Asylum *HF* Chapter 6

By collaborative

Around and around we go. Where we stop, nobody knows. She continued this for a few moments, still focusing on the one blade. Then the fan made a screeching sound and stopped. Mysty smiled and stopped concentrating so hard. As a result the fan had started again.


She had attempted to fight the drugs and had won a small victory. But it had drained her considerably and had made her too tired to keep her eyes open. She heard the door open, and heard the familiar footsteps that she had come to dread. She kept her eyes closed, but smiled.

”Ah, Markus. How has your day been?” she asked as if he was an old friend. It annoyed him to no end; she could hear it in his voice. That’s why she did it, though he usually punished her for it.

He stared down at her, his brown eyes noting the small changes in her physical appearance. She hadn’t eaten much in the three weeks they had been here. She was beginning to get thinner. He had done things to her, trying to break her will, yet she still fought him. Not physically, she played games. She acted like she didn’t have a care in the world and that nothing he did was ever going to effect her in the least bit. It frustrated him to no end.

“I’m doing much better than you it seems,” he replied. “How do you feel?”

“Oh, dandier than dirt,” she answered not hesitating. She heard a chair being pulled across the floor and placed near her bed. She heard the chair creak as he sat in it.

Markus had reached into his briefcase and pulled out a syringe full of a pale liquid. He unstrapped one of her arms and held on to her wrist tightly. “You know something Miss Watson?” When she didn’t respond he continued, “Your friends have proven most…interesting.” He took his finger and slowly traced the veins running down her arm.

“Let go of my arm,” she said, dangerously quiet.

Markus smiled and stuck the needle into the biggest vein in her arm. He saw her face grimace in pain and smiled. “Now Miss Watson, I think you will soon be at my mercy. Of which, I can assure you, I have none.”

“Oh, go fuck yourself,” she said. Markus raised his eyebrows and got up from his chair, slowly walking towards the intercom.

“It’s me, bring a gurney. She’s ready for another … ‘session.’” By now, Mystikal had opened her eyes and was staring at Markus. He realized that looking into her eyes was like trying to see your reflection in ice. “Have you ever been tempted by the devil?” He asked her.

She stared at him like he was stupid, then quickly smiled. “No, but I’m sure you have. Are you related?” Markus glared at her.

“I am on a mission from God…”

“Yea, that’s what they all say. I’m so sick of that excuse. Can’t you idiots come up with something original? Try something like, ‘I’m doing this cause I couldn’t get a good lay,’ at LEAST that’s fucking original!”

Markus was, by this time, seething. This mutant had dared to speak to him that way? “You will pay for your insolence,” he said whispering.

“Again with the B movie dialogue,” she muttered. The door to her room opened and two men rolled in a gurney. She was carefully put onto it and wheeled out. She could hear Markus’s footsteps fall in behind them. For some reason she was feeling the sensations of things touching her skin more than anything.  She saw people being led down the halls, towards their rooms she presumed. Some looked at her, then turned away, others glared at Markus.

Then she saw him. The eyes were a dead giveaway. He glanced over in her direction, his eyes widening just a bit. He looked down the hallway and shook his head, looking slightly worried. She also wondered why he wasn’t wearing a shirt. She soon let this thought pass through her head, noting the look on his face for that brief moment. It looked like worry to her. Loki rarely let his many masks dropped and knowing this, Mystikal instantly began to worry herself. The gurney was pushed into a room and she glanced around as best as she could. She saw a machine that seemed to be vaguely familiar. They pushed her nearer to it and one of the attendants took a hold of her arm firmly. She flinched. It had hurt so badly when he had touched her. Then he took an IV needle and stuck it in her arm, she screamed. Needles had never hurt that bad. God, it hurt.

“Please leave the room. I’ll administer this,” Markus told the attendants. They each nodded and left. “Now that we’re alone…” Markus brushed some of the stray strands of silver hair out of her face. “Thought you’d like to know something.”

“What? That you’re a dick? I knew that already.”

“Ah, ever the sarcastic one. Have you ever heard of ecstasy?” Mysty nodded her head slightly. “Well, you remember the injection I gave you? That was pure ecstasy. Do you know what the drug does to your nervous system?” Mysty’s eyes began to widen, she knew what the drug did, but she didn’t answer. “No smart remark? Oh, too bad. It heightens your nervous system; you feel everything more than normal. Even pain,” he said ominously.

She listened as he moved behind her and picked something up off the table. She felt something cold placed on her forehead. Then she felt the most pain she had ever felt in her life. It felt as if someone had just put a thousand volts of electricity through her body. The two attendants came running back into the room wondering what could have gone wrong. Mysty was glowing purple and was very rigid, suddenly a dark purple telekinetic bolt shot from the tips of her fingers hitting one of the attendants. He fell to the ground, the shirt he was wearing a charred mess. He wasn’t breathing. The bolt didn’t end until, finally she passed out.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Siren was thankful that no one had been on the other side of that door. It certainly would have made her job that much more impossible. But, the hall was empty and quiet. No telling hw long it would stay that way, so she searched quickly. At the same time she opened her mind’s shield and directed her thoughts to Rage.

Char….you there? She questioned in her mind. The answer was almost immediate.

Yes. But you’ve got a problem. Loki’s distraction has just ended. He’s being moved out of here.

Siren groaned inwardly and fought to keep her panic down. Can you come up with a distraction for when I need to come back through? There was a moment’s pause.

I can try, but you had better hurry before anyone realizes you are gone.

Just then, Siren came to a door simply labeled as “Records.” Through the frosted glass window, she could make out the shadow of someone moving. Damn, she cursed to herself. This was going to cause problems no matter what she did. She couldn’t rush in and try to overtake him because he was too far away. There was too much time for him to get out a decent cry for help. She needed him closer. After a few moments consideration, she decided to just knock.

“Come in,” came the man’s gruff voice from the other side. Siren didn’t move. “Come in,” the man said a little louder. She heard him grumble as he got up from his desk and sauntered to the door. The knob turned, the door opened, and Siren overtook the man before he realized what was happening. Quickly she shut the door and moved him behind the desk.

Nice, came the approving mumble in her head.

Siren began going through the filing cabinets. There were patient’s records going back nearly fifteen years. She found invoices, receipts, and work orders. Finishing the first cabinet, she moved on to the second. In the third drawer, she found blue prints for the complex. It was normal enough, noting nothing about the devices that kept them here. The fourth drawer was locked. She searched the man and his desk for the key, but came up with nothing.

Again, she opened the third drawer. It wouldn’t come out. She knelt down and worked her arm into the drawer. It was tight, but there was just enough space for her to reach into the one below it. She strained until her hand grasped a roll of paper. Siren pulled it out, carefully, and laid it on the desk. Once unrolled, she knew this was what she had been looking for.  This blue print showed more levels. There was a primary and secondary generator system on the first sub-terreanian level. The next seemed to be holding cells, and the third…a weapons storage with an exit to the surface.

Good. That’s all we need. Now we just have to find a way to… At that moment, the door opened and a small group of enforcers bearing electrical rods stood poised to take her. Siren backed away, her hands raised. From the looks on their faces, she could tell it wouldn’t matter how cooperative she was, she going to get hell for this.  The first two approached her, weapons raised. When they were just within striking distance, she attacked.

The first man was thrown into the second and received a nasty shock from his weapon. Siren immediately took possession of the two rods and charged at the other individuals. She took down one man with the weapons and another with a kick to the face. Above his screams, she could hear the wet snapping of bone. The others rushed at her all at once. The fight became a confused tangle. Siren held them off as best she could. Another fell as she rammed one of the rods through his chest. He, of course, would never get back up. She hadn’t the time to process what she had done before her entire body felt afire. As she fell, the pain lessened some, but shortly thereafter, resumed. It seemed to go on indefinitely. When the dark of unconsciousness covered her, it was a welcomed relief.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Aaron heard the girl’s pained screams and winced as he hurried down the hall. Upon entering the records office, the scene could be best described as a feeding frenzy. The enforcers were brutally beating the girl even after she had slipped from consciousness. He shoved his way through to the front and shoved the foremost offenders away from her. There were more than a couple of loud complaints about his actions.

“Quiet! Idiots!!” he growled. He knelt down and checked her. She was still alive, but there was no telling how injured she was.

“What you so worried about that thing for? You takin’ a likin’ to them?” The snide remark only fueled Aaron’s dark fury.

“I’d advise you to watch your step with me,” he seethed.

“Or what? You’ll run to ‘daddy’? How does he feel about your…interest in…”

Aaron came up off the floor and had a hold of the man by the throat. He pinned him against the wall and tightened his grip. “If you had any more brains than a bucket of mud, you’ld understand what my ‘interest’ is! State department’s here for at least another week and I think you have enough to clean up here. She is still of interest to my father. If she wasn’t, he still couldn’t remedy the problem until the state people are gone! But you can’t see that. You fools are risking exposing this whole thing out of sheer stupidity!” Aaron released the man just as his face began to turn a painful shade of purple. He coughed and gasped for a few moments, then straightened leveling a glare at the young man.

“You don’t have to like my authority, you just have to obey it. Question me again and see if I don’t kill you myself,” Aaron said quietly. The man still glared at him, but his mannerisms showed that he would indeed be obedient.

“Get medical attention for her, then I want her put down in isolation. Get this cleaned up before it is discovered.”

The men hurried to carry out his orders and soon, no one could tell that anything lethal had transpired. The records keeper was also taken to medical, though his injuries were minor. Once everything was taken care of, Aaron went to wait for his father. Markus should know about the event. After all, he was the one primarily dealing with State. So, he had to come up with a story to fit his needs.

He’s so good at that, Aaron thought bitterly.