United We Stand, Divided We Fall. *HF*

By StevenBlueKing

United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

This is my third story. In my last two I introduced a parallel universe were comic book Club met reality. Now, I am to adopt the real Hellfire Club in a new spine tingling tale. Prepare for a shock to end all shocks.
Chapter One.
         The entire Red chamber was so hot. The colour really reflected the status of the man within. The nervous man. The men whom sweat rolled out of like heavy drops of blood. Never had he felt so adulated. This meeting was unlike any other. This would not be a normal, “Any new business,” meeting. It was a very important and extremely solemn meeting. This could make or break the future of the Hellfire Club. The members who would be present reflected its solemness: all the sovereign kings and queens, bishops and advisors, The Advocates, Gommur etc. Suddenly Flynn broke out in a terrible sweat of fear. Well not fear, uncertainty. Was he doing the correct thing? He was quickly jerked from his thoughts by a heavy thumb on the marvellously exquisite mahogany door. He knew it was time to go.
              “I do not understand, sire,” Sandra, the chief dresser of the Hellfire Club said, “what is so very important about this meeting?” Her old, worn voice creaked out over the strong, thick wave of nervous air that separated her from her ‘sire’. The man she addressed was staring into the mirror, franticly fighting to put on his bow tie. Then in a childish fit he hurtled the bow tie onto the soft, velvety, luxury bed. “I have conquered the Hellfire Club, fought mighty foes, and risen to Black King and I can’t even master my own sodden ties!” He slumped down in an elaborately designed, lushly elegant throne. He held his head in his hands. Then with fury he screamed, “What is the flipping time Sandra!” The little, weak old lady cowered before the mighty, stealthy voice of The Black King. She somehow managed to chirp out, “Two twenty one, sir,” then she scurried away. Feeling remorse for his verbal assault upon the feeble old woman Silver slowly said, “Come back Sandra. I am so sorry. But you do not understand how important this meeting is. I am so stressed!” Sandra flashed him a warm, friendly smile. “I’ll get you a brandy. You,” her words stopped. She jolted her head towards the discarded bow tie lying unloved on the bed. The two friends smiled. With this the little lady sneaked into a separate, yet adjacent room. Silver fiddled around with the tie. When his friend came back he carefully took the diamond chalice off the diamond platter and began to nestle himself in his throne. He took a sip of the brandy. It was so fine, so elegant. So. Elite. It had a league of it’s own. Silver almost forgot about his meeting until a brute like fist pounded on his chamber door. He rose reluctantly from his chair and placed on his most prestigious cape made from black velvet trimmed with the finest black fur. Then he headed for the door.
          The atmosphere within the White Court was so much more relaxed. Although some nausea was within the four walls it paled into insignificance than that of the other two chambers. The blue man bounced from one part of the room preparing himself. For nearly an hour he had tried to beautify himself. His attention was somewhat distracted when a certain lady entered his room. “Why Nebula,” he uttered, completely speechlessly, “you look stunning. No better than stunning, you look fabulous. No elegant, no radiant, no,”
“Sexy?” a sweet voice said baiting the angelic man in front of her into her naughty web. Finally regaining himself the White King, Super Grover!! Began to laugh very gently. “Of course you look sexy. And how about me? Do I remind you of Prince Charming?” Super Grover!! Began pushing himself forward into a position one would acquire when a portrait was taking place. With a little stroke of his face Nebula, the White queen spoke, “No you do not remind me of Prince Charming. But another pantomime character. You want to know whom? Wishy Washy or the Two Ugly sisters!” Her laugh bellowed around the whole chamber. She quickly glanced at her husband. He looked a little offended. “You think it’s too much? I spent hours making myself downright gorgeous. And this is my processional clothing.” Nebula sighed and leaped into her husband’s strong, sturdy arms. “Of course your gorgeous. I was pulling your leg!” With this she kissed the White King. They were still embraced when a knock bellowed at the white marble door. Finally they broke away. “Shall we go?” Super Grover began. “No time like the present,” Nebula said. With this the couple strolled out of the door.
Chapter Two.
            “You know why we are here?” Deadpool questioned Darque Feonix. But the precognitive, who always had the answer, was silent. “I was told directly from Super Grover: As White Bishop you must attend a most solemn meeting regarding the Inner Circle. That was it.” Deadpool told how he had been told to come. The large, very exclusively furnished Court House was slowly filling up. The heads of many turned as Lord Avalon and Lady Monet, the Darkfire leaders, entered the Justice Hall. “I wonder what they are doing here? Must be serious this meeting.” Hell’s Fury said. 2If you ask me it is some kind of trail. I mean all the Black, Red and white Inner Circles are here, the Advocates, the Darkfire, Upstarts and Maunderes are present,” Dark wolf continued. A small beady man entered the room. I you blew on him you probably would have killed him. “Rahsas,” Havoc1 Black Rook said, “what are you doing here?” The whole Black Inner Circle (Shockwave, Nemesis, Deadpool, Havok, Havok 1, Storm! And Jamie Madrox) fixated upon the small frail man entering the room. “Silver said as Black Bishop I must attend this meeting. I said that Shockwave was bishop but he said things were changing. So I thought I’d turn up to hear what he had o say. I would love to stay but I must speak with Darque Feonix. Yoh Feonix!” With this the old man chased his best friend. “Wow, he is looking ill,” Storm, Black princess said, “The age spell Gomurr cast upon him is taking its toll. He will fully age in a couple of days. Then he’ll die!” The group exchanged their sympathies with each other over their friend and how, “we should kick Gomurr’s millennium old ass.” The conversation wasn’t too challenging. Basically, it was a group of friends exchanging thoughts and well wishing upon one another. Yet would they be so friendly with one another in a day, a week or a month? It was becoming increasingly hot in the conference hall. The curiosity was also building like the pressure of the water building behind a damn. Soon it would burst. Will uncanny speed silence dominated the room like a thick blanket. Three men walked onto the stage. “Today,” they said mechanically, “is a new day for the Hellfire Club. Today we expand our banks.” There was uproar of muttering from one person to another. The three men extended their arms calling for silence. “Your questions shall be answered. But before we commence I must ask for a full Court registration.” The Red King a.k.a. Flynn Ryan glided forward to approach the crowd. “Stand up the Red Court. I shall process our members: I am here, the Red King, ah yes you’re here Byron, so the Red Queen is here. Ah Jenskott my Bishop you are here. Yes, Tangerine my Knight is here. And finally Marvel Woman my Red Rook is here. And my three Hellions Spark, n-sergeant and exodite. Peachy!” The members sat down finally, and looked extremely puzzled. Then the White and Black kings did the same. And the Upstarts and Maunderes were addressed. “And know the bombshell,” Super Grover began. He looked at Flynn Ryan. “The Hellfire Club is an age old tradition. We have three of the most prestigious Clubs here today. And we have found another Club: a Grey Court. With the full backing off the leaders I have found the Grey Court totally acceptable to our Group. But things are changing. The grey King is Daemon former Upstart, grey queen is Marvel Girl. Of course you are to wield your position as red Rook. You, Tangerine and Jenskott have been openly plotting to make your own Club. So you’re expelled. Grey Bishop is a new man: Maul. He is very useful to us. As is the Grey Knight, Scrib. The Rook will be a sorceress Mystikal. And Siryn, former black queen, is to become Grey Goddess.” The crowd was in utter shock. Then the doors flung open and in strolled the new Hellfire Club. Then Super Grover began, “ Jenskott is gone. But we have a replacement. A wealthy mutant Steven Booth.” With these words a very short thin man levitated into the room. Once again the seated Hellfire Club looked so confused. Then Silver began, “My new Queen is Nemesis. And as for bishop this position shall be shared: when fit enough Rahsas, but in his absence Shockwave. And the Red Rook shall be Hellion Spark. The Red Knight will be the Rhose from the Paris branch. There are many changes but I can guarantee: it is for the best.” With this speech the Hellfire Club began chattering and conferring with one another about the new changes. Amidst this atmosphere was the newly formed grey Court soaking up the glory.
Chapter Three.
January 1st 2001. “ I call this meeting of the InterNETional Hellfire Club, Black Hellfire Club and Grey Court to order,” Daemon began. The members present were the Black, White, Red and Grey King and Queen, all the Bishops, all the Knights and Warlords. And the Rooks and Pawns. “It is a year since we formed my Grey Court,” Marvel Girl began in her uptight, snobbish voice. The members stared at her. They knew that. “Well this first year has gone well. Marvel Girl and Daemon have found happiness and the Grey Court has successfully raised a phenomenal amount of money and supported Operation: Blake, which keeps the Mutant Registration order out of Washington D.C.” the Grey Bishop said his voice narrative and full of wisdom. This however was not Maul’s typical state of being. “What we are all trying to say is you help us. But we have no further use for our merger,” Scrib, the Grey Knight said. The whole room fell silent. As did the mouths of the Kings and Queens. “You have to be joking!” Flynn Ryan said in a laugh yet you could tell it was merely a front. “Of course they are,” Nemesis hissed out in her demonic, serpentine voice, “as you said no one leaves this Club alive!” There was clear threatening in her voice. Once again the Grey Court exchanged glances with one another. Then Daemon somehow coughed out the words, “It was only a mere joke! We are happy here.” Marvel Girl secretly squeezed her husband’s hand. Maul, the Grey Bishop, looked absolutely flabbergasted. Using her physic abilities Marvel Girl peered into his head. In a misty, weird voice she said, “Look happy. I swear if you let us down I’ll telepathically rip you to shreds!” Using her abilities she told Scrib, the Grey Knight, Mystikal the Grey rook and Siryn the Grey Goddess. Settling back into his chair Flynn said, “So what has the Red Court been up to? Well, firstly we have a full, strong Club. I am Red King, Byron is Red Queen, Steven is my Bishop, the Rhose is a loyal Knight and Jenskott came to her senses and took my offer as Red Rook. Spark, former Red Rook, nobly took position as Red Hellion. We have bought a tonne of land and secured the Presidential Election.” The members in the room nodded, issuing congratulations, whilst the Red Bishop looked into space. “An empty void, lying there,” he thought. “That’s space. Kind of like my life. I am Red Bishop of the InterNETional Hellfire Club. I am very wealthy, made some stunning friends, done things no other person has ever dreamed off yet what has it gained me? My family murdered, hundreds of enemies and no life outside the Club.” He saw the merriment around him and telepathically pushed his troubles aside. After the room regained its normality again Super Grover!! Began to speak in his soft, delicate, silky voice. “Not the most active year for the White Court. Of course I helped with Ryan, to secure the election. A Republican Congress will assure we can do what ever we want. And the most important news to me is my newly born son, Charles. Nebula and I are so happy.” Everyone began to praise Super Grover and Nebula with a, “I didn’t know you had it in yer,” from Ryan and a, “ah that is soo cute,” from Siryn. All were happy that the Club had new blood in it. A turning point for a new year. “And we have, not a new, but a solid Inner Circle. Of course I am King and Nebula is Queen. Darque Feonix is our bishop as he had been for nearly six years. And he also served the previous White King. As our knight we have the newly recruited Cyclops. This guy is so loyal. And as rook the ever-scheming Mufasa. And finally Harbinger is our Pawn.” There was a round of applause. Then the Black King, Silver began to speak. Silver was a tall, strong, and brute like. His voice was so concentrated and deep he had been known to make walls fall down. He elevated himself and then in his monotonous voice he began. “It is the start of a new year. And the Black Hellfire Club hope this will be as successful as the last. For I have a Queen, Nemesis. But the failing health of Rahsas is worrying me. He resides in the Inner Circle chamber but he has retired from Bishop. He still, however comes to meetings. Today, however, he is too ill to attend. I vote we make him Chief Advisor to the Black Court. My knights, warlords and rooks are all the same. As are the royal children. I also have some good news. I have elected SlashR to lead the Upstarts, and Outburst to lead the Maunderers. Any objections?” There was little chatter on this topic and everyone was happy with his decisions. After a little drink and a meal in the Great Dining Hall, the Inner Circles retired to their rooms for what they thought was a peaceful nights sleep.
           In the dim moonlight the expensively designed halls of the Royal Suites looked so.. dark and barren. The man, dressed head to foot in black stood patiently outside the royal chambers. Which one is the most important? Eeny, meeny, miney, mo.
        Even when she slept Nebula emitted such an array of goodness and pureness that anyone would think she was a saint. Her long blonde hair was so perfect even in her sleep. Her fair pale skin was so soft. The man beside her emitted the same amount of warmth, lovingness and tenderness. Even though he was the White King he was still so gentle. The way he held his wife in his sleep showed how loving he was. And their fair child. He slept so peacefully, so content. But his sleep was about to be disturbed.
          Steven Booth sat in his elegantly decorated chamber. He could hear Maul snoring so loudly. Then it stopped. Telepathically he connected with Darque Feonix. “Good work. But do not suffocate him.” He laughed at the caption in Maul’s bedroom. Maul, fierce, ruthless killing machine being attacked by a frustrated Darque Feonix. How hilarious! His heavy oak doors were opened and in slipped a stall slender figure. As he got closer Steven realised it was Darque Feonix. “Can’t sleep?” Feonix asked yawning. In a small, quiet voice Steven replied, “No. Not since Rahsas entered our Bishop’s area. I can never sleep. There is something about him I do not like. I cannot scan his mind. Yet when he leaves and Shockwave comes I sleep fine.” Darque Feonix nodded. Then a bottle of brandy flew across the room, accompanied by two crystal glasses. “Fancy a drink?” Steven began pulling the sealed top off the bottle. As always Feonix accepted. I one member of the Hellfire Club had to be voted as alcoholic it would be these two. Every time you saw them they had a brandy, glass of wine, whiskey or port in their hands. Yet they never got drunk. The two friends settled into two large comfortable red chairs. In front of them the fire roared. Its refreshing heat warmed the chamber. But a slow chill ran down the two telepaths backs. They looked at one another hoping for an answer. Then a most horrendous scream was herd as it bellowed along the chamber. Faster than lightning the two bishops were on their feet exiting the room. Rahsas and Maul shortly joined them. All four of them raced down to the Royal Court. Ahead of them they could see Gomurr, Deadpool, Havok1, Siryn and Nemesis. “What is happening?” Rahsas demanded in his old tired voice. By the expressions of those present he wasn’t expecting a pleasant answer. “I do not know,” Gomurr said, “the three kings have gone in to see. It is in the White Court.” The members gathered looked puzzled. Scrib, Mufasa, Mystikal, Cyclops, Cattanya, Echo, the Rhose, Havok, Jenskott and Spark came later. After about five minutes the Red King and Queen walked out, their faces drained of colour. Byron churned out, whilst almost being sick, “Little Charles is missing!” There was a loud shock that rattled everyone. Then the Black and Grey royalty came out. Daemon said, holding back all his emotions, “These was a note. Nemesis shall read it.” Slowly Nemesis walked forward and began to hiss. “If you have found this note you must know Charles, son of Super Grover!! And Nebula is missing. Unless the Courts all surrender their money, power, land and property to MECHA Charles will die. Sincerely Ian.” Tempers in the crowd began to rage. A strange heat filled the small corridor. Perhaps it was the people gathered. Then the White Royalty was led out. Super Grover’s normally blue, bouncy face was gone. It was green. And Nebula’s radiant face had departed her. It left a dull, sullen face, one a hag possessed. Flynn and Byron carefully led them into the Red Chamber. The Grey Court followed, as did the Black. Silver was the last in. As he entered he told the crowd to go. With this he slammed shut the Red Court’s wing. Everyone was speechless. How could this happen?
        “It couldn’t have been Ian,” Steven said in an angry voice, “that treacherous scumbag is history. Remember I sent the Maunderers after him?” The midnight meeting was getting a little out of hand. It consisted of no royalty, no grey court, except Siryn. “How can you be sure he is dead?” Siryn hissed in her Irish voice. The two people stared at one another. “Order! Order!” Deadpool said banging his fists on the desk. “We have hundreds of telepaths. Steven and Feonix, you’re the highest level psions you scan for Ian.” The Red and White Bishop looked uncertainly at each other. Suddenly a chilling gust of wind serpentined its way around the room, touching everyone. Then the assemblage understood. Feonix and Steven were telepathically linking them all. With an enormous burst of energy the two major psions burst into their astral forms. Two hours passed and they were still gone. “I am getting so darn irritated,” Shockwave bellowed. Rahsas, whom had been meditating with Gomurr, broke his concentration. “They are searching for the existence of one of the most notorious members of the Hellfire Club. In my eyes, they can take all night!” Jamie Madrox opened the door. “What is going on here?” he questioned suspiciously. He quickly scanned everyone’s faces asking for some detail. “We are having a meeting!” the White Knight said, “regarding the missing child. You can join us if you like.” Jamie smiled and said, “Great! Storm is not very exciting. She’s reading Withering Heights! How sad!” The members sighed at Jamie’s ignorance. Then the two levitated telepaths suddenly jolted back to life. Rubbing his head in agony Feonix said, “We have done a full astral search and a full omni path search. He is definitely dead.” Puzzled, the members of this midnight congregation paused. Some stopped breathing. “You know what this means,” the Rhose said, “One of us is a traitor. One of us must have the child.” Shocked by the very thought Havok stood on his feet. In a loud, clear, formal voice he announced, “Tonight we met to discuss what happened. We are no clearer. All we know is that all MECHA members are dead. So it must have been an inside job. I am not impressed. I shall inform the Royalty immediately.” With this he walked in his very snooty way out of the room. And after him went all the others one by one.
Chapter Four.
         “What!” screamed Nemesis, the Black Queen. “Of course they are alive, Havok, they stole Charles!” Her fury was clear in her eyes. Silver, the Black King, had to cease her to calm her. “I know what the note said, Majesty, but an extensive psi scan took place. No trace was found of any members.” Havok was almost shaking with fear. Anyone would be! For Nemesis was so evil, bloodthirsty and ruthless. The Red King and Queen, who had been observing the discussion from the opposite end of the room suddenly, took interest. “So it wasn’t MECHA. That’s interesting! Who could it be?” The Grey Queen butted in, “It could be anyone. It could be the work of the Inner Circle.” If looks could kill, Marvel Girl would have been dead six times. Everyone gave her the dirtiest looks anyone had ever seen. She withdrew her head in shame. “There are no traitors,” Ryan began. “We assimilated Tangerine and Ian along time ago. It is not the workings of the Inner Circles.” This friendly assembly was slowly turning into a heated debate as the previous meeting had. There was a little silence. Havok stood awkwardly in the chamber. Looking up from his thoughts Silver said in a very frustrated voice, “What are you doing here still? Be gone! And tell the IC there is a meeting in the morning at eight o’clock. Everyone must attend.” With this, Havok obediently left the room. “So,” Byron began, “who is the culprit?” The Royalty looked at her. This kind of look was, “Why bring it up again, we buried it yesterday!” Yet Byron persisted her discussion. “It isn’t MECHA. And as Havok said it could be the IC.” Once again the present members, looked at her so evilly. The Grey King began to growl. In her defence Byron began, “Well to start off with, what is all this about there being no traitors in the IC. That is so rubbish! How the hell do we know who is loyal, and who isn’t?” There was no more ammunition. Only silence. Everyone thought. “You, Daemon, and your flaming’ Grey court! Your top of my list. You march in here, “I am Grey King. Tremble before me!” I really hate you!” Nemesis’ voice was so furious, infested with anger. “Well your not Miss Pretty yourself,” hollered Marvel Girl. The two lunged for one another, separated by Ryan and Silver. “This is getting us nowhere,” Ryan Jesen said in his deep, dark voice. “We must be silent, for Super Grover’s sake and Nebula. They need our support.  Little did Ryan know, his Club might need him for support? But would he live long enough?
          “That was close,” a mysterious voice said from within a shadowed corridor. Their dark black outfit matched the shadows. “Steven and Feonix almost destroyed our plan. Luckily, they did not find the child. My psi generator will keep them at bay. But they are formidable foes. And they might get in our way. As might Nemesis, Byron and Siryn. They all have loud mouths.” The man listening said in a small-cloaked voice, “What do you want me to do about it?” With a slight laugh in his voice he uttered, “Do I really have to tell you?” With this the two men separated, walking speedily down the corridors. “Do not fail me, Maul, or I shall make this your last ever mission.” With this the two men turned corners into the night.
          Maul came in the Bishop’s quarters. His mood was a very suspicious one. The way he sneaked about constantly looking over his shoulder amused the Red Bishop. Rahsas started laughing. “We see you,” he said in a playful kind of way. “Who ya hiding from?” Steven asked. Maul spun around and said in a nervous voice, “Je suis hiding from no one! I just went for a night walk. Why are you accusing me of things?” He scurried away, heading for his room, when he was halted in mid air. Then he was dragged over to the three men whom were sitting, playing chess. “By Jove,” Steven began in his posh English voice, “Even for a vampire you look white.”
     The mood of the evening swung to a happy, restful one. One by one they retired to their rooms. Maul was the last one to go to sleep. Then around one thirty he robotically rose from his bed and slid into hid official Bishop’s outfit. Then he walked, almost motionlessly along his bed, and then out of the door.  With a certain mechanical way, he wobbled to the door of the Red Bishop’s room. Raising his hand he knocked rather quietly on the door. And waited. A couple of seconds later a rather cranky Red Bishop appeared in a long, thick, exquisitely designed, red dressing gown. “What?” he said almost shouting. Yet Maul did not react to this rough greeting. “It has been found by the Grey Court that you are not fit to continue as a member. You are to die.” Maul sharply booted the aging Red Bishop in the stomach and tackled him to the floor. Within instants, the two other bishops were at their friend’s side helping. Maul pulled out a small silver weapon and pointed it into Steven’s head. “Anyone moves and I’ll kill him!” Maul screamed in a hysterical voice. Rahsas and Darque Feonix moved away. Then with uncanny speed Maul span around fired two shots and killed the bishops. Their lifeless bodies fell to the floor. Steven began to use a telekinetic shield to put Maul away from him. He reached into maul’s mind and used a psi shot that sparked him asleep. Upon arriving at his friend’s corpses he realised they were both still breathing. Knowing he could not lift them both, he used his telekinethesis to move them. “Must inform Ryan,” he said in a breathless voice, “he needs to know.” The Red Bishop ran out into the dark, shadow consumed corridors. Never before had these halls felt so complicated. He could not find the stairs. Then from nowhere a bolt of electricity struck him directly in the head. His injured body fell to the floor, as did his unconscious friends. “Good work, Daemon,” Marvel Girl said, “the Bishops are annihilated.” Daemon drew Marvel Girl close to him. “And your physic maze was excellent!” With this he kissed her. Then they began to run. “We must destroy the Inner Circle tonight,” Marvel Girl shrieked. Her spouse was soon by her side. “We have done stage one,” Daemon said with Maul slung over his shoulder, “let’s hope Scrib, Echo and Mystikal are powerful enough.” With these words they fled the hallway.
         Scrib knew the time was upon her. Cyclops was busy maintaining the board, Deadpool and Havok were playing cards, and Hawkeye and the Rhose were playing chess. The room was alive with friendship. And considering that Hawkeye was in the room that was amazing! ‘These are powerful and important men,’ Scrib thought silently. ‘They have accomplished goals no other mortals could begin to comprehend. Yet in a moment, a simple moment, they will be defeated. No matter how powerful they think the are, they may shatter, like the crystal glass between her hands.’ Knowing the time was upon them, Scrib quickly gulped down the water in her glass. Then using her unique ability to control air pressure, she made the air around the knights and warlords so thin they passed out. Yet Deadpool teleported away. He crept behind Scrib and gagged her. The air pressure went normal, yet the knights were still unconscious. “It was you,” Deadpool shouted, almost having a fit, “you kidnapped Charles. Why?” He violently spun her to face him. Even though his face was covered with a mask, Scrib could feel his eyes burning into her. Seeing no other way she ceased a poker from the fire and drove it directly into Deadpool’s chest. He collapsed to the floor, holding the gaping chest wound, struggling to breathe. “The Grey Court,” Scrib began, “We are the superior Court. You others are inferior!” Then she turned and walked out of the lush chamber room. “Remember this,” she said, “You should never trust anyone.” As she vacated the room she heard the sound of Outburst, SlashR and Gomurr coming towards her. “Rahsas said the Grey Court attacked him,” Gomurr was saying, “and Flynn has put everyone on full scale alert. We have to alert the knights.” Scrib began to panic. She could take SlashR and Outburst but Gomurr is a different case. Then she remembered. The mind capsules Harbinger had issued her with. ‘Only use them in an emergency’ he had once warned her. If this didn’t class as an emergency what did?! How unfortunate it was that Harbinger would have to be killed she thought. The three people grew closer. She could see their shadows creeping eerily around the wall. “Halt!” the mechanical voice of SlashR said, “your Grey Court is under investigation. All royalty orders you to come with us!” Scrib turned around. “What?” she said in an innocent schoolgirl voice. “You heard,” Outburst’s sour voice said, “Now on your feet and go to the jailing quarters. I shall assist you.” Scrib reached into her pocket. Damn! She only had two. Gomurr is a formidable foe and SlashR has his moments. She’d use then on them. With a mighty hurtle she propelled the two shiny circular balls into the skulls of Gomurr and SlashR. They fell backwards with pain. Then they began to materialise and were absorbed into the little silver balls. Outburst looked shocked. “Mind capsules,” Scrib said, “they imprison all my enemies’ minds in them. It is like being dead. Only you can see the outside world.” Then summoning her air pressure abilities Scrib forced heavy, dense air upon Outburst. She too passed out. Using a sharp candlestick Scrib inflicted a mighty head wound upon the leader of the Maunderers. “We shall accomplish our goal!” she screamed hysterically and jolted down the halls of the mansion in a psychotic onslaught, killing every non-Grey member she could.
         “Wake up!” Marvel girl screamed at Maul, slapping him senseless. “It is no good,” the Grey King said, “Steven has put him to sleep.” Marvel Girl persisted and finally used her telepathy to awaken him. He came to ceasing his head in his hands. “My brain is on fire!” he moaned. But his wailing was unwelcome in the dead of night. “Keep your voice down,” Marvel Girl snaked, thumping him in the chest. Her voice was edgy. “Lay off him,” Scrib whispered, “I am here.”
“Thank goodness,” Daemon said, “did everything go according to plan? What is the status regarding the knights and warlords?” The Grey King’s voice sounded so desperate so scared. “ All annihilated,” Scrib said in her Irish voice. Her accent was so outstanding from the Americans. Almost stuck out as much as Red Bishop- Steven’s sickening English voice. “Marvellous,” Maul said showing his fangs; “there are some corpses for me!” He began to fly down the corridor towards the Warfare Hall when he was halted in mid-air. “You’re stopping with us!” Marvel Girl said. Maul looked a little upset. “I need BLOOD!” he screamed. Using her telepathy once again, the Grey Queen settled his urge. Yet she could sense he was growing weak and would need plasma soon. “Wait here,” Scrib said. She ran along the corridor and disappeared in the black vacuum that is darkness. She resurfaced moments later, with the corpse of Outburst. “Eat this!” she said throwing the lifeless body towards the weak Grey Bishop. He indulged in this meal, but the sight sickened the other members. When he had finished he licked his lips. “Outburst’s energy has sustained me!” The Grey King began to speak. “All we have to do now is wait for Echo and Mystikal. Then we will take the thrones from the royalty. Loki is coming with the child to meet us. He has proven to be very very useful in his goofy kind of way. Faith is to meet us also.” The members waited, hiding in the shadows. And they waited. And waited. And waited.
         Bizarrely all the lower positions of the Inner Circles had gathered in the Recreation Room to re-enact a medieval battle. It was a way in which most members released their anger. The Grey Assassin was there; the Grey Rook and the Grey Seraph were present. Thought they did not take part in the activities they fully enjoyed themselves by cheering everyone on. Then the Grey Advisor came in and ceiled the doorway. “What are you doing?” Mufasa asked in a curious voice. The members were all silent. “Tonight a new future dawned upon the Hellfire Club,” Echo began. “We, the Grey Court have risen above you all,” Faith, the Grey Seraph said. “And we find you all INFERIOR!” Mystikal screamed. Then the rest of the Grey Court entered. “We are now going to KILL you!” Marvel Girl and daemon exited the room. “We will allow our allies to get dirty. We must save our energy for the Royalty.” The two agreed.
        The chaos within the Recreation died away slowly, like the life essence that Maul drained from them. The Grey Court walked out. The Advisor and Seraph however were not walking. They were being carried. “We have two fatalities,” Scrib said in an emotionless voice. Privately, she hated this thing. Her body ached for her to escape. But it was too much to go. She would be hunted down and be slain. So she dedicated herself to her Club. “Their sacrifices have sustained the Club. Their memories will not be in vain,” Daemon said. “What now?” Loki said. Marvel Girl said in his head, “Where is the child?” Understanding her thoughts Loki teleported away. Seconds later he came back holding the child. “Why is this child so important?” Loki asked, handing Charles over to Marvel Girl. “This child is Super Grover’s child. He has an heir. I do not. And never can. For I cannot be intermit with anyone except a Pharaoh. So Super Grover may dominate the Grey Court. And this child is a pure child. According to Mystikal, in the future he will have made the Hellfire Club a shamble. No land will be owned and no one will fear us. That is why must kill the Hellfire Club and train Charles in our ways.” Daemon held the child to his chest. Then he gave him to Loki. “We are going to the Royal chamber,” Marvel Girl said, “and we are going to destroy them all!”
Chapter 5.
       “I cannot connect with anyone,” Nemesis declared, “Everyone is dead. Even Gomurr!” The royal assemblage looked shocked. “I did not believe it until know,” Ryan said, “The Grey Court are powerful. They took down Darque Feonix, Steven, Harbinger, and SlashR. Those are the best. And know they’re dead.” Everyone looked wary. “I hate to concern you but they are coming,” Nemesis confirmed. Simultaneously, they charged their energies. They had taken down the Pawns, Rooks, Knights, Warlords and Bishops. But the Inner Sanctum shall never fall victim.
      “Greetings!” Maul said in his demonic voice. “We have a familiar face here.” Siryn stepped forward. “What is going on?” she questioned. “Well, Grey Goddess, we at the Grey Court are throwing out the other Clubs. You’re far too pure to join us. So the fate that bestows your fellow royals will destroy you!” Super Grover came forward. “Where is my boy, you vampire piece of dirt!” Super Grover had gone purple with fury. “Here he is,” Daemon said handing him over. Super Grover ceased the boy and fled to Nebula, behind the Red and Black Kings and Queens. “Let’s do this the east way,” Marvel Girl said drawing a gun. Ryan and Nemesis, the two most intimidating members of the group, merely smiled. Byron began to grin. Super Grover and Nebula clenched their teeth and Silver began raising metal around him. In perfect Unisom Ryan and Nemesis said, “We prefer to do all things the hard way.” With these words Byron unleashed server blasts of fire upon the Grey Court. Flynn cut through the RED and murdered the Grey King. Nemesis began a physic battle with Marvel Girl. Silver thrashed Maul and Scrib with pieces of metal. Super Grover began attacking Echo with his TK and Nebula was thrashing the living hell out of Mystikal. Finally the Grey Court lay in ruins. Daemon was killed by Ryan, Marvel Girl by Nemesis, Silver killed Maul and Scrib Super Grover killed Echo and Nebula destroyed Mystikal.
“We may have lost our Club,” Ryan began, “but we showed that the loyalty in all of us is so immense that no one can ever destroy us.” They all saluted to this, and began rebuilding their shattered lives. But this was only the beginning of hardships that the court would face.

I am the Red Bishop, used to be Red Knight, Red Hellion headmaster and Dragonfire Team Headmaster.