Asylum *HF* Chapter 9

By collaborative

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Siren ran up to Mystikal with a startled scream. She hurriedly knelt down, checking for any life signs in her friend. Rage stared down the hallway, hate and anger showing in her gray eyes.

“She’s dead,” Siren finally said.

“No…really? You don’t say? Half her head is splattered on the walls and you felt the need to confirm her death?”

Siren looked up at Rage. She looked hurt by the way she other woman had just reacted. She looked back down at Mysty, then back up at Rage.

“What now?”

Rage glanced at Siren then focused her attention back down the hallway. “We get out of here.”
The two young women both hurried down the hallway, determined to find a way out of this hell.

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Mystikal stared at the illusionary girl with silver hair lying so peacefully on the ground. She had just barely been able to pull that off and she wasn’t at all sure how long it would last. She was still covering herself, making sure no one saw her. She had been startled at first, when she heard Char’s thoughts in her head. She thought for sure she was dead.

** Flashback **

This is a really bad dream, that's all it is. He wouldn't kill me...would he? A slight grin crossed his face.
MYSTY!! Mysty mentally flinched when she heard someone screaming in her mind. Mysty? Can you hear me?

Char? What the hell is going on?!

Charlotte quickly sent Mystikal images of what was supposed to happen, what they needed her to do. She hoped that the other girl would be able to pull it off. If not, then she was dead in five seconds.

I don’t think I can…

You have no choice…do it and do it now!

"Goodbye, my love,” Loki said in a nonchalant tone.  Mysty quickly created two illusions. One that floated just over her real self, and one that made her “disappear.”  The gun went off, the sound of the shot resounding through the halls. She had rolled out of the way as Loki pulled the trigger. She focused on making the illusionary Mysty’s death as real and gruesome as possible.  The body fell still, her silver hair stained by the blood that was fast forming a puddle beneath her. The man named Loki walked through the mess with disregard, eager to make his own escape. Alone.

Siren ran up to Mystikal with a startled scream. She hurriedly knelt down, checking for any life signs in her friend. Rage stared down the hallway, hate and anger showing in her gray eyes.

Mysty? You there?  Rage sent. She figured she would know soon enough whether or not Mysty had pulled it off. Either she would answer her or not.

Yea, I’m here. Rage breathed a silent sigh of relief.

Good. You know what needs to be done right? You have to get out of here.

Yes I know. But it probably would be simpler for one of you two. It’d make more sense for me too…

Look, don’t start arguing now…

I’m not…

It was Loki’s idea…he pulled rank.
Rage knew this was a lie. It was Siren’s escape plot. But she figured that no matter how much Mysty would complain she’d still do whatever a higher-ranking person told her. That was the way Mysty operated. Most of the time. Rage just hoped it held true this time.

Of all the crack headed…alright. But the minute I finish, I’m coming back. I don’t care what he says.

Ok…that’ll work. Just get going. How long do you think you can remain hidden?

I don’t know.

“She’s dead,” Siren finally said.

“No…really? You don’t say? Half her head is splattered on the walls and you felt the need to confirm her death?”
Alright, that’s my cue. See ya on the other side.

Siren looked up at Rage. She looked hurt by the way she other woman had just reacted. She looked back down at Mysty, then back up at Rage.

“What now?”

Rage glanced at Siren then focused her attention back down the hallway. “We get out of here.”
The two young women both hurried down the hallway, determined to find a way out of this hell.

* * End Flashback**

Partly down the hall, Siren stopped. Rage turned to her, seeing that the girl was looking down the hall that few of them had seen. Siren had. Mysty had. And there was someone else who had. Someone Siren loved very much. She hadn't told the others about her mother. It was such a shock to her. She had to free her. Now.

"Siren? What is it?" Rage asked a little worriedly.

"I have something I need to do. You go on ahead." She saw Char's disbelieving look and the concern that she felt. "Don't worry, I'll catch up. This won't take long."

Rage was going to protest, but she knew this was something personal. Something down that hall was important to her, and she decided not to question that. "Be careful," she cautioned.

Siren took out one of the stolen weapons and checked it. Then she smiled at Rage. "Don't worry. I will be." With that, the girl headed off to whatever it was. Rage went the other way. The way out. The way that was blocked by a contingent of militants. She was ordered to stop and surrender, though she didn't pay any attention. At one moment she was an angry looking black headed girl, and in the next a very sadistic red. She let out an evil giggle before proceeding to rip the man apart with her claws.

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