said that Earthquake was my grandson. He must never learn that his parents were DarkFallenAngel and Nathan Sommers or he might change his loyalty towards us.” Khalid rose from his chair, anger on his face, his piercingly mechanical teeth evidently clear. “You aren’t still serious about that are you?” he said with disgust. Gregor and RKB exchanged annoyed glances. “Those ‘rebels’ are causing us damage, their renegade ways could endanger our sovereignty. It is a dogma to our cause that they are taken out.” Maul sneered. “Vy does ya have all di say?” he spat, “you are only a bishop.” RKB’s eyes fired up with energy, small bolts seeping from his sockets. “You wish to challenge my authority?” he screamed. As if an invisible spike had been driven into his skull, Maul began to cower in pain. “This ‘mein freunden’ is kinetic telepathy. I hope I never have to use it again.” He sheathed the mental spike and rejoined the meeting. Khalid continued to fight his will, “But SuperGrover!!! and the others, they aren’t just any common rebels that we’d slaughter without a thought, they are our friends, our family.” Chastity gave a seductive smile. “My dear Khalid,” she said in a patronising voice, “you mean were our friends, our family. They turned their back on the Courts, and now a suitable punishment has befallen them.” She squeezed Ryan’s hand, running a finger across her crimson lips. “I agree,” Ian screamed, but RKB fired him a terribly sickening glance. “God, they still hate each other,” Toby whispered into Draco’s ear. He nodded, “Steven’s always hated him. You should have seen it when he and Chastity were dating, Steven almost,” he said, but was ceased by the mental shouts of Phoenix. “Khalid,” Hawkeye said, slurring his speech. To any stranger it would seem the Grey King was intoxicated. But the only thing that intoxicates him was insanity. “I hope your loyalties to the Club aren’t wavering.” The White Knight growled at Hawkeye. Harbinger stood up, standing behind the Black King and Red King, with their Grey counterpart at the other side. “We’d hate for you to fall into our bad books,” RKB hissed. “People don’t tend to come back from there,” Avalon endangered. Khalid stood up. “I need no scrutiny from you!” he blasted and walked out of the room. “I think we may be looking for a new Knight,” Harbinger whispered to Jon, loud enough for everyone to hear.
The light fought hard against the cold solid darkness, it’s small, yet steady beams continuing to assault through the black annulled atmosphere. It’s glow cast eerie shadows over the rubble land, its light ricocheting off the masses of broken metal and shattered glass. Once upon a time this had been Chicago, that town that won’t let you down. The town full of opportunities and freedom. But life is only life if things changed. “They’d better show,” Outburst said nervously, taking a large drag on her cigarette, inhaling the smoky gas. “They’ll show,” Silver, said blankly, “they have two.” Khalid looked shiftily. “Do you think the Inner Circle are on to us?” he spurted out. Havok scoffed. “We’ve planned it too well.” Blink* stuck her hands in her pocket. “Just liked you planned that attack on the rebels of Massachusetts. How many died? HavocOne, Wolfox, Claw, Fitzroy, Aquapyro, Loki, Bobbi Todd, Sunlit, Angelic, Bluntman…” Michael extended two claws from his hands, sending the White Pawn silent.
Unexpectedly a portal opened and the group materialised through the darkened land. They emerged into a dark laboratory, single candles illuminating the whole room. “Welcome,” Gomurr said, coughing slightly. The group felt uncomfortable, their elegant garments predominantly dominating the room. “Nice to see some of us get benefits,” Dakkon hissed, the green developments on his head swaying, the putty inside oozing through his pause. Blink* teleported besides him. She unfastened his shirt and inserted a syringe into his soldier. The blobs began to fade. She repeated it with the other infected members. “Enough of the small stuff,” Khalid said, pushing past Havok and Outburst, who had sat on DarkWolf’s lap, caressing his cheek lovingly. “I had a confrontation with the Inner Circle,” he said worriedly, “I am not sure how much longer we can hold out.” SuperGrover!!! shook his head. “I know, old friend, and our numbers decrease everyday. I think the time to act is at hand.” Outburst gave her husband one final kiss and stood beside the Hellfire Club Members. “Just make sure you have at least one hundred,” she said in her French accent, “cos the way that RKB’s training these Hellions, they not no push over.” With that they once again phased away into the shadows. “Hades help us,” Psishot groaned, “because heaven has forsaken us.”
“Steven,” Chastity said as she slipped into his chamber, the sweet music of Mozart echoing throughout the large room. She felt relieved not all of his personality had been stripped away when he gave his magic to Rune. He still had his love for music and the fine life. “Come over here, my dear, what may I help you with?” he said in a jolly, invigorating voice. “Well, I can’t help but wonder, all this talk of a battle. Do you really think we can take on the other members?” Steven leaned back in his chair, levitating it slightly. “Can you remember when you first joined the Red Hellfire Club? You almost immediately were promoted to Hellion. And one day you asked me, ‘Can I learn to teleport?’. And what did I say?” The Red Queen looked puzzled. RKB shook his head. “You mortals don’t appreciate memory as much as us Externals,” he said, “I told you, ‘If you believe you can, and you have the spirit and determination, you can’. And you did.” She smiled slightly. “You know the answers,” he said, touching her chin. Chastity gave him a hug and teleported back to her room. “Thank God she’s gone,” RKB said, opening a portal, “I am late!”
“Earthquake blast now, CastOf take out Destruction,” Epyon hurled at the Hellions as they became tangled with each other. “These children get more pathetic everyday,” hissed Gauntlet, “I still wonder why we are forsaken to train them.” A bolt of lightning struck the base of Gauntlet’s boot. “Shut up, old friend,” Spark said, stroking his moustache, “we look after these kids cos we get paid big bucks.” A large vortex suddenly erupted, sending the three men flying. “Why can’t you all just get on with each other?” RKB said with annoyance, taking his role as commander.
Charles gave a whimper, hiding underneath the sheets of his tattered bed. The wind howled roughly at the windows. Stretching out with his mind, he could feel the wind, his mind and body becoming one with the gust. And as silently as it had crawled over Quebec, one of the only mutant functioning towns, the wind died down and withered away. He felt better now. The hazy snow that began cascading from the sky was almost hypnotic, sending him gradually to sleep. He dreamed of going to live in a place they called Hellfire Manor, a land were mutants could live like normal people. With a satisfied grin, he drifted silently to sleep. Unexpectedly, the roof to the child’s room tore off, revealing a large, metallic statue. Charles suddenly realised it was no statue…but a sentinel. Calling upon his powers, he took flight, his nine-year-old frame almost vanishing with an accurate energy blast courtesy of the Sentinel. “Tracker #125755 has eliminated mutant file number 012634,” the impassive voice of the Sentinel cracked, as its air jets began rising from its towering feet.
A thick blaze of black smoke dominated the Canadian skyline, occasionally breaking to display the heads of the blitz of sentinels. “This doesn’t look good, mon ami,” Blaze said, back flipping out of the way of a laser blast, “these big shot government think they so good.” “I must agree,” Beast Charming said, charging into the base of one of the sentinel’s legs, “these attacks are getting more frequent.” A sharp, blade disentangled three of the robotic beasts. “I used to take them out in half the time,” SuperGrover!!! said, gasping for air, his chest heaving. “SG!!!,” Nebula cried, “Shockwave’s down!” Instantly, the former Black Bishop’s body became snarled by the noxious blasts the robots gave off. This seemed to spark of a further Rage for Charlotte Sometimes, who butchered through many of the robotic attackers as if they were merely paper. DarkFallenAngel and Darkwolf could only match her ferociousness. Together the trio made an exceptional pair. “This was a bad idea,” Gomurr said, levitating his astral form behind his son, “we’re losing people as we speak.” In his hearts of heart, SuperGrover!!! knew his father was right. But he’d die before he let innocent blood be shed. Once again an accurate beam of toxic energy struck a fellow fighter. “Oh God no!” screamed SG!!! as he saw Nebula and Ozymandias struck with the bolt. “No matter how many people we take down,” Scrib declared, as she wrestled with a sentinel, “they seem to be m,” The Irish girl drew her last breath as the razor-sharp fingers of the robot pierced through her lungs. Marvel Girl summoned a telekinetic sphere, driving it through the robot, with large tears rolling down her eyes. Until she herself befell the same fate. “Get us out of here,” Dakkon shouted to Gomurr, “we’re dying here.” Sending his arms into the air, the old mage enchanted a spell and the soldiers began to materialise through the Crimson dawn, leaving the horrifying death pit that was once Quebec behind.
“It seems we have more recruits,” Chastity said in her most mystifying voice. Gauntlet shifted in his chair, his impatience shining through him. “I hope we get a chance to take HIM out,” Ian whispered into Phoenix of the Hellfire’s ear. She telekinetically ‘slapped’ his brain. It was a process she had developed from RKB, whereas she could divert her energy into someone’s brain, almost jolting it from their body. “Proceed,” Draco said. Chastity smiled. “Echo and Toby are going to be on our side,” she said, “but a certain Red Rook has expressed interest in our cause.” Ian sniffed. “Maul?” he said, with a sickened tone in his voice. Chastity shot him a deathly gaze. “YES,” she said through gritted teeth, “and Nemesis has also requested we include her. So our army stands as eight. We shall begin our slaughter soon.”
“For the record,” Monet called out drearily, “the fatalities were: Nebula, Beast Charming, Blaze, Ozymandias, Shockwave, Scrib, Dakkon, Marvel Girl and Greg.” A silence stifled the room, tears falling from many people’s eyes. “We must get one thing clear,” Darkwolf said, through gritted teeth, “we act soon. We have a strike force that is small, but if we don’t go now, we’ll never stand a chance.” SuperGrover!!! nodded, “We stand at no advantage. But we do have a quite strong force. Myself, Gomurr, Cyclops, Darkwolf, Psishot, Iceman, Shifter, Rogue, DFA, Monet, Waya, Rage, Blackfire, Siren, Mystikal and then we have our operatives within the Club. Mufasa, Blink*, Byron, Havok and Silver. That makes 20 of us.” Rage began to speak, “So what are we waiting for?” she said. “We set off at midnight,” SuperGrover!!! said bluntly.
Time can Heal All Wounds *HF*
Chapter Four: As It Was, Is Now, And Ever Shall Be.
Formations of perspiration began gathering on the furrowed brow the Red Bishop. Steven Booth wasn’t a man to easily give up. He could feel the psionic interference, and no matter how much he pushed himself. Finally he broke off and resumed his normal state of mind, holding his head in his hands. “Well?” Gregor asked impatiently. “I tried to break through,” Steven said in a choky voice, “but the resistance was too immense. I was receiving two sets of psionic imprints…” Hawkeye scoffed slightly, his eyes becoming wide with delight. “Our all mighty Bishop can’t even break through a little barrier.” Steven summoned a slight blast of telekinetic power that sent the Grey King across the room. “I think,” Steven said, getting to his feet, “that Mystikal and Psishot are trying to reinforce SuperGrover!!! Aura around the whole team. I can get ahold of their psi-energies, but they seem almost blind from me. It is confusing.” Harbinger shook his head. “Why have they taken such precautions?” he said, a little uncertainty seeping through his words,
“This is so exciting,” Astron, declared happily, her snugly fit Hellion uniform invigorating her male peers. “Exciting?” Timeslide snubbed ignorantly, “were are on red alert for an attack. Hardly exciting.” “What’s the matter?” Destruction said, mocking Timeslide’s tone, “is the big bad son of Harbinger too scared to fight a battle/” Timeslide suddenly teleported over tot eh son of Ryan and Chastity, and placed his well-toned, muscular arm in the young man’s gut. Destruction instantly fell to the floor. “Lay off him!” Earthquake said, as he mentally induced a miniature earthquake around the Hellion. “What is the meaning of this?” Spark said as he enter the sentry block that lay at the entrance of the mutant city. “Well, sir, they had a little…disagreement,” Deathshield declared nervously. Spark shook his head. “This isn’t the time for jokes,” he shouted, “we are on re alert. Now wait here and alert me immediately if you see anything suspicious.” With that the Field captain left the room. “Now children,” Infectia said in his hissing voice as he entered the room past Spark, “I have come to watch over you like the children you are.”
“And you really think they could strike tonight?!” Havok said unsteadily, giving Blink* and anxious look. Harbinger nodded. “That’s why we called this emergency Inner Circle meeting. Currently we have all the available soldiers guarding the perimeter and many inside the town. The Hellions are on red alert. Now we must keep vigilant, so I am assigning everyone a partner: you mustn’t, I repeat, mustn’t leave this partner.” Ryan interrupted the White King. “I vote we assign squads of four,” he said, “so if they are attacked, there is more resistance.” Harbinger nodded. “Right,” he declared, “I shall be assigned with Gregor, Ryan and Hawkeye. Chastity, you shall have Byron, Jon and Nemesis. Daemon, RKB, Silver and Diablo. Havok, you shall be paired with Mufasa, Rune and Draco. Toby, you shall have Maul, Nate and Outburst. Now then, Phoenix, you shall have Blink*, Ian and Storm!. Who do we have left? Tre you and Avalon, Spark, Epyon, Gauntlet, Infectia and Echo are to stay with the Hellions. Spread yourselves around the palace, but keep as close as possible to this room.”
“Damn,” Silver cursed to himself, “I had to get stuck with three powerhouses.” He took a bite of the sandwiches that the maid had brought in. “If you ask my opinion,” Steven said snobbishly, “the four people in this room could decimate the whole threat those rebels pose.” “I DO AGREE,” Diablo said, “THOSE REBELS ARE NOTHING BUT SCRAPS OF MEAT.”
“Ladies,” Chastity said, rising from the sofa that the four queens had positioned themselves on, “I must use the lavatory.” Chastity flashed a concerned glance at Nemesis. “I’ll take you,” nemesis jumped up, “we mustn’t have you left alone now.” Byron nodded whilst Jon barely batted an eyelid. “I might as well come,” Jon finished, “I think nature calls.” Byron looked uncomfortable. “That means I’ll be alone,” she said. Nemesis flashed her a half-heartedly smile. “Byron, my dear, we can all trust you.” And with that, the three women vacated the room specially set up for their long stay.
“No way,” Draco said, “Toby is much better looking than Jennifer Love Hewitt. God, that woman must be eighty!” Mufasa snorted, looking uneasily at his watch. “Somewhere to go?” Rune said, a doubt of questioning in his voice. Mufasa said nothing. Draco headed for the door. “Where do you think your going?” Rune said, ceiling the door with a spell. “I need to pee,” Draco hissed, sheathing his teeth. “But Harbinger said no one was to be left alone.” Mufasa casually stood up. “I’ll go with him,” he growled, “make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble.” With that the two Knights walked out of the room, further more discussing their conversation.
“This is happening too soon,” Chastity said in discontent, pacing heavily through the secret chamber she had erected underneath the Palace. “But on the other hand, it may assist us in finishing off some of the members for us,” Jon said, leaning against the rocky walls of the chamber. Nemesis looked with horror as the diamond door handle began to turn. Instantly the three Queens armed themselves with an array of magical and psionic energies. “Is this a private party or can anyone join?” Gauntlet said, dragging a bewildered Echo down the stairs of the crevasse. The Queens sighed with relief. “How’d you break away?” Jon asked. “It wasn’t hard,” Gauntlet, said, “I just said me and Echo were going on a surveillance walk. Nemesis rubbed her hands. “We nearly have everyone here.”
“Pamela Anderson was cool at one time,” Draco said, as he passed through into the bathroom. Mufasa waited at the door. “Don’t take all day,” he said, turning his back on the Red knight. Draco began to open the door, but suddenly he morphed into his demonic state, slicing a fine cut along the chest of the White Knight. “Nothing personal,” Draco said through his extended K9s. He darted for the throat of the White knight, put was toppled from the sky by a large photon paw. “Why not at all,” Mufasa said, 2infact I have been trying to get the jump on you.” He acrobatically pounced upon the Red Knight, slicing his gut with his bare hands. Draco wrestled him, firing wave after wave of dark energy. Finally one attacked the White Knight, sending him to the ground. “I love this part,” Draco began, “sudden death.” Draco raised his claws into the air and began to ascend upon the Knight when suddenly he felt a piercing claw stab through his back. The sword like object extended him into the air and finally he drew his last breath. “Having all the fun without me,” Havok said, frantically trying to rid the crimson liquid from his shirt. “Thanks buddy,” Mufasa said, “how’d you get the drop on Rune?” Havok gave a laugh. “Slit this throat whilst he wasn’t looking. Now let’s go and get the rest of them. SuperGrover!!! must mean business.”
“I don’t know what all di fuss is,” Maul said in his German accent, picking his teeth with one of his claws, “it’s probably a false alarm, nein?” Outburst laughed nervously, looking at the large grandfather clock that was situated in Toby’s suite. “Nice digs you got here,” Nate said. Toby laughed. “Thanks. Hey Maul, don’t eat that in here!” Maul quickly shoved the mouse back in his pocket. “Vy not?” Outburst rolled her eyes. Two men suddenly entered the room. “Khalid, Michael,” Outburst said happily, winking at them, “so good to see you.” Toby furrowed her brow. “What’s going on? Where’s Rune and Draco?” Khalid knew he had to do this, but it didn’t stop the feeling of guilt. “Unfortunately,” he said, taking a step closer to Nate, “they were involved in a little accident.” Suddenly Mufasa thrust a sword through the chest of the Black Rook, killing him instantly. Havok sealed the door, with Outburst on he toes, bio-staff extended. “What the Hell is going on?” Toby demanded, Maul standing by her side. Maul knew the time was at hand and began to psionically dominate the White rook. “Look around you Tobias,” Outburst said in a soothing voice,” the Hellfire Club has caused so much pain and suffering. They can treat the Legacy Virus, but insist upon being paid, and they do nothing to help those mutants who are being murdered by the Sentinels. Infact, they even fund the Sentinels.” Toby’s cheeks began to streak with tears. “We are part of the rebels,” Havok said, “and we are going to make things right. But we must destroy all the evil the Club had. Now Toby, are you with us or without?” “She’s without,” Maul said, unleashing fireballs upon them from Toby, “for some of us have our own vocations.” The vampire ceased Toby and began to fly through the door, slashing the arm of Havok as he went. “Shall we peruse?” Outburst said, running for the door. Mufasa carefully grabbed her arm. “No,” he said, “We must get the rest.”
“Those Inner Circle members sure do go overboard,” Jack Forest, regional commander of the Gold Division of Guards, said. His counterpart in the Purple division agreed. “But at least it stimulates the soldiers. Keeps them on their toes.” The two chiefs sat happily behind their desks in the control tower, sipping coffee. “Did you catch the basketball last night?” Jack said, whilst eating a donut. “Tut tut tut,” a voice said, yet there were only two people in the room. “Watching those kind of games when there’s work to be done. Suddenly two figures, both dressed in black ascended from the dark ceiling, their landings causing fatality to both men as their bones crunched under their feet. The slender of the two took of her mask to reveal the beautiful face of DarkFallenAngel. She rolled up her sleeve and began to speak into a wrist communicator. “Gomurr, this is DFA. Darkwolf and I are in the control tower. Piece of cake.” The old mage mumbled words of commendation. “So shall we begin?” Darkwolf asked, as he took out the sword of Haresh. DFA gave a sly laugh, and the two began attacking the assortment of machines that hummed away.
“By God,” Infectia said, “the lights have all gone out.” Spark looked concerning at Avalon and Epyon. “Probably just to throw off those rebels,” tre said. The assemblage was happy with the answer and went back to their business.
“Hey Jack,” one of the five guards said as they entered the control room, “Harbinger sent us to see what was going on.” The men all fell silent as they saw the two lifeless bodies of the commanders on the floor. “You men are too nosey for your own good,” SuperGrover!!! said as he entered behind them, sending his gauntlets through them. The five men all fell to the ground. Behind the former White King came the band of rebels. “Good work,” SuperGrover!!! said laying his hand on DarkWolf’s shoulder, “we had very little trouble entering.” “But now we must find our little band of spies,” psishot said, as swirls of energy began to pound from his head. Gomurr slapped him on the head with his cane. “You fool,” the mage said “don’t sue your psi-powers, you may arouse unwanted attention. A vortex opened behind them, the vast winds it emitted sending them all to the ground. “Already did old man,” RKB said as he stepped through, with the four kings and three bishops, and about three full legions of warriors. The rebels all began to position themselves ready for a battle. Quietly, Silver drew his sword and plunged it into Gregor’s chest, causing the Black king to fall to the floor. Then he rammed the blade into Hawkeye, causing him to follow his Black counterpart. “You are all too wrapped up in your own world to notice our secret rebellion,” Silver said, turning the steel floor into tin, causing it to break, sending half the soldiers down the 700-foot tower. The rebels instantly attacked the remaining soldiers.
Ian suddenly rose from his feet, grabbing Blink* by the throat, whilst Phoenix of the Hellfire unleashed a blast of energy upon Storm!, turning her body into a charring blaze of ashes. Then she suspended Blink* in mid-air. “What a shame you weren’t seen fit to enter Chastity’s own group.” And with that she began to disintegrate the White pawn. With her last energy, she teleported from the room onto the corridor. Frantically she began to run down the hall. “Leave her,” Ian said, “it is important we get to Chastity immediately.” The both began to run to the door when they came face to face with Byron. “What the Hell is going on?” Byron announced, her eyes gleaming with tongue of fire. “Your destruction!” Phoenix said, as she began to attack Byron. The Goddess of Hell yawned impatiently, and fired two blasts of energy, that instantly destroyed the two. “Now, it’s time to find Chastity.”
“You don’t look so good,” Mufasa said, as he carried Blink* in his arms. “Well, I almost died,” she joked. Outburst followed at the rear, with Havok in front. “What’s with the convoy?” Blink* said. “Safety,” Mufasa said. “Silver just came over the communicator and said that there all in the tower fighting. We’d better get there fast!” Byron appeared from the shadows. 2May I ask what’s going on?” she said, “First Chastity, Nemesis and Jon disappear on me. Then the lights all go off. I find Rune and Draco both dead and now I have just had to destroy Phoenix and Ian.” Mufasa knew that Byron could easily overwhelm them. “Myself, Blink*, Outburst, Silver and Havok are par of this rebel force.” Byron’s hands became charged with fire. “Wait,” Outburst screamed, “we have a good reason. Gomurr has a theory that if we can warp time long enough, we can go back into the 90s and stop Apocalypse’s massacre, hence stopping this timeline.” Byron looked unsure. “They’ll be no more Legacy Virus and no more Sentinels.” She smiled and opened up a portal. “What needs to be done?” she asked. Havok smiled. “We need Timeslide.” Havok demanded.
“I have lost telepathic connections with both Phoenix and Ian,” Nemesis said. Chastity shook her head. “And what of my brother?” Nemesis shook her head, mimicking the Red Queen. “They are the first martyrs,” Gauntlet said bluntly. Maul nodded anxiously. “It seems we are the seven in which the new world will obey,” Jon said, humming slightly, her mood never changing. “It’s clear,” maul whispered to Gauntlet, “that that woman is mad.”
“We can’t hold them all back,” Darkwolf struggled, as he saw Waya fall t the gound, a clean laser shot piercing her left lung. “but we cannot stop,” Gomurr said, as he cleared several soldiers with one carefully placed round house kick. Even at his ripe old age, he never lost his formidable fighting skills. “Insolent fools,” Diablo, screamed, as he tossed several corpses off him. The fall claimed many of the soldier’s life, but the God of hell merely stood up and dusted himself off. “I shall bring my wrath upon those traitors!” he screeched in a, loud voice. “What has happened here?” Ryan said, as he was helped to his feet by RKB. “It seems we have less than dedicated followers,” Harbinger said angrily. Daemon gave a loud shout. “I’m gonna tear Silver’s head off!” Diablo slowly levitated the Inner Circle members back to the tower, just before ma blinding flash of light caught their eye. “What the…” Daemon said, before eh was interrupted by the crippling blasts of energy. “Stand down or be annihilated,” Byron declared, as she unloaded her passengers on the battlefield.
Time Can Heal All Wounds *HF*
Chapter Five: To The Bitter End.
“Let’s move,” Avalon, said, authority seizing him, “there’s trouble in the main control tower.” Spark, Infectia, tre and Epyon both looked hesitantly at the Black prince. “Well, what are you waiting for?” he scowled. “Those silly boys and girls can’t hear you,” Nemesis said, as she slipped into the room, her skirt seductively nestling on her upper thigh. Avalon stared at the Queen. “You still have that affect on people,” Jon said as she entered the room, brandishing a sword. She carefully inserted it into Avalon’s chest. Nemesis span around at her, digging her claw-like nails into the White Queen’s face. “What did you do that for?” she hissed. Nemesis abruptly became airborne. “Put me down you slut!” she screamed at Chastity as she entered the room. Jon scrambled from the floor, caressing her wound. “You calling anyone a slut is ironic,” Jon laughed. Nemesis’ eyes went wild with fury. “Ladies ladies,” Maul said, “calm down.” The psionic sheath that had controlled the Hellions suddenly fell. Maul flew over to Infectia, and lifted him up carefully. “Now, mein freunden, are you going to command the Hellions to kill the Inner circle, or do you need persuading?” Infectia gave a hard kick in the Rook’s gut, but Maul only smiled, the extended his adamantium claws into the old man. Epyon instantly charged into Maul, sending him flying into Nemesis, whilst tre and Spark both attacked Chastity and Jon. 2What do we do?” Destruction said. Spark was suddenly thrown to them, his chest slit open wide and his legs both impaled by Gauntlet. “Get out of here,” he said as he drew his final breath. Epyon began gathering spirit energy; just I time to obliterate Gauntlet and Chastity. But then Jon secretly knifed him in the back of the head, whilst Nemesis finished off tre. “That boy had some fierce energy,” Chastity said, as she began chanting a recovery spell. She instantly stood up, but knew Gauntlet was too far-gone. “Well, now we have the Hellions, let’s see what fun we can have.”
“What is the meaning of this?” Diablo quizzed the Goddess of Hell. She smiled, revealing rows of sharp jagged teeth. “Stand down or be destroyed.” Diablo laughed mockingly. “You dare defy me!” Byron suddenly unleashed blasts of Hellfire upon the unsuspecting God of Hell. Diablo counteracted her attack with more Hellfire. The two demons were locked in combat. RKB suddenly teleported the remaining Inner Circle members to the tower. “Here they come!” shouted Blackfire, before she was struck on the back of the head with the barrel of a gun. “We are wasting much time,” SuperGrover!!! struggled, “Mystikal, Rage, Monet, Gomurr and Psishot go now!” Obediently Gomurr began to percolate through the shadows, taking the quartet of heroes with him.
“I am glad we arrived just in time,” Gomurr said, as he cast a tranquillity spell over the sentry tower. Monet instantly punched Jon full force in the face, sending the woman to the floor. Charlotte had morphed into Rage, and was slowly dissecting Maul. Mystikal and Psishot were calming the Black Queen. “We have come to save you children,” psishot said, moving towards the Hellions. Suddenly Deathshield struck out violently at him. Toby groaned on the floor, then finally passed away. “Stay back!” screamed Earthquake, “your rebels.” Rage attempted to advance upon them, but was bombarded with the young mutants’ power. Mystikal began to reach over the Astral Plane and found the person she wanted to find. Gathering the fading strands of energy, she began to transmit Way’s elemental energy to her own body and almost subconsciously she began unleashing powerful blasts of wind on the Hellions. But as her friend’s final hoarse breaths left her body so did her powers. Psishot then sent out several physic stuns, which ceased all activity in the Hellions brains. Gomurr levitated Timeslide to the group. “Now we must retrieve the physic enhancer from RKB’s alb,” Monet said impatiently.
“We can’t keep this up,” Diablo said, continuing his grid lock with Byron, “you will eventually burn out.” Byron gave a laugh. “You don’t realise how far you are coming to reach the dark side. All I need do is just expose that raw energy.” Diablo’s eyes suddenly became wide with horror. His concentration failed for a moment and Byron set free the full extent of her powers, sending the God to the ground. “I’ve stunned him,” she said, shouting to Bink*, “but he’s not dead.” The Goddess ascended to the observation deck where the riot had begun. It had turned into a place of utter torture. “Our numbers have been decreased again,” RKB said, firing intense blasts of telekinetic energy at the attackers. “You don’t say!” Ryan barked, as he combated Darkwolf, but to avail. If not for his healing factor, the former black King would have reigned dominant. “I can sense the rebels attacking the Hellions,” Steven strained, “I shall go and assist them.” Daemon delivered his final blow to Mufasa, sending the giant over the edge of the tower. Then he took out Havok. “This battle could still be in our favour,” Harbinger said.
“This place is huge!” Monet said, gasping in amazement at the Red Bishop’s laboratory. Gomurr shot her a vile look. “We aren’t here to take I the deco,” he said, “now find the physic enhancer.”
“Draw your lest breath,” Ryan spat, as he throttled Darkwolf, causing him to suffocate. Ultimately, the squirming stopped and his inert body became still. Silver drew his sword; a once again thrust it into the Harbinger, whilst Outburst send forth many explosive cards. Both finished off the White King, but not before eh fired a laser weapon that dissolved Blink*’s lower body. “We must get out of here,” Ryan said to Daemon, “the odds have turned not to our favour.” Daemon spat in Ryan’s face. “You can go,” he sneezed, “but I shall remain.” Ryan ignored the Grey Bishop, and frantically left the room. “Don’t pursue,” SuperGrover!!! Said as he remained locked head on with Daemon, “just find Gomurr and the rest.” Hesitantly, Silver and Outburst left SuperGrover!!! to battle the might of the Grey Bishop.
“What are you doing in my laboratory?” RKB laughed hysterically as he phased through the ceiling. Instantly he mind froze them all. “And why do you wish to take young Timeslide here?” Mystikal began fighting back, but the more she did, the weaker she felt. Steven had truly ascended to almost uncharted telepathic strength. “Steve,” Rage said, “we need to fix this world.” Steven sneered at her. “We already fixed it,” he said, “fixed it so those in power and with mutant powers can rule supreme.” Charlotte looked anxiously at her old friend. “But you do it through force and murder. This isn’t the Steven I once knew. The kind and good-hearted man.” RKB suddenly unleashed the telepathic force holding them down. “I am sorry,” he said, with tears welling in his sockets. Charlotte ran over to him and flung her arms around him. “It’s okay,” she said calmly. “Now,” Gomurr said “we must launch our assault before the Inner circle arrives.” Steven gave a half-heartedly smile. “Your looking at the Inner Circle,” he said, “there’s only me and Ryan and Daemon left.” Gomurr gave an unsatisfied gasp, then looked at Steven. “We have a theory,” Monet began, “if we can distort time and open a wormhole back to 2001 we can stop Apocalypse’s attack on the Senate and thus cease the mutant termination agenda. And he won’t have chance to unleash the altered Legacy Virus. So we need to activate your physic enhancer and link it to Timeslide who can then open a hole in time.” RKB eyes looked shiftily over the former Black mage. “It could work,” Steven said, “but the amount of psionic energy the machine needs is incredible. I a not sure if myself, Mystikal and Psishot could activate it.” Gomurr smiled. “There’s only one way to find out.” Steven nodded at the two other telepaths. Then the all walked over tot the small headpiece and placed it on the subconscious Timeslide. Then they all reached deep inside themselves and began to churn out psionic energy. “Keep pushing,” RKB said, “don’t stop! Let all your energy flow!” Gomurr, Charlotte and Monet all stood back, their eyes almost bulging out of the sockets. Then the three telepaths all directed their energy into the young boy. His small boy began to convolute with power. His mind suddenly began ripping holes in the fabric. “STEVEN!” Gomurr shouted, “DIRECT HIM WITH YOUR MIND!” The Red Bishop reached out to the boy and carefully guide him along the timelines, finally seeing the stated time. “OPEN!” Gomurr shouted. Steven, using all the energy he could manifest opened the hole. “Now everyone, go through!” Monet shouted. Mystikal and PsiShot both entered as did Rage, Monet and Gomurr. “Steven,” Gomurr said, “you remain here and keep this Timeslide open.”
“Now!” Monet commanded, “Open up the fabric!” Mystikal could see the strain that was dominating the Red Bishop’s face. Obediently Steven pierced the timeslot, and the five crusaders fell through into a rather crowed Senate Hall. “We are invisible,” Gomurr said, “until we begin to use our powers.” “Ladies and gentlemen,” Professor Xavier said into the microphone, his voice calm and cool, “I am here today, with my colleagues, to prove that mutants are not dangerous. They are merely human beings with special gifts.” There were several murmurs through the congress. Then one rather stout Senator stood up and in a most pompous voice he said. “That’s a nice though, it’s it? They are people with special gifts whose shouldn’t be feared. But what about Magneto? He has leveled whole towns, crashed asteroids into the Earth and much more. Apocalypse. Inflicted several millions of dollars worth of damage on the town of London. And then, there is the Legacy Virus. It is a danger to all people.” RKB suddenly flew from his seat. “Rubbish!” he screamed, “the mutant population are the only poor souls who can suffer from this terrible diseases. Instead of hounding them and persecuting them, you should be helping me and my peers in assisting this growing problem” “He never lost his fiery temper did he?” Psishot joked, staring at the past RKB. Monet gave him a look of daggers. Purple energy began to flow from his eyes. Xavier looked at him with horror. Using his telepathy, he suddenly stopped the flow of blood to RKB’s brain, making the energy go away. “That’s the whole point!” the Senator said, “If the mutants reveal themselves, we will help them.” This time Xavier began to speak. “Those mutants who have publicly revealed their existence have been met with fear and hostility.” The atmosphere became one of mixed emotions and anger. Several members of the audience began shouting things. RKB once again stood up. “And what about the Genoshian government,” he almost hissed, “They imprisoned mutants using those sentinels. And when it all came to light it was the rebel band of mutants known as the X-men who assisted them, not our own Government.” Suddenly the weirdly disguised man tossed aside his garments, revealing his purple and blue suit. He lifted the metallic ball into the air. “Get ready!” Rage shouted. Immediately the five became clear to the audience.. “Hear me,” he said in a scratchy voice, “for I shall bring famine, pestilence, war and death upon you all!” Everyone began running and screaming like lambs to the slaughter, desperate to escape. “Oh GOD!” cried Xavier, “it’s Apocalypse.” Apocalypse suddenly metamorphed to about 50 feet and glided over to the doctors, firing blasts of energy at them. “This here, is the Legacy Virus, manipulated by Sinister. It will infect all mutants and humans.” Gomurr suddenly mateialsied behind him, sending a sharp pulse of green energy through the giant’s body. “This is a spell cooked up from the Inca’s. It literally paralyses any living organism.” Apocalypse gave a low growl. Mystikal began attacking him, her mind taking Apocalypse’s attributes and placing them in her own body. Her onslaughts began weakening him, whilst Rage, Psishot and Monet assisted the evacuation of the doctors. “Your attacks mean nothing!” Apocalypse said angrily, blasting the two mutants away with large blasts of power. “In my hand I hold the future,” he gloated. Suddenly the ball flew from his hand, into the vortex that as gathering where RKB was tearing through he fabric. “YOU APOCALYPSE!” RKB roared (future), “are too ignorant to see your own weaknesses.” Despite the strain that the vortex created RKB joined minds with the five heroes. “Allow me to guide your actions,” he shouted. Carefully, he began gearing up their power and suddenly he erupted the power from the five, directing it upon Apocalypse, increasing it in gradual encrinites. Finally they broke the barriers of constraints and their combined energies made Apocalypse’s body explode. “My body!” Apocalypse declared, as his soul began melting away, “I will return and stomp all over your graves!” Gomurr gave a smirk. “I think not demon,” he said, “now back through the portal.” Mystikal grabbed the unconscious body of the Red Bishop. The vortex began fading, as the six figures disappeared through the swirling hole.
“What happens now?” Psishot said, his voice trickled with uncertainty. Gomurr avoided direct eye contact. “Time will inevitably correct itself. And since this is parallel with the 2001 timeline, I am afraid this time will be destroyed.” Monet’s eyes widened with horror, Mystikal’s dominant grin slowly fading into a frown. “But…butt,” RKB coughed from the floor, “we..did it. We have saved them all…” he trailed off as the closing walls of time began to compact upon them.
Time Can Heal All Wounds *HF*
Epilogue: A new Lease Of Life.
Slowly the Senate Hall began to fill with anxious bodies. When the last person was silent Senator Robert Francis, the elected chief Senator for this Hearing stood up. “Do you think we pulled it off?” Steven whispered in Charles’ ear. Xavier’s gaze was fixed upon the middle-aged man with thinning grey hair that took the stand. “There’s only one way we’re going to find out,” Xavier said, never moving his head. “We, the elected Committee on Mutant Registration Claims, have decided on a 51/49 vote that the Mutant Registration law should be disregarded.” A satisfied smile crept across the doctors, its vibrancy passing from one to the next like a zymotic essences.
The sleek sport scar serpintinely slid around the cascading mountain ledges, it’s grace and elegance almost unmatched. “This was a brilliant idea,” Cheryl McLain, the latest love interest of the Red Knight Draco, said giddily. Draco put his arm around the stunning girl. “Yeah, I love this. It’s my favourite mountain lodge.” The two happily drove through the mountains, the personification of youth spread around them.
“Now the Panda could technically also be classed as xylophagous, or wood eating to you and I, but a more general accept of its diet is considered herbivorous,” RKB said in a high, spirited voice. “God,” Shifter whispered to Michael Torresmont, the latest addition to the Academy, “looks like the big man’s been smoking some serious..,” he paused. “Care to share that with us?” RKB said, looking up from his textbook. Shifter began to turn crimson. RKB slammed his book down on the desk. “It’s too fine a day to be stuck indoors studying biology,” he said, “classes are dismissed.” With a sigh of disbelievement, the students quickly file out of the room. “Steven,” Dark Phoenix II said as she passed, “are you feeling okay?” Steven gave a little smirk. “Yes, Marnie, I am fine. And call me Steven again and I’ll be forced to trample on you with golf shoes. You address me as Sir.” And with that he began to teleport away.
“On guard!” Steven shouted, as his sword became tangle din a furious match. “I see, my young peer, you haven’t love of sword fighting.” Epyon back flipped across the springy lawn of the BHC. “No, sir, your teaching hasn’t gone to waste.” The two had shared a bond ever since they met. Steven knew the fateful end that had befallen Epyon’s father, and felt obliged to fill that role as his mentor. “So Thomas, have you yet come to terms with your spirit channelling power?” The sword onslaught died down. “I have the basics controlled,” Thomas said. Steven smiled. “Good. Continue your studies and you shall be a master soon.” With that the two friends parted.
The cold wind hammered imperiously at the windows of the Red Bishop’s quarters within the Black Hellfire Club, but the sweet cares of twilight and aroma of Frank Sinatra drowned out the terrible, distasteful attack. “You don’t say?” Steven said down the telephone, “saint Peter’s Square is formidable. And did you catch the Sistine Chapel?” Charlotte laughed, “Well, you said, “Charlotte my dear, one cannot venture to the Holy City and not explode the exquisite sight of the victories Chapel” so I went.” Steven laughed. “I don’t speak like that, do I?” he joked. Steven was so happy to hear from the Grey Ambassador. Grey Ambassador. Only days before Charlotte was Red Queen. Steven knew that she was happy in the Grey Court. But it still didn’t quench the feeling of regret that burned in Steven’s soul. “I was thinking,” Steven, said, “I might come over to Rome and see you. I have a castle in Sorrento so I would be nearby.” Charlotte happily accepted her friend’s suggestion. “You’d better make it right with Hawkeye,” Steven said, “I am not too fond of getting on his wrong side.” After he hung up the phone, Steven levitated from the large desk that dominated his office and phased through the wall into his bedchamber. Pouring himself a brandy eh settled himself in a comfortable chair besides the fire and began to grade the Academy’s report. Steven hadn’t realised how much of a home the Black Hellfire Club was to him, and how cold things in the Red Court seemed to be growing. Quietly he began to drift off in his chair, the happy, content thoughts dominating his dreams.
“It gets better everyday, our assault team,” Chastity said, her crimson evening gown appearing almost illuminated in the eerie candlelight. Dark Phoenix agreed. “Shadow is most interested in our ‘offer’,” she said. Chastity laughed, her claw like nails circling the rim of her champagne glass. “The Red Court will truly remember the powerful name of Darkholme.”
The End?