Asylum *HF* Chapter 1

By collaborative

Five friends and associates intertwined and separate. They all are a part of each other's past somehow, and they are all about to share a part of their future that will someday become their past.

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Mystikal, Blackfire, and Rage finally walked out of the office and were escorted to where Loki and Siren would be waiting for them. When they finally left the White House, Loki looked at the three and smiled.

"Geeze, it took ya long enough. We were beginning to wonder if you were getting lessons on how to be little interns," he said.

"Yes, and wouldn't you like to know how high your scores were?"  Charlotte retorted. Loki glared at her a brief second then smiled good-naturedly. As their car was passing by one of the monuments,
Mysty was suddenly hit by, what she thought, a great idea.

"Hey, let's go sightseeing!!"

"Sure," Sharon said. "Soon as we get out of the meetings tomorrow."

"No. I mean right now! It'd be private."

"Ummm.... Shannon? The parks are closed though," Siren said. Mysty gave her a blank stare.

"That means what to us? C'mon we can get in. Up and over...stuff like that. C'mon..." Everyone exchanged glances then nodded. The idea actually sounded like fun. Mysty was ready for a little excitement today. She had spent six hours in a meeting with the President. It was long and boring, but she felt it had gone fairly well.


"I'm sorry ladies. How can we as a people be sure that you can be trusted? We have all heard of your group and it's involvement in the near destruction of the Hand Of God." Mystikal smiled at the man.

"Sir, with all due respect, we were protecting innocent people. The H.O.G had attacked a small city, imprisoned a little over a hundred people because they had been "accused" of being mutants. Then these people were lined up and killed. We managed to save some of them. In fact the ONLY civilian losses were during H.O.G's occupation." Mysty sat back. She felt that she had explained it fairly well.

"That's noble and all, but that doesn't explain WHY we should trust you."

"Sir, you'll have to go based upon my word and the word of my associates," Blackfire said. "Everyone has suffered. We're just trying to help."


They had spent the better part of two hours roaming Washington D.C., while Mysty was talking nonstop. She was excitedly explaining the history behind each thing. She didn't care if they cared or not. The group approached Arlington Cemetery quietly. Siren was suddenly hit with the feeling to run. She couldn't explain it. She pulled Mysty's arm, stopping her before she walked through the gates. Because of her powers, the guards couldn't see, or hear, them.

"Mysty, I don't think we should go in there."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I don't know. Something's just not right."

"Look...honey," Charlotte started. "They're dead. They aren't like me. They won't come up out of the ground after you."

"That's not it..." Siren started, but Mysty interrupted her.

"Look. We'll go in and I'll keep my mind open. If I pick up anything or anyone, we'll do what we have to. Deal?" Siren looked as if she was going to protest again, but simply nodded.

They walked in, right past the guards, and began to walk around the cemetery. Because of the recent attacks, there were now guards posted at the cemetery twenty-four hours a day. The five of them calmly walked along, marveling at the age of some of the headstones. They were completely unaware of the ten people following them.

Their first clue to this fact was the unmistakable thump of a body hitting the ground. Everyone turned around to see that Loki was motionless on the grass.

"Jake?!" He didn't answer. They all looked around nervously, but couldn't make anyone out in the dark graveyard. There was a strange sound almost like a faint hiss. Siren and Rage both fell in heaps on the ground. Blackfire took hold of Mystikal and dragged her down behind one of the many large headstones.

"We can't just leave them out there!!" Mysty screamed at her friend.

"We can't stay out there like good little targets either!"

There was another strange hiss. Blackfires eyes widened momentarily before she fell as the others had.

"Ya, well, so much for that idea!" There was a sharp pain in her neck, like a bee sting and then all went dark.
_ _ _  _ _ _

Charlotte woke up sore and looked around the room they were in. They all had been crammed into a small room with thirty other people, all of who were wearing silver collars around their necks. She slowly raised her hand up to her throat and found, much to her dismay, the same thing around her white neck.

"Well, not much for fashion statements," she mumbled. She looked around for the four others she was with. She found Loki and Blackfire, still knocked out, and then she found Siren who was just starting to get up.

"Where are we?" Siren asked. Charlotte just shrugged.

"Your guess is as good as mine."

"Where's Mysty?" The two girls turned around to see Loki behind them, rubbing his head. Blackfire was slowly getting up as well. "I feel like I have the hangover from hell," Loki continued.  Blackfire carefully walked over to where the other three were and repeated Loki's first question.

"I don't know," Rage replied. "She might have been placed in another room, there is an awful lot of us in here." Blackfire nodded absently, concern on her face. The other people in the room were beginning to stir. There were many curses and cries as these people woke up, not knowing where they were. Shortly after everyone had wakened up, the only door out of the room opened and 15 armed guards walked in, crowding the room even more. A man in a business suit walked in, a grim smile of satisfaction on his face.

"Welcome to Asylum. I do hope you enjoy, your visit. Seeing as how your here for an awfully long time."

The man nodded to the guards and they moved towards the people with syringes ready. The man turned on his heel and left, the door shutting behind him.
_ _ _ _ __ _

Mysty woke up with a splitting headache. When she looked around the small room she was in, she realized she was alone. She remembered being jumped at the cemetery.

Was I the only one taken? she asked herself. She tried to reach out telepathically but soon realized she had no access to her powers. She stood up and began examining the room. No windows and two doors. One of the doors led to a bathroom, the other wasn't a normal door. It couldn't be opened on her side.

"Well," she said aloud. "The next time I make hotel arrangements I need to make sure about the rooms." She was determined to keep her senses about her. Whatever was going on was going to require a straight head. Not that mine's straight to begin with. She knelt down in front of the door, examining the cracks in it, trying to figure out a way to open it. Suddenly the door slid open and found herself staring at two shoes connected to two pairs of white clad legs. As she gazed up, she saw the two men attached to the shoes and legs. They were dressed in complete white. "So the funny farm has finally caught on to me," she mumbled. As she stared past the two men she saw an older man with salt and pepper colored hair. He was wearing a dark suit and staring at her with the coldest brown eyes she had ever seen. The two orderlies came in first, each grabbing one of her arms, and pulling her roughly to her feet. The other man calmly walked forward, looking Mysty up and down.

"Ah, Miss Watson. So nice to see you awake," he said.

"Who the hell are you?" Mysty replied. The man regarded her, not answering her question. Finally, he reached out and grabbed a handful of her silver hair. He yanked her down to her knees and she cried out in a mixture of pain and shock.

"My name is Aristidies Markus. Remember that." Mysty blinked back the tears forming in her eyes and swallowed hard. She then glared up at the man.

"Oh, so you're the sick, twisted fuck whose dreams I saw." He yanked hard on her hair again, but this time she choked back her scream of pain.

"You will learn to show proper respect towards the bringer of your death."

"Oh, go jack off with a Velcro glove." Mysty was sure she had been beat harder than this before, but just then, she was having a hard time remembering when that might have been.
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