When Falls A Titan *HF*

By StevenBlueKing

When Falls A Titan *HF*

“Well, if there isn’t anything else to discuss,” Lord Flyin’ Ryan, Red King of the InterNETional Hellfire Club, declared, siphoning through the mass of papers in front of him, “let us depart this meeting.” The four members of the Inner Circle nodded and began to leave the elaborately designed boardroom. “Hey, Steven,” Charlotte Sometimes a.k.a. the Red Queen piped up, “where are you off to?” Steven, who was dressed in a very casual black suit, span around to greet his friend.

“I told you, Char,” he said, looking impatiently at his watch. “I have some free time so I am taking the Dragonfire Team to stop at the Black Mansion for a while.”
Charlotte stood and thought. “Ah yes, you did mention it,” she sighed, “I was hoping you’d help me with these dreams I’ve been having.” Steven ceased his march from the room. He looked carefully, to check everyone was out of the room and quickly sealed the doorway telekinetically. Then he pulled up two chairs.

“I have a couple of hours,” he commented, adjusting himself to the hardback chair. Since his recent events concerning his powers, Steven was starting to show his age. But he still wouldn’t take it easy. “So, explain to me what these dreams are exactly about,” the Red Bishop said, holding Charlotte’s hand. She began to depict the gruesome sight of her dreams: telling Steven of the stomach churning facts she had encountered. But Steven wasn’t listening to her words; words had lost meaning where he was. Words were like particles of dirt being sucked up in powerful waves of air. Every thought, every word, merged as one. For the Astral plane was a place not of body or words, but of the mind and soul. Steven pounded against Charlotte’s mind, trying to unravel it, layer by layer. Finally he gave up and with a great deal of pain he returned to the normal world. Rubbing his neck slightly, he stood up.

“Charlotte,” he said, rather coldly, “I can’t break that mental block in your mind. Until I do so, we will never know why it was put there, who put it there and if these dreams are related.” Steven paused and took a deep, cleansing breath. He noticed his friends’ sudden temperament. Lovingly, he placed his arm around her.

“Char,” he said, in a low, concerned tone, “don’t worry. Get plenty of sleep and forget about these dreams.” With this he picked up his leather briefcase and levitated out of the room, and down the corridors of the Red Mansion.

“I disagree,” Epyon, said, clearly uninterested in the discussion that aroused around him, “The chemical symbol of gold is AG.” The many computers in the lab flickered with colours and banners. Aquapyro and Spark sat at one of the cold, barren, metallic desks, quickly scribbling down some notes in their exercise book. They forgot that the Red Bishop had set homework. “God, this work is too hard!” screamed Spark, unleashing a small bolt of energy on a derelict chair, “I wish the Elemental was here.”

“That bad?” Chastity, Red Rook, said, as she strolled into the lab, carrying a large folder of work in her hands. She was dressed in a red mini-skirt and thick, woollen jumper, also red. Gracefully she sat down on one of the chairs. “How’s life in the Inner Circle?” Spark said, closing the exercise book. He’d have to let the Red Bishop yell at him. At the moment he was more interested in Chastity. Chastity sat and thought for a moment. “It’s enjoyable,” she said, with an omen of doubt and fatigue in her voice, “but it is hard work.” The computers in the room suddenly all flickered off. “Bennett, Ms. Darkholme your presence is needed in the crush hall, we are departing for the Black Mansion,” the Red Bishop said, in his very uptight, English voice. As the two Dragonfire Team students began to leave the room, the Red Bishop glanced at the disregarded exercise book on the table. “Scott,” he said, looking at him with those sinister ice clod blue eyes, “I am leaving you in command of the Hellions. Make sure Salvatore and Ian Fitzroy don’t cut each other’s throats. Since his disproportion to Hellion, Salvatore has been winding him up.” With this the Red Bishop held his head up and glided out of the room. “And Spark,” he said as he left the room, “If that homework isn’t finished when I get back, you’ll be on sentry duty for a month.” With this he was gone. Spark rose from his chair and scooped up his exercise book. He realised that this was going to be the longest week of his life.

Dark Phoenix II ran a comb through her long, fiery hair. She looked formidable in her new attire. She’d only been in the IHFC a couple of days when she was approached by the Red Bishop and asked to join his Academy along with new recruit Pantera. She jumped at the chance of being in it. With lady-like elegance she applied fire truck red lipstick to her lips. There was a short rapping at the door. Without opening it, she realised the telepathic aura. “What do you want, Pantera?” she asked. There was no response. Marnie grabbed ahold of the cases and headed through the door. Standing next to Soledid (Pantera) were two very stocky men. They took the luggage off Dark Phoenix II and the quartet headed down the corridor towards the crush hall. When they arrived they noticed the other members of the Academy were present: the Headmaster and Red Bishop was there, dressed in his very exquisite black suit and tie. He really wanted to make an impression of the Black Hellfire Club members. So much so, that he had bought the Academy members brand new uniforms and had them all dress appropriately. Stood adjacently to him was Chastity Darkholme, the newly made Red Rook. She was dressed in a very professional looking suit, red of course. That girl never wore anything other than Red. Chastity was talking quietly to the Red Bishop. Although she hadn’t been here long, Dark Phoenix II could tell who were friends with whom. The Red Bishop was very close to the Queen, and seemed like a father figure to Chastity and Draco. He had more of a student-teacher relationship with Spark and Epyon. He was very friendly with the king, possibly the only Inner Circle member who addressed him by his real name. But you could see from a mile away that he distinctively didn’t like Wolfox. No many people did. He was very quiet and timid: a lot like Epyon. Pantera went and spoke to Draco, who was arguing with Aquapyro about who was more powerful: Galactus or Apocalypse. The two young men ceased their meaningless discussion and greeted Pantera. The Hellions and General Members alike all treated her differently just because she was the sister of the Queen. All except Draco and Aquapyro. Aquapyro was the Club’s biggest flirt, attempting to charm every female. He never succeeded though. And Draco was a casual young man, despite being a demonic being. Since his membership to the IHFC was accepted, Draco had ceased his tone of ‘only the strongest can be by my side’ a lot. When he arrived he was uptight, abrasive and highly anti social. But now he was out going and polite. Aquapyro greeted Pantera with a soft, subtle kiss to her hand. What a creep thought Marnie. The doors of the mansion were opened and in stepped Blackfire, who looked rather blue in the face. “I’m here to help out,” she breathed, panting heavily, “Loki can’t make it!” Loki and Blackfire had promised to assist the Red Bishop in running the Academy. Sharon walked over and talked to Steven. “I think we should set off,” Steven declared. The students all filed out of the hall, talking and chatting giddily to one another. All, except Blackfire and Steven, had never met the Black Hellfire Club members. But the stories they had heard thrilled them.

“Do you think this is wise?” Rune questioned Rogue as they sat in the parlour. It was a gloriously warm day, and the two Inner Circle members decided to sit in the parlour and chill. Rogue, who was drinking an iced tea, replied back, “I am not sure. When I was an Upstart in Silver’s old BHFC, the Club was very large. There was an Inner Circle, then the Advocates, then the Maunderers and the Upstarts, not to mention the Darkfire Team and their Acolytes. But they also had an Academy. Darkwolf said that he was trying to build the Club back up, and that included the Academy.” Rune listened carefully to the Queen. Then he replied, “Maybe so, but I am not sure about the Headmaster. Firstly, he’s the Red Bishop, which makes him more loyal to the Red Court. And secondly, he’s a pain in the ass!” Rune had raised his tone a little. Rogue had gotten used to his mood swings. Ever since he lost his magic, Rune had changed. “I think he’s done a brilliant job,” Darkwolf said as he entered the parlour, “I mean he was already busy looking after the Red Court and teaching the Hellions. But when he heard I was starting up the Dragonfire Team again he offered to look after that, too. If you ask me, that man has juggled his time between the courts excellently.” Darkwolf walked over to the chairs long that his queen was sitting on and positioned himself next to her. “I am glad that we have time to meet the members,” he said, “I think they should get to know all the members.” Rogue nodded and gave a wide yawn. Insomnia was a terrible thing to suffer from, especially if you are as pressured as her. But, she somehow beats it everyday. “Well, I’d love to sit around all day, but I have things to do,” Rune said, leaving his rather comfortable armchair. With this he phased through the wall and was gone. “He’s getting worse,” Rogue said. Darkwolf nodded. Rune was getting more and more anti-social. Earlier today, Havoc1 and Greg had to literally tear him off Jetfire, the newly appointed Scribe of the Black Hellfire Club. “I too had better go,” Darkwolf said, leaving his queen, “I promised I’d race Nate around the grounds.” With this, the animal man was off. Rogue just sat there quietly, relaxing in the heat of the morning.

Voriah was strolling around the grounds of the Black Hellfire Club mansion trying to find something to do. She hated Sundays. They were sooo boring. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a white stretched limousine park up outside the gates. Instinctively, she ran over to investigate. When she arrived she noticed the emblem on the car. They Academy students had arrived. Then she saw the Inner Circle assembled on the veranda. The attendants of the Club helped the students with their baggage. “This is one big mansion,” Draco said, to his sister who was strolling rather casually towards the veranda. The Red Bishop was in front and had already arrived. “Greetings, Steven,” Justin said, taking a hold of his hand, “it’s nice to see you.” Steven and the King made idle chit chat, whilst Blackfire went to chat to Havoc1. “So these are the students?” Greg said, in his boyish voice. There was an introduction and then Rogue began to speak. “We have allocated a section of the mansion for your Academy, Steven. The students all have individual rooms. And there are many attractions for them. I am sure you are all eager to explore the mansion.” With this the Inner Circle headed in doors. “Right,” Blackfire said rubbing her hands, “let’s see what this place is like.”

“What have you got planned for them, then?” Darkwolf said to the Red Bishop. The two men were sat at DarkWolf’s office. It was very well designed and looked very expensive. “I thought I’d leave them for today,” Steven replied in a very posh, professional voice, “letting them settle in and hopefully meet some new friends. But tomorrow I am taking them into the Danger Room. They’ll know what it means to survive and what a survival course is.” The two men gave a very short, wicked laugh. “Darkwolf,” Steven said, in a serious, solemn voice, “you know how loyal I am to the Red Court, I’d die for them.” Darkwolf smiled and nodded. Everyone knew that fact! Steven continued, “I’d like to show such loyalty to the Black Court also.” Darkwolf stood up and took ahold of the Red Bishop’s hand and began to shake it. “I am glad to hear that,” Justin said, ?it is reassuring that the future BHFers shall be as loyal as you!? With this, Steven walked out of the room and headed towards the Academy’s assigned quarters. The Red Bishop was impressed. Not only were they excellent training facilities and beautifully designed rooms, but also there was an educational side to the building. But Steven was more interested in the Danger Room. And his office. He phased through the walls and eventually found it. As he walked in he was impressed to say the least. The most striking feature was the waterfall quietly trickling besides his desk. Steven felt at ease in the Black Hellfire Club. But would his students?

“This place is great!” Epyon said, as he stepped inside his room. He noticed the computer there, waiting, calling out to him. Aquapyro glanced around the room. It was far too geeky for his liking. Draco entered the room. “Blackfire said our rooms are all close together,” he hissed, “so we can’t miss them.? The male students looked for their rooms. Finally they found plaques with their names on in gold lettering. Everyone was happy with their accommodation. But, would this bliss last?

“Are those ‘Reddies’ joining us for breakfast?” Greg, the Black Knight, said, yawning ferociously. In the Inner Circle’s dinning room was Rogue, who was always the first person up, Havoc1, who looked like he had been up all night, Rune, meditating almost and Darkwolf. “Why would they?” Rune hissed, “This is the INNER Circle’s dining room!?” Greg was a taken off guard by this rather harsh remark. He settled down to his coco pops in peace.

“In today’s session,” RKB said, in his very schoolteacher’s voice, with his strong English accent, “you are going to learn how to co-operate as a team in the most unlikely of circumstances.” The assemblage in front of him merely nodded a curious nod. Their new uniforms looked very impressive. “So without further a due let’s begin today’s session.” The Red Bishop momentarily teleported to the control deck of the Danger Room. Then he began thumping controls and switching switches. The walls of the combat facility began flickering and morphing into different surfaces, making the like shimmer of them. The Academy members were unsure of what was to come next. They stood defensively together. Finally the holographic scene was set: a baron desert of ice. To be precise, an arctic wilderness. Aquapyro looked uneasily at the surroundings. The setting had been mimicked so precisely. He knelt down a felt the snow. It was cold and wet. Then he heard a rumbling. Before anyone could issue a warning a mass of snow came bombarded down the steep gradients and began to engulf the Academy members in the torrent of ice and snow. Chastity instinctively cast an intangible spell, which allowed her to just glide through the snow. Draco clinged to Aquapyro who made an ice shelter for them both. Dark Phoenix II encased Epyon and Pantera in a telekinetic shield. Eventually the snow settled, whilst trapping the students below. Aquapyro unleashed a bolt of heat energy that instantly melted most of the ice, allowing the students to free themselves. “That was scary,” Chastity moaned, picking her way through the snow. She was assisted by Aquapyro. Since Ian’s departure from her life, she seemed to be developing a great friendship with Kyle. In some ways she found him attractive, whilst in other contexts she thought he was a sexist pig. There was a chilling silence. Everyone was waiting anxiously, to see what was next. Instantaneously, the walls flickered and metamorphed into a completely different scene. It was down town New York, late at night, in a terribly run downed area. Every little detail had been depicted. Unsteadily, the Academy members huddled into a defensive bunch. Finally, several street thugs began to make their way towards the unsuspecting youngsters. Even though they were merely holograms, every single aspect of their physique had been uncannily designed. Each thug was armed with a large array of weapons: knives, guns, baseball bats, glass bottles and chains. Aquapyro began to flare up his pryokinethesis. He skilfully and swiftly created a barrier of flames that separated the tow groups. “We must take an immediate course of action,” Draco commented, already airborne, courtesy of his monstrous wings which were extended to their full capacity. Epyon’s mutant ability to analyse a situation and a course of action soon began concocting a course of action. “Right,” he said in an almost hypnotic voice, “we hit them hard, and stay in groups. Chastity and Draco assign, myself and Aquapyro and Pantera and Dark Phoenix II.” With no hesitation they began acting out the scenario that Epyon, the quietest and most placid Dragonfire Team Academy student, has devised. Chastity was blasting the thugs with powerful bolts of electricity whilst her sibling adopted a more feral style of fighting. Either one, soon found several ruffians brought to the floor with a titanic thunder, that seemed to echo around the action filled room. Aquapyro was enjoying himself. Unlike his peers he had no need to make physical contact. With the slight raise of his hand and some mental intervention, he procreated large, flames that he unleashed onto the street horrors. The flames engulfed the helpless holograms and finally destroyed them. Epyon was charging around with great speed and strength toppling several enemies as he went. In battle, Thomas forgot his timidness and shyness and began to use the stealthy powers he had been blessed with. Pantera metamorphed into a rhinoceros and began her one-woman onslaught on the defenceless holograms. Marnie Fox a.k.a. Dark Phoenix II sat and watched. Every now and again she unleashed physic energy blasts onto he holograms, but generally she sat and observed. The last simulation was taken out by an accurately placed shard of ice from Aquapyro. “That was interesting,” Pantera said, panting heavily. Her peers all agreed in unisome. But they felt a sense of dread when the Red Bishop’s voice didn’t signal the end of this session. He was planning another assault. As before, the walls began to metamorphic and alter, shimmering from one setting to another. Suddenly a telekinetic blast separated all the students from one another. “In this task,” the Red Bishop said, through the microphone of the control bay, “I am monitoring how you all deal with threats on your own. But there is a slight difference, your powers have been taken out.” Each student was suddenly issued with a restraining collar by an invisible telekinetic hand. With this the walls of the Danger Room began to close together, eventually causing an excellently designed, geometric hexagon. Within the constraints of these walls was an individual Academy member, all of whom were horrified. Soledid Sometimes was the first to be attacked. Out came several large, inorganic, metallic beings. Five in total. Pantera’s initial instincts would to metamorph into a large, savage dragon and tear these rapscallions apart. But she was without such assistance. The robots began assaulting the young woman with powerful, lazar like beams of electrical energy. Pantera angelically ascended into the sky and began to spin into a metallic robot, rendering it no longer a threat. She knew how important Loki’s and Sommer’s training had been now. Backflippng of the chest of the failing robot she side kicked another one into yet another useless robot. Those things tumbled like a house of cards. Pantera was furiously struck in the back with a bolt of energy. She didn’t notice the robot that crept up behind her, whilst she gloated. The robots vanished and Pantera was teleported into the observation deck, courtesy of the Red Bishop. “Pantera has been removed from the game,” came a cold, inhuman, voice, which belonged to the computer systems. Soledid realised that she was perfectly fine. “Nothing in that simulation actually took place, I used my mental powers of illusion to imitate such a battle,” Steven said to Pantera telepathically. Suddenly, Marnie Fox was bamboozled by several drunken mobsters, who seemed to be armed with several weapons. Marnie hadn’t resided within the Academy as long as the others, so she only had to take on three mobsters. But she seemed to be a formidable threat. Gracefully she began using profound agility and ninja like awareness to take down the three monsters, with quite accuracy, precision and casualness. Marnie had remained in the game. Using his TP, the Dragonfire Team’s Headmaster peered into Marnie’s head. “That was excellently portrayed,” he announced. Epyon stood there, uncertain of what was happening. Upto now, he’d enjoyed himself, using his abilities wisely. But he was uncertain of what was happening next. Suddenly, a large, adipose, oleaginous man appeared before the young man. He was about 10’ tall and seemed to rival the X-men’s arch-nemesis, the Blob, in excessive blubber. He walked sluggishly to Epyon and extended his large, colossal hands, clearly reaching for Epyon. But, Thomas Bennett moved with uncanny speed and redirected himself into he grotesquely obese man’s back toppling the juggernaught to the ground. As the oily man began his struggle to get up Epyon propelled himself sharply into him, rendering the man’s arms and legs broken. Finally, inadmissible blow, he struck the man in the head, causing instant fatality. Epyon has survived his test. As the Red Bishop began to speak his soft voice was replaced by that of a very heavy, commanding voice, belonging to Darkwolf. “Dragonfire Team report to War Room immediately.” Without hesitation, the sudation collars dropped from the students and they all began the race to the War Room.

Moments later, the last person, who was the Headmaster, arrived on the scene. He was greeted by his Academy, who sat in their assigned places and the Black King, Darkwolf, sat in his assigned seat, tapping his fingers impatiently on the desk. DarkFallenAngel and Nate Sommers were stood against the wall, casually waiting for the Red Bishop. “I am glad to see you could make it,” Nate said as Steven casually walked into the room. Darkwolf shot Nate ‘the look’. Instinctively, Nate occupied his vision in other aspects. “You wanted to see us?” Steven said, as he began the awkward task of situating himself in a chair. Justin paused slightly then commenced his speech. “Three hours ago, Storm!, our Black Sentry, silently surveyed the monitors in the War Room. Our sensors indicated a small, yet extremely advanced spacecraft entering our atmosphere. We traced its origin and it appears to be Shi’arian. It landed in Montague Bay. The technology aboard that ship is incredibly sophisticated, as I am sure you would agree. The Black Hellfire Club has need of such technology. We’d like you, along with the Dragonfire Team, to recover that ship.” The students looked dazzled. At last they had been dealt a special mission. “I must stress, though,” Darkwolf, cautioned, “such technology could recruit unwanted company.” With this the Black king strolled out of the room. “What are you two doing, waiting here?” Draco said, signalling to Nate and DFA. “Hey you little tosser,” Nate said, approaching Draco. Suddenly the two men were jolted to the floor, unable to move. “I have stopped the movement of your body,” Steven said, yawning, “don’t make me have to harm you two.” With this, the hold was released. “Now let us depart,” he said, and instantaneously, Chastity teleported them all to the Hanger Bay.

“Do you think Steven’s enjoying himself?” Charlotte said, pouring some hot water into a cup. Ryan was clearly engrossed in the financial records of the Court. Charlotte telepathically asked him the questioned. Ryan span back to reality. “Steven will be having a ball,” he said, imitating his friend’s snooty English accent, “he loves being in charge.” The two royals gave a little chuckle. It was interrupted by a short knock at the door. Ryan charged over to the door and was greeted by an inebriated Ian Fitzroy who sluggishly tossed his empty liquor bottle to one side. His pungent breath smelled distinctively like rum. In his right hand was a revolver. “Hello Ryan,” he slurred, raising his gun, “it’s me. The person you booted from Red Rook. Well, I thought I’d have to pay you a visit.” Ian released a bolt of energy that he had altered to feel as heavy as a solid steel door. It took Ryan off his feet. Drunkenly, Fitzroy pointed the gun to Ryan. He pulled the trigger and the silver bullet hit Ryan square in the chest. Then he ventured inside, to find the queen.

“I am not sure,” Ben Ring, also known as Havoc1, the Black Bishop, uttered, as he watched the super bowl, “are the Dragonfire Team students ready?” He fumbled around for some popcorn. Psi Shot was sat reading quietly in the corner. He preferred to stay out of these conversations. Rune levitated quietly in the corner. “We’ll soon know,” Rogue said, answering Havoc1’s question. Ben gave an uninterested sigh and returned to watching the game. Rogue sat, tapping her slender fingers on the wooden table, impatiently. “If you ask me,” Rune hissed bitterly, “Darkwolf should step out of Jack Silver’s damn shadow.” Havoc1, Psishot and Rogue all span around, taken off guard by the Mage’s exclamation. Rune realised the severity of what he said and began to stroll out of the room. With a quick glance, the old mage walked out of the room. “He has a serious attitude problem,” Ben Ring screeched, jumping to his feet in hot pursuit of the disgruntled mage. But Rogue’s careful, restraining hand separated him from the doorway. “Leave him,” she sparked bluntly, “I’ll deal with him.”

Underneath the Academy students the cool, tranquil waters of the Caribbean hugged the impeccable, perfect beaches. Above them, in the solid blue appeasing sky, the sun’s radiant, effulgent rays enforced the calming atmosphere. This part of the world surceases a certain level of composed refreshment. If the cluster of persons weren’t on a mission, they would have happily stowed away on one of the deserted islands beneath them. “I love this part of the world,” the Red Bishop announced, his eyes fixed on his driving, his voice high and calmed, “and I have a castle around here, on Jamaica.” Around him there were mixed feelings of astonishment and uncertainty. “Is that a joke?” Draco asked inquisitively. Steven laughed, masking his slight annoyance. “Why would I joke? I do have a life outside the court.” DarkFallenAngel, also known as the Black Assassin, gave a short laugh, directed towards the Black Rook. Both saw him as a loyal, no nonsense man, who was as loyal to the Courts as himself and dedicated to his students. They found it hard to grasp the concept that he had a life outside the court. “Radar’s indicating the ship is beneath us,” Chastity informed. Pantera awakened Aquapyro. “Did I drop off?” he yawned sleepily. “Yes you did, you lonesome fool,” Epyon snickered. Kyle merely deflected his vicious attack. “This jet is very exclusive, Steven,” Nate Sommers said. Steven laughed. “Well, I bought it as a present for myself one Christmas. It was supposed to be my personal luxury jet. But I have ‘adapted’ it to suit the needs of the Academy and the Hellions.” The aircraft came to a halt, jolting the collection of mutants slightly. “This is the plan,” Steven began, “DFA, Nate and Aquapyro, change into those diving suits. You too Epyon and take Pantera and Chastity with you. I’d like Epyon, Chastity and Pantera to take the mini sub down to the ship and go inside. Try to activate the ship’s onboard systems. DFA, Nate and Aquapyro, you connect the ferrous detectors to the ship and magnetise them with the portable controls. Then I shall guide the ship carefully to the surface whilst I mask our presence telepathically. Once in place all return to the ship and we will depart. Draco, Dark Phoenix II, keep airborne outside the ship, incase you are called on for assistance. I shall link us all telepathically, using by Cerebro unit. You know your task, set to it!” Simultaneously the assemblage began to change out of their debarring uniforms into body tight, yellow diving suits. Epyon had in his hands the universal interpretation, which would serve the crew with an English version of the computer’s systems. Pantera and Chastity followed the muscular mutant into the pod and Draco sealed the door. “We are ready for departure,” Epyon reported, via the microphone link to the Red Bishop that was placed inside his helmet. With this the young mutant used his telepathic powers that were specifically linked to computerised life, to control the ship; his mind merging with the computer. The Shi’ar craft was positioned about 500 km from the surface of Montague Bay. Despite its small size, the mini sub was agile and swift, gliding through the water at a steady pace. “Prepare for locking onto the ship,” Epyon declared, signalling for Chastity to prepare the entrance. With a screeching sound of metal rubbing against metal the pod had landed and a tunnelled entrance was channelling through the gruff exterior of the Shi’ar cruiser. In silence the triad made their way down the tube into the alien spacecraft. And the sight that met their eyes bombarded them. Around them was a vast array of beautifully designed and intricately designed spacecraft. But it had an advanced, evolutionary theme to it. And the walls and metallic surfaces were encrypted with foreign markings. Epyon placed the metallic box he had carefully carried under his arm on the floor and pushed a bright red button. With a humming noise the machine was thrust to life, extending into the air on three spidery legs. Epyon placed on a peculiar looking pair of glasses that had a plug like socket encased in them. Extending from the machine was a black cord. In his hands, Thomas Bennett grabbed the cord and placed into the slot in his goggles. “Computer activate and siphon foreign writings,” he commanded. With these carefully spaced words the machine began glowing a bolts of blue energy ran along the ship and finally they gathered as one and merged back into the goggles and finally into Epyon. The force propelled the young mutant backwards, only to be halted in this toppling by the carefully placed hands of his female colleagues. “Systems activated,” a cool, female voice announced. Epyon took the plug out of his goggles. “Systems are activated, Steven,” Chastity reported. Good work, await assistance Steven indicated to his students mentally. “Your turn now,” he ordered DarkFallenAngel, Nate Sommers and Aquapyro, issuing them to emerge into the water with the long, green, metallic ferrous tubes. The three mutants plunged into the water, activating the jets on their backs. With elegant gracefulness, they dived through the water serpentine. And finally they reached their stated destination and began to magnetise the tubes and finally attacked them to the thick exterior of the craft. Within the mini sub, the three young mutants could see their peers, beginning their emerge to the surface. “Everything is in place,” Nate boomed, his thoughts reaching the Red Bishop clearly. Good. Ascend to the surface immediately Steven’s commanding voice ordered. And in unisome the five members boarded the sub and began to emerge to the surface. But, they were stopped fiercely in their tracks. Something had stopped them.

“Ryan?” Charlotte called from her chairs long in the exclusive lounge. She had wondered what Ryan was doing. He’d only gone to answer the door. With a slight impatient huff, she scrambled off the chair and began to walk over to the door. Seizing the handle, she turned it and began to open the door when it was propelled towards her, ripping off its hinges and toppling the queen to the floor, the door weighing heavily down upon her. It was gigantically heavy and it was squeezing the breath out of her. “Honey, he’s home,” a voice beamed, clearly drunk and slurring his words incoherently. But his presence was familiar. Summoning her ‘rage’ strength, without resorting to the full stage, Charlotte tossed the door off her, easily throwing it across the room like a disregarded tissue. “What the hell are you doing, you stupid tosser!” she screamed at a drunken Fitzroy. Then she noticed he had a handgun in his right hand. “Hello queenie,” he mocked, “how’s the lady of the castle handling her new Red Rook? Pretty isn’t she? I bet you two get on like a house on fire. But do you know who my new allies are? Worthless Hellions!” He was clearly adulated beyond normality, his anger dominating his voice. The beating pulse in his neck throbbed; his eyes became wide with anger. “You dropped me to a worthless Hellion. Do you know how that feels, associating with foolish children! I’ll tell you! It’s damn degrading!” By know he was shouting, the racket hurting Charlotte’s hears. With a swift move he raised the gun to the Queen’s head. “But I have ‘settled’ things with Ryan as I intend to do with you.” Mechanically he pulled the trigger, emerging a large, heavily impacted bullet that pierced through Charlotte’s throat, killing her, toppling her lifeless body to the floor. Then Ian felt a sharp kick in his back that overturned the large postured man, sending him to the floor. If he weren’t intoxicated that blow would never have inflicted such an impact. But luckily for the Red King he was. “Idiot,” Ryan mused, “I am a Flesh Elemental, you sad, depraved fool! You can’t kill me. Or her for that fact.” Ian had landed just in front of the deceased queen. Suddenly she rose from the ground and put her hand upto her head. “Silly boy,” she commented slyly, “how do you expect to kill an External?” Fitzroy looked uneasy. Then his eyes went up into his head, displaying only his whites. Then he collapsed to the floor. “Are you okay, my lady?” Ryan asked, walking over to Charlotte. She confidently held her head up high. “Of course, but our little friend isn’t.”

“What the hell is going on?” Aquapyro demanded. Epyon merely shook his head. “All systems have failed to respond.” What is delaying, my students? Steven questioned. Then he gave a slight wheeze of pain. Som..thing..is..rupting..my..telep.. Steven told them, his telepathic signal being disrupted. “Draco, Dark Phoenix II, rescue the mini sub. Something has halted them and I cannot reach them via our mind link.” The two seated Academy members quickly launched their airborne status and flew out of the ship, darting into the water. But their pursuit was in vain. As if an invisible gun had unleashed a wave of electrical charges, the two were being electrocuted by an unseen force. “This is creepy,” Pantera commented. “We should swim for it,” Chastity said matter-of-factly. This didn’t seem to be a bad idea. So the five students released themselves into the water only to be confronted by the drifting bodies of their colleagues. “What the hell is wrong?” Chastity demanded, slapping her brother, hoping to jolt him back to consciousness. “Perhaps they have something to do with it,” Epyon quivered, directing her vision to the platoon of mechanical soldiers heading for them. “Ya think?” DFA insisted sarcastically. Aquapyro wasn’t as calm. “We can take these, can’t we?” he asked, fearing an inappropriate answer. Nate Sommers laughed. Upto know he thought the Academy was going to be an excellent group but he realised without their Headmaster all confidence failed. “Sod off Kyle, of course we can. The red Bishop doesn’t train us ‘cos he’s bored. It’s to prepare us for these situations. Now come on and take these weaklings out!” This seemed to pump a certain level of confidence back into them. Pantera stayed with Draco and Dark Phoenix II to protect them. But the others made fun for themselves. Aquapyro solidified the water around the robots whilst the others launched attacks. The sound of metal screeching and clanging seemed to make the students wild with excitement. Finally the Black Rook unleashed a powerful blast of energy that turned the robots into piles of scrap metal. “Well, that was easy!” Chastity declared, “now let’s see what our Headmaster’s upto.” With that she teleported them aboard the super jet.

“He always struck me as a tosser,” Wolfox stRanger, the Red Knight declared as he walked into the infirmary. Charlotte was sat beside Ryan, waiting for the doctor to give his deliberation. “Shut it, you wan” Charlotte said, but was interrupted by the doctor’s muffled cough. “He’s stable, but suffering from alcohol poisoning. If he doesn’t stop drinking he will die.” The doctor was frank and expected a shocked response. But thee three assembled around Fitzroy merely yawned and nodded. “Thanks doctor,” Ryan said, shaking his hand as he left the Red Court’s medical facility. “That’s a shame,” Charlotte began, “even he doesn’t deserve that, but he would drink hard.” Her lack of concern spellbound Ryan. He knew her as a caring, compassionate, loving person. But she had no reason to fell those emotions towards Ian.

“So ‘professor’,” Chastity said, slightly patronising, slipping out of the wet suit, “what was that all about?” Steven looked hard at her. “I have no idea. Something disrupted my telepathic link, so what happened down there I have no details of. Care to explain them, my Field Lieutenant?” Chastity began to tell her Headmaster what had happened when the familiar voice of the Black king interrupted. “I see you all defeated those drones I set after you,” he chuckled, “good. Hope you enjoyed.” Everyone sighed as they finally made sense of the event that had happened. “We are going back,” Steven demanded, slipping the ship into motion.

The Inner Circle and Outer Circle all gathered in the front porch of the Mansion to say their final goodbyes to the Academy students. If not for the current news from the Red Court, Steven would have been happy, and bouncing around with enthusiasm. But that was all gone, drained away, his face no longer a healthy yellow. Instead it was replaced by a ghost like complex. “I am sorry you must depart so prematurely,” Darkwolf commented, “but it is clear you are needed at the Red Court.” Justin took ahold of the Headmaster’s hand and shook it. But he was not met with any friendliness or any motion at all. The man who stood in front of him was merely and empty shell. “Oh damn, he’s done it again!” Epyon cried, concern straining his voice. Everybody looked at the young mutant, curiosity showing on their face. “The daft bugger has ‘left’ his body; well not left, but his subconscious has left his body.” There was still an uncertainty hanging in the air but no one commented. “We shall depart to the mansion,” Chastity said and walked emotionlessly to the limousine. The Academy members followed the young woman. There were waved off by the Black Court until they were out of sight.

The Red Bishop’s room was, for lack of a better word, posh!!!!! It surceases elegance, like its occupant. But the usually active man was sat slumped in front of a log fire. He watched silently, as the hungry flames liked around the logs, devouring them helplessly. It was dark, too dark to see but he didn’t switch on a light. Steven had been through a lot in his life. Never born to a proper setoff parents, being immortal, out living those who he felt dear to but what hurt him more was although the liked to think so, he could protect everyone. And know, his best friend, Ina Fitzroy, laid in a hospital bed, dying. That word was cold and sent chills don his spine. DYING! But what destroyed him was he had dragged him into this Club with him, he’d told him everything would be better. He was wrong. “Professor?” Chastity asked, pushing open the door, “are you okay?” Steven shrugged. He felt like a father to Chastity but he couldn’t stand her presence. He wanted to be alone. Chastity placed a tray next to her former Headmaster. He looked. “How’d you know?” he asked her, staring at the ham, cheese and caviar sandwich. Chastity smiled. “Charlotte told me.” Steven laughed picking up the sandwich. “Ian is going to be okay, there’s nothing you can do by sitting her in the dark all alone. You should be enjoying that novel I bought you. Isn’t that what Ian would have wanted?” Steven looked over at his favourite chair. Why the hell wasn’t he sat their, gobbing down half a bottle of wine, jeering at the terrible novel he was reading? “Thank you my dear,” he said, crawling out of the chair, “I shall. Good night.” With this his former student teleported out of the room.

“I am not sure,” Charlotte began, “Steven has been under a lot of pressure. First he goes insane and almost wipes the face of the Astral Plane clean, and then he has been running two groups of students and now he is losing his best friend. We can’t possibly ask him.” She was brushing her hair using a very expensive hairbrush. She was shocked when her King had come round to her personal suite at eleven o’clock but then he had informed her that he wanted to take her on a business trip to Chicago to meet their accountant. ‘Learning the ropes’ he had addressed it as. “Charlotte, Steven is a survivor, he bounces back. Give him a couple of hours and he’ll be strolling around this place, his head held high and wearing one of his suits.” Ryan was arguing politely with his queen but he felt uncertain that she was going to give in. “I’ll see what he’s like in a couple of?” Charlotte uttered but was cut off when the door opened and in walked the Red Bishop, dressed in a stunning blue suit. “Hi Char,” he beamed, then realised the King was present, “I hope I am not interrupting anything,” Steven cautioned. Ryan gave a laugh, something he seldom did. “Charlotte and I are needed in Chicago to arrange our finances. But, my dashing queen thinks we can’t leave you in charge as you are ill.” Steven seemed to look annoyed. “Listen, we all have breakdowns, mine was today. But really I am fine. Now get gone immediately in the morning or I’ll detain you,” he said in his joky posh, Headmasterish voice. Charlotte felt relived that her friend was well. And she could tell Ryan was as pleased as her.

“This IHFC meeting is called to order, by me, Steven Booth, Red Bishop and current leader of the Inner Circle,” Steven declared, whilst Chastity wrote the minutes. “The assembled members are Wolfox stRanger, Red Knight, and Chastity Darkholme, Red Rook. We are meeting merely for a morning meeting, this is not official, as shall be written.” With that Chastity finished her sentence and Steven signed the piece of paper. Then he turned to the duet before him. “Have we any new business?” he asked. The two shook their head. “This reminds me of when I first became Red Knight,” Steven mused, “we did jack squat.” Chastity gave a polite laugh. Then she furrowed her brow. “Red Knight?” she questioned, unsteadily. Steven Booth nodded. “When I had left the Beverley Hills Club I met Ryan and he asked me if I wanted to be the Red Knight. I dumped the Beverley Hills Club and accepted. Then when Ian left as Bishop I got the job. But Ian didn’t leave. He got booted.” The mention of that name infuriated Chastity (See Early Days of Chastity Darkholme for details). “Beverley Hills hellfire Club?” she questioned. “Yes, I used to run a Club in Beverley Hills. All the Hellions mainly and the general members that know me used to attend. But when I came, they all followed. But that’s a long story. Epyon used to have your job, Chastity, but the stress ate him up so he resigned to Hellion.” Steven could see that this subject had intrigued Chastity. “I have somewhere, a chronology of the Club that needs carrying on. I’ll update it and then let you read it.” With this Steven terminated the meeting. “Oh, deputy Headmistress,” Steven mused, “your are leading today’s survival course in the danger Room. My instructions are on the computer. But today I am chilling okay?” Chastity laughed. She loved being in charge of the Academy. She didn’t mind.

It was soothing, Cerebro. Steven loved scanning the Astral and physic plane immensely. It was so tranquil, allowing his omnipathic abilities to let him read everyone’s thoughts on the entire planet. But suddenly a sharp stabbing pain drove its way into Steven’s mind, frying it with intense heat. For an instant Steven thought his kinetic telepathy had backfired and destroyed him. But finally he was dragged, literally, onto the Psi Plane. “What the?” Steven questioned as he found himself is psi-armour, on the Astral plane. “Who’s there?” Steven demanded, extremely annoyed. “Funny,” a croaky old voice churned, “you don’t realise your own father!” From the mystic shadows stepped Irvan Booth, the late father of the Red Bishop. Steven looked wide-eyed at his father. “What?” he said, speechlessly. Irvan was dressed in a long, black, dripping gown. He looked somewhat demonic to Steven. “My son,” he began, “you really have no knowledge do you? When I died, if you can remember that far back, you scanned me telepathically to assure I was dead. As you did that I cast a spell where I was plunged into your mind subconsciously. And since you were strained telepathically (see Psi Wars) you unleashed my mind. And now I am without a vessel. I will eventually disappear into nothingness. But you can help me. I will merge into your mind. End of discussion.” The long, black gown dissolved into a puree of smog that drifted into Steven. “No!” the Red Bishop sobbed, “I don’t want to!” But Steven knew instantly it was too late. He could feel his father, sense his powers, and absorb his history. And then he felt it all slipping, like sand through a child’s fingers. Instinctively, Steven’s kinetic telepathy had destroyed his father. “W..h..wh..at..s.happening..t..o..me?” Irvan moaned as he sensed himself dripping away. Steven, now fully rid of his father, smugly said, “You invaded my mind, father, without asking. That arrogance has killed you. Know go, and settle in peace.” With this Seven felt the last thoughts of his father before the died. Such shock jolted Steven back onto he usual plane, seated in the Cerebro suit. He felt tears rolling down his cheeks. What had just happened was about as expected as Chastity revealing she was really a man. His father, who died nearly a hundred years ago, had suddenly been alive and wanted to ascend into his son. But his kinetic telepathy killed him for good. Steven had murdered his father! Then he thought for a second. “Computer,” he said hoarsely, “do physical scan of Red Bishop.” There was a hum of activity and then a voice declared. “TWO DIFFERENCES!” boomed a metallic voice, “Semi-External gene has been enforced and evolved to permanent External and brain has retracted several mystical spells.” The voice faded away and eventually disappeared. But there wasn’t silence in Steven’s mind; there was a battlefield of noise. And indeed he could feel his father’s knowledge pouring through him like light through a window. But it was all so foreign, so strange, and so alien. And his body couldn’t hold it. “Get Chastity,” he ordered the computer. Pain had taken over his body, stripping his skin off in intensified pain. Using its mind link, the computer alerted the Red Rook who immediately teleported into the communications room dressed in a very stylish brown suit. It didn’t suit her, but Steven was in too much pain to comment. “What the hell’s wrong?” Chastity’s tone was very sincere and worried. Steven couldn’t speak. He felt as though he was melting. So he opened a channel to Chastity’s mind and replayed the day’s events, but unfortunately for Chastity she also felt his pain, his emotions and his up most sacredness. The Red Rook staggered back in amazement. The pain was so cruel, so intensified so excruciating. Casting a spell she had perfected many years ago, Chastity tried to siphon off the energy. But it was too powerful; Steven’s dad had emitted his full power into his son, which was shocking. So Chastity cast a cocoon spell, which put Steven in suspended animation. Taking a deep breath she called for help. Instantaneously the Red Knight and several general members and Hellions arrived to offer their assistance. Furrowing inside her black velvet handbag Chastity found the address of the Red King and Queen’s hotel and imagined herself in their suite. And summoning her teleportation abilities she ‘stepped’ into their room and dragged the Royals through her portal. Charlotte looked shocked to see her friend on the floor; somewhat suffocating. Ryan seemed annoyed that he had been rudely dragged away from business but disregarded those emotions when he saw Steven. Chastity allowed the Red Queen to telepathically scan her to retrieve the events. She transferred the thoughts to Ryan who was as equally shocked. “The sedation I have given him can only work temporarily, but without stronger force it will be overrided. We need someone more experienced.” As she uttered these words she instantly bit her lower lip. Rune could help! He had the knowledge they required. And she knew that Ryan had the similar idea.

Even though there was a pastel blue sky, the day was particularly cold and crisp. A biting wind ruffled the clothes of the four expensively dressed party standing on the porch of a very exclusive mansion. Charlotte had her head nestled in the chest of the Red Bishop, bidding him farewell. Tears began to well up in her eyes, spilling delicately onto his silken shirt. “Take care,” she muffled, breaking away from her friend, the only member of the Court she felt close to. Steven turned away and grabbed his briefcase. Chastity handed it to him. She had a slight tear in her eye. “Hey, why so tearful?” Steven said, trying his hardest to keep his voice in a calm tone. But he could have burst into tears, enough to flood the world. His complexion was a chalky white, his hair a snowy grey. “I am leaving you in charge, Chas, keep them hellions in order!” This seemed to enlighten her. And finally Ryan shook Steven’s hand. “You just take as long as you feel is necessary to rest,” he said, calmly, compassionately, “we’ll manage just fine.” Steven laughed. From what he had felt inside Ryan’s mind, he couldn’t place emotions with Ryan. His past painted a masterpiece of treachery and deceit. But know he was actually showing something remotely emotional. With this, the Red Bishop placed on a very exclusive black hat and strolled down the beautiful pathway to the waiting limousine. He turned back to glance at his friends then left, slowly disappearing into the distance.

Charlotte had been quiet all evening. She retired to her room and dressed into a comfortable silk dressing gown. Steven was the person who sought her out after she killed that man in the alley, taught her how to control her power. He’d even brought her to the Club. She and him were good friends. And know he was ill, the effects not known. The hissing of the kettle had awoken her from her slight slumber. Carrying the piping hot vessel on a tray, Ryan made his way to his queen. Placing the tray besides Charlotte he sat gently near her. ?Are you okay, my love? You have been quiet all day.? Charlotte sighed. “I can’t get that fact out of my head,” she said, fighting back tears, “if Rune wouldn’t have sedated Steven his powers would have completely destroyed him. And know he is what he feared most, unstable, coming to terms with a new and deadly power, that of magic. It can be a blessing, but also a curse.” A delicate tears cascaded down the queen’s porcelain skin. “He is also immortal, trapped in this void of a life, never dying. But what is most dangerous is that his health problems are the only thing that can kill them and from what our medical readings indicate, they will. And look at him! He looks about five hundred!” Ryan put his arm soothingly around his queen. “Calm down, my love, Steven is a fighter. All he needs is a few weeks relaxing in his castle in Jamaica and practising his magic and he’ll be as good as new.” Charlotte felt slightly relieved. Ryan hadn’t heckled her for being over emotional or too teary. In her past, Charlotte had trouble with her emotions. But the Red Court was like a new lease of life for her. “Mark my words,” Ryan beamed, “Steven will be back in a month, haunting his students and bullying us all!” The two Royals gave a little laugh, the kind that wipes the slate clean.

Steven stood, gasping at his castle. It had been 70 years since he had been pleasured enough to build this establishment and make it into his home. But life had dragged him away. Yet he was back. The castle was enchanting, pulled directly from a fairytale, it’s turrets and steeples casting beautiful shadows, the unblemished blue sky hugging it. And the view was enough to die for. Steven was greeted by a team of workers who took his things. Steven liked the personnel here. They were friendly and always wore a smile. All Jamaican people did. With a smile that would make them all envious Steven strode into the castle, happily whistling.

The End!