A Freindly Visit *HF*

By collaborative

A Freindly Visit

By: Mystikal and Nate Grey

Mysty stared up at the mansion in Scarsdale, New York. It was nice, kinda gloomy looking, but nice. She thought about that then laughed. Gloomy? Shyeah, ok. Sure. Like the Citadel ain't gloomy? Before she could even knock on the main door, it was opened by a servant wearing a finely tailored, black uniform. Of course. What other color would they be wearing? Mysty thought to herself. She was there because she felt it was time for a little get-to-know-you-well-enough-to-where-I-can-tolerate-and-not-kill-you meeting, as she had laughingly dubbed it. Basically, she was gonna meet with Nate Grey first. He was the Black Prince and doubled as the Ambassador. He would introduce her to everyone else from there.

"Uhh, yes. I'm the Grey Rook, Mystikal. I'm here to see Mr. Nate Grey."

"Yes ma'am. He's expecting you." The man led her down the hallway to an elevator. Mysty waited for the elevator ride to end uneasily. She hated elevators. She didn't care how thick the cables were, anything like that holding something that heavy could snap. She just didn't want to be in one when that happened. They stepped into a hallway and she followed the man again. Finally, he stopped at a door and knocked. When he opened it Mysty was greeted with the view of a young man with strange hair sitting at a desk. Talking to himself. Interesting.

"9 o’clock… Geez, why can’t buisiness be conducted at a normal hour! Like I don’t know… 6pm? When sane people are awake. And how the hell did I get stuck being ambassador anyways? And who’s this twit I gotta meet and greet? ANOTHER telepath. I mean this place is crawlin’ with ‘paths as it is… Do we really need one more? What’d the greys want anyway? I thought we had this sort of unwritten agreement… you stay on your half of the world, and we’ll stay on our half."

"Yes well, this grey would like to get to know the black a little better," Mysty said stepping into the office. Nate made some indescribeable noise vaguely akin to swallowing his tongue and nearly fell out of his chair.

"Yeesh, I gotta remember to lock the door!"

Mysty smiled slightly at him and walked up to his desk. "You're Nate Grey I presume? 'Ello. I am Mysty," she finished with a bow.

Nate stared at her wordlessly. Telepaths, we don't need, but hot chicks, I'll take all ya got.

"Uhh... Mr. Grey? Are you alright? Is there some point at which you're gonna stop staring at my chest and show me around?" Mysty was slightly amused by this. Of course, this wasn't exactly the kind of greeting she had been expecting. He seemed almost unprepared.

"But, I thought you said you wanted to get to know the black better?" he asked slyly. "So why don't you and I have a little get-to-know-you chat before I let you meet everyone else?"

"Ok. What would you like to know?" she asked cautiously.

"I dunno... I mean usually that was the part where the girl slaps me, so I don't get much practice on this part."

Mysty's smile got even bigger. "Yes, well. You're not gonna get any practice either. "

“Ah, your lips say, no, but I can read between the lines!” Nate grinned. “Of coarse the answer in between the lines is still no, but I can surely read it!”

Mysty laughed. This could be interesting.

“So it’s the grand tour the lady, wants, it’s the grand tour the lady gets! This is my office. See! This is my desk, this is my computer, this is my calender full of scantily clad women… Are you paying attention? There will be a quiz on this later.”

“A smartass, huh?” Mysty interrupted “I thought I was the resident smartass.”

“Well, you’re not technically a resident… if you wanted though, we can share a room! I even got an extra large king size bed!” Nate winked at her.

“Thanks, no. I’m rather happy at the Grey Citadel.”

Nate sighed. “Well if you’re sure that’s the final answer, I suppose we can start the tour, if you’ll follow me.” Nate walked back down to the elevator.

Mysty sighed. The elevator again. “Doesn’t this place have stairs?”

”Well, I suppose we could fly, but I don’t like to show off.”

They got in the elevator and Nate selected the ground level. When the elevator opened, Mysty quickly stepped out of it then looked around. She had to admit, the Black Mansion was nice. She quietly followed Nate to wherever he was leading her and listened as he talked.

"There's not really much going on today. I seem to have lucked out the most if anything. You can generally find someone in here though," Nate said as he opened a pair of huge wooden doors. "This is the rec room. Anything, yer little heart could possibly desire can probably be found in here. Billiards, foozball, drink bar...."

"Irish creme in there? No drink bar is complete without it," Mysty said interrupting.

“Of coarse” He opened the large wooden door in front of him and waited for Mysty “Ladies first... and I’m not just saying that so I look at your ass” Nate grinned.

“Well, most people would get slapped for that... but anyway who gives me Irish crème gets preferential treatment.” She quickly located the bottle and found a glass. She had become quite good at locating Irish creme anywhere in a vicinity. It was a bloodhound instinct. She knew it was there...she could almost smell it. Then a thought crossed her mind. "Dammit. I'm on the job. Can't drink." She went to put the bottle away.

“I won’t tell if you won’t,” said Nate slyly.

“Well… I guess ONE can’t hurt.”

Half an hour later…

Mysty had not had one drink. Hell, she hadn't had three drinks. Instead, she had managed to drink five decent sized glasses of the Irish Creme. Nate, on the other hand, had limited himself to one. He was enjoying Mysty's personality as she got drunk. She could be quite amusing he thought. She was very giggly, which he found cute in a way.

"Ya know what?" Mysty asked. "I love everyone!!" Nate raised his eyebrows.

"Oh?" Mysty nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeppers bob. I love everybody bunches and bunches!" Mysty tried to stand up and promptly feel back into the chair she had been sitting in. She tried again, this time Nate was standing by her side and helped keep her upright. "Sank ya," Mysty slurred. She reached over and gave him a huge hug followed by a big kiss on his cheek.

Nate started to laugh and Mysty blinked a couple of times.

"I don't feel so good..."

"Oh come now. Surely even kissing me on the cheek wasn't that bad," Nate said. Then he noticed that she didn't look so good either. He quickly took her by the arm and led her to the nearest restroom. “Continuing the tour this would be the restroom,” Nate said as he held Mysty’s hair back while she puked in the toilet.

“Kill me now!” said Mysty after she was done emptying the contents of her stomach. “One drink won’t kill me,, he says.”

”Well it stands to reason if one drink can’t hurt then neither can two… and so on and so forth.”

“Mr. Grey… it occurs to me that I’ve been here for almost 4 hours and have only seen two rooms, and have yet to meet anyone aside from you.”


Mysty looked puzzled. “Three what?”

“Three rooms.” Nate corrected.

“I only count two… your office, the rec room and…”

“The bathroom.” Nate said.

“Ah ha. Well I can see that my tour is complete, then. I shall go back to the Grey Citadel and report that the bathrooms in the Black Hellfire Club are years ahead in sanitation technology and that we may as well give up as we can’t hope to surpass the BHC in this area.” Mysty shot back.

“Oh, come now Mysty… no one likes a sloppy drunk!”

“Why, Mr. Grey, everyone likes me and I’m never a sloppy drunk.”

“Oh, of coarse,” Nate said in a patronizing tone. “Well if you truly MUST complete this tour thing, then by all means, let’s do so… then we can go on to some more ‘amusing’ extra ciricular activities,” Nate grinned mischievously.

“Such as.”

“Oh you know, the usual, basket weaving, composing musical scores…getting on with the sweet sweet lovin'."

"You don't give up do you?" she asked smiling.

"Not if I can help it. Nobody wants a quitter," he replied. Mysty just laughed and shook her head. Though, doing both at the same time made her bit quesy. "Care to finish the tour?" Nate asked. Mysty nodded her head and again began following him down the hall. "I figure it's time to meet Darkwolf and Rogue."

Nate led her through a series of halls and indicated the different rooms as they passed. Finally, he stopped in front of a big wooden door.

Nate opened the door and held it for Mysty. To their surprise they found Darkwolf and Rogue in a rather compromising position. “Perhaps we should come back later,” said Nate who hurriedly led Mysty out of the room.

“Wow. I never even thought of doing that with a spatula,” said a still somewhat startled Mysty.

"Yea, well...there's times it's great to live in oblivion. Now would be one of them. I wish I didn't know there were other uses for spatulas," Nate replied. “Perhaps we’ll have more luck with Monet.”

Nate and Mysty approached the door to Monet’s room, but this time made a mental note to knock first. Monet answered the door. “Ah, so nice to see you Nate… and who’s this girl you have with you? I told you before, I don’t go for the ménage au trois.”

Nate laughed. “No, it’s not like that… well not this time. This is Mystical of the Grey court.”

”Oh,” Monet looked slightly embarresed. “Have you been to see Darkwolf and Ro yet?”

“Oh, I think I’ve seen more of them than I would have liked…” replied Mysty.
Mo nodded knowingly. “Ah, the spatula again, eh?”

"My God, how often does that happen?" Mysty asked.


"Nevermind...I don't really want to know."

"Anyways. Moving right along. Mysty, this is Monet. She is the black Princess...and..umm...does princessy type duties." Monet laughed.

"In other words he has no idea what I do…"

"That's not true! I know what you do!" Monet smiled and folded her arms.

"Alright, what do I do?"

"C'mon Mysty. You still have to meet Nathan and Greg," Nate said as he pulled her out of the office. “Next stop is Greg,” said Nate leading her to another office down the hallway.

They entered the office to find Greg starring intently at a small object on his lap. Nat motioned for Mysty to remain quiet. Nate approached Greg without him noticing. At this point Nate was only a few feet away from Greg. “HEY, GREG!” Nate yelled.

Greg stammered “Ack! Wha? Who? Oh, Nate! I didn’t see ya there… it’s not what it looks like!”

“I thought we confiscated that portable TV from you?”

”I’m… ummm… doing important research! Yes! That’s it! I finished my paperwork… yes! That’s what happened!”

”Greg, since when have you ever even TOUCHED your paperwork?” Nate inquired.

“Good point… but still, it’s innocent ‘till proven guilty!”

Mysty tried to hide the smile that was quickly forming. It was just to comical though, and she busted out laughing. Greg leaned to the side and saw Mysty standing behind Nate.

"What's Mysty doin' here?" Greg asked.

"You two know each other?" Nate asked. Mysty just shrugged.

"Only briefly," she replied. She turned her attention back to Greg. "Any freinds try stabbing you lately?" Greg shuddered a bit.

"Nope. Anyone try to kill you lately?"

"Oh yea. I get death threats at least once a week," Mysty said with a laugh.

Nate looked at the two in a confused manner. “Ok, why don’t we move along? As you’ve all read met Greg, there’s really no point in me introducing you to him… and I HATE it when there’s inside jokes that I don’t get.”

“All right,” Mysty replied and waved to Greg.

Greg stuck his tongue out at Nate while his back was turned. “I’m a telepath, remember Greggy?”

“D’oh!” exclaimed Greg.

“Okay, off to Nathan’s office… Nate Sommers, not to be confused with me… as if anyone could possibly attain such greatness that they could possibly be confused as me!”

"I dunno I saw a cute puppy the other day that reminded me of you," Mysty remarked with smile.

"I'll give you the cute part at least..." Mysty just shook her head and kept walking. Nate stopped at a door and knocked. "Just to be safe," he said.

"Yea?" came the answer behind the door.

"You busy," Nate said as he opened the door.

“Not really no,” replied Sommers.

Open opening the door Nate was stricken aback. “OH MY GOD, MAN!!! What is that you’re doing!?!?!?”

Sommers returned a puzzled look at Nate. “Umm… paperwork?”

“Exactly! I thought I was the only one in this building that knew how to do that.”

"Paperwork? What's that?" Mysty asked sarcastically. Nathan raised his eyebrows when he saw her and looked questioningly over at Nate.

"This is Mystikal. The Grey Rook," Nate said.

"Oh. Nice to meet ya."

"Likewise." Mysty looked back and forth between the two then smiled looking finally at Nate Grey. "Nope. Definantly no mistaking you two." She paused. "He looks more intelligent."

"There is a difference. He just thinks to hard," Nate responded as he dragged her out of the office. "One more place to visit!"

"I've watched my Sesame Street and I'm pretty confident with my numbers. That was all of you IC I believe," Mysty said.

"Well this looks like the last stop on the tour,” Nate said, stopping in front of yet another door.

“Why, Mr. Grey, I do believe this is your room.”

”I thought you wanted the COMPLETE tour. Your tour just wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t show you around my place. Specificaly the bed area.” Nate smirked.

“Sounds like fun!” Mysty said and went followed Nate in shutting the door behind them.